Easy And Effective Tips To Care For Your Teeth - Ferber Dental Group

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Easy And Effective Tips To Care For Your TeethAN EASY, STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE

w w w . f e r b e r d e n t a l . c o m

1. Brushing twominutes, twice a daycan help preventtooth decay!

2. Floss your Teeth daily

3. Change your Tooth Brush Regularly

4. Don't Smoke & Give Up AlcoholSmoking damages Your Tooth

5. Visit your Dentist Regularly

Ferber Dental Group

At the Ferber Dental Group, we believe you shouldn't have to paymore for high quality dental care. We offer high quality dentalservice at a price you can afford.

How do you keep s t rong , f unc t iona l , and good- look i ng tee th?

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Visit : www.ferberdental.com