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C.05 - Employment rateNATIONAL DATA

NUTS code Label NUTS level

EU European Union EU

BE Belgium Country

BG Bulgaria Country

CZ Czech Republic Country

DK Denmark Country

DE Germany Country

EE Estonia Country

IE Ireland Country

EL Greece Country

ES Spain Country

FR France Country

HR Croatia Country

IT Italy Country

CY Cyprus Country

LV Latvia Country

LT Lithuania Country

LU Luxembourg Country

HU Hungary Country

MT Malta Country

NL Netherlands Country

AT Austria Country

PL Poland Country

PT Portugal Country

RO Romania Country

SI Slovenia Country

SK Slovakia Country

FI Finland Country

SE Sweden Country

UK United Kingdom Country

NUTS code Label NUTS level

Common context indicators for rural development programs (2014-


NUTS code Label NUTS level

EU28 European Union EU

BE Belgium Country

BE1 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest NUTS1

BE10 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest NUTS2

BE2 Vlaams Gewest NUTS1

BE21 Prov. Antwerpen NUTS2

BE22 Prov. Limburg (BE) NUTS2

BE23 Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen NUTS2

BE24 Prov. Vlaams-Brabant NUTS2

BE25 Prov. West-Vlaanderen NUTS2

BE3 Région wallonne NUTS1

BE31 Prov. Brabant Wallon NUTS2

BE32 Prov. Hainaut NUTS2

BE33 Prov. Liège NUTS2

BE34 Prov. Luxembourg (BE) NUTS2

BE35 Prov. Namur NUTS2

BG Bulgaria Country

BG3 Severna i yugoiztochna Bulgaria NUTS1

BG31 Severozapaden NUTS2

BG32 Severen tsentralen NUTS2

BG33 Severoiztochen NUTS2

BG34 Yugoiztochen NUTS2

BG4 Yugozapadna i yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria NUTS1

BG41 Yugozapaden NUTS2

BG42 Yuzhen tsentralen NUTS2

CZ Czech Republic Country

CZ0 Ceská republika NUTS1

CZ01 Praha NUTS2

CZ02 Strední Cechy NUTS2

CZ03 Jihozápad NUTS2

CZ04 Severozápad NUTS2

CZ05 Severovýchod NUTS2

CZ06 Jihovýchod NUTS2

CZ07 Strední Morava NUTS2

CZ08 Moravskoslezsko NUTS2

DK Denmark Country

DK0 Danmark NUTS1

DK01 Hovedstaden NUTS2

DK02 Sjælland NUTS2

DK03 Syddanmark NUTS2

DK04 Midtjylland NUTS2

DK05 Nordjylland NUTS2

DE Germany Country

DE1 Baden-Württemberg NUTS1

DE11 Stuttgart NUTS2

DE12 Karlsruhe NUTS2

DE13 Freiburg NUTS2

DE14 Tübingen NUTS2

DE2 Bayern NUTS1

DE21 Oberbayern NUTS2

DE22 Niederbayern NUTS2

DE23 Oberpfalz NUTS2

DE24 Oberfranken NUTS2

DE25 Mittelfranken NUTS2

DE26 Unterfranken NUTS2

DE27 Schwaben NUTS2

DE3 Berlin NUTS1

DE30 Berlin NUTS2

DE4 Brandenburg NUTS1

DE40 Brandenburg NUTS2

DE5 Bremen NUTS1

DE50 Bremen NUTS2

DE6 Hamburg NUTS1

DE60 Hamburg NUTS2

DE7 Hessen NUTS1

DE71 Darmstadt NUTS2

DE72 Gießen NUTS2

DE73 Kassel NUTS2

DE8 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern NUTS1

DE80 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern NUTS2

DE9 Niedersachsen NUTS1

DE91 Braunschweig NUTS2

DE92 Hannover NUTS2

DE93 Lüneburg NUTS2

DE94 Weser-Ems NUTS2

DEA Nordrhein-Westfalen NUTS1

DEA1 Düsseldorf NUTS2


DEA3 Münster NUTS2

DEA4 Detmold NUTS2

DEA5 Arnsberg NUTS2

DEB Rheinland-Pfalz NUTS1

DEB1 Koblenz NUTS2

DEB2 Trier NUTS2

DEB3 Rheinhessen-Pfalz NUTS2

DEC Saarland NUTS1

DEC0 Saarland NUTS2

DED Sachsen NUTS1

DED2 Dresden NUTS2

DED4 Chemnitz NUTS2

DED5 Leipzig NUTS2

DEE Sachsen-Anhalt NUTS1

DEE0 Sachsen-Anhalt NUTS2

DEF Schleswig-Holstein NUTS1

DEF0 Schleswig-Holstein NUTS2

DEG Thüringen NUTS1

DEG0 Thüringen NUTS2

EE Estonia Country

EE0 Eesti NUTS1

EE00 Eesti NUTS2

IE Ireland Country

IE0 Éire/Ireland NUTS1

IE01 Border, Midland and Western NUTS2

IE02 Southern and Eastern NUTS2

EL Greece Country

EL3 Attiki NUTS1

EL30 Attiki NUTS2

EL4 Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti NUTS1

EL41 Voreio Aigaio NUTS2

EL42 Notio Aigaio NUTS2

EL43 Kriti NUTS2

EL51 Voreia Ellada NUTS1

EL51 Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki NUTS2

EL52 Kentriki Makedonia NUTS2

EL53 Dytiki Makedonia NUTS2

EL54 Ipeiros NUTS2

EL6 Kentriki Ellada NUTS1

EL61 Thessalia NUTS2

EL62 Ionia Nisia NUTS2

EL63 Dytiki Ellada NUTS2

EL64 Sterea Ellada NUTS2

EL65 Peloponnisos NUTS2

ES Spain Country

ES1 Noroeste (ES) NUTS1

ES11 Galicia NUTS2

ES12 Principado de Asturias NUTS2

ES13 Cantabria NUTS2

ES2 Noreste (ES) NUTS1

ES21 País Vasco NUTS2

ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra NUTS2

ES23 La Rioja NUTS2

ES24 Aragón NUTS2

ES3 Comunidad de Madrid NUTS1

ES30 Comunidad de Madrid NUTS2

ES4 Centro (ES) NUTS1

ES41 Castilla y León NUTS2

ES42 Castilla-la Mancha NUTS2

ES43 Extremadura NUTS2

ES5 Este (ES) NUTS1

ES51 Cataluña NUTS2

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana NUTS2

ES53 Illes Balears NUTS2

ES6 Sur (ES) NUTS1

ES61 Andalucía NUTS2

ES62 Región de Murcia NUTS2

ES63 Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta (ES) NUTS2

ES64 Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla (ES) NUTS2

ES7 Canarias (ES) NUTS1

ES70 Canarias (ES) NUTS2

FR France Country

FR1 Île de France NUTS1

FR10 Île de France NUTS2

FR2 Bassin Parisien NUTS1

FR21 Champagne-Ardenne NUTS2

FR22 Picardie NUTS2

FR23 Haute-Normandie NUTS2

FR24 Centre (FR) NUTS2

FR25 Basse-Normandie NUTS2

FR26 Bourgogne NUTS2

FR3 Nord - Pas-de-Calais NUTS1

FR30 Nord - Pas-de-Calais NUTS2

FR4 Est (FR) NUTS1

FR41 Lorraine NUTS2

FR42 Alsace NUTS2

FR43 Franche-Comté NUTS2

FR5 Ouest (FR) NUTS1

FR51 Pays de la Loire NUTS2

FR52 Bretagne NUTS2

FR53 Poitou-Charentes NUTS2

FR6 Sud-Ouest (FR) NUTS1

FR61 Aquitaine NUTS2

FR62 Midi-Pyrénées NUTS2

FR63 Limousin NUTS2

FR7 Centre-Est (FR) NUTS1

FR71 Rhône-Alpes NUTS2

FR72 Auvergne NUTS2

FR8 Méditerranée NUTS1

FR81 Languedoc-Roussillon NUTS2

FR82 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur NUTS2

FR83 Corse NUTS2

FRA Départements d'outre-mer (FR) NUTS1

FRA1 Guadeloupe (FR) NUTS2

FRA2 Martinique (FR) NUTS2

FRA3 Guyane (FR) NUTS2

FRA4 Réunion (FR) NUTS2

FRA5 Mayotte NUTS2

HR Croatia Country

HR0 Hrvatska NUTS1

HR03 Jadranska Hrvatska NUTS2

HR04 Kontinentalna Hrvatska NUTS2

IT Italy Country

ITC Nord-Ovest NUTS1

ITC1 Piemonte NUTS2

ITC2 Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste NUTS2

ITC3 Liguria NUTS2

ITC4 Lombardia NUTS2

ITH Nord-Est NUTS1

ITH1 Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen NUTS2

ITH2 Provincia Autonoma di Trento NUTS2

ITH3 Veneto NUTS2

ITH4 Friuli-Venezia Giulia NUTS2

ITH5 Emilia-Romagna NUTS2

ITI Centro (IT) NUTS1

ITI1 Toscana NUTS2

ITI2 Umbria NUTS2

ITI3 Marche NUTS2

ITI4 Lazio NUTS2


ITF1 Abruzzo NUTS2

ITF2 Molise NUTS2

ITF3 Campania NUTS2

ITF4 Puglia NUTS2

ITF5 Basilicata NUTS2

ITF6 Calabria NUTS2


ITG1 Sicilia NUTS2

ITG2 Sardegna NUTS2

CY Cyprus Country

CY0 Kypros NUTS1

CY00 Kypros NUTS2

LV Latvia Country

LV0 Latvija NUTS1

LV00 Latvija NUTS2

LT Lithuania Country

LT0 Lietuva NUTS1

LT00 Lietuva NUTS2

LU Luxembourg Country

LU0 Luxembourg NUTS1

LU00 Luxembourg NUTS2

HU Hungary Country

HU1 Közép-Magyarország NUTS1

HU10 Közép-Magyarország NUTS2

HU2 Dunántúl NUTS1

HU21 Közép-Dunántúl NUTS2

HU22 Nyugat-Dunántúl NUTS2

HU23 Dél-Dunántúl NUTS2

HU3 Alföld és Észak NUTS1

HU31 Észak-Magyarország NUTS2

HU32 Észak-Alföld NUTS2

HU33 Dél-Alföld NUTS2

MT Malta Country

MT0 Malta NUTS1

MT00 Malta NUTS2

NL Netherlands Country

NL1 Noord-Nederland NUTS1

NL11 Groningen NUTS2

NL12 Friesland (NL) NUTS2

NL13 Drenthe NUTS2

NL2 Oost-Nederland NUTS1

NL21 Overijssel NUTS2

NL22 Gelderland NUTS2

NL23 Flevoland NUTS2

NL3 West-Nederland NUTS1

NL31 Utrecht NUTS2

NL32 Noord-Holland NUTS2

NL33 Zuid-Holland NUTS2

NL34 Zeeland NUTS2

NL4 Zuid-Nederland NUTS1

NL41 Noord-Brabant NUTS2

NL42 Limburg (NL) NUTS2

AT Austria Country

AT1 Ostösterreich NUTS1

AT11 Burgenland (AT) NUTS2

AT12 Niederösterreich NUTS2

AT13 Wien NUTS2

AT2 Südösterreich NUTS1

AT21 Kärnten NUTS2

AT22 Steiermark NUTS2

AT3 Westösterreich NUTS1

AT31 Oberösterreich NUTS2

AT32 Salzburg NUTS2

AT33 Tirol NUTS2

AT34 Vorarlberg NUTS2

PL Poland Country

PL1 Region Centralny NUTS1

PL11 Lódzkie NUTS2

PL12 Mazowieckie NUTS2

PL2 Region Poludniowy NUTS1

PL21 Malopolskie NUTS2

PL22 Slaskie NUTS2

PL3 Region Wschodni NUTS1

PL31 Lubelskie NUTS2

PL32 Podkarpackie NUTS2

PL33 Swietokrzyskie NUTS2

PL34 Podlaskie NUTS2

PL4 Region Pólnocno-Zachodni NUTS1

PL41 Wielkopolskie NUTS2

PL42 Zachodniopomorskie NUTS2

PL43 Lubuskie NUTS2

PL5 Region Poludniowo-Zachodni NUTS1

PL51 Dolnoslaskie NUTS2

PL52 Opolskie NUTS2

PL6 Region Pólnocny NUTS1

PL61 Kujawsko-Pomorskie NUTS2

PL62 Warminsko-Mazurskie NUTS2

PL63 Pomorskie NUTS2

PT Portugal Country

PT1 Continente NUTS1

PT11 Norte NUTS2

PT15 Algarve NUTS2

PT16 Centro (PT) NUTS2

PT17 Área Metropolitana de Lisboa NUTS2

PT18 Alentejo NUTS2

PT2 Região Autónoma dos Açores (PT) NUTS1

PT20 Região Autónoma dos Açores (PT) NUTS2

PT3 Região Autónoma da Madeira (PT) NUTS1

PT30 Região Autónoma da Madeira (PT) NUTS2

RO Romania Country

RO1 Macroregiunea unu NUTS1

RO11 Nord-Vest NUTS2

RO12 Centru NUTS2

RO2 Macroregiunea doi NUTS1

RO21 Nord-Est NUTS2

RO22 Sud-Est NUTS2

RO3 Macroregiunea trei NUTS1

RO31 Sud - Muntenia NUTS2

RO32 Bucuresti - Ilfov NUTS2

RO4 Macroregiunea patru NUTS1

RO41 Sud-Vest Oltenia NUTS2

RO42 Vest NUTS2

SI Slovenia Country

SI0 Slovenija NUTS1

SI03 Vzhodna Slovenija NUTS2

SI04 Zahodna Slovenija NUTS2

SK Slovakia Country

SK0 Slovensko NUTS1

SK01 Bratislavský kraj NUTS2

SK02 Západné Slovensko NUTS2

SK03 Stredné Slovensko NUTS2

SK04 Východné Slovensko NUTS2

FI Finland Country

FI1 Manner-Suomi NUTS1

FI19 Länsi-Suomi NUTS2

FI1B Helsinki-Uusimaa NUTS2

FI1C Etelä-Suomi NUTS2

FI1D Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi NUTS2

FI2 Åland NUTS1

FI20 Åland NUTS2

SE Sweden Country

SE1 Östra Sverige NUTS1

SE11 Stockholm NUTS2

SE12 Östra Mellansverige NUTS2

SE2 Södra Sverige NUTS1

SE21 Småland med öarna NUTS2

SE22 Sydsverige NUTS2

SE23 Västsverige NUTS2

SE3 Norra Sverige NUTS1

SE31 Norra Mellansverige NUTS2

SE32 Mellersta Norrland NUTS2

SE33 Övre Norrland NUTS2

UK United Kingdom Country

UKC North East (UK) NUTS1

UKC1 Tees Valley and Durham NUTS2

UKC2 Northumberland and Tyne and Wear NUTS2

UKD North West (UK) NUTS1

UKD1 Cumbria NUTS2

UKD3 Greater Manchester NUTS2

UKD4 Lancashire NUTS2

UKD6 Cheshire NUTS2

UKD7 Merseyside NUTS2

UKE Yorkshire and The Humber NUTS1

UKE1 East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire NUTS2

UKE2 North Yorkshire NUTS2

UKE3 South Yorkshire NUTS2

UKE4 West Yorkshire NUTS2

UKF East Midlands (UK) NUTS1

UKF1 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire NUTS2

UKF2 Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire NUTS2

UKF3 Lincolnshire NUTS2

UKG West Midlands (UK) NUTS1

UKG1 Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire NUTS2

UKG2 Shropshire and Staffordshire NUTS2

UKG3 West Midlands NUTS2

UKH East of England NUTS1

UKH1 East Anglia NUTS2

UKH2 Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire NUTS2

UKH3 Essex NUTS2

UKI London NUTS1

UKI3 Inner London - West NUTS2

UKI4 Inner London - East NUTS2

UKI5 Outer London - East and North East NUTS2

UKI6 Outer London - South NUTS2

UKI7 Outer London - West and North West NUTS2

UKJ South East (UK) NUTS1

UKJ1 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire NUTS2

UKJ2 Surrey, East and West Sussex NUTS2

UKJ3 Hampshire and Isle of Wight NUTS2


UKK South West (UK) NUTS1

UKK1 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area NUTS2

UKK2 Dorset and Somerset NUTS2

UKK3 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly NUTS2

UKK4 Devon NUTS2


UKL1 West Wales and The Valleys NUTS2

UKL2 East Wales NUTS2

UKM Scotland NUTS1

UKM2 Eastern Scotland NUTS2

UKM3 South Western Scotland NUTS2

UKM5 North Eastern Scotland NUTS2

UKM6 Highlands and Islands NUTS2

UKN Northern Ireland (UK) NUTS1

UKN0 Northern Ireland (UK) NUTS2

Code C.05Indicator Employment rate

Subindicator Employment rate 15-64 y.o.Definition Employed persons aged 15-64 and 20-64 as a share of total population of the same age class: total and by type of area

Measurement %

Data sourceEurostat - Labour Force Survey

Calculation Employed persons / Total population of the same age

Notes Employment rate calculated by DG AGRI using the tables lfst_r_lfe2emp and lfst_r_lfsd2pop.

Employment rate 15-64 y.o.2016

Total Males FemalesFlags


66.6 71.8 61.3

62.3 66.5 58.1

63.4 66.7 60.0

72.0 79.3 64.4

74.9 77.7 72.0

74.7 78.4 70.8

72.1 75.7 68.6

64.8 70.2 59.5

52.0 61.0 43.3

59.5 64.8 54.3

64.2 67.6 60.9

56.9 61.4 52.4

57.2 66.5 48.1

63.7 68.6 59.2

68.7 70.0 67.6

69.4 70.0 68.8

65.6 70.5 60.4

66.5 73.0 60.2

65.7 78.3 52.7

74.8 79.6 70.1

71.5 75.4 67.7

64.5 71.0 58.1

65.2 68.3 62.4

61.6 69.7 53.3

65.8 68.9 62.6

64.9 71.4 58.3

69.1 70.5 67.6

76.2 77.5 74.8

73.5 78.3 68.8

Employment rate 15-64 y.o.2,016.0

Total Males Females Flags

National data: table lfsa_pgauws (last update: 24/11/2017)Regional data: tables lfst_r_lfe2emp (last update: 15/09/2017) and lfst_r_lfsd2pop (last update: 15/09/2017)

Total Males Females Flags%

66.6 71.8 61.3

62.3 66.5 58.1

55.3 60.3 50.3

55.3 60.3 50.3

66.5 70.5 62.5

63.9 68.9 58.9

64.8 69.7 59.8

68.3 72.0 64.5

67.6 70.5 64.8

68.6 71.6 65.5

57.1 61.3 52.9

63.0 67.4 58.7

54.8 59.1 50.4

56.1 60.4 51.7

62.2 66.8 57.4

58.4 61.3 55.3

63.4 66.7 60.0

60.7 64.9 56.4

54.8 57.9 51.6

61.5 64.1 58.7

63.0 68.5 57.2

62.3 67.2 57.3

66.0 68.5 63.5

68.7 70.6 66.7

62.0 65.4 58.4

72.0 79.3 64.4

72.0 79.3 64.4

76.0 83.3 68.6

73.0 80.9 65.0

72.9 80.6 64.9

69.5 76.2 62.4

72.1 79.1 64.9

72.1 79.6 64.3

70.5 78.2 62.6

69.2 76.1 62.1

74.9 77.7 72.0

74.9 77.7 72.0

77.1 79.5 74.8

73.2 76.7 69.6

73.1 75.5 70.6

75.3 78.1 72.2

72.9 77.2 68.3

74.7 78.4 70.8

77.6 81.6 73.5

78.0 82.5 73.3

76.0 79.7 72.2

78.0 81.5 74.6

78.6 82.4 74.7

78.2 82.4 73.8

79.6 83.8 75.3

78.8 83.7 73.5

76.4 80.9 71.8

76.9 79.8 74.1

76.3 79.7 72.9

77.0 80.9 72.9

78.7 84.0 73.1

71.6 74.3 68.9

71.6 74.3 68.9

76.8 78.2 75.3

76.8 78.2 75.3

71.1 74.7 67.3

71.1 74.7 67.3

75.5 78.6 72.4

75.5 78.6 72.4

74.2 78.8 69.5

74.1 78.9 69.2

73.3 77.6 68.8

75.3 79.4 71.1

72.5 73.7 71.3

72.5 73.7 71.3

73.4 77.6 69.1

71.2 75.9 66.5

72.1 75.4 68.6

75.6 79.8 71.5

74.5 79.0 69.7

71.4 75.8 66.9

70.3 75.0 65.7

72.4 76.3 68.6

71.8 76.5 67.1

73.8 78.1 69.3

69.9 74.5 65.3

74.5 78.3 70.7

75.2 78.8 71.5

76.9 80.3 73.5

73.5 77.5 69.3

71.9 75.2 68.5

71.9 75.2 68.5

76.5 78.6 74.2

77.3 79.0 75.5

76.8 80.3 73.0

74.9 75.8 74.0

73.7 75.8 71.5

73.7 75.8 71.5

74.1 77.6 70.6

74.1 77.6 70.6

75.8 77.8 73.6

75.8 77.8 73.6

72.1 75.7 68.6

72.1 75.7 68.6

72.1 75.7 68.6

64.8 70.2 59.5

64.8 70.2 59.5

62.0 67.3 56.8

65.8 71.3 60.4

52.0 61.0 43.3

52.8 60.4 45.5

52.8 60.4 45.5

54.9 65.1 44.8

54.3 66.9 41.0

57.7 70.0 45.4

53.6 61.8 45.6

51.9 60.2 43.4

51.9 60.2 43.4

51.0 59.5 42.9

46.3 57.5 34.8

50.1 59.4 40.9

51.3 61.7 40.8

50.2 59.2 41.1

57.7 65.6 50.0

47.0 57.7 36.0

50.8 63.1 37.7

56.3 67.2 45.9

59.5 64.8 54.3

59.4 62.7 56.1

59.8 63.3 56.2

57.3 59.1 55.5

61.4 65.8 57.0

65.0 70.1 59.9

65.1 69.4 60.9

64.4 69.4 59.4

65.5 71.7 59.2

65.1 71.2 58.7

65.6 69.7 61.8

65.6 69.7 61.8

57.3 64.5 49.7

61.9 67.8 55.7

55.5 63.9 46.7

50.7 58.5 42.4

63.3 67.8 58.8

65.5 69.5 61.4

59.2 64.6 53.8

67.0 71.0 62.9

51.0 57.8 44.1

50.0 56.5 43.4

57.1 65.1 48.7

48.9 58.5 38.1

45.2 58.3 32.4

53.6 58.5 48.7

53.6 58.5 48.7

64.1 67.5 60.8

66.6 70.1 63.3

66.6 70.1 63.3

62.8 66.4 59.3

59.9 63.5 56.4

61.2 64.9 57.5

62.4 68.0 57.1

64.0 67.7 60.5

64.8 67.0 62.7

63.7 66.4 61.2

57.6 61.6 53.8

57.6 61.6 53.8

64.4 67.3 61.6

61.5 64.6 58.4

65.9 69.4 62.5

68.0 69.4 66.6

66.7 69.4 64.0

67.7 70.2 65.2

66.3 69.0 63.7

65.2 68.5 62.0

65.8 68.4 63.3

65.0 67.5 62.5

65.8 68.6 63.0

70.1 71.9 68.5

67.7 71.2 64.3

67.8 71.3 64.4

67.3 70.4 64.2

61.5 65.5 57.7

59.2 61.9 56.6

62.6 67.6 58.0

64.0 62.2 65.9

47.7 52.3 43.7

47.8 51.4 44.9

54.0 55.4 53.0

43.7 49.1 38.8

48.1 53.4 43.3

37.9 47.0 30.0

56.9 61.4 52.4

56.9 61.4 52.4

55.5 59.5 51.4

57.6 62.3 52.9

57.2 66.5 48.1

65.4 73.0 57.8

64.4 70.7 58.2

66.4 71.1 61.7

62.7 71.3 54.3

66.2 74.3 58.1

66.5 74.4 58.7

72.7 78.9 66.4

66.1 73.0 59.1

64.7 74.3 55.2

64.7 72.3 57.0

68.4 74.7 62.2

62.0 69.9 54.4

65.3 72.4 58.4

62.7 70.5 55.2

62.2 70.1 54.4

59.9 68.2 51.8

43.8 56.1 31.7

55.7 67.0 44.6

51.8 61.6 42.0

41.2 53.9 28.7

44.3 57.5 31.4

50.3 61.6 39.0

39.6 50.2 29.2

42.6 53.7 31.8

40.1 52.1 28.3

50.3 58.2 42.3

63.7 68.6 59.2

63.7 68.6 59.2

63.7 68.6 59.2

68.7 70.0 67.6

68.7 70.0 67.6

68.7 70.0 67.6

69.4 70.0 68.8

69.4 70.0 68.8

69.4 70.0 68.8

65.6 70.5 60.4

65.6 70.5 60.4

65.6 70.5 60.4

66.5 73.0 60.2

70.8 77.6 64.4

70.8 77.6 64.4

66.7 73.2 60.2

68.4 75.7 61.0

68.9 75.8 62.0

62.2 67.1 57.3

63.1 69.4 56.9

61.8 68.6 55.0

62.0 67.9 56.2

65.7 71.9 59.5

65.7 78.3 52.7

65.7 78.3 52.7

65.7 78.3 52.7

74.8 79.6 70.1

72.5 76.5 68.4

69.5 73.0 65.9

74.6 78.3 70.8

73.6 78.8 68.4

74.7 79.5 69.9

74.9 79.1 70.5

74.9 80.0 69.7

73.6 78.4 68.8

75.2 80.0 70.4

77.8 82.3 73.4

77.1 81.5 72.7

72.6 77.6 67.6

77.5 84.8 70.0

75.3 80.2 70.3

76.6 81.5 71.5

72.4 77.2 67.5

71.5 75.4 67.7

68.8 71.9 65.6

69.8 73.7 65.9

73.1 76.9 69.2

64.9 67.3 62.6

70.9 75.1 66.6

69.9 74.6 65.1

71.4 75.3 67.3

75.3 79.8 70.7

75.5 80.0 70.8

75.1 78.6 71.6

74.3 78.9 69.8

76.7 82.1 71.2

64.5 71.0 58.1

68.2 73.4 63.2

66.6 72.2 61.0

69.0 74.0 64.2

63.5 69.4 57.6

64.6 71.4 57.9

62.6 68.0 57.4

62.4 68.7 56.0

62.4 68.2 56.5

61.2 67.9 54.3

62.2 68.4 55.7

65.1 71.3 58.6

64.5 71.9 57.1

66.6 74.8 58.4

60.5 67.0 54.0

64.0 70.2 57.7

65.3 72.9 57.8

65.6 72.7 58.5

64.6 73.6 55.5

62.6 70.2 55.1

62.1 69.5 54.8

58.7 66.0 51.2

65.6 73.4 57.8

65.2 68.3 62.4

65.5 68.5 62.7

62.9 67.7 58.5

68.4 68.9 67.9

67.5 70.9 64.3

67.1 67.8 66.6

64.4 68.1 60.9

61.0 64.6 57.4

61.0 64.6 57.4

60.7 62.3 59.3

60.7 62.3 59.3

61.6 69.7 53.3

61.3 69.7 52.8

64.0 72.1 55.8

58.4 67.1 49.6

63.5 71.7 55.0

69.0 75.5 62.1

56.5 66.8 45.8

63.4 71.0 55.9

59.9 69.0 50.4

67.8 73.7 62.3

56.4 65.0 47.6

55.7 63.1 47.9

57.2 67.1 47.2

65.8 68.9 62.6

65.8 68.9 62.6

64.3 68.1 60.3

67.5 69.8 65.2

64.9 71.4 58.3

64.9 71.4 58.3

74.9 79.8 70.3

67.3 73.5 61.0

63.8 70.2 57.3

59.1 66.7 51.2

69.1 70.5 67.6

69.0 70.4 67.5

68.3 69.9 66.6

73.2 75.0 71.4

67.3 68.4 66.1

65.7 66.8 64.5

81.4 83.7 80.0

81.4 83.7 80.0

76.2 77.5 74.8

76.8 78.7 75.0

78.5 80.2 76.9

74.3 76.5 72.2

75.9 77.1 74.6

76.8 78.5 74.9

73.8 74.8 72.8

77.0 78.2 75.8

75.5 75.9 75.1

74.3 74.6 73.9

76.0 78.0 73.9

77.2 76.6 77.9

73.5 78.3 68.8

69.9 74.0 65.8

69.3 74.6 64.3

70.3 73.6 67.0

71.8 74.8 68.8

75.1 76.7 73.3

70.8 73.6 67.9

72.7 76.4 69.2

75.6 81.5 69.8

69.4 70.7 68.3

71.6 75.5 67.7

71.5 76.8 66.1

79.7 82.3 77.0

68.6 71.3 65.8

70.8 75.4 66.4

74.3 78.9 69.7

74.6 78.7 70.6

73.9 78.7 69.2

74.0 79.9 68.2

71.2 77.4 65.0

76.3 82.3 70.5

77.0 81.8 72.1

65.8 72.8 58.7

76.4 81.8 71.1

76.5 80.8 72.2

77.0 82.8 71.3

75.6 82.0 69.5

72.7 79.8 65.5

75.5 81.4 68.6

70.1 77.4 63.2

72.0 79.5 65.0

76.6 83.7 69.6

72.5 79.7 64.9

77.4 82.6 72.3

79.7 85.3 74.1

77.1 82.6 71.9

77.0 81.6 72.4

75.2 80.3 70.0

76.5 80.7 72.4

78.3 82.6 74.0

74.8 79.5 70.3

76.6 80.6 72.6

74.6 77.7 71.5

71.8 74.9 68.7

71.5 75.0 68.1

72.2 74.8 69.7

72.8 75.7 69.9

72.5 75.2 69.9

71.7 74.7 68.9

78.4 80.1 76.5

73.0 77.6 68.8

68.5 72.5 64.6

68.5 72.5 64.6

C.05Employment rate

Employment rate 20-64 y.o. Employment rate 15-64 y.o. by type of areaEmployed persons aged 15-64 and 20-64 as a share of total population of the same age class: total and by type of area

%Eurostat - Labour Force Survey

Employed persons / Total population of the same age

Employment rate calculated by DG AGRI using the tables lfst_r_lfe2emp and lfst_r_lfsd2pop.

Employment rate 20-64 y.o. Employment rate 15-64 y.o. by type of area2016 2016

Total Males FemalesFlags

Rural areas Cities

% %

71.0 76.8 66.5 66.0 66.7 66.9

67.7 72.3 63.5 64.4 64.5 57.0

67.7 71.3 64.2 53.7 63.7 69.4

76.7 84.6 68.9 71.3 71.6 73.2

77.4 80.7 79.3 74.6 75.2 75.0

78.6 82.7 76.4 77.4 75.3 72.3

76.6 80.8 73.6 69.5 70.3 75.0

70.3 76.5 65.6 64.7 61.9 66.8

56.2 65.8 47.0 55.6 50.8 50.7

63.9 69.6 58.4 56.7 59.7 61.0

70.0 73.8 67.1 68.0 61.3 62.8

61.4 66.2 57.1 53.2 56.9 61.5

61.6 71.7 51.8 56.8 57.2 57.6

68.7 73.8 64.5 63.5 63.5 63.9

73.2 74.7 72.2 66.2 68.1 71.2

75.2 76.2 74.7 63.6 69.2 75.8

70.7 76.1 65.8 65.8 62.4 71.4

71.5 78.6 64.9 62.7 67.0 70.7

69.6 83.1 57.4 61.2 67.2 65.1

77.1 82.6 77.0 78.6 76.5 73.3

74.8 78.7 73.2 74.9 72.9 66.0

69.3 76.4 62.5 62.5 63.1 67.9

70.6 74.2 67.8 65.3 66.6 63.9

66.3 75.0 57.9 59.1 58.9 66.5

70.1 73.3 67.2 66.4 65.4 65.2

69.8 76.9 62.9 62.8 64.6 70.1

73.4 75.0 74.1 69.3 67.7 69.9

81.2 83.0 81.6 76.4 75.9 76.2

77.5 83.1 74.9 76.0 75.6 72.0

Employment rate 20-64 y.o.2,016.0

Total Males Females Flags

National data: table lfsa_pgauws (last update: 24/11/2017)Regional data: tables lfst_r_lfe2emp (last update: 15/09/2017) and lfst_r_lfsd2pop (last update: 15/09/2017)

Towns and suburbs

Total Males Females Flags%

71.0 76.8 65.2

67.7 72.3 63.0

59.8 65.3 54.2

59.8 65.3 54.2

72.0 76.3 67.7

69.2 74.7 63.7

69.7 75.0 64.3

74.0 78.0 69.9

73.9 77.0 70.8

74.0 77.2 70.6

62.6 67.3 57.9

69.3 74.4 64.3

60.0 65.0 55.1

61.1 65.9 56.3

68.2 73.4 62.9

64.2 67.5 60.9

67.7 71.3 64.0

64.9 69.3 60.4

59.1 61.9 56.0

65.4 67.9 62.9

67.0 73.3 60.6

66.7 72.2 61.2

70.3 73.2 67.5

73.1 75.2 71.0

66.1 70.1 62.0

76.7 84.6 68.6

76.7 84.6 68.6

80.1 88.0 72.3

78.0 86.3 69.5

77.6 86.0 69.0

74.2 81.5 66.6

77.2 84.8 69.4

76.8 84.9 68.4

75.4 83.6 66.9

73.8 81.2 66.2

77.4 80.7 74.0

77.4 80.7 74.0

79.6 82.4 76.9

75.7 80.3 71.2

75.5 78.2 72.6

77.9 81.2 74.3

75.2 79.7 70.4

78.6 82.7 74.5

81.8 86.1 77.3

82.1 86.9 77.0

80.4 84.9 75.7

82.1 85.6 78.5

82.9 87.0 78.7

81.8 86.3 77.2

83.1 87.8 78.5

81.7 87.0 76.2

79.9 84.6 75.0

80.5 83.3 77.7

80.3 84.1 76.5

81.1 85.3 76.8

82.3 87.8 76.7

75.2 78.2 72.2

75.2 78.2 72.2

80.3 81.9 78.7

80.3 81.9 78.7

74.8 78.5 70.8

74.8 78.5 70.8

78.9 82.4 75.3

78.9 82.4 75.3

78.5 83.5 73.4

78.3 83.7 72.9

77.7 82.3 73.1

79.6 83.8 75.3

75.6 76.8 74.2

75.6 76.8 74.2

77.8 82.1 73.3

75.2 79.8 70.4

76.4 79.9 72.7

80.1 84.6 75.6

79.1 83.9 74.1

75.8 80.7 70.9

74.7 79.8 69.5

76.8 81.3 72.4

76.2 81.3 71.1

78.7 83.7 73.7

74.3 79.3 69.2

78.5 82.7 74.2

79.4 83.6 75.2

80.4 84.1 76.6

77.3 81.8 72.7

75.7 79.6 71.6

75.7 79.6 71.6

79.7 81.9 77.5

80.5 82.2 78.7

79.9 83.4 76.0

78.4 79.2 77.6

76.7 78.8 74.6

76.7 78.8 74.6

78.5 82.4 74.6

78.5 82.4 74.6

79.0 80.8 77.0

79.0 80.8 77.0

76.6 80.8 72.6

76.6 80.8 72.6

76.6 80.8 72.6

70.3 76.5 64.2

70.3 76.5 64.2

67.9 74.0 61.9

71.1 77.4 65.0

56.2 65.8 46.8

56.4 64.8 48.4

56.4 64.8 48.4

59.5 70.6 48.5

59.0 72.8 44.7

62.2 75.4 49.1

58.2 67.3 49.2

56.9 65.8 47.8

56.9 65.8 47.8

55.4 64.3 46.8

50.4 62.5 38.0

54.5 63.8 45.1

55.6 66.6 44.4

54.8 64.9 44.8

62.0 70.2 54.1

51.0 62.3 39.2

55.2 68.7 40.9

60.6 71.2 50.1

63.9 69.6 58.1

63.0 66.6 59.4

63.5 67.5 59.6

60.4 62.6 58.3

65.3 70.1 60.4

69.6 75.2 64.0

69.6 74.4 64.9

69.3 74.4 64.1

70.4 77.1 63.6

69.6 76.4 62.6

70.4 75.0 66.0

70.4 75.0 66.0

61.5 69.2 53.4

66.0 72.4 59.4

59.9 68.8 50.5

54.6 63.1 45.7

67.7 72.7 62.7

70.1 74.8 65.4

63.4 69.1 57.6

71.4 75.5 67.2

55.2 62.6 47.6

54.1 61.2 46.9

61.8 70.7 52.7

53.9 64.4 41.8

49.8 63.6 36.1

57.6 62.9 52.4

57.6 62.9 52.4

69.9 73.8 66.2

72.8 77.0 69.0

72.8 77.0 69.0

68.3 72.0 64.6

64.9 69.2 60.8

66.3 70.2 62.5

67.4 73.1 61.9

69.6 73.3 66.0

70.9 73.3 68.4

70.0 72.3 67.8

63.0 67.7 58.5

63.0 67.7 58.5

69.6 72.7 66.5

66.5 70.0 63.2

71.0 74.5 67.6

73.5 75.4 71.6

72.7 75.8 69.6

74.1 76.9 71.3

72.5 75.5 69.6

70.0 74.1 66.2

71.6 74.7 68.7

70.8 73.9 67.9

71.7 75.1 68.3

75.1 76.4 73.8

73.6 77.2 70.1

73.8 77.5 70.3

72.6 75.9 69.3

67.1 71.6 62.9

64.9 68.3 61.8

68.2 73.6 63.2

68.5 67.1 69.9

53.9 59.6 49.0

53.4 57.9 49.8

59.8 62.0 58.0

51.0 58.1 44.6

53.8 60.0 48.2

46.5 58.4 36.4

61.4 66.2 56.6

61.4 66.2 56.6

59.8 64.1 55.4

62.2 67.3 57.2

61.6 71.7 51.6

70.1 78.5 61.8

69.0 75.8 62.3

71.3 76.5 66.2

67.1 76.4 58.0

71.1 79.9 62.2

71.3 79.8 62.8

78.2 85.0 71.5

71.4 78.8 63.9

69.5 79.8 59.2

69.2 77.6 60.8

73.0 79.9 66.2

66.5 75.1 58.1

69.9 77.7 62.3

67.2 75.8 58.9

66.7 75.4 58.2

64.2 73.4 55.4

47.5 61.1 34.3

59.7 72.0 47.6

55.7 66.1 45.2

44.9 59.0 31.2

48.0 62.6 33.9

54.3 66.6 42.0

42.9 54.4 31.6

46.0 58.1 34.2

43.5 56.8 30.6

53.6 62.1 45.1

68.7 73.8 64.1

68.7 73.8 64.1

68.7 73.8 64.1

73.2 74.7 71.8

73.2 74.7 71.8

73.2 74.7 71.8

75.2 76.2 74.3

75.2 76.2 74.3

75.2 76.2 74.3

70.7 76.1 65.0

70.7 76.1 65.0

70.7 76.1 65.0

71.5 78.6 64.6

75.5 83.0 68.5

75.5 83.0 68.5

71.5 78.6 64.5

73.3 81.3 65.4

73.7 81.1 66.3

66.9 72.4 61.5

68.4 75.4 61.6

67.2 74.7 59.7

67.5 73.9 61.1

70.8 77.7 63.9

69.6 83.1 55.5

69.6 83.1 55.5

69.6 83.1 55.5

77.1 82.6 71.6

74.8 79.2 70.2

71.5 75.4 67.5

77.1 81.3 72.8

76.0 81.5 70.3

77.0 82.7 71.4

77.1 82.1 71.9

77.1 83.1 71.1

76.9 82.5 71.3

77.5 83.1 72.1

80.2 85.3 75.2

79.3 84.5 74.3

75.1 80.9 69.3

79.1 87.1 71.1

77.3 83.1 71.4

78.7 84.6 72.7

74.2 79.9 68.5

74.8 78.7 70.9

72.0 75.3 68.7

73.1 77.3 69.0

76.5 80.4 72.5

68.0 70.7 65.5

74.1 78.2 69.9

73.0 77.3 68.6

74.6 78.6 70.5

78.6 83.2 74.1

78.8 83.2 74.3

78.3 82.2 74.6

77.8 82.5 73.1

80.0 85.8 74.3

69.3 76.4 62.2

73.1 78.9 67.4

71.3 77.6 65.1

73.9 79.6 68.5

68.2 74.7 61.6

69.9 77.4 62.4

66.9 72.8 61.1

67.5 74.3 60.5

67.2 73.6 60.8

66.6 74.1 59.0

66.9 73.7 59.8

70.3 77.0 63.3

69.2 77.3 61.2

71.5 80.3 62.7

64.8 71.9 57.7

68.7 75.6 61.9

69.7 77.9 61.6

70.0 77.7 62.3

69.1 78.6 59.5

67.4 75.6 59.3

66.7 74.7 58.8

63.4 71.4 55.2

70.6 79.0 62.2

70.6 74.2 67.4

70.8 74.4 67.5

68.1 73.6 63.1

73.9 74.7 73.1

73.0 76.9 69.3

72.6 73.6 71.6

69.8 73.8 65.9

66.7 70.8 62.7

66.7 70.8 62.7

66.4 68.4 64.7

66.4 68.4 64.7

66.3 75.0 57.4

66.2 75.2 57.1

68.9 77.6 60.2

63.2 72.5 53.7

68.8 77.5 59.8

74.9 81.6 67.7

61.1 72.1 49.8

67.7 75.9 59.7

64.7 74.4 54.5

71.3 77.8 65.4

60.8 70.2 51.2

60.3 68.3 51.9

61.4 72.2 50.6

70.1 73.3 66.6

70.1 73.3 66.6

68.4 72.3 64.2

72.0 74.5 69.4

69.8 76.9 62.7

69.8 76.9 62.7

78.7 84.2 73.5

71.9 78.5 65.1

68.9 75.9 61.8

64.5 72.9 56.1

73.4 75.0 71.7

73.3 75.0 71.6

72.3 74.0 70.6

77.7 80.1 75.5

71.7 73.2 70.2

69.7 70.9 68.4

86.3 87.2 85.5

86.3 87.2 85.5

81.2 83.0 79.2

81.8 84.3 79.4

83.4 85.7 81.1

79.6 82.2 76.9

80.7 82.7 78.7

82.0 84.5 79.3

78.5 80.1 76.8

81.9 83.7 79.9

80.6 81.2 80.1

80.1 80.4 79.8

81.4 83.4 79.1

81.0 80.9 81.1

77.5 83.1 72.1

73.3 77.7 69.0

72.4 77.4 67.6

73.9 77.8 70.1

76.0 79.8 72.2

79.5 81.8 77.0

74.7 78.4 71.0

77.0 81.8 72.5

79.8 86.5 73.1

74.1 76.0 72.3

75.5 80.2 70.9

75.5 81.5 69.4

82.6 85.9 79.4

72.1 75.6 68.5

75.2 80.5 70.1

78.3 83.7 73.1

78.1 82.7 73.5

78.8 84.2 73.3

78.0 85.4 71.0

75.5 82.5 68.6

80.1 86.6 73.8

80.7 85.7 75.5

70.6 78.8 62.5

80.3 86.6 74.2

80.2 85.2 75.2

81.3 88.3 74.6

79.5 86.8 72.6

77.1 85.0 69.2

78.7 85.2 71.1

74.3 82.1 66.8

77.4 86.7 69.0

80.9 88.1 73.7

77.1 85.0 68.7

81.3 87.3 75.5

83.4 89.4 77.4

81.0 87.1 75.1

80.7 86.4 75.2

79.8 85.9 73.6

80.2 85.2 75.2

81.9 86.6 77.1

78.3 84.5 72.4

80.5 84.8 76.4

78.4 83.0 73.9

76.1 80.0 72.2

75.9 80.1 71.6

76.4 79.9 73.0

76.3 80.0 72.8

76.2 80.3 72.3

75.6 78.9 72.6

81.8 84.9 78.5

74.6 79.1 70.6

73.5 78.3 68.8

73.5 78.3 68.8

C.05Employment rate

Employment rate 15-64 y.o. by type of area Employment rate 20-64 y.o. by type of areaEmployed persons aged 15-64 and 20-64 as a share of total population of the same age class: total and by type of area

%Eurostat - Labour Force Survey

Employed persons / Total population of the same age

Employment rate calculated by DG AGRI using the tables lfst_r_lfe2emp and lfst_r_lfsd2pop.

Employment rate 15-64 y.o. by type of area Employment rate 20-64 y.o. by type of area 15-64 y.o.2016 2016 2016

FlagsRural areas Cities Flags

Employed persons

Total Males

% 1000 persons

70.8 71.1 71.1 218,843.2 117,918.9

70.2 70.2 61.7 4,540.6 2,433.1

57.4 68.2 73.7 2,954.3 1,569.3

76.5 76.3 77.5 5,015.9 2,805.6

77.3 78.0 77.1 2,747.7 1,440.4

81.4 79.5 75.9 40,165.1 21,375.4

74.6 75.2 78.9 612.3 317.4

70.8 67.6 71.2 1,953.4 1,048.2

60.1 55.0 54.5 3,610.3 2,091.8

61.1 64.0 65.3 18,182.7 9,910.2

74.0 67.2 68.4 26,243.4 13,561.7

57.6 61.6 66.0 1,566.6 845.4

60.9 61.6 61.9 22,241.1 12,852.8

67.6 69.0 69.1 353.9 182.2

71.1 72.9 75.1 862.3 425.2

69.8 75.4 81.0 1,317.7 643.3

71.0 67.7 75.9 259.4 142.0

68.1 72.1 75.0 4,309.4 2,337.3

66.0 71.5 68.3 188.7 114.6

80.6 78.8 75.6 8,223.4 4,383.0

78.4 76.2 69.1 4,142.7 2,187.1

67.8 67.8 72.0 15,901.8 8,737.2

70.7 71.9 69.2 4,371.2 2,210.0

64.4 63.5 70.6 8,166.1 4,667.5

70.8 69.7 68.9 902.5 483.9

68.2 69.6 73.8 2,471.7 1,367.0

73.7 72.3 74.0 2,379.5 1,225.2

82.0 81.3 80.6 4,735.6 2,457.4

80.1 79.4 76.2 30,423.8 16,105.0

15-64 y.o.2,016.0

Employed persons

(last update: 15/09/2017)

Towns and suburbs

Total Males1000 persons

218,888.8 117,945.3

4,540.6 2,433.1

439.7 238.9

439.7 238.9

2,767.9 1,479.1

750.8 408.1

366.4 199.3

655.7 349.0

487.5 253.2

507.5 269.5

1,333.0 715.0

161.5 85.1

472.8 254.6

399.0 215.3

113.8 62.1

186.0 97.9

2,954.3 1,569.3

1,392.9 756.0

260.4 141.5

320.4 170.2

391.7 215.6

420.4 228.6

1,561.4 813.3

981.4 503.4

580.1 310.0

5,015.9 2,805.6

5,015.9 2,805.6

640.5 350.7

635.9 356.8

583.3 328.3

516.2 289.6

711.1 396.8

800.8 450.5

567.6 319.5

560.5 313.3

2,747.7 1,440.4

2,747.7 1,440.4

928.4 470.9

370.2 195.2

553.0 292.6

623.2 333.4

272.9 148.2

40,165.1 21,375.4

5,594.3 2,994.0

2,113.1 1,143.6

1,381.7 741.4

1,146.7 602.6

952.8 506.3

6,678.2 3,565.6

2,434.4 1,292.8

633.6 345.6

561.8 302.8

544.1 283.9

885.5 466.3

664.4 354.6

954.4 519.5

1,698.3 882.9

1,698.3 882.9

1,219.4 635.4

1,219.4 635.4

315.8 170.1

315.8 170.1

917.5 477.3

917.5 477.3

3,030.5 1,625.0

1,941.4 1,045.2

513.5 274.2

575.6 305.6

742.9 388.4

742.9 388.4

3,794.7 2,036.5

744.7 403.3

1,002.2 533.8

812.7 427.8

1,235.0 671.6

8,391.2 4,476.1

2,381.2 1,274.0

2,139.3 1,129.9

1,229.8 655.5

994.6 534.1

1,646.3 882.7

1,984.6 1,055.0

725.9 382.5

271.7 144.3

987.0 528.1

469.0 249.4

469.0 249.4

1,928.5 1,025.2

745.8 396.6

685.0 372.2

497.6 256.4

1,027.6 544.3

1,027.6 544.3

1,343.4 703.6

1,343.4 703.6

1,029.2 546.8

1,029.2 546.8

612.3 317.4

612.3 317.4

612.3 317.4

1,953.4 1,048.2

1,953.4 1,048.2

476.9 257.4

1,476.5 790.8

3,610.3 2,091.8

1,345.5 752.0

1,345.5 752.0

407.5 241.4

65.6 41.5

126.4 76.4

215.6 123.5

196.1 115.1

196.1 115.1

610.9 348.5

80.2 50.1

103.7 61.3

866.4 523.4

226.0 133.1

73.6 41.2

201.7 126.0

175.2 112.5

189.9 110.7

18,182.7 9,910.2

1,643.6 863.6

1,028.9 543.1

381.9 195.4

232.8 125.2

1,839.4 995.4

895.1 474.0

265.0 144.2

131.7 72.6

547.6 304.6

2,811.6 1,456.5

2,811.6 1,456.5

2,060.8 1,187.9

951.7 531.3

747.3 442.5

361.7 214.0

5,597.8 3,008.2

3,159.1 1,677.3

1,913.1 1,049.3

525.6 281.6

3,424.5 1,957.7

2,812.4 1,598.4

559.4 325.9

27.8 17.6

24.8 15.8

805.0 440.9

805.0 440.9

26,289.1 13,588.1

5,220.3 2,659.8

5,220.3 2,659.8

4,102.0 2,145.2

483.5 255.4

728.0 383.2

705.3 375.7

987.1 513.0

572.3 297.1

625.8 320.7

1,470.5 774.1

1,470.5 774.1

2,154.5 1,112.2

887.2 462.6

783.1 405.4

484.3 244.3

3,553.2 1,840.7

1,541.2 796.8

1,321.9 685.2

690.1 358.7

2,861.1 1,469.9

1,346.3 687.8

1,213.2 629.7

301.6 152.3

3,300.1 1,712.6

2,757.0 1,433.3

543.2 279.3

3,007.0 1,555.8

1,001.5 509.0

1,934.7 1,011.7

70.9 35.1

620.3 317.9

119.2 57.6

125.6 58.4

62.2 33.2

267.7 142.4

45.6 26.3

1,566.6 845.4

1,566.6 845.4

501.8 269.9

1,064.7 575.5

22,241.1 12,852.8

6,641.9 3,714.5

1,764.0 964.2

53.3 28.5

592.0 333.2

4,232.5 2,388.6

4,902.2 2,739.3

244.1 133.2

226.7 125.6

2,034.9 1,170.4

488.2 273.7

1,908.3 1,036.5

4,758.4 2,646.4

1,519.2 832.1

346.4 191.4

602.0 337.6

2,290.7 1,285.2

4,062.2 2,579.7

473.8 283.7

104.0 62.3

1,608.1 1,041.6

1,175.5 754.3

188.7 115.9

512.0 321.9

1,876.5 1,172.9

1,327.0 853.2

549.5 319.7

353.9 182.2

353.9 182.2

353.9 182.2

862.3 425.2

862.3 425.2

862.3 425.2

1,317.7 643.3

1,317.7 643.3

1,317.7 643.3

259.4 142.0

259.4 142.0

259.4 142.0

4,309.4 2,337.3

1,388.8 738.0

1,388.8 738.0

1,304.3 714.0

483.9 268.3

454.3 250.1

366.1 195.7

1,616.2 885.3

464.4 256.7

609.3 332.9

542.5 295.7

188.7 114.6

188.7 114.6

188.7 114.6

8,223.4 4,383.0

794.2 423.7

269.8 143.2

302.7 161.4

221.7 119.1

1,715.9 918.7

544.8 293.0

972.2 520.0

198.8 105.8

3,956.0 2,093.8

646.2 336.7

1,412.4 741.9

1,715.3 914.9

182.1 100.2

1,757.4 946.8

1,236.5 666.7

520.9 280.1

4,142.7 2,187.1

1,736.3 904.2

132.3 70.0

789.0 416.0

815.1 418.2

836.9 446.8

254.8 136.0

582.1 310.8

1,569.5 836.0

730.2 392.5

273.1 142.1

369.9 195.8

196.2 105.6

15,901.8 8,737.2

3,480.7 1,849.9

1,079.7 581.0

2,401.0 1,268.9

3,230.4 1,760.5

1,385.0 764.2

1,845.4 996.3

2,638.5 1,469.8

848.5 468.9

814.2 457.2

501.1 279.9

474.8 263.8

2,608.7 1,453.5

1,528.5 856.6

661.4 366.1

418.8 230.9

1,604.0 892.6

1,213.3 669.5

390.7 223.2

2,339.5 1,310.8

839.0 468.1

537.1 305.1

963.4 537.6

4,371.2 2,210.0

4,159.2 2,101.5

1,517.8 787.1

193.1 94.5

968.6 494.9

1,191.9 573.7

287.7 151.2

104.4 55.3

104.4 55.3

107.7 53.3

107.7 53.3

8,166.1 4,667.5

2,037.3 1,166.4

1,120.8 634.8

916.5 531.7

2,386.2 1,378.8

1,460.5 822.5

925.6 556.3

2,292.9 1,275.9

1,196.6 705.7

1,096.4 570.2

1,449.6 846.3

740.0 428.5

709.6 417.8

902.5 483.9

902.5 483.9

469.6 257.6

432.9 226.3

2,471.7 1,367.0

2,471.7 1,367.0

326.5 168.6

874.8 482.9

605.5 335.9

664.9 379.6

2,379.5 1,225.2

2,364.6 1,217.4

577.4 301.0

788.9 399.8

478.0 245.2

520.3 271.5

14.9 7.7

14.9 7.7

4,735.6 2,457.4

1,915.5 986.3

1,157.4 592.6

758.1 393.8

2,030.7 1,059.4

395.9 212.5

675.8 344.8

959.0 502.2

789.4 411.6

374.3 193.8

167.9 88.7

247.2 129.1

30,423.8 16,105.0

1,160.6 607.2

508.0 263.1

652.6 344.1

3,248.2 1,682.6

227.6 124.1

1,278.2 668.9

668.0 340.5

418.4 224.2

656.0 324.9

2,445.5 1,287.9

415.3 223.4

383.3 196.7

594.5 316.3

1,052.4 551.5

2,185.3 1,154.2

1,016.5 530.1

840.9 449.3

327.9 174.7

2,568.9 1,395.0

617.8 326.7

756.8 408.3

1,194.3 660.0

2,882.2 1,531.6

1,170.5 623.2

886.3 475.3

825.3 433.1

4,382.7 2,411.4

612.0 355.6

1,222.0 661.1

904.2 480.7

645.8 351.8

998.7 562.2

4,305.9 2,280.8

1,195.4 638.7

1,360.0 712.7

926.4 487.2

824.1 442.2

2,547.9 1,336.4

1,191.8 630.0

574.9 300.6

250.2 130.5

531.1 275.3

1,376.2 713.4

862.4 449.9

513.8 263.4

2,508.9 1,279.2

968.5 497.1

1,034.4 522.2

249.4 131.2

256.6 128.7

811.5 425.3

811.5 425.3

15-64 y.o. 20-64 y.o. 15-64 y.o., by type of area2016 2016 2016

Employed persons Total population Employed persons Total population Employed persons

Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females

1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons

100,924.3 328,733.9 164,202.1 164,531.8 214,713.5 115,709.4 100,924.3 302,320.3 150,612.3 151,707.9 59,654.7

2,107.5 7,289.5 3,661.2 3,628.2 4,507.5 2,414.2 2,107.5 6,660.4 3,340.1 3,320.3 766.5

1,385.0 4,658.8 2,351.4 2,307.5 2,943.0 1,562.5 1,385.0 4,349.0 2,192.3 2,156.7 744.8

2,210.3 6,968.4 3,536.9 3,431.5 4,995.0 2,794.1 2,210.3 6,509.9 3,301.5 3,208.4 1,833.5

1,307.3 3,669.4 1,853.6 1,815.8 2,574.5 1,354.5 1,307.3 3,326.2 1,678.1 1,648.1 1,052.9

18,789.7 53,802.3 27,263.8 26,538.5 39,068.2 20,757.7 18,789.7 49,692.0 25,104.1 24,587.8 9,307.3

294.9 849.4 419.5 429.9 605.7 314.6 294.9 790.3 389.4 400.9 234.4

905.3 3,013.1 1,492.2 1,520.9 1,913.3 1,027.8 905.3 2,722.5 1,342.8 1,379.8 832.8

1,518.5 6,936.7 3,431.4 3,505.3 3,597.3 2,084.4 1,518.5 6,401.8 3,169.7 3,232.1 1,039.3

8,272.5 30,535.5 15,303.7 15,231.8 18,086.8 9,853.4 8,272.5 28,319.1 14,157.8 14,161.3 4,478.8

12,681.7 40,889.9 20,071.6 20,818.3 25,874.2 13,338.5 12,681.7 36,978.7 18,076.7 18,902.0 9,127.1

721.2 2,753.2 1,377.3 1,375.9 1,548.9 833.5 721.2 2,521.5 1,258.5 1,263.0 546.5

9,388.4 38,870.9 19,341.8 19,529.1 22,158.0 12,799.6 9,388.4 35,994.6 17,856.1 18,138.5 4,861.1

171.7 555.5 265.7 289.8 351.9 181.2 171.7 511.9 245.5 266.4 78.8

437.1 1,254.4 607.7 646.7 856.5 421.6 437.1 1,169.7 564.4 605.3 304.5

674.4 1,899.2 919.5 979.7 1,308.6 638.5 674.4 1,740.8 838.2 902.5 589.0

117.4 395.7 201.3 194.4 256.5 140.4 117.4 363.0 184.5 178.5 129.4

1,972.0 6,477.9 3,203.1 3,274.8 4,284.6 2,321.9 1,972.0 5,990.3 2,953.0 3,037.4 1,489.0

74.1 287.0 146.3 140.6 183.6 112.0 74.1 263.7 134.7 129.0 12.6

3,840.5 10,987.6 5,506.5 5,481.0 7,692.8 4,123.1 3,840.5 9,975.2 4,989.7 4,985.5 820.4

1,955.6 5,790.3 2,900.0 2,890.3 3,997.6 2,103.9 1,955.6 5,344.0 2,671.8 2,672.1 1,723.3

7,164.7 24,649.3 12,308.2 12,341.1 15,820.9 8,689.4 7,164.7 22,831.3 11,374.7 11,456.7 6,371.2

2,161.2 6,699.5 3,237.9 3,461.6 4,336.9 2,189.7 2,161.2 6,140.4 2,952.5 3,187.9 2,735.3

3,498.6 13,262.7 6,694.8 6,567.9 8,078.4 4,608.8 3,498.6 12,182.4 6,141.5 6,040.9 3,297.8

418.6 1,371.0 702.7 668.2 894.3 479.3 418.6 1,276.6 654.0 622.7 434.4

1,104.7 3,810.3 1,915.7 1,894.6 2,460.3 1,359.8 1,104.7 3,524.3 1,769.0 1,755.3 1,061.4

1,154.4 3,444.8 1,737.5 1,707.2 2,313.7 1,197.5 1,154.4 3,153.3 1,596.0 1,557.3 679.1

2,278.2 6,214.2 3,169.2 3,045.0 4,615.7 2,403.8 2,278.2 5,686.7 2,894.9 2,791.9 1,273.3

14,318.8 41,397.4 20,581.3 20,816.1 29,388.6 15,603.7 14,318.8 37,900.7 18,781.1 19,119.6 3,830.1

15-64 y.o. 20-64 y.o.2,016.0 2,016.0

Employed persons Total population Employed persons Total population

Rural areas

Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons

100,943.6 328,854.3 164,258.1 164,596.2 214,758.9 115,735.5 99,023.3 302,417.9 150,657.3 151,760.6

2,107.5 7,289.5 3,661.2 3,628.2 4,507.5 2,414.2 2,093.4 6,660.4 3,340.1 3,320.3

200.8 795.5 396.4 399.2 437.6 237.8 199.8 732.2 364.0 368.3

200.8 795.5 396.4 399.2 437.6 237.8 199.8 732.2 364.0 368.3

1,288.7 4,160.8 2,099.1 2,061.7 2,746.0 1,466.6 1,279.4 3,812.1 1,921.1 1,891.0

342.7 1,174.7 592.6 582.1 745.2 405.1 340.1 1,076.6 542.6 534.1

167.1 565.7 286.1 279.6 362.6 197.3 165.4 520.3 262.9 257.4

306.7 960.0 484.7 475.3 651.0 346.2 304.8 880.3 444.0 436.3

234.3 720.7 359.2 361.5 485.5 251.8 233.7 656.9 326.9 330.1

238.0 739.8 376.4 363.4 501.6 266.3 235.4 678.0 344.8 333.2

618.0 2,333.1 1,165.8 1,167.3 1,324.0 709.8 614.2 2,116.1 1,055.0 1,061.1

76.4 256.5 126.3 130.2 160.3 84.5 75.7 231.4 113.5 117.8

218.2 863.5 430.7 432.8 470.4 253.4 217.0 783.4 389.8 393.6

183.7 711.5 356.2 355.3 395.5 213.1 182.4 647.5 323.5 324.0

51.7 183.0 93.0 90.0 112.6 61.4 51.1 165.0 83.7 81.2

88.0 318.6 159.6 159.0 185.3 97.4 87.9 288.8 144.3 144.4

1,385.0 4,658.8 2,351.4 2,307.5 2,943.0 1,562.5 1,380.5 4,349.0 2,192.3 2,156.7

636.9 2,293.4 1,164.9 1,128.5 1,386.9 751.8 635.1 2,136.0 1,084.2 1,051.8

118.9 475.1 244.5 230.6 259.7 141.1 118.6 439.4 227.8 211.6

150.2 521.3 265.6 255.7 319.3 169.5 149.8 488.0 249.8 238.2

176.1 622.2 314.7 307.6 389.4 214.1 175.3 581.2 292.1 289.2

191.7 674.7 340.1 334.6 418.5 227.1 191.4 627.4 314.5 312.8

748.1 2,365.4 1,186.5 1,178.9 1,556.1 810.7 745.4 2,213.0 1,108.1 1,105.0

478.0 1,429.1 712.7 716.4 978.2 502.0 476.2 1,338.6 667.9 670.7

270.1 936.4 473.8 462.5 577.9 308.7 269.2 874.4 440.2 434.2

2,210.3 6,968.4 3,536.9 3,431.5 4,995.0 2,794.1 2,200.9 6,509.9 3,301.5 3,208.4

2,210.3 6,968.4 3,536.9 3,431.5 4,995.0 2,794.1 2,200.9 6,509.9 3,301.5 3,208.4

289.8 843.3 420.9 422.4 639.8 350.5 289.4 798.6 398.2 400.5

279.1 870.5 441.1 429.4 634.1 355.2 278.9 812.9 411.5 401.4

255.0 800.2 407.1 393.1 580.1 326.8 253.3 747.3 380.0 367.3

226.6 743.0 380.1 362.9 513.1 288.2 224.9 691.2 353.6 337.6

314.3 986.1 501.6 484.6 708.0 395.1 312.9 916.9 465.8 451.1

350.3 1,110.6 566.0 544.6 797.1 448.7 348.4 1,037.7 528.5 509.3

248.0 805.0 408.7 396.3 565.8 318.4 247.5 750.8 380.9 370.0

247.2 809.7 411.5 398.2 556.9 311.2 245.7 754.4 383.2 371.2

1,307.3 3,669.4 1,853.6 1,815.8 2,574.5 1,354.5 1,220.0 3,326.2 1,678.1 1,648.1

1,307.3 3,669.4 1,853.6 1,815.8 2,574.5 1,354.5 1,220.0 3,326.2 1,678.1 1,648.1

457.5 1,204.3 592.6 611.7 883.0 449.4 433.6 1,109.5 545.3 564.1

175.0 506.0 254.4 251.6 344.9 182.2 162.7 455.4 226.8 228.6

260.4 756.6 387.8 368.8 512.8 272.7 240.1 679.2 348.5 330.8

289.8 828.0 426.8 401.2 579.5 312.0 267.5 744.0 384.2 359.8

124.7 374.5 192.0 182.5 254.3 138.2 116.1 338.2 173.3 164.8

18,789.7 53,802.3 27,263.8 26,538.5 39,068.2 20,757.7 18,310.6 49,692.0 25,104.1 24,587.8

2,600.4 7,207.4 3,670.0 3,537.4 5,404.2 2,889.3 2,514.9 6,608.0 3,354.6 3,253.4

969.5 2,708.7 1,385.8 1,322.9 2,039.0 1,104.4 934.6 2,485.0 1,271.6 1,213.4

640.3 1,817.1 930.3 886.8 1,338.9 717.3 621.5 1,665.4 844.9 820.5

544.1 1,469.3 739.6 729.7 1,110.7 582.7 527.9 1,352.9 680.6 672.2

446.5 1,212.3 614.3 598.0 915.7 484.9 430.8 1,104.8 557.4 547.3

3,112.5 8,541.6 4,326.4 4,215.2 6,440.4 3,431.6 3,008.8 7,873.0 3,976.2 3,896.7

1,141.5 3,058.2 1,541.9 1,516.4 2,358.6 1,249.2 1,109.5 2,837.4 1,423.2 1,414.2

288.0 804.5 412.7 391.9 602.4 328.8 273.6 737.3 378.1 359.1

259.0 735.0 374.5 360.5 541.5 292.6 248.9 677.6 345.9 331.7

260.2 707.1 355.9 351.2 522.4 271.7 250.7 648.7 326.2 322.5

419.3 1,160.0 585.1 574.9 858.5 451.9 406.6 1,068.8 537.4 531.4

309.8 863.3 438.2 425.1 641.8 340.9 300.9 791.5 399.6 391.9

434.8 1,213.4 618.2 595.2 915.3 496.6 418.7 1,111.8 565.8 546.0

815.4 2,370.5 1,187.6 1,182.9 1,676.4 869.9 806.4 2,229.3 1,112.0 1,117.4

815.4 2,370.5 1,187.6 1,182.9 1,676.4 869.9 806.4 2,229.3 1,112.0 1,117.4

584.0 1,588.7 813.0 775.6 1,195.2 621.6 573.5 1,487.7 759.2 728.5

584.0 1,588.7 813.0 775.6 1,195.2 621.6 573.5 1,487.7 759.2 728.5

145.7 444.4 227.8 216.6 308.1 165.8 142.3 412.1 211.2 201.0

145.7 444.4 227.8 216.6 308.1 165.8 142.3 412.1 211.2 201.0

440.2 1,214.9 606.9 608.0 899.3 468.6 430.7 1,140.4 568.5 571.8

440.2 1,214.9 606.9 608.0 899.3 468.6 430.7 1,140.4 568.5 571.8

1,405.6 4,085.8 2,062.7 2,023.1 2,949.0 1,580.8 1,368.2 3,758.3 1,894.2 1,864.1

896.2 2,620.0 1,324.5 1,295.5 1,892.8 1,019.6 873.2 2,416.0 1,218.6 1,197.4

239.3 700.9 353.2 347.7 497.4 265.1 232.4 640.0 322.2 317.9

270.1 764.8 384.9 379.9 558.8 296.2 262.6 702.2 353.4 348.8

354.5 1,024.8 527.2 497.5 728.0 380.5 347.5 963.5 495.2 468.3

354.5 1,024.8 527.2 497.5 728.0 380.5 347.5 963.5 495.2 468.3

1,758.2 5,168.4 2,625.1 2,543.3 3,685.5 1,972.4 1,713.1 4,738.7 2,401.1 2,337.5

341.4 1,045.2 531.5 513.7 728.5 393.9 334.6 969.0 493.6 475.4

468.4 1,390.5 707.6 683.0 974.7 516.9 457.8 1,276.1 646.6 629.6

384.9 1,074.8 536.4 538.3 787.0 412.7 374.3 982.7 487.7 495.0

563.4 1,657.9 849.6 808.3 1,195.3 649.0 546.3 1,510.8 773.2 737.6

3,915.1 11,755.3 5,906.7 5,848.6 8,192.9 4,364.9 3,828.0 10,805.9 5,407.0 5,398.9

1,107.2 3,385.7 1,699.5 1,686.2 2,333.6 1,248.1 1,085.5 3,125.3 1,564.5 1,560.8

1,009.4 2,954.2 1,481.7 1,472.5 2,094.7 1,105.6 989.1 2,726.0 1,360.1 1,365.9

574.3 1,712.6 856.6 856.0 1,191.1 633.9 557.2 1,563.1 779.4 783.7

460.5 1,348.2 683.5 664.6 968.6 519.3 449.3 1,230.8 620.8 610.0

763.7 2,354.6 1,185.4 1,169.2 1,604.9 858.0 746.9 2,160.8 1,082.2 1,078.6

929.6 2,662.3 1,347.0 1,315.3 1,924.1 1,020.3 903.8 2,451.7 1,233.0 1,218.7

343.3 965.6 485.6 480.0 703.3 371.1 332.2 885.5 444.0 441.5

127.4 353.2 179.8 173.3 261.0 137.3 123.7 324.8 163.3 161.5

458.9 1,343.6 681.6 662.0 959.9 512.0 447.9 1,241.4 625.7 615.7

219.6 652.3 331.6 320.7 456.9 243.2 213.7 603.7 305.5 298.3

219.6 652.3 331.6 320.7 456.9 243.2 213.7 603.7 305.5 298.3

903.3 2,521.2 1,303.8 1,217.5 1,889.3 999.8 889.6 2,370.0 1,221.5 1,148.5

349.2 964.5 501.8 462.7 729.6 385.9 343.6 906.4 469.7 436.7

312.9 892.3 463.6 428.7 671.1 363.3 307.8 840.4 435.7 404.8

241.3 664.4 338.3 326.1 488.7 250.5 238.1 623.1 316.1 307.0

483.3 1,393.6 717.9 675.7 1,006.2 532.0 474.2 1,311.1 675.3 635.9

483.3 1,393.6 717.9 675.7 1,006.2 532.0 474.2 1,311.1 675.3 635.9

639.8 1,813.1 907.2 906.0 1,301.4 681.1 620.4 1,658.0 826.7 831.3

639.8 1,813.1 907.2 906.0 1,301.4 681.1 620.4 1,658.0 826.7 831.3

482.4 1,357.9 702.8 655.1 1,011.2 535.7 475.4 1,280.6 663.0 617.6

482.4 1,357.9 702.8 655.1 1,011.2 535.7 475.4 1,280.6 663.0 617.6

294.9 849.4 419.5 429.9 605.7 314.6 291.0 790.3 389.4 400.9

294.9 849.4 419.5 429.9 605.7 314.6 291.0 790.3 389.4 400.9

294.9 849.4 419.5 429.9 605.7 314.6 291.0 790.3 389.4 400.9

905.3 3,013.1 1,492.2 1,520.9 1,913.3 1,027.8 885.5 2,722.5 1,342.8 1,379.8

905.3 3,013.1 1,492.2 1,520.9 1,913.3 1,027.8 885.5 2,722.5 1,342.8 1,379.8

219.5 768.9 382.5 386.4 466.8 251.9 214.9 687.8 340.5 347.3

685.8 2,244.1 1,109.6 1,134.5 1,446.6 775.9 670.7 2,034.8 1,002.3 1,032.5

1,518.5 6,936.7 3,431.4 3,505.3 3,597.3 2,084.4 1,512.9 6,401.8 3,169.7 3,232.1

593.6 2,550.4 1,244.3 1,306.0 1,342.0 750.4 591.6 2,379.7 1,158.3 1,221.5

593.6 2,550.4 1,244.3 1,306.0 1,342.0 750.4 591.6 2,379.7 1,158.3 1,221.5

166.1 741.7 370.9 370.8 405.3 240.1 165.2 680.9 340.0 340.9

24.1 120.8 62.0 58.8 65.1 41.2 24.0 110.3 56.6 53.7

49.9 219.0 109.1 109.9 125.6 75.8 49.7 201.8 100.5 101.3

92.1 401.9 199.8 202.1 214.6 123.1 91.5 368.8 182.9 185.9

80.9 377.6 191.1 186.5 195.0 114.3 80.7 342.7 173.7 169.0

80.9 377.6 191.1 186.5 195.0 114.3 80.7 342.7 173.7 169.0

262.4 1,198.0 586.0 612.0 609.6 347.6 262.0 1,100.4 540.4 560.0

30.0 173.3 87.2 86.1 79.8 49.8 29.9 158.4 79.7 78.7

42.4 206.9 103.2 103.7 103.5 61.1 42.4 189.8 95.7 94.1

343.0 1,688.9 848.7 840.3 862.2 521.2 341.1 1,550.0 782.1 767.9

92.9 450.5 224.7 225.8 225.3 132.6 92.7 411.4 204.3 207.1

32.4 127.5 62.8 64.8 72.7 40.9 31.9 117.2 58.3 59.0

75.8 428.8 218.2 210.6 200.7 125.5 75.2 393.4 201.5 191.9

62.7 344.8 178.3 166.5 173.9 111.7 62.3 314.9 162.6 152.2

79.3 337.3 164.8 172.6 189.6 110.6 79.0 313.1 155.3 157.7

8,272.5 30,535.5 15,303.7 15,231.8 18,086.8 9,853.4 8,233.5 28,319.1 14,157.8 14,161.3

780.0 2,767.8 1,378.2 1,389.6 1,638.2 860.9 777.4 2,601.2 1,292.0 1,309.2

485.8 1,721.9 857.4 864.4 1,026.1 541.5 484.6 1,616.1 802.8 813.4

186.5 666.6 330.4 336.2 380.1 194.6 185.4 629.4 311.1 318.2

107.7 379.3 190.4 189.0 232.1 124.8 107.3 355.7 178.1 177.6

844.0 2,828.9 1,420.2 1,408.8 1,831.6 991.3 840.3 2,631.0 1,319.0 1,312.1

421.1 1,374.7 682.8 691.9 892.3 472.9 419.5 1,282.3 636.0 646.3

120.8 411.2 207.9 203.3 263.1 142.9 120.2 379.5 192.1 187.4

59.1 201.2 101.3 99.9 131.3 72.3 58.9 186.4 93.8 92.6

242.9 841.8 428.1 413.7 544.9 303.2 241.7 782.8 397.0 385.8

1,355.2 4,283.7 2,089.4 2,194.3 2,799.1 1,450.6 1,348.5 3,978.2 1,933.7 2,044.5

1,355.2 4,283.7 2,089.4 2,194.3 2,799.1 1,450.6 1,348.5 3,978.2 1,933.7 2,044.5

872.9 3,597.3 1,842.1 1,755.2 2,050.6 1,181.2 869.5 3,334.6 1,706.5 1,628.1

420.4 1,537.8 783.6 754.1 947.9 529.1 418.8 1,435.7 731.1 704.7

304.8 1,345.7 692.9 652.8 743.6 440.0 303.7 1,241.0 639.1 601.9

147.7 713.9 365.5 348.3 359.1 212.1 147.0 657.9 336.3 321.6

2,589.6 8,842.3 4,434.8 4,407.5 5,557.7 2,984.3 2,573.4 8,205.9 4,102.4 4,103.5

1,481.9 4,826.2 2,412.6 2,413.6 3,137.3 1,665.9 1,471.3 4,478.0 2,228.1 2,249.9

863.8 3,231.3 1,625.4 1,605.9 1,899.7 1,040.2 859.5 2,998.3 1,505.8 1,492.6

244.0 784.7 396.7 388.0 520.7 278.1 242.6 729.6 368.5 361.1

1,466.7 6,714.2 3,385.2 3,329.0 3,407.7 1,946.2 1,461.5 6,177.2 3,106.6 3,070.6

1,213.9 5,622.1 2,827.2 2,794.9 2,799.6 1,589.3 1,210.3 5,177.6 2,596.7 2,581.0

233.5 980.3 500.8 479.5 555.7 323.8 231.9 898.6 458.2 440.4

10.2 56.9 30.1 26.8 27.7 17.4 10.2 51.4 27.0 24.4

9.0 54.9 27.1 27.8 24.7 15.7 9.0 49.6 24.7 24.9

364.0 1,501.4 754.0 747.4 801.9 439.0 363.0 1,391.0 697.6 693.4

364.0 1,501.4 754.0 747.4 801.9 439.0 363.0 1,391.0 697.6 693.4

12,701.0 41,010.3 20,127.6 20,882.7 25,919.6 13,364.7 12,554.9 37,076.3 18,121.6 18,954.7

2,560.5 7,841.3 3,796.6 4,044.6 5,178.3 2,638.7 2,539.6 7,109.8 3,428.7 3,681.1

2,560.5 7,841.3 3,796.6 4,044.6 5,178.3 2,638.7 2,539.6 7,109.8 3,428.7 3,681.1

1,956.8 6,531.6 3,229.5 3,302.1 4,027.8 2,097.9 1,929.8 5,900.9 2,911.8 2,989.1

228.2 806.7 402.0 404.6 475.2 249.2 226.0 732.0 360.2 371.8

344.7 1,189.3 590.2 599.1 714.7 374.3 340.3 1,077.5 533.2 544.3

329.6 1,130.0 552.8 577.2 693.7 368.1 325.7 1,029.9 503.5 526.4

474.1 1,541.2 757.7 783.5 968.7 501.5 467.2 1,392.7 684.4 708.3

275.2 882.7 443.6 439.1 560.9 291.0 269.9 791.3 396.9 394.4

305.1 981.7 483.1 498.5 614.6 313.7 300.9 877.5 433.7 443.8

696.5 2,553.0 1,257.6 1,295.4 1,455.4 765.2 690.2 2,309.3 1,130.1 1,179.2

696.5 2,553.0 1,257.6 1,295.4 1,455.4 765.2 690.2 2,309.3 1,130.1 1,179.2

1,042.3 3,343.2 1,652.1 1,691.1 2,119.9 1,088.3 1,031.5 3,046.1 1,496.1 1,550.1

424.6 1,443.1 716.3 726.8 874.6 454.2 420.3 1,314.5 649.2 665.3

377.8 1,188.1 583.9 604.1 768.9 394.9 374.0 1,083.1 529.8 553.3

240.0 712.0 351.8 360.2 476.5 239.2 237.2 648.6 317.1 331.5

1,712.5 5,327.9 2,651.9 2,676.0 3,484.9 1,801.6 1,683.3 4,795.0 2,376.4 2,418.6

744.4 2,276.2 1,135.1 1,141.2 1,509.0 777.4 731.6 2,037.3 1,010.8 1,026.5

636.7 1,992.9 992.8 1,000.2 1,300.2 673.4 626.7 1,793.0 892.1 900.9

331.4 1,058.7 524.0 534.7 675.7 350.8 325.0 964.8 473.5 491.3

1,391.2 4,346.2 2,149.5 2,196.7 2,828.3 1,449.1 1,379.1 3,949.3 1,940.9 2,008.5

658.5 2,072.1 1,019.1 1,052.9 1,327.8 676.0 651.8 1,875.3 915.3 960.0

583.4 1,844.2 918.5 925.7 1,202.0 622.5 579.4 1,676.4 828.5 847.9

149.3 430.0 211.8 218.1 298.5 150.6 147.9 397.6 197.1 200.5

1,587.5 4,873.8 2,406.6 2,467.2 3,247.1 1,680.3 1,566.8 4,410.1 2,175.6 2,234.6

1,323.6 4,066.4 2,010.0 2,056.4 2,714.0 1,406.5 1,307.5 3,675.3 1,815.0 1,860.3

263.9 807.5 396.6 410.8 533.1 273.8 259.3 734.8 360.6 374.2

1,451.2 4,892.7 2,376.0 2,516.7 2,962.9 1,529.0 1,433.9 4,414.7 2,134.7 2,280.1

492.5 1,692.8 822.6 870.1 991.5 503.1 488.4 1,526.6 736.1 790.4

923.0 3,089.2 1,497.0 1,592.2 1,901.3 991.5 909.7 2,785.9 1,347.5 1,438.4

35.8 110.7 56.4 54.3 70.1 34.3 35.8 102.3 51.1 51.2

302.5 1,300.6 607.8 692.8 615.1 314.5 300.5 1,141.0 527.5 613.5

61.6 249.3 112.1 137.2 118.4 57.1 61.3 221.7 98.7 123.0

67.3 232.5 105.4 127.1 125.2 58.0 67.2 209.5 93.6 115.9

29.0 142.3 67.6 74.8 61.8 33.0 28.7 121.1 56.8 64.3

125.3 556.1 266.7 289.3 264.4 140.2 124.1 491.1 233.5 257.5

19.3 120.4 56.0 64.4 45.4 26.2 19.2 97.6 44.9 52.7

721.2 2,753.2 1,377.3 1,375.9 1,548.9 833.5 715.4 2,521.5 1,258.5 1,263.0

721.2 2,753.2 1,377.3 1,375.9 1,548.9 833.5 715.4 2,521.5 1,258.5 1,263.0

232.0 904.4 453.4 451.0 496.7 266.6 230.1 830.9 415.7 415.1

489.3 1,848.8 923.8 925.0 1,052.2 566.9 485.3 1,690.6 842.8 847.8

9,388.4 38,870.9 19,341.8 19,529.1 22,158.0 12,799.6 9,358.4 35,994.6 17,856.1 18,138.5

2,927.4 10,152.8 5,087.4 5,065.4 6,617.9 3,699.8 2,918.1 9,434.7 4,715.6 4,719.1

799.8 2,737.5 1,364.1 1,373.4 1,757.7 959.6 798.1 2,547.1 1,265.7 1,281.4

24.8 80.3 40.1 40.2 53.1 28.4 24.7 74.5 37.1 37.3

258.9 943.9 467.6 476.4 590.8 332.3 258.5 880.5 434.7 445.9

1,843.9 6,391.0 3,215.5 3,175.5 4,216.2 2,379.5 1,836.7 5,932.6 2,978.1 2,954.5

2,162.9 7,367.8 3,683.3 3,684.4 4,876.0 2,722.1 2,154.0 6,838.5 3,410.2 3,428.4

110.9 335.9 168.8 167.1 239.9 130.7 109.2 306.6 153.8 152.8

101.1 343.2 172.1 171.1 225.3 124.5 100.8 315.6 157.9 157.7

864.5 3,143.4 1,575.9 1,567.5 2,024.3 1,162.7 861.6 2,911.7 1,456.6 1,455.1

214.5 755.0 378.5 376.5 486.9 273.1 213.8 703.6 351.9 351.7

871.8 2,790.3 1,388.1 1,402.3 1,899.7 1,031.1 868.6 2,601.0 1,290.0 1,311.1

2,112.0 7,669.3 3,785.8 3,883.5 4,745.7 2,637.8 2,107.9 7,139.2 3,511.4 3,627.8

687.1 2,325.7 1,149.1 1,176.6 1,515.1 829.0 686.1 2,168.3 1,067.5 1,100.7

155.0 552.3 271.5 280.8 345.6 190.9 154.6 514.2 251.8 262.5

264.4 967.5 481.5 486.0 599.3 335.9 263.4 898.1 445.5 452.6

1,005.5 3,823.8 1,883.7 1,940.1 2,285.7 1,282.0 1,003.7 3,558.6 1,746.6 1,812.0

1,482.5 9,279.6 4,599.2 4,680.4 4,048.8 2,571.6 1,477.2 8,521.7 4,208.9 4,312.9

190.1 850.2 423.4 426.7 472.2 282.6 189.5 790.3 392.5 397.7

41.7 200.6 101.2 99.4 103.6 61.9 41.7 185.9 93.6 92.3

566.5 3,906.9 1,931.9 1,974.9 1,602.5 1,038.1 564.4 3,569.2 1,758.1 1,811.1

421.3 2,655.0 1,312.9 1,342.1 1,171.8 752.6 419.2 2,438.8 1,201.6 1,237.2

72.8 374.9 188.2 186.7 188.2 115.4 72.7 346.4 173.3 173.1

190.1 1,292.1 641.5 650.6 510.6 320.9 189.8 1,191.2 589.8 601.4

703.6 4,401.5 2,186.2 2,215.4 1,869.6 1,168.3 701.2 4,060.5 2,010.1 2,050.4

473.8 3,309.0 1,636.9 1,672.1 1,321.8 850.2 471.5 3,038.7 1,497.7 1,541.0

229.8 1,092.5 549.2 543.2 547.8 318.1 229.7 1,021.8 512.4 509.4

171.7 555.5 265.7 289.8 351.9 181.2 170.7 511.9 245.5 266.4

171.7 555.5 265.7 289.8 351.9 181.2 170.7 511.9 245.5 266.4

171.7 555.5 265.7 289.8 351.9 181.2 170.7 511.9 245.5 266.4

437.1 1,254.4 607.7 646.7 856.5 421.6 434.9 1,169.7 564.4 605.3

437.1 1,254.4 607.7 646.7 856.5 421.6 434.9 1,169.7 564.4 605.3

437.1 1,254.4 607.7 646.7 856.5 421.6 434.9 1,169.7 564.4 605.3

674.4 1,899.2 919.5 979.7 1,308.6 638.5 670.2 1,740.8 838.2 902.5

674.4 1,899.2 919.5 979.7 1,308.6 638.5 670.2 1,740.8 838.2 902.5

674.4 1,899.2 919.5 979.7 1,308.6 638.5 670.2 1,740.8 838.2 902.5

117.4 395.7 201.3 194.4 256.5 140.4 116.1 363.0 184.5 178.5

117.4 395.7 201.3 194.4 256.5 140.4 116.1 363.0 184.5 178.5

117.4 395.7 201.3 194.4 256.5 140.4 116.1 363.0 184.5 178.5

1,972.0 6,477.9 3,203.1 3,274.8 4,284.6 2,321.9 1,962.7 5,990.3 2,953.0 3,037.4

650.9 1,962.2 951.4 1,010.8 1,383.0 734.5 648.5 1,831.9 884.9 947.0

650.9 1,962.2 951.4 1,010.8 1,383.0 734.5 648.5 1,831.9 884.9 947.0

590.2 1,955.8 975.7 980.1 1,295.4 708.2 587.2 1,811.9 901.5 910.3

215.6 707.7 354.2 353.5 480.9 266.2 214.7 655.8 327.5 328.3

204.2 659.2 329.8 329.3 450.9 247.7 203.2 612.2 305.5 306.7

170.4 588.9 291.7 297.2 363.6 194.4 169.2 543.9 268.6 275.3

730.9 2,560.0 1,276.0 1,283.9 1,606.2 879.2 726.9 2,346.6 1,166.5 1,180.1

207.7 751.7 374.2 377.5 461.2 254.5 206.7 686.7 340.7 346.0

276.3 982.3 490.6 491.7 605.6 330.6 275.1 897.7 447.1 450.6

246.9 826.0 411.2 414.8 539.3 294.1 245.1 762.2 378.7 383.6

74.1 287.0 146.3 140.6 183.6 112.0 71.6 263.7 134.7 129.0

74.1 287.0 146.3 140.6 183.6 112.0 71.6 263.7 134.7 129.0

74.1 287.0 146.3 140.6 183.6 112.0 71.6 263.7 134.7 129.0

3,840.5 10,987.6 5,506.5 5,481.0 7,692.8 4,123.1 3,569.6 9,975.2 4,989.7 4,985.5

370.5 1,095.3 553.5 541.7 741.6 399.0 342.5 991.3 503.7 487.6

126.7 388.4 196.2 192.2 253.3 136.1 117.1 354.2 180.6 173.6

141.2 405.6 206.1 199.5 283.5 152.4 131.1 367.5 187.5 180.0

102.6 301.2 151.2 150.0 204.8 110.5 94.2 269.6 135.6 134.0

797.1 2,296.3 1,155.3 1,141.1 1,594.6 859.1 735.5 2,069.6 1,039.1 1,030.5

251.9 727.6 370.3 357.3 506.4 274.3 232.1 657.2 334.2 323.0

452.3 1,298.7 650.1 648.6 903.4 485.9 417.5 1,172.0 584.9 587.1

93.0 270.0 134.9 135.2 184.8 99.0 85.9 240.4 120.0 120.4

1,862.2 5,261.4 2,616.7 2,644.7 3,718.3 1,976.9 1,741.4 4,795.2 2,378.6 2,416.5

309.5 830.4 409.0 421.4 605.0 317.2 287.9 754.7 372.0 382.7

670.5 1,831.9 909.8 922.2 1,327.9 700.5 627.3 1,673.5 829.4 844.1

800.4 2,364.1 1,179.7 1,184.4 1,617.7 866.3 751.5 2,155.0 1,070.3 1,084.7

81.8 235.0 118.2 116.8 167.7 93.0 74.7 211.9 106.8 105.1

810.6 2,334.6 1,181.1 1,153.6 1,638.2 888.0 750.3 2,119.1 1,068.3 1,050.8

569.8 1,615.1 818.4 796.7 1,151.4 624.5 527.0 1,463.1 738.4 724.8

240.8 719.5 362.6 356.9 486.8 263.5 223.3 656.0 329.9 326.0

1,955.6 5,790.3 2,900.0 2,890.3 3,997.6 2,103.9 1,893.7 5,344.0 2,671.8 2,672.1

832.1 2,525.2 1,257.2 1,268.1 1,683.7 875.3 808.4 2,338.4 1,161.9 1,176.5

62.3 189.5 95.0 94.5 128.6 68.0 60.6 175.9 88.0 87.8

373.0 1,079.9 540.7 539.3 759.0 398.6 360.4 992.5 495.7 496.8

396.9 1,255.8 621.5 634.3 796.1 408.7 387.4 1,170.0 578.2 591.8

390.0 1,180.2 594.8 585.4 808.6 429.9 378.8 1,091.3 549.5 541.9

118.8 364.6 182.2 182.4 245.4 129.7 115.7 336.2 167.7 168.6

271.2 815.6 412.6 403.1 563.2 300.1 263.1 755.1 381.8 373.3

733.5 2,084.8 1,048.1 1,036.8 1,505.3 798.8 706.5 1,914.2 960.5 953.8

337.7 967.6 490.4 477.2 699.9 373.9 326.0 888.0 449.4 438.6

131.0 363.6 180.7 182.9 261.7 136.0 125.7 334.1 165.4 168.6

174.1 497.7 248.3 249.4 356.5 188.3 168.2 458.3 228.3 230.0

90.6 255.9 128.7 127.3 187.2 100.7 86.6 233.9 117.4 116.5

7,164.7 24,649.3 12,308.2 12,341.1 15,820.9 8,689.4 7,131.5 22,831.3 11,374.7 11,456.7

1,630.8 5,100.8 2,519.0 2,581.8 3,467.0 1,842.9 1,624.1 4,742.3 2,334.3 2,407.9

498.7 1,622.1 804.4 817.8 1,076.1 579.1 497.0 1,509.1 746.1 763.0

1,132.1 3,478.7 1,714.6 1,764.0 2,390.8 1,263.8 1,127.1 3,233.2 1,588.3 1,644.9

1,469.9 5,089.3 2,537.0 2,552.3 3,214.8 1,753.1 1,461.7 4,717.1 2,346.0 2,371.1

620.8 2,143.2 1,071.0 1,072.2 1,379.3 761.7 617.7 1,973.3 983.7 989.6

849.1 2,946.0 1,465.9 1,480.1 1,835.5 991.4 844.1 2,743.8 1,362.3 1,381.5

1,168.8 4,226.3 2,139.7 2,086.5 2,627.8 1,463.0 1,164.8 3,892.5 1,967.9 1,924.6

379.6 1,360.1 687.8 672.3 844.3 466.1 378.2 1,255.5 633.7 621.8

357.0 1,330.3 673.1 657.2 811.6 455.8 355.8 1,217.9 615.3 602.7

221.2 806.2 409.0 397.2 498.4 278.4 220.0 745.4 377.9 367.6

211.0 729.7 369.9 359.8 473.5 262.7 210.7 673.7 341.1 332.6

1,155.1 4,043.8 2,020.9 2,022.8 2,593.1 1,443.5 1,149.7 3,746.1 1,868.1 1,878.0

671.9 2,295.9 1,145.8 1,150.1 1,517.0 848.6 668.4 2,122.4 1,056.5 1,065.9

295.3 1,093.2 546.1 547.1 658.9 364.7 294.2 1,016.8 507.1 509.7

187.9 654.6 329.0 325.6 417.2 230.2 187.1 607.0 304.5 302.4

711.3 2,454.8 1,224.1 1,230.7 1,594.4 886.8 707.6 2,286.1 1,138.3 1,147.8

543.8 1,850.0 921.1 929.0 1,207.7 666.3 541.3 1,726.2 857.9 868.2

167.5 604.7 303.1 301.7 386.8 220.4 166.3 559.9 280.3 279.6

1,028.7 3,734.4 1,867.5 1,867.0 2,323.7 1,300.1 1,023.6 3,447.2 1,720.1 1,727.1

370.9 1,350.1 673.2 676.9 832.6 463.7 368.9 1,247.7 620.5 627.2

232.1 915.6 462.0 453.6 535.0 303.9 231.1 844.5 425.6 419.0

425.7 1,468.7 732.2 736.5 956.1 532.5 423.6 1,355.0 674.0 681.0

2,161.2 6,699.5 3,237.9 3,461.6 4,336.9 2,189.7 2,147.1 6,140.4 2,952.5 3,187.9

2,057.7 6,351.0 3,066.7 3,284.4 4,126.5 2,082.2 2,044.3 5,824.3 2,797.9 3,026.4

730.7 2,411.8 1,162.3 1,249.5 1,503.5 777.8 725.7 2,206.6 1,057.1 1,149.5

98.5 282.3 137.2 145.0 191.4 93.7 97.7 259.0 125.4 133.6

473.7 1,435.3 698.4 736.9 961.0 490.7 470.3 1,316.8 637.9 678.9

618.2 1,775.1 846.6 928.5 1,184.2 569.8 614.4 1,631.8 774.0 857.8

136.6 446.5 222.1 224.4 286.3 150.1 136.2 410.2 203.5 206.7

49.1 171.2 85.6 85.6 103.4 54.7 48.7 155.0 77.3 77.7

49.1 171.2 85.6 85.6 103.4 54.7 48.7 155.0 77.3 77.7

54.4 177.3 85.6 91.7 107.0 52.9 54.2 161.1 77.3 83.8

54.4 177.3 85.6 91.7 107.0 52.9 54.2 161.1 77.3 83.8

3,498.6 13,262.7 6,694.8 6,567.9 8,078.4 4,608.8 3,469.7 12,182.4 6,141.5 6,040.9

870.9 3,321.5 1,673.2 1,648.3 2,022.4 1,155.5 866.9 3,054.4 1,536.9 1,517.6

486.0 1,752.4 880.8 871.6 1,110.9 627.8 483.1 1,611.8 809.2 802.6

384.9 1,569.1 792.4 776.7 911.5 527.7 383.8 1,442.7 727.7 715.0

1,007.3 3,756.1 1,923.3 1,832.8 2,342.0 1,349.8 992.2 3,402.4 1,742.4 1,660.0

638.0 2,117.1 1,089.9 1,027.2 1,424.6 800.0 624.6 1,902.1 979.8 922.3

369.3 1,639.0 833.4 805.7 917.4 549.8 367.6 1,500.3 762.5 737.8

1,017.0 3,614.9 1,796.4 1,818.5 2,276.9 1,264.6 1,012.3 3,362.2 1,666.5 1,695.7

490.9 1,997.0 1,022.5 974.5 1,183.1 696.2 486.9 1,828.9 936.0 892.9

526.1 1,617.9 773.9 844.1 1,093.9 568.4 525.4 1,533.3 730.5 802.8

603.3 2,570.1 1,301.9 1,268.2 1,437.1 838.9 598.2 2,363.4 1,195.8 1,167.6

311.5 1,329.1 678.9 650.2 731.8 423.3 308.5 1,214.6 620.0 594.6

291.8 1,241.1 623.0 618.0 705.3 415.6 289.7 1,148.8 575.8 573.0

418.6 1,371.0 702.7 668.2 894.3 479.3 415.0 1,276.6 654.0 622.7

418.6 1,371.0 702.7 668.2 894.3 479.3 415.0 1,276.6 654.0 622.7

212.0 730.0 378.3 351.7 465.3 254.9 210.4 680.5 352.7 327.8

206.5 641.0 324.4 316.5 429.0 224.4 204.6 596.1 301.3 294.9

1,104.7 3,810.3 1,915.7 1,894.6 2,460.3 1,359.8 1,100.6 3,524.3 1,769.0 1,755.3

1,104.7 3,810.3 1,915.7 1,894.6 2,460.3 1,359.8 1,100.6 3,524.3 1,769.0 1,755.3

157.9 436.0 211.4 224.6 325.1 168.0 157.0 413.1 199.5 213.5

392.0 1,299.7 656.8 643.0 870.3 480.0 390.3 1,210.7 611.1 599.6

269.6 948.8 478.6 470.1 603.0 334.6 268.4 875.0 440.8 434.2

285.2 1,125.7 568.9 556.8 662.0 377.1 284.8 1,025.6 517.6 508.0

1,154.4 3,444.8 1,737.5 1,707.2 2,313.7 1,197.5 1,116.2 3,153.3 1,596.0 1,557.3

1,147.1 3,426.5 1,728.3 1,698.2 2,299.2 1,190.0 1,109.2 3,136.4 1,587.4 1,549.0

276.4 845.2 430.4 414.8 559.3 293.4 265.9 773.1 396.6 376.5

389.1 1,078.4 533.3 545.1 770.8 393.5 377.3 991.4 491.5 499.9

232.9 710.7 358.3 352.3 466.7 240.6 226.2 650.9 328.7 322.1

248.9 792.3 406.3 386.0 502.4 262.5 239.9 721.1 370.5 350.5

7.2 18.3 9.2 9.0 14.5 7.5 7.1 16.8 8.6 8.3

7.2 18.3 9.2 9.0 14.5 7.5 7.1 16.8 8.6 8.3

2,278.2 6,214.2 3,169.2 3,045.0 4,615.7 2,403.8 2,211.9 5,686.7 2,894.9 2,791.9

929.2 2,493.5 1,254.0 1,239.5 1,868.6 965.4 903.2 2,283.0 1,145.7 1,137.3

564.8 1,473.8 738.9 734.8 1,128.5 579.5 548.9 1,353.0 676.1 676.9

364.4 1,019.7 515.1 504.7 740.1 385.8 354.2 930.0 469.6 460.4

971.3 2,675.8 1,373.2 1,302.7 1,977.7 1,034.5 943.2 2,449.7 1,251.5 1,198.2

183.4 515.6 270.6 245.0 385.3 206.9 178.4 469.8 244.9 224.9

331.0 915.5 460.7 454.9 658.7 337.6 321.1 839.6 421.4 418.2

456.8 1,244.7 641.9 602.8 933.7 490.0 443.6 1,140.3 585.2 555.1

377.8 1,044.9 542.0 502.9 769.4 404.0 365.5 954.1 497.7 456.4

180.5 504.0 259.9 244.1 365.6 190.7 174.9 456.4 237.3 219.2

79.2 220.8 113.7 107.2 163.4 87.0 76.4 200.8 104.3 96.6

118.1 320.1 168.5 151.6 240.5 126.3 114.1 296.8 156.1 140.7

14,318.8 41,397.4 20,581.3 20,816.1 29,388.6 15,603.7 13,784.8 37,900.7 18,781.1 19,119.6

553.4 1,661.0 820.0 841.0 1,114.5 582.5 532.0 1,521.4 749.9 771.5

244.9 733.3 352.5 380.8 489.9 252.7 237.2 677.0 326.3 350.7

308.4 927.7 467.5 460.2 624.5 329.7 294.8 844.5 423.6 420.8

1,565.5 4,525.8 2,250.4 2,275.5 3,141.2 1,633.6 1,507.6 4,133.5 2,046.2 2,087.2

103.5 303.1 161.8 141.2 219.0 118.6 100.3 275.3 145.0 130.3

609.3 1,806.0 908.3 897.7 1,236.4 649.5 586.9 1,654.4 828.2 826.2

327.4 918.7 445.4 473.3 643.9 329.1 314.8 836.7 402.4 434.2

194.2 553.3 275.2 278.2 403.7 218.3 185.4 506.0 252.3 253.7

331.1 944.7 459.6 485.0 638.3 318.0 320.2 861.1 418.3 442.9

1,157.6 3,413.6 1,704.9 1,708.7 2,347.6 1,240.7 1,106.9 3,108.7 1,547.6 1,561.1

191.9 580.9 290.8 290.1 398.7 214.5 184.2 528.4 263.1 265.3

186.6 481.1 238.9 242.2 368.2 189.5 178.7 445.5 220.5 225.0

278.2 866.1 443.5 422.5 571.8 305.2 266.6 792.9 403.6 389.3

500.9 1,485.5 731.6 753.9 1,008.9 531.4 477.4 1,341.9 660.4 681.5

1,031.2 2,943.0 1,463.1 1,479.9 2,100.5 1,113.6 987.0 2,681.2 1,330.1 1,351.1

486.3 1,362.1 673.2 688.9 977.6 511.6 466.0 1,252.4 618.3 634.1

391.6 1,137.5 571.1 566.3 808.4 434.0 374.4 1,025.7 515.2 510.5

153.2 443.3 218.7 224.6 314.6 168.0 146.6 403.1 196.7 206.5

1,173.9 3,609.0 1,802.9 1,806.2 2,474.5 1,347.8 1,126.7 3,277.3 1,634.1 1,643.3

291.0 810.2 397.2 413.0 591.7 313.3 278.4 739.0 361.7 377.3

348.5 982.7 499.4 483.3 727.3 393.2 334.1 901.3 458.6 442.7

534.4 1,816.1 906.2 909.9 1,155.5 641.3 514.1 1,637.1 813.8 823.2

1,350.6 3,772.4 1,873.0 1,899.4 2,775.2 1,479.6 1,295.6 3,454.4 1,708.7 1,745.7

547.3 1,529.3 771.0 758.3 1,122.3 600.0 522.3 1,398.8 703.9 694.9

411.0 1,150.8 573.9 576.8 854.5 457.6 396.9 1,050.7 518.5 532.1

392.2 1,092.3 528.1 564.2 798.5 422.0 376.5 1,005.0 486.3 518.7

1,971.3 6,031.2 3,021.9 3,009.3 4,310.7 2,377.9 1,932.9 5,590.6 2,798.2 2,792.5

256.5 811.0 437.0 374.0 608.2 353.7 254.5 772.8 415.0 357.8

561.0 1,742.5 854.3 888.2 1,203.7 654.5 549.2 1,619.8 797.5 822.4

423.5 1,256.4 604.4 652.0 887.7 472.7 415.0 1,146.2 545.0 601.2

294.0 842.8 420.3 422.5 630.3 342.4 287.9 779.4 388.7 390.7

436.4 1,378.4 705.8 672.6 980.8 554.5 426.4 1,272.5 652.0 620.4

2,025.0 5,562.4 2,760.0 2,802.4 4,144.4 2,202.4 1,942.0 5,095.0 2,521.5 2,573.5

556.7 1,500.0 749.1 750.9 1,155.7 621.4 534.2 1,385.2 694.7 690.5

647.3 1,762.8 863.1 899.8 1,302.9 683.8 619.1 1,609.3 785.5 823.9

439.2 1,203.3 596.8 606.4 888.9 469.0 419.9 1,101.1 542.9 558.2

381.9 1,096.3 551.0 545.3 797.0 428.2 368.8 999.3 498.5 500.8

1,211.5 3,329.2 1,656.9 1,672.3 2,444.2 1,285.8 1,158.4 3,049.1 1,509.6 1,539.5

561.7 1,521.7 762.6 759.2 1,145.4 607.4 538.0 1,399.2 701.3 698.0

274.4 768.6 378.0 390.6 548.1 287.9 260.2 700.1 340.9 359.2

119.6 326.7 161.9 164.8 242.1 126.2 115.9 300.7 148.9 151.8

255.8 712.1 354.4 357.7 508.6 264.4 244.2 649.1 318.6 330.5

662.8 1,917.1 952.1 965.0 1,330.8 693.2 637.6 1,749.5 866.0 883.5

412.4 1,205.8 600.1 605.7 831.5 437.5 394.0 1,095.8 545.9 549.9

250.4 711.3 352.0 359.3 499.3 255.7 243.6 653.7 320.1 333.6

1,229.7 3,448.1 1,689.9 1,758.2 2,417.8 1,234.0 1,183.7 3,168.8 1,542.2 1,626.6

471.3 1,335.1 661.1 674.0 938.0 483.7 454.4 1,231.5 602.7 628.8

512.3 1,443.0 699.3 743.7 996.3 502.3 494.0 1,317.5 636.8 680.6

118.2 318.3 163.7 154.6 237.9 126.3 111.6 290.7 148.7 142.1

127.9 351.6 165.8 185.8 245.5 121.8 123.7 329.1 154.0 175.1

386.3 1,184.7 586.4 598.4 787.1 412.6 374.5 1,071.1 527.1 544.0

386.3 1,184.7 586.4 598.4 787.1 412.6 374.5 1,071.1 527.1 544.0

15-64 y.o., by type of area 20-64 y.o., by type of area2016 2016

Employed persons Total population Employed persons



1000 persons 1000 persons 1000 persons

69,162.8 90,025.7 90,421.5 103,723.2 134,589.1 58,459.0 67,720.6

2,553.4 1,220.6 1,189.9 3,957.1 2,142.4 760.0 2,532.8

660.9 1,548.7 1,388.2 1,037.7 2,232.9 739.7 658.7

1,645.5 1,536.9 2,571.7 2,298.0 2,098.7 1,824.9 1,638.9

693.2 1,001.6 1,412.2 922.1 1,335.1 975.4 643.7

16,634.0 14,223.8 12,026.4 22,090.8 19,685.1 8,980.6 16,145.3

93.6 284.3 337.2 133.1 379.2 232.2 92.3

399.6 721.1 1,288.1 645.6 1,079.4 814.7 392.1

1,139.6 1,431.4 1,870.0 2,241.4 2,825.3 1,033.2 1,136.3

4,746.8 8,957.0 7,895.1 7,953.9 14,686.5 4,449.6 4,721.1

5,948.5 11,167.8 13,414.3 9,702.1 17,773.5 8,968.6 5,857.1

518.9 501.2 1,026.3 912.5 814.4 537.1 513.5

9,695.6 7,684.4 8,560.6 16,958.2 13,352.1 4,835.1 9,657.4

79.5 195.6 124.1 125.2 306.3 78.1 79.1

170.3 387.5 459.8 250.0 544.6 302.3 169.2

103.2 625.4 925.4 149.1 824.7 584.3 102.6

84.1 46.0 196.6 134.7 64.4 128.0 83.0

1,473.0 1,347.4 2,373.7 2,197.8 1,906.3 1,474.5 1,467.3

88.0 88.2 20.6 130.9 135.4 12.4 85.9

2,760.2 4,642.8 1,044.3 3,607.7 6,335.6 755.2 2,558.9

1,221.5 1,197.9 2,300.2 1,675.4 1,814.8 1,652.6 1,174.6

3,705.5 5,825.2 10,195.3 5,876.4 8,577.5 6,330.6 3,686.7

808.0 827.9 4,190.4 1,213.8 1,295.3 2,713.7 800.8

1,878.5 2,989.8 5,578.7 3,190.1 4,493.8 3,227.8 1,865.0

298.0 170.1 654.6 455.4 261.0 429.7 295.5

888.7 521.6 1,690.6 1,375.3 744.4 1,055.3 885.0

721.9 978.5 979.5 1,065.8 1,399.4 654.8 701.9

1,411.9 2,050.4 1,665.6 1,859.0 2,689.7 1,236.5 1,373.7

8,740.9 17,852.8 5,042.1 11,564.1 24,791.2 3,671.9 8,402.2

Towns and suburbs

Rural areas

Towns and suburbs

Rural areas

Towns and suburbs

20-64 y.o., by type of area2016

Employed persons Total population



1000 persons 1000 persons

88,533.9 82,610.2 95,195.0 124,515.1

1,214.7 1,082.4 3,609.1 1,968.9

1,544.5 1,288.3 965.3 2,095.5

1,531.2 2,386.3 2,148.4 1,975.2

955.4 1,262.3 824.9 1,239.0

13,942.4 11,026.2 20,298.7 18,367.1

281.2 311.1 122.8 356.4

706.6 1,150.2 580.3 992.1

1,427.9 1,718.7 2,065.3 2,617.8

8,916.1 7,288.1 7,380.3 13,650.7

11,048.5 12,116.5 8,719.8 16,142.3

498.3 932.4 833.8 755.2

7,665.5 7,936.2 15,669.2 12,389.2

194.6 115.5 114.6 281.8

384.9 424.9 232.1 512.7

621.7 837.3 136.0 767.5

45.6 180.4 122.6 60.1

1,342.8 2,165.2 2,034.4 1,790.8

85.3 18.8 120.1 124.8

4,378.7 936.7 3,248.3 5,790.2

1,170.3 2,108.6 1,541.9 1,693.5

5,803.5 9,336.8 5,438.3 8,056.2

822.4 3,838.0 1,114.1 1,188.4

2,985.6 5,012.5 2,938.3 4,231.6

169.1 606.8 424.2 245.6

520.0 1,548.3 1,271.0 705.0

956.9 888.9 970.7 1,293.7

2,005.5 1,507.7 1,689.4 2,489.6

17,314.5 4,585.2 10,581.1 22,734.4

Rural areas

Towns and suburbs