EDB Postgres with Containers

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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EDB Postgres with Containers

© 2016 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 2

•  Who Is EnterpriseDB? •  What Are Containers? •  How Can I Get Started?

•  How Are Stateful Applications Managed? •  Can I Run This With My Current Architecture?

What we will learn

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About EnterpriseDB

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EDB is a Recognized Leader Magic Quadrant for Operational DBMS, Q4 ‘15

• Gartner Comments − “EnterpriseDB is responsible for

many features of PostgreSQL, contributing to JSON, materialized views and partitioning. Increasing numbers of users of Gartner’s inquiry services recognize the EnterpriseDB brand.”

− “Clients report that the functionality

of EnterpriseDB's Postgres Plus Oracle compatibility feature is more than sufficient to run both mission-critical and non-mission critical applications.”

− “Reference customers rated

EnterpriseDB highly for the stability of its DBMS, and were satisfied with its HAS/DR features.”

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POSTGRES innovation

ENTERPRISE reliability

24/7 support

Services & training

Enterprise-class features & tools


Product road-map


Thousands of developers

Fast development


Low cost

No vendor lock-in

Advanced features

Enabling commercial adoption of Postgres

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EDB Customers EDB currently has over 3,000 total customers including 63 of the Fortune 500 and 137 of the Forbes Global 2000

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Containers Have Changed Everything

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Containers  are  kind  of  old  news  Linux  Containers  (LXC)  and  CGroups  and  namespaces  are  extensions  of  concepts  that  started  with  Solaris  and  BSD  Jails  

But  projects  like  Docker  and  RKT  are  very  new,  and  very  ac(ve.  ●  This  last  week,  Docker  received  107  commits  from  51  authors  on  github  

●  More  than  22,000  commits  since  iniPal  in  2013  

●  2/3  of  Companies  That  Try  Docker  Adopt  It (according to datadog)


Where  did  they  come  from?  

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Developers  and  administrators  conPnue  to  face  well  known  problems:  


 How  to  package  applicaPon  code  across  environments    

How  to  get  the  best  performance  from  available  physical  resources  

Why  the  sudden  popularity?  

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Packaging  ApplicaPons  

Have  you  ever  moved  a  simple  code  fix  into  ProducPon  only  to  have  problems  with  a  library  mismatch?      Which  leads  to  an  easy-­‐enough  looking  upgrade?      Which  suddenly  cascades  to  updaPng  mulPple  packages,  tracing  dependencies,  and  hours  of  mess?    

. . . Well me neither :-)

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Packaging  ApplicaPons  

Containers  provides  a  versioned  run-­‐Pme  environment.    A  container  is  just  a  tar  file,  or  a  series  of  tar  files.    It  holds:  ●  An  OperaPng  System  ●  Libraries  ●  All  dependencies  

Each  step  builds  a  new  layer,  making  the  finished  container  image  instantly  runnable.  

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• Be_er  performance  than  VMs  • Higher  uPlizaPon  than  bare  metal  • Faster  IOPs  path  


RunPme  Architecture  


Host OS

Bins / Libs Bins / Libs


App A

App A

App A


App B

App B

App B

© 2016 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 13

A  container  wraps  one  single  process:  • A  web  server  (nginx,  ligh_pd)  • An  applicaPon  server  (Python,  Java,  C)  • A  middleware  component  (RabbitMQ,  memcached)  • A  stateful  service  (PostgreSQL,  Redis)  • A  one-­‐off  job  (backup  script,  archiving,  ETL)  

What’s  in  the  container?  

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Containers  Change  Architecture  

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Getting Started

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Containers  are  NOT  Virtual  Machines    They’re  just  tar  files    That  you  can  run  

Keep  one  thing  in  mind  

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EDB  Postgres  image  Official  PostgreSQL  Docker  image  (DockerHub)  Build  your  own    

Pulling  images  

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Containers are cheap to create, easy to dispose Containers wrap a single process Containers usually do not alter state That is to say, most containers don’t write data Wait. What about logs?

•  manage them with a purpose-driven container •  send them to stdout

The container mindset

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Stateful Applications

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The  file  system  of  a  typical  docker  container  is  not  permanent    

But  criPcal  data  can  easily  be  made  permanent  by  using  Volumes  


These  map  the  host’s  storage  directly  into  the  container  

What  happens  to  the  data?  

# docker run -v /my/local/volume:/container/pgdata \ --name vol_ppas ppas:9.5

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Other  containers  can  share  the  same  volume,  or  mount  the  volume  on  start.      

What  happens  to  the  data?  

# docker run --name my_ppas \ --volumes-from vol_ppas \ -p 5432:5432 ppas:9.5 start

# docker run --name ppas_log_mgr \

--volumes-from vol_ppas \ --volumes-from log_dest \ ppas:9.5 log_maint

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I  can  haz  container  demo?  

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Putting Containers Into Production

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Bringing  in  new  technology  

Containers  will  run  the  same  way  everywhere    Containers  can  discover  exisPng  infrastructure      

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Bringing  in  new  technology  

Begin  leveraging  containers  in  small  ways.  .  .    

Replace  a  single  process  (sogware  build)  Replace  a  single  server  (load  balancer)  Install  a  portable  toolset  (check  out  nsenter!)  Replace  a  long  command  (generate  cerPficates)  


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Closing Thoughts

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Infrastructure needs to scale beyond managing VM’s Breaking apart applications into microservices helps View infrastructure as code Containers are just tar files Try them in a few small places and work your way up

A  few  general  observaPons.  .  .    

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Performance  Tuning  ConsulPng  Training  &  CerPficaPon  Remote  DBA  Services  

How  can  we  help?  


● Send  email  to  sales@enterprisedb.com  ● h_ps://www.enterprisedb.com/general-­‐inquiry-­‐form  ● h_ps://www.enterprisedb.com/resources-­‐community