Editing and How to Flip the Script.pptx

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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EditingAnd How to Flip the Script

4 Types of Editing

•Developmental Editing•“Big picture” editing•Think book-level structure

4 Types of Editing

•Line Editing• Editing for clarity, flow•Think paragraph level•Good editors preserve author’s voice

4 Types of Editing

•Copy Editing• Editing for grammar, usage, consistency•Think sentence level

4 Types of Editing

•Proofreading• Editing for spelling, punctuation, typos, repeated words, extra spaces•Think word level

Which type of editing is most important for your writing?

Developmental Editing

Line Editing

Copy Editing


Which type of editing is most important for your writing? The area in which you struggle most.

Developmental Editing

Line Editing

Copy Editing


What editing do you currently have in place

for your work?

Do you feel like it is adequate?

Flipping the Developmental Editing Process

Reverse engineer the developmental editing process to

tell a story.

If you know what your editor is going to look in your global story and in each scene that makes up your story, make sure they are there for your editor to find.

Your developmental editor’s structural template becomes your blueprint.

For instance, do your global story and individual scenes have:

1.Inciting Incident2.Progressive Complications3.Crisis4.Climax5.Resolution

Happy Writing!

EditingAnd How to Flip the Script