Eat the rainbow experiment...Food and My Body. Food from Nature & Nurture. Year 1 Ready to Cook:...

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Eat the Rainbow Activity

Lesson Outline: Time allocation: 40 minutes

Format: Class participation/ individual activity work.

Student outcomes:

● Understand how fruits and vegetables get their colour.

● Follow instructions to complete an activity.

● Improve scissor/ fine motor skills.

● Enhance food literacy and food experience skills, recognize, and name a variety of fruits and vegetables.



● 1 rainbow worksheet ● Assortment of food catalogues or magazines (Free supermarket magazines are excellent

and 1 magazine per child is generally all that is required for the activity) ● Crayons ● Glue stick ● Scissors

Optional/ Extra Material:

Interactive whiteboard for the screening of a complimentary song from the additional teacher’s resource list. Additional ‘Colours of the Rainbow’ colouring in worksheet.


Prior to the activity collect enough magazines or shopping catalogues for the class. Make adequate copies of your chosen worksheet/s.

Setup: 2 mins

Set out enough worksheets, scissors, crayons, glue sticks and magazines for the children to work on one collage per child.

Introduction: 5 mins

Explain to the class that we are going to learn about all the colours of the rainbow that we can find in fruit and vegetables. You may also like to introduce the song ‘I Ate a Rainbow’ here, which is linked in the external teacher resources.

Ask: Has anyone ever thought about how fruit and vegetables get their bright colours?

Fruit and vegetables come in so many colours, all the colours of the rainbow. They get their colours from chemicals in their cells called pigments and it is the different types of pigments that make the different colours that we can see.

Today we are going to make our very own fruit and vegetable rainbow. We are going to colour in a rainbow and create a collage of all the beautiful fruits and vegies we can find/ or like to eat.


Activity: 20 - 30 mins

1. Have the children colour in their rainbows in the responding colours. 2. Ask the children to take out their magazine and cut out all the different coloured fruit and vegetables

that they can find/see to stick onto their rainbow.

Make sure to encourage them to freely ask about the names of any unfamiliar fruits or vegetables and to talk amongst themselves about any fruits and vegetables that they like/dislike.

Conclusion: 2 - 10 mins

You may like to end the activity with a group discussion and/or song. Taking turns to look at each other’s collage or give the opportunity for each child to talk about a favourite fruit or vegetable on their rainbow.

Conclude with health messaging centred around trying to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in all the colours of the rainbow each day for staying strong and healthy.

Take away messages:

Colours of fruits and vegetables are made from the chemicals in their cells called pigments.

● Different pigments in our fruits and vegetables make all the different colours we see.

Eating fruits and vegetables that are different in colour is a healthy way to eat a variety of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy.

● Try to eat a range of all the colours in the rainbow every day.

Extension activity:

● Prior to the activity families could be asked to provide a piece of fruit or vegetable to create a taste testing platter to share on the day. Children may then be encouraged to try a new fruit or vegetable.

● Prior to the activity families could be asked to contribute a colourful piece of fruit for the children to make their own fruit rainbows for a snack, either placing pieces on a kebab stick or arranging them on a snack plate.

Further Topic Enquiry:

This experiment can be further explored within the context of the Health & Physical Education curriculum. Providing an opportunity for students to develop strategies to ensure safety and wellbeing at home and at school, such as identifying and choosing healthier foods and drinks for themselves. Recognising the benefits food technologies provide for health and food safety and ensuring that a wide variety of food is available and can be prepared for healthy eating.

Refresh.ED provides unit resources for specific year groups within their Food & Drink Choice, Food & Drink Experience, Food & Drink Source and Food, Drink & Health focus areas. Of particular interest in relation to extending learning within this area are the units.

● K / PP Knowing my Food.

Food and My Body.

Food from Nature & Nurture.

● Year 1 Ready to Cook: cook me a rainbow activity

Choosing Food Groups.

Farm to Fork.

Introducing Food Groups.




Eat the Rainbow Activity


In this activity students are introduced to the concept of how fruits and vegetables get their colour and just how many different coloured fruit and vegetables there are. It encourages children to think of all the colours of the rainbow when looking at making healthy food choices and encourages them to try and get to know some new fruits and vegetables. The activity provides learning centred around nutrition and focuses on developing food literacy and language skills along with fine motor skill development.

Some key new vocabulary students will be introduced to include: Pigment, names of assorted fruits & vegetables.

Key Messages

● The bright colours of fruit and vegetables are formed by chemicals in their cells called pigments and these make up the bright colours we can see.

● There are many bright and colourful fruits and vegetables to choose from and they each have a special name.

● Eating all the different colours provides us with a healthy mix of vitamins & minerals.

Learning Outcomes:

● Understand how fruits & vegetables get their colour.

● Utilise creative capacity and scissor/fine motor skills to create a collage.

● Enhance food literacy and food experience skills, recognize and name a variety of fruits and vegetables.

General capabilities:

Literacy, Creative & critical thinking, Personal & social capability.


Year K- PP Australian Curriculum Links

Strand/ Sub- strand Curriculum content descriptions HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Personal, social & community health. Communicating & interacting for health & wellbeing. Contributing to healthy & active communities.

Practise personal and social skills to interact positively with others (ACPPS004). Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS006).

SCIENCE Science understanding. Chemical sciences. Science inquiry skills. Communicating.

Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003). Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012).

ENGLISH Literacy. Interacting with others.

Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structures classroom situations (ACELY1646).

TECHNOLOGY Design technologies. Knowledge & understanding.

Explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter and how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating (ACTDEK003).

VISUAL ARTS Content descriptions. Use and experiment with different materials,

techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107). Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAVAM108).


Additional Year K-PP WA Curriculum Links

Strand/ Sub- strand Curriculum content descriptions TECHNOLOGY Design technologies. Knowledge & understanding: Food & fibre production.

Plant and animal products are used in everyday life for food, clothing and shelter (ACTDEK003).

ARTS Visual arts. Production.

Use of a variety of techniques, to create 2D and 3D artwork inspired by personal experiences, ready for display (ACAVAM108).

ENGLISH Language. Language for interaction.

Understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429).

External Supporting Resources for Teachers

● Nutrition Australia: Eat a Rainbow. What are the colours in fruit & vegetables, List of fruit & vegetables by colour.

● I Ate a Rainbow. Australian song performance.

● Government of South Australia: Eat a Rainbow Resources (including poster).