Edge Magazine (for women)

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Magazine concept for an "edgy" audience. Two-sided magazine concept to appeal to both sexes. This is the side targeted towards women. Some of the images used here were found on the internet and edited to fit the look and feel of the magazine. This was a student project and I do not mean to steal any image from anyone.


edgeMARCH 2011

think differentlylive differentlyread edge

TRAIN OF THOUGHTSee what Lisa’s thinkingthis month!

SECOND JOB STRUGGLESCan you survive the life of an artist? p6

i love you but you LOVE MEATp2

SOUR GRAPESIs being a vegetarian burning

a hole in your wallet? p4


Sharing meals has always been an important courtship ritual and a metaphor for love. But in an age when many people define themselves by what they will eat and what they won’t, dietary differences can put a strain on a romantic relationship.

S ome relationships run aground on the perilous shoals of money, sex or religion. When Shauna

James’s new romance hit the rocks, the culprit was meat.

The culinary camps havebecome so balkanized that some factions considerinterdietary dating taboo.continued on p. 25

By Kate Murphy

“I went out with one guy who said I seemed really great but he liked meat too much to date me”

I loveyou

butyou love meat

sourRather than rummage

through your average

grocery store, looking for

organic options, I shop

at Whole Foods Market.

Think what you will of this

all-natural chain—it is stil l

the best place to get count-

less eco-conscious brands

in one spot. But let’s not

deny the one reason why

many don’t shop at Whole

Foods—the cost! This also

g r a p e s

I simply can’t afford to live this way

continued on p. 42

also goes for smaller

health-food groceries

and local chains like

Mrs. Green’s; these

stores just tend to be prici-

er than conventional

jumbo supermarkets.

Is being a vegeterian burning a holein your wallet?


second job

strugglesare you up to the challenge ofsurviving as a professional artist?

second job

Are we (artists) a crazy bunch, or what?

We take some art classes (maybe even earn an art degree or two). We do a bunch of paintings (or weav-ings, or photographs, or sculptures, or...). Then one morning, we wake up and figure it’s time to support our-selves with our art.

Yep, now we’d like to earn, say, $40-50,000 a year selling our work.

continued on p. 14

No, we haven’t actu-ally sold any paintings yet Well, maybe we’ve sold several (or even several thousand dol-lars worth) We don’t have any financial resources to back us up. We haven’t figured out how - or where - to market our work No gallery contracts Business plan? What’s that?!? But we’re ready to earn a l iving from our art.Geeze louise! What the heck are we thinking?!?

t r a i n o f t h o u g h t

the ongoingreader-written story

... exce

pt for th

at twilight one - I h

ated it. Wait, aren’t there like four of those now? AND there’s like six Shreks! What’s up fi lm industry

?! Oh! m

ovie popcorn! and of course..the chocolate. I haven’t had chocolate today. Is it too early to have chocolate? Hmm

2pm. I’m

good. Oh! Its Sunday..I should be good and go to church

- well I

can pretend it

s eas

ter an

d just have my chocolate in church!...

Previously......It’s morning. Nope I’m too tired. 37 minutes after, ok now. Should I go to the gym? Maybe I’ll just have a healthy breakfast. Well first off I need my coffee. Dunkin or Starbucks? Deffinitely Dunkin. I like coffee..I also like cheese.. and cheesy movies are good too...

This is Lisa’s train of thought.Basically, you can submitwhat you think Lisa is thinking and we’ll post it on our website (edgemagazine.com) and a section will be included in each magazine! Everything you write (as long as you follow rules & regulations) will be posted on the website, but not everything makes it to the magazine - so try to get a good thread going! Good luck!

Sumbit your entries and DOWNLOAD OUR NEW iPhone APP!

@ edgemagazine.com

What are YOU thinking?

“ I can’t wait to see what Lisa will be thinking next! ”-sarahello47