East Asia Slides

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East Asia Unit

ObjectivesExplain how China’s religious and ethical systems and ideas of social order contributed to the development of its governing system

Describe how Chinese technology and culture influenced other East Asian countries

Discuss the impact of the Mongolians on the history of East Asia

2.4 River Dynasties in China

1. Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China

2. Describe the growth & structure of the Shang dynasty

3. Summarize the rise and fall of the Zhou dynasty

2000 BCE, Xia Dynasty

1532-1027 BCE, Shang Dynasty



Religious beliefs

Ideographic writing

Shang technology and artistry

Chinese culture

Mandate of Heaven and the dynastic cycle (p. 54)

1027-256 BCE, Zhou Dynasty


Period of Warring States

4.4 Unification of China

1. Compare the Chinese ethical systems that arose in the late Zhou period

2. Describe the impact of the Qin Dynasty on Chinese history




240-202 BCE, Qin Dynasty

Shi Huangdi

Great Wall of China

• Mini-poster summarizing the history & beliefs of assigned Ethical System.

• Illustrate how a follower would respond to one of the following:

a. Being drafted into war (do you go willingly or not? why?)

b. Winning the lottery (Share your winnings? With who? Why or why not?)

c. Being subpoenaed to testify against a friend or family member (Do you lie or tell the truth under oath?)

d. Disposing of household garbage (walk 5-miles to dump, or hide in forest?)

1 = Confucianism2 = Daoism3 = Legalism

7.3 Han Emperors

1. Describe the rise and rule of the Han Dynasty

2. Examine the Han government sructure

3. Summarize Han technology, commerce, and culture

4. Describe the period of political instability in the middle of the Han period

Qin Dynasty collapses

Han Dynasty, 202 BCE - 22o CE

Liu Bang

Empress Lu

Wudi fights the Xiongu

Confucian civil service

Technological advances

Paper, collar harness, plow, wheelbarrow, and watermill

Agriculture vs Commerce

Silk Road

12.1 Tang & Song China

1. Identify the main rulers of the Tang Dynasty and the extent of their rule

2. Describe the causes and effects of the Song family’s flight south

3. Summarize the achievements of the Tang & Song empires

4. Describe changes in Chinese society

Sui Dynasty, 589 - 618 CE

618-907, Tang Dynasty

Tang Taizong

Empress Wu

751, Battle of Talas

960-1279, Song Dynasty

tributes to Jurchen

New capital in Hangzhou


decrease in women’s status

A. Block printing


C.Mechanical clock

D.Movable Type

E. Gunpowder

F. Paper money

G.Magnetic compass


12.4 Feudal Powers in Japan

1. Describe Japan’s location and early history

2. Summarize China’s influence on Japan

3. Describe the highly refined life of the Heian counrt

4. Summarize the feudal period in Japan

Shinto and kami

Yamato clan unites Japan

Chinese ideas

Buddhism, ideographic writing, food, tea, clothes

Heian Period, 794 - 1185

Fujiwara clan

Samurai, “one who serves”

Bushido, “the way of the warrior”

Shogun, “supreme general of the emperor’s army”

Emperor in Kyoto

Shogun in Kamakura

Daimyo, “great lord” Kamakura

12.5 Kingdoms of SE Asia & Korea

1. Describe the kingdoms of southeast Asia

2. Summarize early Korean history



Korea under the Han

Khmer Empire


Dai Viet



Angkor Wat