Earned media

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Communication about a brand that is not managed

by the marketer

Presented By: Paridhi Infotech, India


What is earned media? Why You Need to Focus on Earned Media ? How to do earned media ? Strategies Guest blogging SITE analysis Pros and Cons of guest blogging Relationship with bloggers Benefits of earned media Challenges faced by earned media

What is earned media(free media) ?

Earned media refers to publicity gained through promotional efforts other than advertising(paid media).

A Nielsen study in 2013 found that earned media (also described as word-of-mouth) is the most trusted source of information in all countries it surveyed worldwide.

Earned media are the viewers reviews that you have read in someone’s blog,

Why You Need to Focus on Earned Media ?

Earned media is the most trusted and credible form of content for a brand.

Earned media lasts. Increase Your Exposure and Brand Awareness. Know What Others Think of You Get Quality Traffic.

How to do earned media ?

What media do we want to target with our message? How to contact with bloggers. How should we incorporate relevant blogs, Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, other social media into our plan? What approaches should we use to deliver our message? (e.g.,

News Release, Guest post, Letters to the Editor, Web Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

What is our plan to follow-up with our media targets to ensure/encourage maximum coverage and placement?

Guest blogging

Someone who posts an article on a blog that is not their own. Their incentive for doing so is getting backlinks to increase their own site’s search engine ranking.

Guest blogging can work in one of two ways:

1. You write a post to appear on another person's blog.

2. Another person writes a post to appear on your blog.


How to do Guest blogging ? Steps : Determining your guest post domain: Firstly you need

to identify your web domain’s niche topics. Research. Need to search for popular blogs with

relevance to your domain space. Qualitative analysis. You need to determine the

quality of the guest blogging sites. Posting guest blogs.

Search for bloggers related to your niche topics

WEBSITE analysis

Alexa Ranking : Measure of a website's popularity by number of visitors and the number of pages viewed on each visit.

Traffic analysis: Only if there is condierable traffic to the guest sites, you will be able to generate traffic to your website through your backlink.

Activity status: Go for guest blogging sites that have recent activity and good readership.

Member count: Select blogging sites that have good member counts.

Type of post


You gain targeted, quality traffic. You build backlinks. You gain a wider audience and new subscribers. You build relationships. You establish yourself as an expert.


Guest blogging is time-consuming. It can cost you money. Your own blog can suffer. No revenues for you.

Traffic to blog before starting guest blogging

Traffic to blog after starting guest blogging

Relationship with bloggers

Share their posts and tag them to know about it. Try to start a conversation and keep it going. Subscribe to their blogs, follow them in Twitter,

connect on Google+ etc.. Be in touch with your regular post. Give them honest feedback.

Strategies -:

Build organic relationships : Find the bloggers that cover your niche and make yourself known to them.

- Read their blog

- Leave comments for the blog owner

- Connect on Twitter or Facebook

- Arouse their curiosity

- Email the whole guest post.

Benefits of earned media

Reach New Audiences Public Relations & Branding Gain Inbound Links Get Quality Traffic to your website Trust and effectiveness

Get in front of more people :

- Offer to write guest posts for blogs in your industry.

- Create a piece of “sharable” media – audio, video, Slideshare , presentation, etc…

- Consider having your company host an event.

- Take advantage of interview opportunities when possible.

Challenges faced by earned media

Little or no control. Takes time to scale. Can be negative. Can be hard to measure.

Current Scenario

