Eastern European Studies 2014

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Gazelle AcademicSlavonic & East European Studies

New Titles & Selected Backlist, 2014

AarhusUniversity Press

Akademika AS

FinnishLiterature Society


MuseumTusculanum Press

NordicAcademic Press

Nova Science

OdenseUniversity Press

SussexAcademic Press

University ofAlberta Press

Wilfrid LaurierUniversity Press




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CONTRASTS & SOLUTIONS IN THE CAUCASUSEdited by Ole Høiris, Sefa Martin Yürükel

This survey by scholars, experts and politicians with knowledge of, and influence in, theCaucasus region reflects its many conflicting ethnic groups and nations.

An introductory section deals with the entire region from the historical perspective, drawingspecial attention to its geographical importance and relations with the former Soviet Union andthe present Russian Federation. Subsequent essays analyse the ethnic and national problems inNorth Caucasus, Transcaucasus, Abkhazia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Crimea, Nagorno-Karabakh and Chechenia. The concluding articles discuss the Turkish influence on Caucasianconflicts.

HB 9788772887081 £22.95 November 1998 Aarhus University Press 491 pages

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FORWARD TO THE PASTContinuity & Change in Political Development in Hungary, Austria, & theCzech & Slovak RepublicsLeslie C. Eliason, Lene Bøgh Sørensen

These eleven essays by historians, political scientists, sociologists and anthropologists establisha foundation for appreciating the political history of Central Europe. By examining the politicallandscape in each country, the contributors aim to evoke the legacy of the Austro-HungarianEmpire and bridge the gap between the two extreme images of Central European history.Specific topics presented include: the lost dimensions of social movements and classes; therelationship between the concepts of "nation" and "state"; Austrian democracy; party systemdevelopment; the myth of Czech liberalism; the Sudeten-German problem; Slovak politics; theregime change in Hungary; and the relationship between democracy and organised interests.By focusing on the consequences of past regime types, social structures and cultural contextsfor democractic development, this volume presents a significant base from which futurescholars can proceed on a country-by-country analysis.

HB 9788772886527 £23.75 October 1997 Aarhus University Press 280 pages

GARDENS OF THE TSARSA Study of the Aesthetics, Semantics & Uses of Late 18th Century RussianGardensMargrethe Floryan

The reign of Catherine the Great (1762-1796) marks a high point in the history of ImperialRussia. Contacts with the West, begun in the days of Peter the Great (1682-1725), wereintensified, and Western European art and culture pervaded the lifestyle of the Imperial court,the landed aristocracy and urban élite. One field where Western influence was strongly felt wasgardening aesthetics. The regal symmetry of French absolutism was imitated in the gardens ofthe great Imperial palaces. The British garden tradition, too, found new forms of expression,abandoning the romantic lushness of the English landscape garden for a more austere use ofcolours better suited to the brief summers and severe winters of central Russia.

HB 9788772885575 £22.75 August 1996 Aarhus University Press 264 pages

PATHWAYSA Study of Six Post-Communist CountriesEdited by Lars Johannsen, Karin Hilmer Pedersen

Political and economic developments after the implosion of the Sovjet Union have not beeneasy, nor have outcomes been similar. In this book the different trajectories of politicaldevelopment in post-communist countries are traced through cases from within the post-communist region that exhibit maximum variation in terms of both background variables andoutcome. Six countries - Kazakhstan, Geogia, Estonia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Poland -have been selected. Following the Tocquevillian tradition, a 'method' of indirect comparisonwhere in-depth knowledge of a country based on linguistics and history is held up againstexisting concepts, six country specialists have drawn broad pictures of what characterises 'their'country in terms of political and economic reform, state building and nation building, at thesame time placing developments within the international context. The book argues that theelite constellation along two dimensions - consensus about the direction of policy andinstitutions, and the extent of inclusion of elite interests in decision making -- is specific to eachcountry and points to the direction of future developments.

PB 9788779344341 £32.00 April 2009 Aarhus University Press 170 pages

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POST-WAR IDENTIFICATIONEveryday Muslim Counter-discourse in Bosnia HerzegovinaTorsten Kolind

Stolac, the town of departure for this book and the site where the author conducted fieldwork,is located in the south-western corner of Bosnia Herzegovina. The war in Bosnia Herzegovina(1992-95) was initially an act of aggression and territorial conquest instigated by Serbianpolitical leaders. However, as the war progressed, it increasingly came to consist of severalminor wars, one of them fought in Western Bosnia Herzegovina between Croatian and Muslimforces. This was the one that affected the inhabitants of Stolac the most. Before the war ethnicidentity in Bosnia Herzegovina was only one identity among others, and ethnic differences wereembedded in everyday practices. Today ethnic difference is all there is. The Muslims of Stolacare fully aware that as Muslims, they constitute a totally separate group - and that ethnicidentity is by far the most important form of identity in present-day Bosnia Herzegovina. In thatregard the nationalist project has succeeded. Such a crystallisation and explication of identityfits in well with the structurally inspired anthropology of war and violence, which theorises thatthe function of violence is to create unambiguous identities. However, this book shows that forthe Muslims of Stolac, the creation of unambiguous ethnic identities is only half the story.

PB 9788779343139 £30.30 August 2008 Aarhus University Press 315 pages

USABLE HISTORY?Representations of Difficult Pasts in Yugoslavia - 1945 & 2002Tea Sindbæk

Although Yugoslavia was re-established as a socialist multinational federation after the SecondWorld War, Yugoslavian society had, in the wake of the war, been left to cope with a difficult,painful and potentially divisive historical legacy. The book examines the role of history inYugoslavian society and the ways in which history has been (mis)interpreted and (mis)used forpolitical, ideological and various other purposes. Among other things, the author investigateshow the history of Yugoslavia’s internal Second World War massacres was presented and usedin politics and in historiography and popular representations of history.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Tea Sindbæk is a cultural historian working mainly with the

twentieth century. Her research focuses on South Eastern Europe and questions concerningcollective memory, uses of history and identity politics.

PB 9788779345683 £35.00 November 2012 Aarhus University Press 280 pages

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The current volume addresses issues of micro-parametric variation in the grammar of nominalexpressions in Bulgarian and Macedonian, with a special focus on features typically attributedto the Balkan Sprachbund. It is the very first attempt to approach in detail and in parallel thestructure of noun phrases in the two languages, to look at how some of these features haveevolved historically, to consider the order of phrase-internal modifiers, and possible reasons fordeviations from default orderings, as well as the function of items, usually labelled determiners(articles, demonstratives and possessive pronouns). The noun phrase has been selected, as itoffers a wealth of phenomena within phrase-internal grammar, at the same time providinginsights for, and parallels to, the syntax of clauses. The selection of papers is unique, in thatthey build on specialised corpora specifically collected for the purposes of work on the currentproject. The contributors have specialised expertise in the fields of Balkan linguistics, languagetypology, grammatical theory, (South-)Slavic linguistics, language diachrony, and have writtennumerous papers published in journals and research volumes. This book reflects work on alarger project entitled "Balkan Morpho-Syntactic Similarities" with a grant from The NorwegianResearch Council.

PB 9788251924733 £37.50 December 2009 Akademika AS 260 pages

PERSISTENT MEMORIESPyramiden - A Soviet Mining Town in the High ArcticHein B. Bjerk, Bjørar Olsen

In 1998 the Russian Arctic Coal Company decided to end its more than 50 years of continuousactivity in Pyramiden in the High Arctic archipelago of Norwegian Svalbard. A remarkablyabrupt abandonment left behind a mining town devoid of humans but still filled with all stuffconstituting a modern industrial settlement. Today the well-equipped Pyramiden survives as aconspicuous Soviet-era ghost town in pristine Arctic nature. Based on fieldwork conducted in2006, this book explores what things left behind can tell us about how people lived and copedin this marginal town. It is also concerned with Pyramiden’s post-human biography and the waythe site provokes more general reflections on things, heritage and memory. Challenging thetraditional scholarly hierarchy of text over images, this book stands out by using artphotography as a means to address these issues and to mediate the contemporary archaeologyof Pyramiden.

HB 9788251924368 £51.50 June 2010 Akademika AS 216 pages

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THE BURDEN OF REMEMBERINGRecolletions & Representations of the 20th CenturyEdited by Ene Kõresaar, Epp Lauk, Kristin Kuutma

This is a book that focuses on two major turning points in the 20th century history thatdetermine the formation of that century as a realm of memory - the Second World War and thecollapse of Communist regimes and ideology in Europe. These two events are revisited fromthe point of view of transdisciplinary memory studies to demonstrate the interplay ofcontinuance and discontinuance of political and cultural regimes of memory of these rupturesas well as their interconnections in present day discourses and practices of remembering andforgetting. The memory practices and models of the Second World War are comparativelyinterrelated with the practices of remembering and interpreting the realities of the period afterthe fall of Communism in Europe.

PB 9789522221025 £26.50 September 2009 Finnish Literature Society 252 pages

IMPERIAL IMPRINTSPost-Soviet St PetersburgElena Hellberg-Hirn

The city on the Neva has recently taken back its original name, St Petersburg. The officialstrategies for the Tercentenary in 2003 saw the city's potential as being generated by itsimperial past. In a series of scholarly essays the author examines the historical background to StPetersburg's contemporary identifications. Framed mainly in romantic and nostalgic terms,they imprint an idealized Old Imperial Russia onto the post-Soviet city.

HB 9789517464918 £39.95 January 2003 Finnish Literature Society 440 pages

MODERNISATION IN RUSSIA SINCE 1900Edited by Markku Kangaspuro, Jeremy Smith

Modernisation has been a constant theme in Russian history at least since Peter the Greatlaunched a series of initiatives aimed at closing the economic, technical and cultural gapbetween Russia and the more 'advanced' countries of Europe. All of the leaders of the SovietUnion and post-Soviet Russia have been intensely aware of this gap, and have pursued anumber of strategies, some more successful than others, in order to modernise the country.But it would be wrong to view modernisation as a unilinear process which was the exclusivepreserve of the state. Modernisation has had profound effects on Russian society, and theattitudes of different social groups have been crucial to the success and failure ofmodernisation. This volume examines the broad theme of modernisation in late imperial,Soviet, and post-Soviet Russia both through general overviews of particular topics, and specificcase studies of modernisation projects and their impact. Modernisation is seen not just as aneconomic policy, but as a cultural and social phenomenon reflected through such diversethemes as ideology, welfare, education, gender relations, transport, political reform, and theInternet. The result is the most up to date and comprehensive survey of modernisation inRussia available, which highlights both one of the perennial problems and the challenges andprospects for contemporary Russia.

PB 9789517468541 £24.99 December 2006 Finnish Literature Society 331 pages

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MOVING IN THE USSRWestern Anomalies & Northern WildernessEdited by Pekka Hakamies

This book deals with 20th century resettlements in the western areas of the former USSR, inparticular the territory of Karelia that was ceded by Finland in the WWII, Podolia in the Ukraine,and the North-West periphery of Russia in the Kola peninsula. Finns from Karelia emigrated toFinland, most of the Jews of Podolia were exterminated by Nazi Germany but the survivorslater emigrated to Israel, and the sparsely populated territory beyond the Polar circle receivedthe Societ conquerors of nature which they began to exploit. The empty areas were usuallysettled by planned state recruitment of relocated Soviet citizens, but in some cases also byspontaneous movement. Thus, a Ukrainian took over a Jewish house, a Chuvash kolkhos wasdispersed along Finnish khutor houses, and youth in the town of Apatity began to prefer theirhome town in relation to the cities of Russia.

Everywhere the settlers met new and strange surroundings, and they had to construct placesand meanings for themselves in their new home and restructure their local identity in relationto their places of origin and current abodes. They also had to create images of the formerinhabitants and explanations for various strange details they preceived around themselves.

All articles within this volume are based on extensive field or archive work. This researchproject was funded by the Academy of Finland.

PB 9789517466950 £22.50 November 2005 Finnish Literature Society 161 pages

PERESTROIKAProcess & ConsequencesEdited by Markku Kangaspuro, Jouko Nikula, Ivor Stodolsky

The downfall of the Soviet Union was an unexpected incident, which was neither forecast bySovietologists nor aimed at by the initiators of perestroika. However, the result of this worldhistorical development was deep changes in international relations; the bipolar world changedto unipolar and the Cold War was over. It is not a surprise that perestroika has inspired widelyas well the academic community as the politicians and public to discuss and analyse thepolitical and social processes of the Soviet society, the role of economy, the political andmilitary pressure of President Reagan’s administration, and glasnost, not to forget the newforeign policy of Mikhail Gorbachev and Eduard Shevardnadze.

In this book, perestroika is approached as an evolutionary process that led to unintendedconsequences, the breakdown of the Soviet Union. But perestroika and glasnost weretransnational processes and consequently they did not have consequences only in the SovietUnion. The common understanding is that, at the least, Prague Spring in 1968, the economicreforms of Hungary and Poland in the 1970s, and the Solidarity opposition movements ofeighties in Poland established a strong prehistory of the way to perestroika and new thinking.After perestroika and glasnost were launched by Gorbachev, in particular during its deeperreforms of the late eighties, it had a profound influence on all of Eastern Europe and to someextent on Western Europe. Moreover, we can’t understand many features and processes ofcurrent Russia if we don’t know the history of the Soviet Union. It is obvious that manystructural and institutional solutions of current Russia, not to speak of political culture, go backto the Soviet era and the power struggle between President Yeltsin and Parliament in thebeginning of nineties. The consequences of perestroika and the legacy of the Soviet Union arediscussed in several articles, which also take into account the development of Eastern Europeas an integral part of the Soviet sphere of influence.

PB 9789522221827 £25.50 March 2010 Finnish Literature Society 382 pages

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SLOVAKIA - A PLAYGROUND FOR NATIONALISM& NATIONAL IDENTITY, 1918-1920Manifestations of the National Identity of SlovaksIsmo Nurmi

National identities and nationalism, especially in the European context have aroused lots ofcurrent interest among scholars from a wide variety of academic disciplines, and the topic mostcertainly will continue to attract further attention also in the future. A great number of thestudies dealing with national identities have emphasized the long time span and the role of thenational intelligentsia in the evolution of a national identity. This study uses another approachby underlining the short time span and a number of practical issues that contributed to thestrengthening of the national identity of the Slovaks during the first two years following theindependence of Czechoslovakia. Furthermore, the conflicting interests of the states ofCzechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland and the ethnic groups in Slovakia at that time have beengiven special attention. The study also aims to help us understand why it was initially so difficultfor the Slovaks to agree with the idea of the one and united Czechoslovak nation.

PB 9789517101080 £20.99 January 2000 Finnish Literature Society 202 pages


4 PLAYS & 3 JOKESAnton ChekhovTranslated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Sharon Marie Carnicke

This volume offers lively and accurate translations of Chekhov's major plays and one-acts alongwith a superb Introduction focused on the plays' remarkably enduring power to elicit the mostwidely divergent of responses, the life of the playwright in its historical and aesthetic contexts,suggestions for reading the plays "under a microscope", and notes designed to bring Chekhov'sworld into immediate focus everything needed to examine his drama with fresh eyes and on itsown artistic terms.

HB 9780872209985 £29.95 September 2009 Hackett Publishing 305 pagesPB 9780872209978 £8.95 September 2009 Hackett Publishing 305 pages

THE CHERRY ORCHARDAnton ChekhovTranslated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Sharon Marie Carnicke

Drawn from Sharon Marie Carnicke's volume of Chekhov, Four Plays and Three Jokes (Hackett),this edition of The Cherry Orchard features Carnicke's groundbreaking translation of a play thathas been called "Chekhov's ultimate theatrical coup d'état."

HB 9781603843102 £19.95 November 2010 Hackett Publishing 108 pagesPB 9781603843096 £5.95 November 2010 Hackett Publishing 108 pages

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THE GRAND INQUISITORWith Related Chapters from The Brother KaramazovFyodor Dostoevsky, Charles Guignon

This new edition presents 'The Grand Inquisitor' together with the preceding chapter,'Rebellion', and the extended reply offered by Dostoevsky in the following sections, entitles'The Russian Monk'. By showing how Dostoevsky frames the Grand Inquisitor story in the widercontext of the novel, this edition captures the sublety and power of Dostoevsky's critique ofmodernity as well as his alternative vision of human fulfilment.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Charles B Guignon is Professor of Philosophy, The University of

South Florida.

HB 9780872202283 £17.95 November 1993 Hackett Publishing 160 pagesPB 9780872201934 £5.45 November 1993 Hackett Publishing 160 pages

NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUNDFyodor DostoevskyTranslated by Constance Garnett

Dostoevsky's best-known and most groundbreaking work appears in this new edition in arevision of the Constance Garnett translation with an Introduction by Charles Guignon andKevin Aho. The Introduction places the underground man in the historical context ofnineteenth-century modernity's movement toward secularism, examines his psychologicaldynamics, and identifies the developments in Russian intellectual life that the work parodiesand criticises. It further points up the contribution made by this novella -- considered byDostoevsky the key to his mature works -- to the author's later "novels of ideas."

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Charles B Guignon is Professor of Philosophy, The University of

South Florida.

HB 9780872209060 £19.95 September 2009 Hackett Publishing 99 pagesPB 9780872209053 £5.95 September 2009 Hackett Publishing 99 pages

RUSSIA IN WAR & REVOLUTION, 1914-1922A Documentary HistoryEdited by Jonathan Daly, Leonid Trofimov

Drawing on newly available Russian sources many of which appear in English for the first timehere this volume covers a broad array of topics, including the Bolshevik rise to power andWorld War I as the catalyst and cradle, respectively, of the Revolution. The authors convey theboldness and diversity of the revolutionaries aspirations as well as the ways in which theRevolution affected the lives of ordinary people, from the workers of Petrograd to Siberianpeasants and Ukrainian Jews.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Jonathan Daly is Professor of History, University of Illinois at

Chicago. Leonid Trofimov is Adjunct Assistant Professor of History, Queen's University and theUniversity of Guelph.

HB 9780872209886 £33.00 September 2009 Hackett Publishing 371 pagesPB 9780872209879 £11.95 September 2009 Hackett Publishing 371 pages

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FORTHCOMING TITLETHREE SISTERSAnton ChekhovTranslated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Sharon Marie Carnicke

First published in her Chekhov: "Four Plays and Three Jokes", Sharon Marie Carnicke's eye-opening translation of "Three Sisters" appears in this edition with a new Introduction thatexpands upon her discussion in Four Plays & Three Jokes of Chekov's innovative dramaturgy --especially as seen in this subtle "melodrama turned inside out".

REVIEWS: "Carnicke's translation of Three Sisters shows her background in the Slavic field to

good advantage. Chekhov doesn't emerge as 'the voice of Twilight Russia,' or anything mawkishat all, as he sometimes does, but as a sharp-eyed watcher of some very silly people. Carnickeunderstands Chekhov and understands Russia."Robert L. Belknap, Professor Emeritus of Slavic Languages, Columbia University

HB 9781624661211 £27.95 April 2014 Hackett Publishing 136 pagesPB 9781624661204 £6.95 April 2014 Hackett Publishing 136 pages



The Last Plague in the Baltic Region, 1709-1713 offers a thorough description and analysis ofthe terrible plague epidemic that ravaged the Baltic region in the years between 1709 and 1713- at the same time when the region was razed by the Great Northern War (1700–21). Swedenunder Carolus XII had lost its supremacy, and Russia under Peter the Great emerged as the newmajor power in the region. With the marching armies came the plague and its effects, whichwere particularly devastating, since it hit a population already weakened by famines anddesolation caused by the war.

Drawing on substantial documentation in city and state archives, the study addresses a rangeof important discussions touching on the far-reaching consequences of the plague across theregion: including mortality rates, symptoms of the disease, treatments, how the disease spread,why some parishes, villages, houses and families were particularly hard hit, the measures takenby the authorities to confine the epidemic and the reactions of people to these measures.Offering detailed information of the plague’s demographic and economic consequences, as wellas tragic accounts of its victims, this volume constitutes a fascinating synthesis and assessmentof a devastating chapter in the region’s history.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Karcerik Ffiandsen is Associate Professor in History at the SAXO-

Institute, University of Copenhagen.

HB 9788763507707 £63.50 January 2010 Museum Tusculanum Press 537 pages

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PERFORATING THE IRON CURTAINEuropean Détente, Transatlantic Relations & the Cold War, 1965-1985Edited by Poul Villaume, Odd Arne Westad

The relaxation of the Cold War Bloc tensions in the 1970s – the so-called détente process – wasa watershed in the history of the Cold War. Recent research suggests that this process is farmore significant than previously believed for understanding and explaining the developmentsthat brought about the peaceful end of the Cold War in the late 1980s.

The present collection of essays provides a rich and detailed account of many important yetneglected aspects of these processes. The contributions elucidate the European détenteprocess from NGO grass-root as well as top diplomatic level perspectives, including the HelsinkiConference and the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, and in particular its stipulations on respect ofhuman rights and human contacts across the Iron Curtain. The contributions are originalresearch based on recently opened and not previously used state and private archives inWestern and Eastern Europe and in the United States. Together, they shed new and fascinationlight on a defining chapter in recent European history.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Dr Poul Villaume is Professor at The Saxo Institute, University of

Copenhagen. Dr Odd Arne Westad is Professor of Cold War Studies at the London School ofEconomics.

HB 9788763525886 £46.99 January 2010 Museum Tusculanum Press 272 pages

2 volume set

THE “SPECIAL” WORLDStalin's Power Apparatus & the Soviet System's Secret Structures ofCommunicationNiels Erik RosenfeldtTranslated by Sally Laird and John Kendal

When the Soviet Union collapsed the formerly closed archives were opened for research to acertain degree. Since the mid-nineties Niels Erik Rosenfeldt has on several occasions visitedthese archives. Partly based on this research he here presents a thorough and groundbreakingstudy of some of the most secret structures of Soviet society - especially in the Stalin era.

As a starting point Niels Erik Rosenfeldt presents a detailed description of the principles andprocedures for secrecy in the Soviet System of the 1920s. This is followed by an investigation ofthe development of Stalin’s secret chancellery - the “Secret Department”, the “Special Sector”– from the early 1920s to the death of Stalin in 1953, and of the various internal and externalfactors affecting the growth, shape and operational scope of this apparatus during the sameperiod. More specifically there is a lengthy discussion of the role of the secret chancellery in theSoviet decision-making process.

In the analysis of the Soviet State Security Service the main emphasis is placed on the centralcomplex of ultra-secret “special departments” and “special sections”. The examination of theapparatus of the Communist International focuses on the clandestine chancellery andcommunication departments which can - more or less directly - be compared to the structuralpattern of Stalin’s secret chancellery and related offices in the Soviet Communist Party.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Niels Erik Rosenfeldt is Associate Professor at the East European

Department at the University of Copenhagen. He is the author of numerous books and articleson Stalin and Russia/the Soviet Union.

HB 9788763507738 £133.50 December 2008 Museum Tusculanum Press 1156 pages

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THE BALKANS IN FOCUSCultural Boundries in EuropeEdited by Sanimir Resic, B. Tornquist-Plewa

With the different perspectives of eight academic sub-disciplines, the authors in the bookdiscuss the complex weave of cultural links and the different religious and linguistic groups thathave been living side by side in the Balkans for centuries. This anthropological study is theresult of a scientific project, the primary goal of which has been to form an active network ofscholars who study the cultural and political developments in the post-Yugoslav breakdown.Research has been gathered from Scandinavia and Germany as well as Bosnia-Herzegovina,Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.

HB 9789189116382 £43.00 January 2003 Nordic Academic Press 234 pages

CULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS AFTER COMMUNISMCentral & Eastern Europe in FocusEdited by Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, Krzysztof Stala

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain the countries in Central and Eastern Europe has undergoneprofound transformations. However, in most research on these changes the cultural dimensionof transition has been neglected. The analyses have focused on ‘hard’, institutional factors suchas legal coordination and economic readjustments, and less attention has been paid to complexdimensions such as lifestyles, habitus, value markers in relation to identity.

In Cultural Transformations after Communism a group of experts aim to repair this deficiency,and present case studies from all of the former Communist countries that now are members ofthe EU. The researchers attempt to answer crucial questions about the constructions of a newidentity in the region: Have the processes of democratization and opening the bordersproduced mentality changes and new value systems? Is there a convergence of values andcultures between the new and old EU-members?

The authors address themselves to students and researchers, and the book is valuable readingfor anyone with an interest in European integration, issues of national identity, and the politicsand culture in the post-Communist countries.

PB 9789185509591 £34.95 May 2011 Nordic Academic Press 326 pages

ECHOES OF THE HOLOCAUSTHistorical Cultures in Contemporary EuropeEdited by Klas-Goran Karlsson, Ulf Zander

In what ways has the Holocaust been used to push for the satisfaction of various needs andobjectives in Europe? The authors take this question as their point of departure in order toreflect upon the role of history in general and the effects of the Holocaust in particular. Thestudy how, when and why the collective memory of the Holocaust has been expressed andactivated for cultural, economic, political and social reasons. Memories of the Nazi genocide inthe German-Polish borderlands, the Holocaust in Russian history school books and the debateson the American television series Holocaust are among the topics covered by the articles in thisanthology.

HB 9789189116528 £43.00 January 2003 Nordic Academic Press 295 pages

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TREASURED MEMORIESTales of Buried Belongings in Wartime EstoniaMats Burström

In the autumn of 1944, around 70,000 people fled Estonia in the face of the Red Army advance.Most of them believed the Soviet occupation would be shortlived and they would soon be ableto return home, so many of them hid the most valuable of their belongings they were unable tocarry, burying them in ‘safe’ places. Until Stalin’s death in 1953, Estonians continued to buryobjects to hide them, now for fear of deportationto Siberia.

In Treasured memories, the archaeologist Mats Burström tells the stories of some of thesehoards: the ones that remain buried, the ones that vanished, and the ones that were recoveredand have found a place in new contexts. Their sheer variety brings together all levels of history,from personal memories to high politics, and reflects how events on the world stage can shapethe fate of individual families, even across several generations.

Yet most of all, as a groundbreaking work of contemporary archaeology, it is concerned withwhat objects mean to us, and our gift for remembering.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Mats Burström (born 1962) is Professor of Archaeology at

Stockholm University, Sweden. He has been instrumental in establishing the archaeology of therecent past as a field of research in Scandinavia. A major focus in his research is the relationbetween material culture and memory. He has also been working on issues arising from theideology and practice of cultural heritage management. His fieldwork has taken him to Cuba,Estonia, and Germany, as well as Sweden.

PB 9789185509874 £24.95 March 2012 Nordic Academic Press 128 pages


NEW TITLEARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN & GEORGIAPolitics, Profiles & United States' InterestsEdited by Ronald J. Clark, William E. Rivera

The United States recognized the independence of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia when theformer Soviet Union broke up at the end of 1991. The United States has fostered these states’ties with the West in part to end their dependence on Russia for trade, security, and otherrelations. This book provides profiles of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia; examines politicaldevelopments; and discusses the interests of the United States in these countries.

HB 9781624170058 £91.99 March 2013 Nova Science 142 pages

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BELARUSDevelopments, Relations & U.S. InterestsEdited by Alexander T. Gardner, Marcus Payne

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko snuffed out Belarus's modest progress towarddemocracy and a free market economy and created an authoritarian regime shortly after beingelected as president in 1994. His regime is a throwback to the Soviet era. Those advocating astronger U.S. role in trying to bring democratic change to Belarus say that the country isimportant to the United States because Belarus is an obstacle to the U.S. goal of making Europe"whole and free." Another concern is Belarus's support for pariah regimes, including througharms sales. Relations between Belarus and the EU and United States have been particularlypoor since Lukashenko's brutal repression of the opposition after fraudulent presidentialelections in December 2010. The EU and United States have imposed strengthened sanctionsagainst key Belarusian leaders, businessmen, and firms. Russia has taken advantage of thissituation to increase its political and economic influence. This book examines newdevelopments, relations and U.S. interests in Belarus.

HB 9781622573936 £91.99 January 2013 Nova Science 105 pages

BELARUS, RUSSIA, UKRAINEHuman Rights ReportsEdited by Marcus J. Blevins, Helen Blanchard

This book on human rights practices chronicles dramatic changes and the stories of the peopledefending human rights in the countries of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, with a focus onproviding lawmaker's decisions on foreign military and economic aid. Respect for human rightsis not a western construct or a uniquely American ideal; it is the foundation for peace andstability everywhere. Universal human rights include the right of citizens to assemble peacefullyand to seek to reform or change their governments, a central theme around the world.

HB 9781622574100 £91.99 January 2013 Nova Science 175 pages


This book provides insight into the compelling evolution of Georgia’s development and modernchallenges. It analyses the key tendencies that took place during the twenty years of reformingGeorgia’s economy.

PB 9781624174490 £49.50 July 2013 Nova Science 126 pages

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NEW TITLEKAZAKHSTANConditions, Issues & U.S. RelationsEdited by Randell M. Hoyt, Morris B. Weston

Kazakhstan’s economy is the strongest in Central Asia, buoyed by oil exports. Its progress indemocratisation and respect for human rights has been halting, according to most observers.Nonetheless, Kazakhstan’s pledges to reform convinced the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) to select the country’s leadership for its 2010 presidency. This bookexamines recent developments and U.S. interests in Kazakhstan with a focus on human rights,international religious freedom and investment climate economics.

PB 9781629483566 £43.50 December 2013 Nova Science 97 pages

FORTHCOMING TITLEPUTIN'S RUSSIAPolitics, Economics & U.S. InterestsEdited by Florence Brunner

Russia made uneven progress in democratisation during the 1990s, but this limited progresswas reversed after Vladimir Putin rose to power in 1999-2000, according to many observers.During this period, the State Duma (lower legislative chamber) became dominated bygovernment-approved parties, gubernatorial elections were abolished, and the governmentconsolidated ownership or control over major media and industries, including the energysector. The Putin government showed low regard for the rule of law and human rights insuppressing insurgency in the North Caucasus, according to critics. Dmitriy Medvedev, Putin’slong-time protégé, was elected president in 2008; President Medvedev immediately designatedPutin as prime minister and continued Putin’s policies. This book discusses in further detail, thepolitics and economics in Putin's Russia; and provides insight on the Russian political, economic,and security issues and United States interests.

HB 9781631172045 £112.50 June 2014 Nova Science 301 pages

NEW TITLETHE RE-EDUCATION EXPERIMENT IN ROMANIAA Survivor’s Views of the Past, Present & FutureEdited by Daniel Teodorescu, Gheorghe Boldur-Latescu

This book is a collection of essays written between 1995 and 2011, chronicling the experiencesand presenting the views of a former political prisoner about past and current events inRomanian history. A retired professor of operations research, Boldur-Latescu is one of the fewsurvivors of the 'Pitesti Phenomenon', the experiment launched in the 1950's in communistprisons by the Romanian Securitate, which aimed at re-educating political prisoners throughpeer exerted torture. This book is a continuation of the analysis that started with "TheCommunist Genocide in Romania", published in 2005 by Nova Publishers) with a particularemphasis on the examination of the social, political, cultural, and economic evolution ofRomania after the 1989 Revolution. Some of the essays go beyond the analysis of theRomanian context by tackling current challenges faced by Western democracies through aunique prism.

HB 9781624172892 £124.99 May 2013 Nova Science 280 pages

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RUSSIA & GEORGIAA Post-Conflict Assessment & Change in the Russian Airborne ForcesEdited by Nathaniel M. James, Noah E. Wilson

In the early 1990s, Georgia and its breakaway South Ossetia region had agreed to a Russian-mediated ceasefire that provided for Russian "peacekeepers" to be stationed in the region.Moscow extended citizenship and passports to most ethnic Ossetians. Simmering long-timetensions escalated on the evening of August 7, 2008, when South Ossetia and Georgia accusedeach other of launching intense artillery barrages against each other. Georgia claims that SouthOssetian forces did not respond to a ceasefire appeal but intensified their shelling, "forcing"Georgia to send in troops. This book provides a post-conflict assessment of the Russian-Georgian conflict of August 2008, with a focus on the implications for U.S. interests and theorganisational change in the Russian airborne forces.

HB 9781620813546 £91.99 October 2012 Nova Science 108 pages


The United States has had a bitter set of experiences with insurgencies and counterinsurgencyoperations, but it is by no means alone in having to confront such threats and challenges.Indeed, according to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the greatest domestic threat toRussia's security is the ongoing insurgency in the North Caucasus. This insurgency grew out ofRussia's wars in Chechnya and has gone on for several years, with no end in sight. Yet, it ishardly known in the West and barely covered even by experts. In view of this insurgency'sstrategic importance and the fact that the U.S. military can and must learn from othercontemporary wars, the Strategic Studies Institute brings attention to the war in this book, toshed more light upon both sides, the Islamist (and nationalist) rebels and Russia, as they wageeither an insurgency or counterinsurgency campaign.

HB 9781628085273 £112.50 September 2013 Nova Science 170 pages

RUSSIA'S ENERGY ASSETSSecurity & Foreign Policy IssuesMartin T. Pohler

Russian oil and natural gas industries are increasingly important players in the global energymarket, particularly in Europe and Eurasia. Another trend has been the increasingconcentration of these industries in the hands of the Russian government. This latterphenomenon has been accompanied by an increasingly authoritarian political system, in whichformer intelligence officers play key roles. Russian firms have tried to purchase a controllingstake in pipelines, ports, storage facilities, and other key energy assets of the countries ofcentral and eastern Europe. They need these assets to transport energy supplies to lucrativewestern European markets, as well as to secure greater control over the domestic markets ofthe countries of the region. In several cases where assets were sold to non-Russian firms,Russian firms cut off energy supplies to the facilities. Russia has also tried to build newpipelines to circumvent infrastructure that it does not control. Another objective Russia haspursued has been to eliminate the energy subsidies former Soviet republics have received sincethe fall of the Soviet Union, including by raising the price these countries pay for natural gas toworld market prices.

HB 9781606929827 £62.50 January 2009 Nova Science 108 pages

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THE COLD WAR - AND THE NORDIC COUNTRIESHistoriography at a CrossroadsEdited by Thorsten B. Olesen

Research into the impact of the Cold War in the Nordic countries has boomed since the end ofthe Cold War itself. The end of the conflict has made it possible for historians to see the ColdWar period as a full epoch with a beginning and an end. In the Nordic countries the increasedinterest in and emphasis on Cold War history has been accompanied by heated public debateover revelations of Cold War skeletons in the cupboard or polemics on Cold War guilt andbetrayal. In five national chapters covering each of the Nordic countries and supplemented bya joint introduction and conclusion, this book aims at providing an overall picture of how post-Cold War historiography has affected and changed our view and understanding of the Cold Warin the Nordic countries.

PB 9788778388575 £21.00 January 2004 Odense University Press 194 pages



In this book, Ann Lane studies Britain’s role in the emergence of Tito’s Yugoslavia, from theGerman invasion of 1941 until the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950.

Former Yugoslavia was in many respects a microcosm of the complexities of cold war politics inEurope. Simultaneously non-aligned yet ideologically committed, by 1950 it had emerged as ananomalous communist state detached from the Soviet bloc, economically dependent on theWest and militarily dependent on NATO, yet diplomatically defiant of formal allianceentanglements. These contradictions were the very essence of cold war politics and givenYugoslavia’s geo-strategic importance this country came to enjoy an important place as apolitical actor for the cold war’s duration.

Drawing on newly available documentary material from the archives of the UK, the US and thecountries of the former Soviet bloc, Ann Lane explores Britain’s entanglements withYugoslavia‘s civil war and the way in which this experience shaped British thinking about theonset of the cold war in Europe.

HB 9781898723271 £45.00 June 2012 Sussex Academic Press 232 pages

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The release of previously unavailable Soviet archives has allowed a re-examination of Anglo-Soviet relations during Churchill’s peacetime administration, with special emphasis on theKremlin’s motivation for resisting the Prime Minister’s attempts to end the Cold War.Throughout 1951–55, the time was not yet ripe for détente: the USSR and Western powerswere less than willing to accommodate each other. Instead they engaged in the consolidationof their own blocs and the build-up of their defensive potential. With Winston Churchillbecoming the most outspoken advocate of détente, the Kremlin greeted the return to power ofthe Conservative Party under his leadership with a general mistrust.

After Josef Stalin’s death in March 1953, détente remained a distant reality. The collectiveleadership was keen to reduce international tensions without modifying its predecessor’sforeign policy, or abandoning Soviet strongholds of central and eastern Europe. As part of itspeace offensive, the Kremlin was prepared to improve the atmosphere in relations with Britainand increase the volume of Anglo-Soviet trade. However, the British remained mistrustful ofthe intentions of Stalin’s successors, and refrained from initiatives leading to a relaxation ofexport controls independent from American embargo policy.

The author demonstrates that Stalin’s heirs suspected that Churchill’s pursuit of détente wasdesigned to secure far-reaching concessions. Moscow also felt that as a junior partner acting infull dependence on and in cooperation with US policy, Churchill was in no position to conciliatebetween the USSR and the USA. Engaged in a domestic struggle for power, members of thecollective leadership were reluctant to allow their opponent, Georgi Malenkov, to negotiatesingle-handedly with western statesmen. It was only after Nikita Khrushchev’s ascendance topower and Churchill’s resignation from office that the Kremlin was prepared to participate insummit talks with the western heads of government.

REVIEWS: "Dr Bar-Noi has produced an interesting perspective on Churchill's attempt to

reach a peaceful settlement of the Cold War, which is enriched by his use of Soviet primarysources."Professor Alan P. Dobson, The Institute for Transatlantic European and American Studies,Dundee University.

HB 9781845191764 £55.00 December 2007 Sussex Academic Press 237 pages

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A HANDBOOK OF CZECH PROSE WRITINGS, 1940-2005Bohuslava Bradbrook

The turbulent events of World War II and the subsequent communist regime in Czechoslovakiastrongly restricted Czech writers’ freedom of expression. Many sought and found literaryfreedom in exile. As Czech literature was developing in two very different locations andconditions, writers on both sides created diverse, yet extraordinarily interesting andcommendable works; all were united in their wish to see their homeland liberated from thetotalitarian regime.

The suffering and generally adverse conditions of those who stayed at home are reflected inthe works written both at home and in exile, especially after the two parties found secret waysof communicating between themselves. Many works abound in wit and humour, includingJewish themes, despite the difficult circumstances. After the fall of communism had broughtthe desired freedom of expression for all writers, the recent past still occasionally echoes inCzech literary works, but is written and read from new perspectives.

As the dark age now seems to be gradually falling into oblivion, it is important to be remindedthat even in the darkest times talented writers were alert to Czech national, literary and Jewishundertones, and produced works which English-speaking readers would find new, fresh andcaptivating. While the availability of books in English may be still in a minority, synopticinterpretations of prose writings not yet translated to English provided in this Handbook addintegral features that help to complete the picture of life at a time when cultural links betweentwo parts of Europe were painfully severed.

HB 9781845191733 £32.50 December 2006 Sussex Academic Press 156 pages


This is the first comprehensive informational database of the major political, economic andlegal issues that organizations worldwide need to know about in order to do business in Russiaand surrounding countries. The text summarizes the major economic developments in thisdynamic region, provides accurate and up to date sources on business legislation, and givescrucial practical advice to business people and foreign investors. Using local as well asinternational sources, each country text provides detailed information on:

o Best business opportunities and sectors.o Legal issues relevant to trade and business activities, including franchising.o Information on investment laws, the judiciary, labor law, taxation, IPR laws,

currency and banking, and business partnership opportunities.o Contact details of government offices, business associations, calendars of

business events, etc.

While the Energy sector holds a global significance and tops the international businesscommunities’ investment priorities, especially in Russia and Kazakhstan, economic dynamismhas been demonstrated over the last decade in all these countries, and there are substantialbusiness opportunities in all economic sectors. Written by an Economics Analyst with a proventrack record in providing business information, and a Corporate Lawyer with extensiveexperience of engaging at contractual level with business and government organizations inthese countries, this book is essential reading for all those involved in Legal, Business,Investment and Political decision-making.

HB 9781845192433 £49.50 July 2007 Sussex Academic Press 198 pages

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In this book the author, Dr. Orly C. Meron, provides a multidisciplinary exploration of Salonica’sJewish-owned economy between the years 1912-1940, a period prior to and during Greece'snational consolidation. Based on original and newly analysed archival materials, she presentsthe results of her comprehensive, comparative and inter-ethnic study of Jewish entrepreneurialpatterns for three distinct historical periods and two levels of analysis. The first pertains to themulti-ethnic business world of Greek Macedonia (1912–1922) after its incorporation into theGreek nation-state; the second refers to the era of minority–majority relations (1923–1930)following radical modification of Salonica's demographic composition, a process thatculminated in the ethnic unification of its business world. The third includes a sectoral analysisof Jewish entrepreneurial patterns as they developed in response to the local and globaleconomic crisis that raged during the 1930s. The macro analysis combines a comparative staticoverview of Salonica’s Jewish versus Greek business behaviour together with a dynamiccomparative analysis focusing on transitions in Jewish entrepreneurial patterns. The microanalysis delves into features of Salonica’s Jewish business elite: class resources, family andethnic networks, business strategies and organizational structures.

Dr. Meron’s research contributes new theoretical insights to the study of ethnic groups inchanging environments by applying the ethnic economy approach while crossing thedisciplinary boundaries between history, economics, sociology and their related fields. Herstudy opens a revealing window to the economic and demographic history of the Jewishcommunity of Salonica, the “Jerusalem of the Balkans”, home to the largest concentration ofSephardic Jews before the Holocaust.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Orly C. Meron is lecturer in the Jewish History Department and

the Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Her currentinterests include the ethnic economies of recent migrants and permanent minorities and theeconomic history of Jewish Sephardic communities before World War II.

HB 9781845192617 £85.00 February 2012 Sussex Academic Press 442 pagesPB 9781845195793 £40.00 January 2013 Sussex Academic Press 442 pages

KAREL ČAPEK In Pursuit of Truth, Tolerance & TrustBohuslava R. Bradbrook

Karel Čapek is the most important, most versatile, but also the most neglected Czech writer in the twentieth century. His plays R.U.R. and “From the Life of Insects” created a sensation inLondon in the 1920s; his word “robot” was introduced into the Oxford English Dictionary whilehis other plays as well as novels, short stories, essays, and travelogues followed in Englishtranslations in quick succession until cultural links were broken off by the war. Because of hisliberal, anti-war views Čapek’s works were blacklisted by the Nazis occupying his homeland, as well as later by the communists. Presenting a study of all genres Čapek used, B.R.B.’s book pays the debt history owes to Čapek.

PB 9781845195533 £22.50 July 2012 Sussex Academic Press 272 pages

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THE LIBERATING BEATY OF LITTLE THINGSDecision, Adversity & Reckoning in Refugee's Journey from Prague toCambridgeBohuslava Bradbrook

This book is the story of an intellectual's escape from Czechoslovakia to England at the heightof the Cold War. It is a poignant and timely reminder of the hardships and life without basicfreedoms endured under Communism. It is also a documentary of the politics, sociology andhistory of those turbulent years in Europe as they influenced and restrained the life ofintellectuals under the yoke of Communism.

Ten years on from the fall of the Berlin Wall, a younger generation is already beginning toforget what made it imperative for so many individuals to leave their homes in Central Europe,in order to gain freedom and to demonstrate to the communist authorities, the families andfriends they left behind and their new hosts, just how important their escape to Liberty was.

PB 9781898595342 £12.95 January 2000 The Alpha Press 102 pages


This is the first ever international comparative study of the mythologies which popular TVseries in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania - made before and afterthe fall of communism - disseminate in their societies. Popular television broadcasting has hadan enormous impact on the general public’s beliefs and values, East and West. From the outset,the communist systems of Central and East Europe used entertainment television programmingto instil the regimes’ values in the viewer. And indeed popular television still exerts a majorimpact on these fairly homogeneous societies.

Up to date research about current social values and factors in the formation of individual andcollective identity has considerable strategic importance for decision making both in Britain andin the EU. If we are to understand how the populations of the Central and East Europeancountries might react in the current relatively unstable political and economic situation, it isnecessary to understand the indigenous political, social and cultural discourse in thesecountries. Comparison of samples of popular television from the 1970s, 1980s and 2000sprovides strategically significant material about how these societies think and rationalize, andwhat their thinking is rooted in. The study proceeds from the premise that popular televisionseries provide a fertile ground of investigation as mass media reflects and shapes social andcultural values.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Jan Čulík is Senior Lecturer in Czech Studies at the University of

Glasgow. He is the author of the first post-communist history of Czech independent literatureand of monographs about Czech post-communist feature film. The six contributors arespecialists in the field of cultural studies, dealing with cinema and television broadcasting inCentral and Eastern Europe. They work in the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and the UnitedKingdom.

HB 9781845195960 £55.00 August 2013 Sussex Academic Press 224 pages

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Casts new light on how Chekhov’s plays can be interpreted and enacted.

The author explores all the prime components of Chekhov’s theatrical technique: textconstruction, themes and ideas, scenes, dialogue, plot, and interaction between verbaland nonverbal elements.

A rigorous and comprehensive treatment of the many aspects of Chekhov’s artisticuniverse.

All the major works explored.

Foreword by Donald Rayfield, Emeritus Professor of Russian, Queen Mary College, Universityof London; author, Chekhov: A Life; Chekhov, the Evolution of his Art; UnderstandingChekhov.

One century after the death of Anton Chekhov (1860–1904), his plays are celebratedthroughout the world as a major milestone in the history of theatre and drama. Outside theRussian-speaking community, he is undoubtedly the most widely translated, studied andperformed of all Russian writers. His plays are characterised by their evasiveness: tragedy andcomedy, realism and naturalism, symbolism and impressionism, as well as other labels ofschool and genre – all fail to account for the uniqueness of ’Chekhovism’, i.e., the essence of hisartistic system and world view.

Presence through Absence is a bold attempt to map the unique structure and meaning thatcomprise Chekhov’s immensely rich artistic universe. Golomb’s text is an incursion intoChekhov’s vision of unrealised potentials and present absences. His timeless works are shownwith rare insight and clarity to have artistic principles and coherence above and beyond thescope of the individual play..

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Harai Golomb has retired as Professor of Theatre Studies,

Musicology and Multi-disciplinary Studies at Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Arts. He haspublished extensively and lectured widely on Chekhov’s plays worldwide.

HB 9781903900475 £75.00 January 2014 Sussex Academic Press 296 pages

NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACKA SOCIETY IN DISTRESSThe Image of the Czech Republic in Contemporary Czech Feature FilmJan Čulík

REVIEWS: “Jan Čulík, in A Society in Distress: The Image of the Czech Republic in

Contemporary Czech Feature Film, confers coherence on his potentially intractable subject byfocusing on how modern Czech cinema depicts Czech society and identity. For Čulík, the Czech self-image as evident in cinema is caught between inflated pride and intense excoriation.Čulík’s book is invaluable as a source of information on a national cinema that has long since receded from visibility. Čulík’s analysis is admirably rigorous, pungent and direct.” Slavonic & East European Review

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Jan Čulík is Senior Lecturer in Czech Studies at the University of

Glasgow, Scotland. He conducts research into social self-examination and myth-making inCentral Europe, using literature, cinema and television as material culture.

HB 9781845195519 £65.00 September 2012 Sussex Academic Press 420 pagesPB 9781845196301 £35.00 January 2014 Sussex Academic Press 340 pages

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WRITERS UNDER SIEGECzech Literature Since 1945Jirí Holý

This History presents a broad canvas of post-war Czech literary developments within thecultural and political context of the times. Information is provided about the many English-language translations from Czech literature, and the circumstances in which these translationscame about. Analysis is by way of quoting from original Czech works, especially poetry, withEnglish translation. “Profiles of the Most Important Czech Writers since 1945” givesbiographical and bibliographical details about the most important post-war Czech writers, andlinks to secondary literature in English. The volume also includes a bibliographical list of themost important works in English on Czech history, literary history and politics, as well as a list ofanthologies of Czech post-war literature in English.

Originally published in Czech as part of a larger project (Ćeská literatura od počátků k dnešku[Czech Literature from its Beginnings to the Present Day], Prague, 1998, expanded edition2002), an updated version of this History was published in German as Geschichte dertschechischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts (Vienna 2003). This English translation has beenentirely re-worked, taking the needs of the English-speaking reader and student intoconsideration. The translation was made by Elizabeth S. Morrison, in cooperation with Jiří Holy and Jan Čulík, Senior Lecturer in Czech Studies at the University of Glasgow.

Writers Under Siege is intended for all readers interested in or studying the literatures andcultures of Central Europe. It is essential reading for students of Czech and Slavonic Studies.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Jirí Holý is Professor of Czech literature at Charles University in


HB 9781845191900 £55.00 November 2007 Sussex Academic Press 360 pagesPB 9781845194406 £22.50 August 2010 Sussex Academic Press 362 pages


BOSNIAIn the Footsteps of Gavrilo PrincipTony Fabijancic

Fabiancic's adventure spans both place and history to uncover the fragments of the story ofGavrilo Princip - Archduke Ferdinand's assassin and The Great War's unlikely catalyst. The bookbrings together several elements: travelogue, dialogue and scene-setting, personal reflection,overview of historical events, and story-telling. The writing is excellent, interweaving researchmaterial and personal experience, using dialogue to create character, and creating vivid scenesfull of sensory detail. The book includes lively material from the road trip, the moving pathos ofthe author's musings about the recent Balkan wars, and the graceful inclusion of historicalflashbacks. The assassination of the arch-duke is one of the most famous events in the last 100years, yet we rarely hear the name of the assassin or those of his co-conspirators, and knownothing of the idealism motivating the group. With the twenty-first century being defined byterrorist acts that generate wider wars, the subject is very relevant. For instance, some peoplecompare Princip to Bin Laden, while others regard him as a hero. Because of his ethnicity, theauthor has a unique perspective on the events (involved as a Croat, distanced as a Canadian),and he provides original translations of some documents. The author weaves in his own travelsas he follows those of the conspirators, following the itinerary of the revolutionary GavriloPrincp as he makes his way to Sarajevo.

PB 9780888645197 £24.99 May 2010 University of Alberta Press 226 pages

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CROATIATravels in Undiscovered CountryTony Fabijancic

In his travels through Croatia, Tony Fabijancic saw a world of peasants, shepherds andfishermen irrevocably giving way to the new reality of a modern European state. With a deftand sure touch, he records moments that capture the lingering spirit of the old world even asthe former fabric of this place is unravelling forever. The author's profound familiarity with the'extraordinary regionality' of Croatia leads to memorable images of the country, and tosketches and unhurried ruminations on its people, its landscapes, kitchens, cities, andcoastlines.

PB 9780888643971 £24.99 February 2003 University of Alberta Press


ACCIDENT OF FATEA Personal Account, 1938-1945Imre Rochlitz, Joseph Rochlitz

Accident of Fate is a first-hand account of persecution, rescue, and resistance in the Axis-occupied former Yugoslavia. At the age of thirteen, Imre Rochlitz fled to Yugoslavia from hischildhood home in Vienna following the Nazi Anschluss, leaving his family behind. In January1942 the Ustashe (Croatian Fascists) arrested and interned him in the Jasenovac death camp,where he dug mass graves. On the verge of death, Rochlitz was released due to theextraordinary intervention of a Nazi general. He escaped to the Adriatic coast, where he andseveral thousand other Jewish refugees were protected by the army of Fascist Italy. After Italy’ssurrender, he joined Tito’s Partisans, becoming an officer and army veterinarian, and rescueddozens of downed Allied airmen. In 1945, he fled Yugoslavia’s Communist regime and reachedliberated southern Italy. In 1947, at the age of twenty-two, he emigrated to the United States.

With unique personal photographs and documents supporting the text, this eyewitnessnarrative covers little-known topics and provides a revealing historical account of the period.The book helps clarify and render accessible the complexities and contradictions of conflict andgenocide in wartime Yugoslavia.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Imre Rochlitz was born in Budapest in 1925 but he spent his

childhood in Vienna, where he lived until 1938. After surviving the war years in Yugoslavia, heemigrated to the United States and earned a law degree at New York University. He movedback to Europe in 1958. Encouraged by his family, he made a return trip to Yugoslavia in 1981,which sparked the writing of these memoirs.

Joseph Rochlitz is an opera and film director. He collaborated in the research and writing ofAccident of Fate and based his documentary film The Righteous Enemy, about the Italianprotection of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, on his father’s story.

PB 9781554582679 £24.99 June 2011 Wilfrid Laurier University Press 240 pages

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Moving images take us on mental and emotional journeys, over the course of which we and ourworlds undergo change. This is the premise of Ecologies of the Moving Image, which accountsfor the ways cinematic moving images move viewers in ways that reshape our understanding ofourselves, of life, and of the Earth and universe.

This book presents an ecophilosophy of the cinema: an account of the moving image in relationto its lived ecologies - the material, social, and perceptual relations within which movies areproduced, consumed, and incorporated into cultural life. Cinema, Adrian Ivakhiv argues, luresus into its worlds, but those worlds are grounded in a material and communicative Earth thatsupports them, even if that supporting materiality withdraws from visibility. Ivakhiv examinesthe geographies, visualities, and anthropologies - relations of here and there, seer and seen, usand them, human and inhuman - found across a range of styles and genres, from ethnographicand wildlife documentaries to westerns and road movies, and from sci-fi blockbusters and eco-disaster films to the experimental and art films of Tarkovsky, Herzog, Greenaway, Malick, Dash,and Brakhage as well as YouTube’s expanding audiovisual universe.

Through its process-relational account of cinema, drawn from philosophers such as Whitehead,Peirce, and Deleuze, the book boldly enriches our understanding of film and visual media.

PB 9781554589050 £40.99 July 2013 Wilfrid Laurier University Press 436 pages

NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACKHARMONY & DISSENTFilm & Avant-garde Art Movements in the Early Twentieth CenturyR. Bruce Elder

REVIEWS: “Elder’s research is staggering; form Platonic thought, Leonardo’s Trattato dell

pittura, analytical Newtonian principles governing the relationship between acoustics andoptics, and Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophical treatises, to Jean-Philippe Rameau’s notions onharmony and Viking Eggeling’s film Diagonal-Symphonie.... Elder presents a radically alteredperspective on the origins and influences that helped propel the artistic sensibilities of the earlytwentieth-century avant-garde in this absorbing text. Harmony and Dissent is highlyrecommended, in general, for those interested in pneumatic epistemology, film and visual artsin Russia and Europe and, more specifically, for academics and advanced students of Russianand Soviet cultural and cinema studies.Ilana Sharp, Subiaco, Western Australia, Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema

HB 9781554580286 £70.99 October 2008 Wilfrid Laurier University 480 pagesPB 9781554582266 £29.50 August 2010 Wilfrid Laurier University Press 480 pages

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4 PLAYS & 3 JOKES 2009 PB 9780872209978 £8.95

4 PLAYS & 3 JOKES 2009 HB 9780872209985 £29.95

ACCIDENT OF FATE 2011 PB 9781554582679 £24.99

ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN & GEORGIA 2013 HB 9781624170058 £91.99

BALKANS IN FOCUS, THE 2003 HB 9789189116382 £43.00

BELARUS 2013 HB 9781622573936 £91.99

BELARUS, RUSSIA, UKRAINE 2013 HB 9781622574100 £91.99

BOSNIA 2010 PB 9780888645197 £24.99

BRITAIN, THE COLD WAR, & YUGOSLAV UNITY, 1941-1949 2012 HB 9781898723271 £45.00

BURDEN OF REMEMBERING, THE 2009 PB 9789522221025 £26.50

CHERRY ORCHARD, THE 2010 PB 9781603843096 £5.95

CHERRY ORCHARD, THE 2010 HB 9781603843102 £19.95

COLD WAR - & THE NORDIC COUNTRIES, THE 2004 PB 9788778388575 £21.00


CONTRASTS & SOLUTIONS IN THE CAUCASUS 1998 HB 9788772887081 £22.95

CROATIA 2003 PB 9780888643971 £24.99


ECHOES OF THE HOLOCAUST 2003 HB 9789189116528 £43.00

ECOLOGIES OF THE MOVING IMAGE 2013 PB 9781554589050 £40.99



FORWARD TO THE PAST 1997 HB 9788772886527 £23.75

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GRAND INQUISITOR, THE 1993 PB 9780872201934 £5.45

GRAND INQUISITOR, THE 1993 HB 9780872202283 £17.95

HANDBOOK OF CZECH PROSE WRITINGS, 1940-2005, A 2006 HB 9781845191733 £32.50

HARMONY & DISSENT 2008 HB 9781554580286 £70.99

HARMONY & DISSENT 2010 PB 9781554582266 £29.50

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