Economic Liberation Report

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Economic Liberation Report


This ebook is dedicated to the disciplined few out of many who will read this and take action.Dare not only to live, but thrive outside of the mental box that most people are trapped in.- Mr. Stark

A WORD OF WARNING!What !m about to disclose to you may seem hard to acknowled"e as it flies in the face of what everyone else will tell you includin" your family, friends, ac#uaintances and even your professional advisors. $ousee, contrary to popular wisdom %the wisdom of sheep&, there is no reason on earth why you should continue to live your life as a virtual slave.'(irtual slave)*,can hear you say in awe. Whatmean is this+ f you!re payin" even ,ust -.,/// each year in tax, you are missin" out on around -0.1 million over a 2/ year workin" life %if that tax money were invested by you and compoundin" at an annual yield of 3/4&. That is money you will never see. 5one6.7oof8 So if you earn -2/,/// annually, then you are missin" out on around -1 million over your workin" lifetime. !ll let you calculate what you!re losin" if you are earnin" a lot more8 9ut there!s more to it than ,ust money. When someone else has a claim on your life, you are in fact indentured to that person. ncome tax is a tax on your very life. 9ut that!s not all+ Your life is not your own Your assets are at risk of forfeiture Your money is not your own You are burdened by bureaucratic intrusions, regulations and scrutiny You are taxed and levied like a serf in the Middle Ages You are numbered, registered, watched and listened to You are told what you can and cannot do even in the most personal of matters You are a slave of the systemThe "ood news is+ t doesn!t have to be that way8 $ou don!t have to put up with it. f you!ve "ot the determination to climb out from under this life drainin" deadwei"ht, then there is a way to escape.7ermanently. There is a way to re"ain your personal and financial freedom and peace of mind. :nd ifthat interests you, then keep readin"8There is another world out there that is virtually unknown to most people. t!s a world where you pay a lot less tax or even none at all; where your assets are protecteda"ainst lawsuits, messy divorces, andmaraudin" "overnments; where your personal and business affairs are completely private; where profitable investments are readily available; where there is unlimited opportunity to make money andwhere personal freedom flourishes. t!s a world without any of the normal limitations. This world has previously only been accessible to those who are very wealthy and have the ri"ht connections. ?!s bri"htest people opted out of hi"h tax, over re"ulated 9ritain @ in favor of livin" and workin" in the >S:.The difference this time is this+ the exodus is not ,ust from one country it!s universal. t!s a "lobalphenomenon involvin" people from all walks of life, from different countries, different cultures all with asin"le, compellin" "oal. To be free8They are 'leavin"' the hi"h tax, over re"ulated countries. They are 'leavin"' for "reener pastures. Theyare 'leavin"' the sheep behind. :nd they are doin" this in full view of those around them who have noidea what they are up to. :nd where are they "oin") They are "oin" 'international', "oin" offshore aword that con,ures up ima"es of tropical islands, the hi"h life, tax avoidance and somethin" va"uelyimmoral, or so the powers that be would have you believe8 S: the 0/th century became the H:merican*century. 9ut everythin" chan"ed on =G33. Cn that date the >S: entered what can be called the final phase of Hempire*, when military mi"ht trumps economic dominance. t is now bleedin" financially and settin" the sta"e for the next "reat power shift this time from the west to the east. nfortunately this distinction is mostly semantic. t!s like recommendin" pot smokin" in :msterdam %where it is le"al&, and warnin" a"ainst it in Dew $ork %where it is not&. :nd as anyone who has "iven the issue of dru"s any serious thou"ht at all, it!s really a matter of morality not le"ality. Jor never for"et, ,ustbecause somethin" is le"al doesn!t make it moral. :nd conversely, ,ust because somethin" is ille"al doesn!t make it immoral.The irrefutable case a"ainst taxation is a moral one. :nd if we lived in a moral society taxation itselfwould be ille"al. Why) 9ecause taxation is theft pure and simple.f you don!t believe me, then consider this+ let!s say you!re one of the poorer members of society. :nd as you look around you, you realiAe you don!t have a nice home, new car, or annual overseas holidays. Cthers do, but not you. 5iven this fact, would you consider it moral to therefore spend your evenin"s breakin" into the homes of the rich in order to "et a little of the "ood life for yourself) f you!re criminally minded, your answer will be that you don!t care you ,ust want the money. 9ut if youare like most people, you!ll realiAe you simply cannot steal off others in order to better your own life. Dow, does it become moral if a third party %the "overnment& takes the money off the rich and "ives it to you) Cf course not8Taxation is income redistribution. ncome redistribution is theft. Fnd of story. :nd don!t believe the waffle about who will build the roads, or police the streets. This is ,ust window dressin" for what "overnment is really about and extremely poor window dressin" at that. Whether the issue is health care, law andorder, or national defense the "overnment is in the business of income transfers a"ainst the will of those involved.9ut there is a much more serious moral case a"ainst taxation the way it forces you to be complicit withthe 'system'.When you pay tax, you are supportin" a "overnment its policy and a"enda. When you pay tax, you arein fact endorsin" what the "overnment does 'in your name'. :nd this is of particular interest in times of"reat moral disa"reement like the war in ra#, or the war on dru"s, or the treatment of refu"ees or pick your favorite hot issue.:sk yourself this+ would you have considered it moral or immoral to have invested in ma,or companies which were profitin" from nion) Cr to brin" it more up to date, would you be happy to "ive a monthly donation to the '9in Eaden fund for "lobal chan"e')Dow, you may want to nitpick with me and su""est that the above examples involve voluntary payments or support whereas taxation involves involuntary payment or support. 9utbe" to differ. Taxationinvolves connin" people into thinkin" they have no choice in the matter that it is an enforced obli"ation. 9ut does this fact absolve you from moral responsibility) :nd is it really a fact that you haveno choice)Eet me ask you a"ain+ f you were a 5erman in World War , and you were violently opposed to the way News were bein" treated, would you be happy that your money was buildin" concentration camps) Would you be prepared to shru" your shoulders and say, 'Well, it!s compulsory, what can one person do) t!s "ot nothin" to do with me8'. t!s a bit like a soldier, after bein" cau"ht rapin", pilla"in" and murderin" sayin",'but,was ,ust followin" orders8'.Eet!s move forward. t!s more than likely, if you are readin" this, that your "overnment is or was involved in the war in ra#. : preemptive war a"ainst a people who posed no threat to anyone. Dow, if you supported this war, then you probably don!t mind your tax money "oin" to fund it. 9ut what if you were morally opposed to the war) S:, to open an account there and treat it as an offshore account.