Earn Big Time Money Working From Home

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Online Surveys

Hi! My name is Pappu Thakur

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And I am here to share with you some amazing

news about…..

Online Surveys

A way to make a part-time or full-time income from home.

Online Surveys

Starting Today !

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So read closely what I am about to share with


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Thousands of people, just like you, are earning great money from home

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With a click of the mouse

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Here’s how

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Have you ever received a phone callin the middle of a lunch or dinner

from a telemarketer….

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Or have you been stopped by a person outside the Mall or Store where you went

for your shopping

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Asking for your opinion, and you simply hung up or said “No thanks, I am not

interested” ?

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That phone call or personal call was from a company trying to avoid

a multi million rupee disaster.

Online Surveys

If the company makes the mistake of creating a product that people like you

don’t want, they could stand to lose millions of rupees

Online Surveys

So instead of bothering you at home with phone calls or personally at the shopping


Online Surveys

Companies have realized that the way to get you to share your opinion

is ….

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To Pay for the opinion you give

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You see, these companies want to know what you like

Online Surveys

So that they can create products that people like and will buy

Online Surveys

Without knowing what you like and prefer, they are wasting millions of rupees in creating products

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That people may never buy – which means, no profits for


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So now, it’s your turn to cash in on the estimated

7500 crore rupees….

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Spent by major companies, the government etc. every year on

market research

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Wouldn’t you like to put some of that cash

in your pocket?

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Imagine not having to worry about paying your bills on time

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Imagine not having to get up to the sound of an alarm clock….

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To get to your boring, low paying job

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Imagine working your own hours from the comfort of your home…..

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Imagine being able to spend more time

with your family…..

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Because you are not working all the time

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Does this sound good?

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It should…

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It is so easy, yet so few people know about it

Online Surveys

There’s tons of money to be earned

Online Surveys

Just by filling out short simple online surveys

Online Surveys

It couldn’t be any easier

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Simply follow a link, fill out a short questionnaire and start taking…. A


Online Surveys

When you are done, the company sends you the money

to your online account

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That’s it

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No selling….

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No phone calls…

Online Surveys

And no bothering your friends and family

Online Surveys

You will be taking short simple surveys

from well known companies

Online Surveys

In some cases the survey could be

about a product you already use….

Online Surveys

In some cases the survey could be about a product you know about but

have not used …..

Online Surveys

And the companies just want your opinion on some new looks or features

for the products

Online Surveys

And you will make Rs.500 per survey

Online Surveys

And each survey may take only 10-15 minutes to complete

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Let’s do the math

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If you did 6 surveys a week you could make Rs.3000 a week….

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Or Rs.12000 each month 12 x

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That comes out to Rs.144000 per year!

144 x

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Now you can calculate and see how much you could make by


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60 surveys a week

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Found out?

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Yes, you will make Rs.120000 each month

120 x

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Which means you can make Rs.14,40,000 per year

1440 x

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Just imagine for a moment what you could do with that money

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Just contact Mr. Pappu Thakur on his Mobile No. 09276831070 or send email

at papputhakur@rocketmail.com


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To register yourself

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You could start making money from this week itself

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