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AdvisorsRev. Wilson Suwanto

Daniel Loe

EditorsRachel AtmadjaKenny GozaliMerissa Halim

Hubert KusdonoJocelyn Lee-Tindage

Hendry Wijaya

DesignersBuddy Chung

Harold DoryumuEva Leony

Michael MatunryFransisca SugiantoVincent Yobeanto

Cover PageBuddy Chung

PrintingSemiwati Oei


Production of GII Azusa

539 N. Sunset Ave.Azusa, CA 91702

Telp: (626) 812-0326http://lax.gii-usa.org

Hope cannot be defi ned as a thing in itself. One cannot say that one has hope without identifying in whom or what one has hoped in. To hope is to put our trust and confi dence in something or someone. Hope must have an object. Biblical hope cannot be defi ned outside of the object on which that hope is placed in: Jesus Christ, who is the object of our hope for salvation. In this edition, we study what it means to have Christ as the object of our hope and what happens when we place our hope on something other than Christ. We live in a world that puts confi dence in material things. With so much emphasis on what is seen, it becomes increasing-ly diffi cult to place our hope on what is unseen. When trials and tribulations come, most of us are prone to take matters into our own hands without consulting the Lord. We put our confi dence in ourselves or in material things like money rather than putting our confi dence in Christ’s abilities. Before we know it, we have set one foot on Christ and one foot on the World. Slowly but surely, we lose warmth in our relationship with Christ and become practi-tioners of lukewarm Christianity. The dangerousness of lukewarm Christianity cannot be overstated. A Christian’s fading enthusiasm for God and His Word is a refl ection of the strength of his or her confi dence in Christ, the hope of our salvation. To lose fi re for the Lord is to lose confi dence in Christ’s love, ability, and identity. Placing our hope in something or someone other than Christ is also an act of idolatry. What happened to the Church of Laodicea in Revelations 3 illustrates how idolatry can cloud one’s judgment and self-perception and cause spiritual blindness. The Church of Laodicea placed their hope in their material riches and believed that they are rich; however the Lord declared them to be spiritually “wretched, pitiable, (and) poor” in reality (Revela-tions 3:17). The Church of Laodicea thought that their eyes can see when they were actually spiritually blind (Revelations 3:17). The Lord exhorted the Church of Laodicea to be zealous and to repent

Christmas 2011 1

Editorial ]

Contributors Janice AtmadjaTjandra Afandi

Lany KiatkwankulMarie Kusdono

Andrew KusnohadiAnna Marhero

Rev. Wilson SuwantoPdt. Dr. Stephen Tong

David WangsaThe Babies' Parents

IEC Members

from lukewarm Christianity (Revelation 3:18). He counseled Laodi-cea to discard their reliance on themselves and material riches and instead look to the real hope that is found in Christ. In Romans 1, Paul unabashedly declares the futility of an idolatrous heart. He declared idolatrous people to be “foolish and darkened,” that “although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him” (Romans 1:21a). A person who does not hope in the Lord lives under the illusion that he can control the direction of his life. Centuries later, the modern church still struggles with the problem of lukewarm Christianity. We are no longer on fi re for the Lord as the early Christians in the past were. Our waning inter-est in the study of the Word is an alarming indication that we no longer place a premium on God and His Promises. We fi nd security in material things from money to technology. Regretfully, we treat the Lord as a last resort when all other hope is gone. Let us repent and regain warmth for Christ. In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to “put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation” (1 Thessalonians 5:8). We must let go of the illusion that we can hope in anything or anyone other than Christ. Let us regain warmth in our relationship with the Lord as we celebrate the Birth of our Hope for Salvation My hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus’ blood and righteousness.I dare not trust the sweetest frame,But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.On Christ the solid Rock I stand,All other ground is sinking sand;All other ground is sinking sand. -from ‘My Hope is Built on Nothing Less’ by Edward Mote

2 Christmas 2011


Agape Team

Indonesian Evangelical Church, Los Angeles

WEEKLY SCHEDULE sister churches

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AZUSA ave.539 N. Sunset Ave.Azusa, CA 91702

SUNDAYIndonesian Bible Study @9:00 AMIndonesian Service @10:30 AMEnglish Service @10:30 AMSunday School @10:30 AMChinese Service @4:00 PM

SATURDAYYoung Adult Fellowship @6:00 PM

FRIDAYPrayer Meeting @7:30 PMChildren Bible Study @7:30 PM

TUESDAYEnglish Bible Study @8:00 PM

IEC SAN FRANCISCO400 Brussels St. San Francisco, CA 94134Rev. Stephen Hosea - (415) 656-0886Rev. Saumiman Saud - (415) 494-5371

IEC SAN JOSE600 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008Rev. Timotius Tjing - (510) 972-0473

IEC SACRAMENTO6656 Park Riviera Wayc/o Chinese Grace Bible ChurchSacramento, CA 95831Rev. Fam Muk Thiam - (916) 691-3756

IEC SAN DIEGO2111 Camino del Rio Southc/o First United Methodist ChurchTrotter Chapel, San Diego, CA 92018Rev. Stephen Hosea - (415) 656-0886

Senior Pastor: Rev. Kristianto HoseaAssociate Pastor: Rev. Wilson Suwanto

Christmas 2011 3

Pray and Let God Worry

Hope in the Midst of Crisis Part II

Hope in the Midst of Crisis Part III

Christmas 2011 Wish List

Just Stuttering?

The Christian Pilgrimage

Hope in Hell's Despair

The True Master

Wise Gifts

Baby's First Christmas

Comic Strip: The Christmas Present












FeaturingThe Danger of Lukewarmenss

Hope in the Midst Crisis Part I

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand


Contents ]

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4 Christmas 2011

By David Wangsa

Pertama, worry dapat berarti kuatir/khawatir

seperti dalam kalimat: “Don’t make your par-

ents worry” (“Jangan membuat orang tuamu

kuatir”). Di lain pihak worry juga dapat ber-

makna berusaha mencari penyelesaian sep-

erti dalam penggunaan: “She kept worrying

at the problem all day” (“Ia berusaha mem-

ecahkan persoalan tersebut sepanjang hari”).

Di dalam konteks yang pertama ada terkan-

dung unsur ketakutan. Takut akan sesuatu

yang tidak diketahui. Takut akan sesuatu yang

buruk yang mungkin akan terjadi. Konteks

yang kedua mengandung unsur pergumulan.

“Pray and Let God Worry” adalah salah satu ucapan dari Martin Luther yang sangat bermakna. Kata worry dapat digunakan dalam dua konteks yang cukup berbeda.

Pergumulan untuk memecahkan persoa-

lan yang tengah dihadapi. Pergumulan un-

tuk mencari jalan keluar. Pergumulan untuk

mencari jawaban. Lepas dari konteks yang

manapun, kedua-duanya mengandung makna

ketidaktahuan atau ketidakpastian.

Kalau kita bicara soal worry yang leb-

ih condong kepada "kekuatiran", maka

cukup banyak topik yang kita bisa

utarakan terutama jika anda hidup di

Amerika Serikat akhir-akhir ini. Resesi eko-

nomi yang sedang melanda dunia saat ini

Christmas 2011 5

mendorong kadar kekuatiran yang biasa

menjadi luar biasa. Hal ini bisa menyebab-

kan penderitaan yang menyeluruh atas

suatu bangsa atau negara. Mari kita tengok

kondisi kekuatiran yang mendorong pend-

eritaan di sekitar kita.

Sebagai sarjana yang baru lulus atau

seorang pencari kerja kita kuatir apakah

kita akan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang kita

inginkan ataupun kita butuhkan pada saat

angka pengangguran mencapai 9.2% dari

total lapangan pekerjaan. Bukan saja para

pengusaha mengurangi jumlah karyawan,

sebagian mereka juga menutup lowongan

(hiring-freeze) sehingga jumlah perusahaan

yang masih mencari karyawan berkurang

sedangkan jumlah pencari kerja bertam-

bah. Akibatnya peluang kita mendapatkan

pekerjaan makin mengecil. Saingan pun

bertambah. Indeks kekuatiran kita pun

meningkat. Hidup pun jadi menderita.

Sebagai usahawan kita kuatir apakah usaha

kita akan dapat bertahan sampai resesi

berakhir. Segala upaya kita lakukan untuk

mengatur cash-fl ow perusahaan. Gonta-

ganti perusahaan asuransi kesehatan untuk

menghemat biaya. Mengurangi pengeluar-

an-pengeluaran yang tidak perlu. Sampai-

sampai memotong gaji karyawan agar ti-

dak perlu mengurangi jumlah pekerja lagi.

Bahkan perusahaan-perusahaan besar

yang sudah mapan di arena bisnis tiba-tiba

hilang dari peredaran. Perusahaan saingan

kita menurunkan tawaran tender mereka

(dimana kita juga ikut bersaing) sampai ke

tingkat "tidak untung pun tidak apa asal

menang tender” demi mendapat proyek

tersebut agar memperpanjang peluang

hidup perusahaan mereka. Lalu perusa-

haan kita ini bagaimana? Berapa lama lagi

usaha kita ini dapat berjalan dalam kondisi

seperti ini. Kekuatiran meningkat. Akibat-

nya kesehatan kita menurun. Hidup kita

pun menderita.

Sebagai karyawan kita kuatir apakah pe-

kerjaan kita aman. Pada saat kita melihat

produktivitas perusahaan tempat kita

bekerja menurun dalam arti tidak ada

pesanan-pesanan baru sedangkan proyek-

proyek yang sedang berjalan hampir ram-

pung semuanya, kita mulai mereka-reka

dan menyusun daftar orang-orang di dalam

perusahaan yang kita anggap expendable,

6 Christmas 2011

yang kewajibannya dapat digandakan atau

dialihkan kepada pekerja lain. Cepat atau

lambat akan tiba saatnya untuk menempat-

kan diri kita di daftar tersebut. Kita juga

kuatir berapa lama lagikah majikan kita ma-

sih mampu menjalankan usahanya sehingga

kita tidak perlu kehilangan pekerjaan. Ma-

kin lama makin besar peluang kita untuk

kehilangan pekerjaan. Kita makin kuatir.

Kita makin stress. Penderitaan yang terus


Sebagai orang tua kita kuatir tentang masa

depan keluarga kita terutama anak cucu

kita. Kita kuatir apakah kita akan terus

mampu untuk merawat, memberi makan,

mendidik dan mengasihi mereka hari demi

hari. Kita kuatir apakah suatu hari kelak

kita akan kehilangan tempat berteduh kita

kalau kondisi ekonomi tidak juga membaik.

Bagaimana kalau sampai hal itu terjadi? Di

mana kita akan tinggal? Siapa yang akan

menolong kita? Bagaimana dengan studi

mereka? Dari mana kita dapat membiayai

mereka sampai selesai perguruan tinggi?

Bagaimana dengan hutang Amerika Serikat

yang saat ini sebesar 14 triliun dollar. Bera-

pa besar jadinya tahun depan? Berapa be-

sar hutang negara mereka pada saat mer-

eka beranjak dewasa dan siap terjun ke

masyarakat? Bagaimana dengan kehidupan

sosial mereka di tengah-tengah masyara-

kat yang sangat liberal yang makin men-

jauh dari Allah. Makin kita pikirkan makin

kita kuatir. Makin pusing. Kita tidak ingin

hidup mereka menderita karena polah

dari generasi sebelum mereka.

Masih banyak lagi yang dapat kita sebutkan

satu per satu, namun, sebagai orang-orang

percaya yang mengenal Allah yang hidup

kita perlu tahu apa yang Allah Firmankan

tentang kekuatiran. Kalau kita boleh jujur,

acapkali kekuatiran itu disebabkan oleh

dua hal yang berlangsung bersamaan:

1. Sangat kenal akan ketidakmampuan kita

2. Tidak kenal akan kemampuan Allah

Segala pertanyaan yang kita kemukakan

di atas berasal dari ketidakmampuan

kita untuk menemukan jawaban mer-

Worry are caused by:

1) Knowing our inability to answer

the uncertainty of the future

2) Not-knowing God’s ability.

Christmas 2011 7

eka. Pada saat kita bertanya “Apakah kita

akan kehilangan tempat tinggal kita kalau

kondisi ekonomi ini tidak juga membaik?”

saat itu juga kita menyatakan ketidak-

mampuan kita untuk menjawabnya. Kita

tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi beberapa

detik di muka kita. Mungkin kita pernah

mengalami hal yang mirip dengan ilustrasi

ini: “Aku tadi sedang jalan di depan rumah.

Tiba-tiba dari bawah mobil muncul seekor

kucing yang lari sangat cepat karena dike-

jar anjing tetangga. Karena kejadiannya

sangat mendadak kaki kanan yang sedang

melangkah terantuk kucing tersebut. Aki-

batnya aku terjatuh, kaki kiriku terkilir,

dan sikuku terluka.” Bila kita tahu apa

yang akan terjadi satu detik sebelum kuc-

ing tersebut lari memotong langkah kita,

pasti kita akan menahan langkah kita dan

menghindari kecelakaan tersebut. Faktan-

ya, kita tidak tahu dan akibatnya kita jatuh

dan luka. Dengan pemikiran yang sama,

kita juga tidak tahu apakah ekonomi akan

membaik atau memburuk beberapa bu-

lan di depan. Lebih jauh lagi kita juga tidak

tahu apakah kita akan kehilangan tempat

tinggal kita terlepas dari apakah kondisi

ekonomi membaik atau tidak di masa yang

akan datang. Jadi kekuatiran kita akan hal-

hal yang di depan tersebut hanya menjadi

beban dalam kehidupan kita. Beban yang

“mencuri” sukacita kita. Beban yang meng-

hambat kehidupan kita. Beban yang mem-

buat hidup ini menderita.

Bila demikian halnya, apa yang dapat kita

lakukan agar kita tidak perlu kuatir akan

hal-hal yang tidak kita ketahui akan atau-

pun tidak akan terjadi di masa depan kita?

Di sinilah “Pray and Let God Worry” me-

miliki makna yang sangat penting bagi kita.

Matius 6:25-34 mencatat perkataan Tuhan

Yesus yang khusus membahas tentang

kekuatiran. Inti dari bagian alkitab ini ialah

"…Janganlah kuatir akan hidupmu, akan apa

yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, dan

janganlah kuatir pula akan tubuhmu, akan

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not

worry about your life, what you

will eat or drink; or about your

body, what you will wear ... 27

Can any one of you by worrying

add a single hour to your life? ... 34 Therefore do not worry about

tomorrow ..." (Matthew 6:25-34)

8 Christmas 2011

apa yang hendak kamu pakai…. Siapakah

di antara kamu yang karena kekuatirannya

dapat menambahkan sehasta saja pada ja-

lan hidupnya?.... Sebab itu janganlah kamu

kuatir akan hari besok,…”

Martin Luther melandaskan ucapannya

“Pray and Let God Worry” atas janji Al-

lah melalui fi rman tersebut di atas. Seperti

Luther kita sepatutnya mempercayai janji

Allah tersebut dengan sikap yang sama.

Tahu akan ketidakmampuan kita men-

gadapi penderitaan hidup ini. Kemudian,

membawanya di dalam doa kita kepada

Allah, dan akhirnya percaya bahwa Allah

akan memberikan jalan keluar pada wak-

tunya. “Let God Worry” bermakna “Allah

yang menyelesaikan persoalan kita” atau

“Allah yang akan memberi jalan keluar.”

Kita perlu perhatikan bahwa ada dua

hal yang tersirat di dalam ucapan Luther

tersebut. Berdoa, dan berserah kepada

Allah (jangan kuatir lagi).

Berdoa (Pray). Seringkali pada saat hidup

kita mencapai titik kekuatiran atau pend-

eritaan tertentu kita mulai mencari per-

tolongan. Sebagai orang-orang percaya,

kita tahu bahwa pertolongan kita datang-

nya dari Allah yang menciptakan langit

dan bumi. Banyak orang yang menyatakan

bahwa penderitaan membawa mereka

lebih dekat kepada Allah. Mereka lebih

sering datang ke gereja. Kalau dulunya

pergi ke gereja itu hanya kalau ada kes-

empatan, maka sekarang di dalam kesem-

pitan mereka menemukan banyak waktu

untuk datang ke gereja. Mereka juga lebih

banyak meluangkan waktu untuk memba-

ca Alkitab. Tetapi kunci utama yang harus

dilakukan adalah membawa kekuatiran

kita di dalam doa kepada Allah. Dengan

berdoa kita mengikut sertakan Allah di

dalam pergumulan kita. Dengan berdoa

kita merendahkan diri kita di hadapan Al-

lah, mengakui ketidakmampuan kita dan

memohon pertolongan tangan Allah yang

maha kuasa. Seperti seorang Bapak yang

tengah memperhatikan anak-Nya yang

berusaha menyusun beberapa kubus kayu

untuk membentuk sebuah bangun. Allah

akan memperhatikan kita anak-anakNya

When we pray, we humble ourselves

before God, admitting our incompe-

tency - Pray.

Christmas 2011 9

By Reverend Wilson Suwanto

10 Christmas 2011

Our souls cannot be idle. If we feel disinterested

about certain things, then we will feel excited

about other things. When people are not

interested in Christ, they are actually excited about

other things, like worldly pursuit and others. In

short, it is impossible to be excited about Christ

and sin at the same time. Such possibility simply

does not exist.

Somebody might say, “But I know somebody who

is active in the church ministry, and at the same

time, is active in cheating others in his business. In

fact, he gives much money to the church.” Well, he

seems active and excited about the things of God,

but in actuality, he is not interested at all. In other

words, outwardly speaking, he looks active, but

inwardly, he is indifferent about Christ. Honestly

speaking, he does not care about God. When it

looks like that he cares about the church, he sees

some selfi sh gains in doing so.

Christmas 2011 11

The above example is the prime example of lukewarmness.

He is neither hot nor cold. He leads a double life, and he

believes that he can be passionate about God and the world

at the same time. A lukewarm person is someone who does

not care about God, or who is indifferent about the things of

God. He is called a “lukewarm” Christian because he looks and

acts like a Christian. He goes to the church regularly, he sings

Christian hymns, he is baptized in the church, and so forth.

Jesus Christ rebukes the church in Laodicea not because they

do not go to the church anymore. In fact, the Laodiceans are

proud of their church that they feel that they lack nothing

(Revelation 3:17). Apparently, the church is going through the

motion. It is business as usual, Sunday after Sunday. They retain

the form of the Christianity, but they lose the essence. In a

way, they have lost their fi rst love (compare Revelation 2:4).


Lukewarmness is caused by divided loyalty.

The lukewarm Christian believes that he can serve

both God and the world. He knows that he needs God, but

he fi nds the world attractive. He believes that his devotion

to God is unaffected by his worldly pursuit. This is where he


12 Christmas 2011

gets it wrong. His desire for the things of

this world will dampen his fi re for the Lord.

His love of the world will reduce the space

of his love for God.

God desires a wholehearted

devotion as it is clear from Jesus’ word: “You

shall love the Lord your God with all your

heart, and with all your soul, and with all your

mind” (Matthew 22:37).

The antithesis between the love for

God and the love for the world is clearly

written by the Apostle John, “Do not love the

world or the things in the world. If anyone

loves the world, the love of the Father is not

in him” (1 John 2:15). They are like water and

fi re. They neutralize instead of complementing

each other.

God also makes it clear that He is a

jealous God in the sense that He demands our

full devotion, and He deserves it anyway. He

loves us to the fullest extent with everything

He has, including giving up His only Son for our


Lukewarmness is caused by


Related to cause #1 above, idols entice our

heart and drag it farther from God. The

fi rst idols do is distracting us from God and

His love, and this causes divided loyalty as


Christmas 2011 13

described in #1, but they do not stop

there. They continue to distract us with

more worldly things and promises that

we are drifting away from God. We can

say that lukewarmness is a slow and

gradual process instead of an overnight

phenomenon. The attractiveness of those

idols like greed, lust, covetousness, and so

forth makes us remember God less, and

they continue to overwhelm us until we

forget God and His love for us. At this

point, the process of becoming lukewarm

achieves its objective, namely that person

ignores God altogether.

Thankfully, God does not allow His

children to continue in that lukewarm state.

God allows emptiness, meaninglessness,

and despair to trouble the conscience of

a lukewarm Christian. That is how God

rebukes and revives the person, just like

Jesus came to the church in Laodicea with

His strong rebuke about their condition.

Lukewarmness is caused by


Success is often more dangerous than

failure. Many people remember God when

they fail, but very few Christians remember

God when they succeed in something. When

we fail, we realize how imperfect and fallible

we are. That humble recognition helps us

acknowledge God and His grace. When

we succeed, we are often tempted to fi nd


14 Christmas 2011

the formula of our success and to fi nd it within us. We hope to

reproduce the success and teach others how to reproduce it. We

lose sight of the most important factor in our “success,” that is

God’s grace.

What is even more dangerous about success is that what

we often call “success” is actually failure in God’s eyes. Think

about the church in Laodicea. They think that they are successful

because of their wealth, stable ministry, and their city’s fame. While

these things are not bad in themselves, making them indicators

of success is very bad, and in fact, sinful. The church in Laodicea

feels that they do not need anything else. They are satisfi ed with

their condition, and they feel successful. We call this mentality


Complacency is a form of spiritual pride because the

person believes that he has reached the climax of something.

He believes that he does not to learn anything else, or there is

nothing better for him out there.

The Bible tells us that we live in a fallen world. Nothing

in this world is perfect, and that includes our spiritual growth. We

should never stop growing. We should never think that we have

reached a certain level of spiritual maturity that we do not need

to pursue further knowledge of God. Complacency is an attitude


Christmas 2011 15

of self-suffi ciency, and it shuts itself from further growth, repentance,

and God himself. Instead of a spiritual maturity, complacency is a

spiritual decline. It fails to look to the future where Christ will come

back, and we will be made perfect just like Christ. It fails to look

forward to the better city, not built by human hands but by God himself.



It blinds us to our spiritual condition before God

Jesus calls the church of Laodicea “blind” (v. 17).

Lukewarmness blinds us to the true condition of our spiritual life.

We think that we are okay, and we do not need anything. We do

not need to grow in our walk with God. We believe that we have

reached the peak of our spiritual journey, and nothing else needs

to be done. This is very dangerous. It deludes us into thinking that

we are okay with God, and that whatever we do will be approved

by God. It replaces the true God with the idols of our creation.

The church in Laodicea thinks that they are fi ne before the Lord,

False Hope1

16 Christmas 2011

but Jesus rebukes them as being poor, naked,

and blind. Jesus’ evaluation of the church

is 180 degrees different from the church’s

self-evaluation. Lukewarmness truly blinds

us to God’s point of view.

It gives us false hope

Since the church in Laodicea

feels that it is self-suffi cient, it resists any

reformation, change, or further growth.

Their only hope is to maintain their present

spiritual condition. They are satisfi ed with

that. The problem is that spiritual condition

is not a static thing. It either moves forward

or backward. It cannot stay still. Stagnancy

is decline. When the church does not grow,

it does not stay where it is; it is moving

backward. To think that we can remain

where we are and not decline is to believe

in false hope. Jesus tells the Laodiceans

that they are naked, poor, and blind. False

evaluation leads to false hope.

It deprives us of the true hope

The worst thing that lukewarmness can do

is to deprive us of the real hope that Christ

offers. The lukewarm church believes that

it has arrived at the heavenly city. What a

sad outlook! God promises us a better

city made by His hand, but we prefer this

mediocre city made by our own hands.

God says that the best is yet to come, but

we prefer the “good enough” reality. The

problem is that the things of this world will

pass away, and those who put their hope

in the present world will lose hope. If they

do not look forward to the new Jerusalem,

what is left after the passing of this world?

Nothing. They deprive themselves of the

true and real hope that God offers. They

believe that they have their best life now


All believers look forward to the

future where Christ’s great kingdom will

come to earth, the perfect creation, and

the eternal bliss. Our idea of “best” is

nothing compared to God’s idea of best.

What He will provide for us far exceeds

our expectation, imagination, and in fact,

experience. What we never see, hear


3 Christmas 2011 17

or touch, those things will be provided

by God in the new heaven and earth.

Lukewarmness is very dangerous because

it robs Christians of the hope that belongs

to them in Christ.

Having identifi ed the causes and

dangers of lukewarmness, let us proceed

with the remedies.

What are the remedies to

spiritual lukewarmness?

Humble recognition and


First, we need to recognize and confess

our spiritual pride and complacency, and

ask God to forgive us. Lukewarmness

numbs our conscience, but recognition

of our own sins and pride remove that

numbness, and reawaken our conscience

to the fact that we are unworthy sinners

who stand in the presence of the holy God.

We cannot and will not be indifferent and

lukewarm to the things of God because we

realize that we are in spiritual crisis and

trouble. This recognition will drive us to

Christ for forgiveness.

The cross of Christ

The shame and grief that comes

from our lukewarm attitude should drive

us back to the cross. How can we be

indifferent and ungrateful for what Christ

did for us on the cross? How can we be

untouched and cold to Jesus’ suffering and

death for our sake? Romans 5:8 reminds

that while we were still sinners, Christ

has died for us. In other words, while

our conscience was dead and unable

to respond to God, Christ has suffered

and died for us. While we did not know

Him at all, He has done everything to

earn our salvation. Beside contrition and

repentance, our hearts are fi lled with

thanksgiving and joy for the cross. This

will rekindle the fi re that has disappeared

in the cloud of lukewarmness.

First love for God



318 Christmas 2011

When we look back to the fi rst moment when we believed, we can recognize how far we

have moved from our fi rst love for God. When we fi rst encountered Jesus through the

Gospel, our hearts were on fi re for the Lord. Lukewarmness has dampened that fi re. Hidden

idols have extinguished that fi re. God’s word speaks to us and revives our conscience, and

we remember the cross. This is how we regain the fi re for the Lord that we once had in

the past. We will not be complacent, and we will never forget again how God loves us. In

fact, whenever we lose the fi rst love again, we know right away that hidden idols are on the

attack, and divided loyalty is preparing its way, and complacency starts to kick in. Flee to

Christ, and remember that we have been united with Christ. He loved us, and He saved us

with His blood. He continues to pray for us as our High Priest in heaven. This should keep

us humble, awake, grateful, and always on fi re for Him. [MH]

Tidaklah mungkin seorang manusia mempunyai

hati yang tunduk kepada Tuhan dan dosa pada

saat yang bersamaan. Memang kita mungkin

pernah melihat seorang yang aktif di dalam

gereja dan aktif juga berbuat curang di dalam

business dia. Walaupun uang itu akan diberikan

untuk gereja, dia hanya terlihat aktif bekerja

untuk Tuhan padahal dia sama sekali tidak

tertarik akan Tuhan. Kebayakan orang yang

demikian aktif di dalam gereja karena melihat

adanya keuntungan bagi dirinya sendiri.

Orang-orang seperti ini dikatakan di dalam

Alkitab sebagai orang-orang yang suam-suam

kuku (tidak panas atau dingin). Mereka telah

berhasil membohongi dirinya sendiri untuk

berpikir bahwa mereka bisa dekat kepada

Tuhan dan dunia pada saat yang bersamaan.

Tuhan Yesus menghardik jemaat di Laodikia

dan menyebut mereka jemaat suam-suam

Indonesian Translation

Bahayanya Suam-Suam Kuku

Christmas 2011 19

kuku karena mereka telah kehilangan kasih

yang mula-mula. Mereka menyamakan gereja

seperti tempat kerja, yaitu untuk mencari


Apa penyebab suam-suam kuku?

Kesetiaan yang tidak penuh

atau terbagi

Mereka percaya kalau mereka bisa melayani

Tuhan dan dunia pada saat yang bersamaan.

Mereka ini merupakan orang-orang naïf

karena mereka tidak menyadari bahwa kita

mulai memperkecil tempat di dalam hati

untuk Tuhan dan mengisinya dengan hal-hal

dunia, ketika hati mulai diberikan kepada dunia.

“Jawab Yesus kepadanya, ‘Kasihilah Tuhan,

Allahmu, dengan segenap hatimu dan segenap

jiwamu dan dengan segenap akal budimu’”

(Matius 22:37).


Berhubungan dengan hal diatas,

berhala akan mengisihi hati kita dan

menjauhkan kita dari Tuhan perlahan-lahan.

Suam-suam kuku adalah suatu proses yang

memerlukan waktu, bukan sekejap mata.

Ketertarikan berhala seperti tamak dan napsu

daging akan membuat manusia melupakan

Tuhan dan melupakan kasih Tuhan untuk kita

orang yang berdosa.


Seringkali sukses lebih berbahaya

daripada kegagalan. Manusia lebih gampang

mengingat Tuhan ketika mereka gagal daripada

sewaktu mereka berhasil meraih sesuatu.

Kita gampang sekali melupakan bahwa

keberhasilan kita pun merupakan anugrah

dari Tuhan. Jadi apa yang kita sebut “sukses”

belum berarti sukses di mata Tuhan seperti

jemaat di Laodikia. Jemaat di Laodikia merasa

kalau mereka tidak memerlukan apa-apa

lagi, termaksud Tuhan, karena mereka telah

berhasil memiliki semua kekayaan dunia.

Apa bahaya suam-suam kuku?

Membutakan kondisi spiritual

Tuhan Yesus menyebut gereja

Laodikita “buta” (Wahyu 2:17). Suam-suam

kuku akan membuat kita buta melihat keadaan




20 Christmas 2011

rohani kita sesungguhnya. Kita berpikir bahwa

kita baik dan kita tidak memerlukan apa-apa

lagi. Bahkan kita bisa berpikir apa pun yang kita

lakukan adalah baik di mata Tuhan dan ini akan

membuat kita menganti Tuhan dengan berhala

yang kita ciptakan.

Salah pengharapan

Karena gereja Laodikia menganggap

kalau mereka berkecukupan dan baik, maka

mereka menolak perubahan dan pertumbuhan.

Sama halnya dengan kita ketika kita telah

menjadi suam-suam kuku, maka kita akan

menolak sindiran dan pertumbuhan rohani.

Ketika kita berhenti maka kehidupan rohani

kita akan mulai mundur karena pertumbuhan

rohani bukan hal yang statis. Ia hanya tahu

maju atau mundur saja.

Kehilangan harapan

Hal yang terburuk yang dapat

dihasilnya dari suam-suam kuku adalah

kehilangan harapan kepada janji Tuhan.

Orang-orang yang suam-suam kuku percaya

bahwa mereka telah sampai kepada kota

sorgawi karena mereka telah berasa “cukup”

sekarang. Mereka melupakan bahwa dunia

yang sekarang ini hanyalah sebentar dan tidak

untuk selamanya. Mereka melupakan akan janji

Tuhan tentang Yerusalem yang baru.

Bagaimana kita berpaling dari

suam-suam kuku?

Sadar dan pengakuan

Kita harus bisa menyadari dan

mengakui akan kesombongan rohani dan

perasaan cukup kita dan meminta Tuhan untuk

mengampuni kita. Suam-suam kuku akan

membuat hati kita menjadi kebal dan tidak

mendengar, tetapi kesadaran akan dosa kita

akan memekakan hati nurani kita.

Salib Tuhan

Malu dan sedih yang kita dapatkan

dari suam-suam kuku akan membawa kita

kembali kepada salib Kristus. Bagaimana

kita bisa melupakan anugrah yang diberikan

Tuhan kepada kita orang yang berdosa? Ketika

kita menyadari akan hal ini maka hati kita

seharusnya menjadi rendah hati dan penuh

rasa terimah kasih. Hal ini akan menyalakan




Christmas 2011 21

api di dalam diri kita kepada Tuhan dan

menghilangkan kondisi yang suam-suam kuku.

Kasih yang semula

Ketika kita mengingat kejadian

sewaktu kita pertama kali percaya, kita akan

menyadari seberapa jauh kita telah hilang dari

kasih yang semula. Suam-suam kuku telah

memudarkan api yang membakar di dalam

diri kita, dan berhala telah mematikan api

itu. Tetapi Tuhan berbicara kepada kita dan

membangkitkan hati nurani kita sehingga kita

mengingat akan salib Tuhan. Ini merupakan

cara kita untuk menyalakan api kita kembali

dan membuat kita tidak melupakan kasih

Tuhan kepada kita. [HW]

3di dalam setiap pergumulan kita dengan

mata kasih-Nya. Ia ingin kita menyatakan

bahwa kita tidak sanggup lagi dan minta

pertolongannya. Masalahnya, sering kali

kita sebagain anak-anakNya terus beru-

paya meskipun tidak pernah menemukan

jalan keluarnya. Lebih buruk lagi situasinya

bila kita mengambil jalan pintas agar bisa

meninggalkan (lepas dari) pergumulan

tersebut tanpa pernah meminta perto-

longan Allah Bapa kita terlebih dahulu.

Sebagai contoh adalah berita-berita yang

kita pernah dengar di televisi atau radio

dimana seorang ayah tega menghabisi hid-

up istri dan anak-anaknya dan kemudian

hidupnya sendiri karena beban penderi-

taan akibat resesi ekonomi yang dianggap

tidak ada jalan penyelesaian lain. Di dalam

Tuhan selalu ada pengharapan. Berdoalah.

Akuilah ketidakmampuan kita dan mohon

pertolongan Bapa kita yang di surga.

Berserah agar Allah yang menyelesaikan

persoalan kita (Let God Worry). Langkah

berikut yang perlu diambil setelah ber-

doa ialah menyerahkan pergumulan kita

Pray and Let God Worry

22 Christmas 2011

sepenuhnya ke tangan Tuhan. Hal ini berarti

kita betul-betul menyerahkan kekuatiran

kita kepada Allah karena kita percaya Al-

lah akan membuka jalan keluar untuk kita.

Tidak lagi kita mempunya kuatir yang ber-

lebihan (stress berat) karena kita Let God


Sebagai ilustrasi kita sering mendengar

cerita tentang seorang petani yang kele-

lahan berjalan berkilo-kilometer sambil

memikul hasil bumi yang akan dibawanya

ke pasar untuk dijual. Pada saat kelelahan-

nya hampir mencapai puncaknya seorang

pengemudi truk yang iba hati melihat sang

petani yang kelelahan tersebut berhenti

dan menawarkan si petani untuk naik me-

numpang ke atas truknya sampai tiba di

tempat tujuan si petani. Tentu saja tawaran

tersebut diterima dengan sangat senang

hati oleh si petani. Maka nailah ia ke bak

belakang truk tersebut. Setengah perjalan-

an si pengemudi mendengar seruan dari si

petani yang memintanya untuk berhenti se-

bentar agar ia bisa beristirahat. Maka her-

anlah si pengemudi akan hal tersebut lalu ia

The next step is to surrender to God for He will take care of our problems - Let God worry.

melihat ke belakang melalui kaca spionnya.

Yang dilihatnya membuatnya menggeleng-

gelengkan kepala karena bingung. Si petani

berdiri di bak truknya sambil terus memikul

beban hasil bumi yang akan dibawanya ke


Kita mudah untuk menertawakan perbua-

tan si petani di dalam cerita di atas, tetapi,

bila kita tengok kebelakang mungkin kita

perlu mengakui bahwa kita sering melaku-

kan hal yang sama. Bukannya kita menyerh-

kan beban pergumulan kita sepenuhnya ke

tangan Tuhan, kita tetap kuatir akan hal yang

telah kita bawa di dalam doa kita kepada Tu-

han. Kita mohon campur tangan Tuhan tapi

kita tetap ingin penyelesaiannya menurut

skenario kita. Berserahlah sepenuhnya ke-

pada Allah. Percayakan sepenuhnya kepada

Allah untuk memilih jalan penyelesaian yang

terbaik untuk kita. Let God worry.

Sebagai penutup ingatlah akan dua hal ini

pada saat kita merasa kuatir, penderitaan

kita tidak tertahankan lagi, tidak ada hara-

pan lagi untuk hari depan kita: 1. Berdoalah.

2. Biarkan Allah bekerja untuk menyele-

saikan kekuatiranmu. [MH]

Christmas 2011 23





By: Pdt. Dr. Stephen Tong

(Ibrani 11:13-16)

24 Christmas 2011

Mengapa demikian? Karena "tanpa iman,

tak seorang pun bisa diperkenan oleh Allah"

artinya: dengan iman kita datang ke hadapan

Tuhan. Iman adalah mengakhiri peperangan,

pergumulan pribadi lalu bersandar pada kes-

elamatan yang Allah sediakan di dalam Kris-

tus. Iman berarti tidak lagi mencoba mem-

perkenan hati Tuhan dengan jasa kita, iman

berarti kita tidak datang ke hadapan Tuhan

dengan kelakuan kita, iman berarti kita ber-

sandar pada keselamatan yang telah dige-

napkan oleh Tuhan Yesus. Maka iman adalah

dasar yang paling penting dalam kekristenan.

Iman jugalah yang membedakan kekriste-

nan dari agama-agama lain. "Tanpa iman tak

seorang pun bisa diperkenan Tuhan" melalui

iman kita menang atas dunia ini.

Pengharapan berasal dari iman kita

kepada kesetiaan Tuhan. Dengan kata lain,

kesetiaan Tuhan adalah dasar dari penghara-

pan kita, dan janji Allah yang didasarkan atas

kesetiaan-Nya adalah jaminan bagi penghara-

pan kita. Karena iman kita menang atas du-

nia ini, karena pengharapan kita dimampukan

untuk mengarahkan pandangan kita pada du-

nia yang lain. Maka setelah kita beriman, kita

segera masuk pada tahap pengharapan. Yang

kita harapkan bukanlah dunia yang nampak

ini, karena dunia yang nampak sementara ad-

anya, sedangkan dunia yang kekal adalah dunia

yang tidak nampak. Apakah yang membawa

Bagian ke-I


Christmas 2011 25




kita menemukan dunia yang tidak nampak?

Pengharapanlah. Jadi, iman menghasilkan

pengharapan dan pengharapan membawa kita

mengarah pada kekekalan. Dengan demikian,

iman memampukan kita menang atas du-

nia ini dan pengharapan memampukan kita

melintasi dunia ini melihat akan dunia yang

ada di sana, itulah yang membuat kita tidak

terlalu mengutamakan dunia yang nampak

ini. Iman dan pengharapan memampukan kita

melalui hidup rohani yang melampaui hidup

di dunia ini. Baru setelah itu timbul hal yang

ketiga: kasih. Setelah kita mempunyai iman,

kita mampu menang atas dunia ini. Setelah

kita memperoleh pengharapan, kita mampu

melihat dunia yang ada di atas dunia ini den-

gan jelas. Setelah kita memiliki kasih, kita

mampu menoleh ke belakang untuk memu-

lihkan dunia ini. Puji Tuhan, tidak ada satu

agama pun yang sanggup mengungkapkan

unsur rohani yang lebih jelas daripada apa

yang diungkapkan oleh Alkitab. Belum per-

nah ada satu fi lsafat yang mengajarkan kepa-

da kita tentang intisari hidup rohani yang be-

gitu limpah. Siapakah orang Kristen? Orang

Kristen adalah orang yang beriman kepada

Allah. Siapakah orang Kristen?

Orang Kristen adalah orang yang

memandang kehendak Allah dari tempat

yang jauh. Siapakah orang Kristen? Orang

Kristen adalah orang yang menikmati kasih

Allah dan membagi-bagikannya kepada orang

lain. Iman

a d a l a h

s u a t u

p e n -

e r o b o -

san dan

p e l a m -

p a u a n

d a n

p e n g -

harapan memampukan kita melampaui sik-

saan waktu, melampaui proses penderitaan.

Orang yang hidupnya lancar merasa waktu

berlalu dengan begitu cepat, tapi orang yang

sedang menderita merasa waktu adalah

penyiksa yang kejam. Tatkala kita mampu

melampaui siksaan waktu, barulah kita me-

nikmati substansi kekekalan.

Allah menganugerahkan penghara-

pan kepada kita, maka orang Kristen yang

26 Christmas 2011


adalah orang yang berpengharapan. Paulus

berkata, kita bukanlah orang-orang yang ti-

dak mempunyai pengharapan. Itu sebabnya,

tatkala orang kafi r kehilangan anggota ke-

luarga atau orang yang paling mereka kasih

akan menangis begitu rupa, karena mereka

tidak mempunyai pengharapan. Tapi kata

Paulus, kamu bukanlah orang-orang yang

seperti itu, mengapa kamu bersedih seperti

layaknya orang-orang yang tidak berpeng-

harapan? Tidakkah kamu tahu, bahwa kita

adalah orang-orang yang berpengharapan?

Allah mengambil orang-orang yang kita ka-

sihi adalah lebih dahulu membawa mereka

ke tempat yang kekal, yang bahagia, saat itu,

mereka berhenti dari segala pergumulan

hidup untuk menikmati sukacita di dalam

ribaan Allah yang kekal. Sebab itu, bagi orang

Kristen, baik hidup atau mati, baik hidup yang

sekarang atau pun hidup yang akan datang,

baik yang nampak ataupun yang tidak nam-

pak, kita sudah menang. Karena tak seorang

pun sanggup memisahkan kita dari kasih Al-

lah, kasih yang berada di dalam keselamatan

Yesus Kristus. Dengan demikian, orang Kris-

ten adalah orang yang berpengharapan.

hidupnya dekat den-

gan Allah waktu menai-

kkan puji-puji lupa akan ber-

lalunya waktu, karena dia sedang menikmati

kekekalan. Yang dimaksud tentu bukan sema-

cam pelarian, karena faktanya orang Kristen

yang sudah beriman masih tetap hidup di

dalam du-

nia yang

real, tapi

dia pun

m a m p u

m e l a l u i

h i d u p

r o h a n i

s e c a r a

nyata. Se-

bab itu, orang Kristen bukan lari dari realita

melainkan melampaui realita dan kemudian

mengubah realita. Seorang yang berpeng-

harapan tidak dibelenggu oleh kenyataan

hidup masa sekarang, karena dia mampu

melihat dua realita: adanya masa kini dan ad-

anya otoritas kekekalan. Orang yang hanya

mengutamakan realita masa kini adalah pen-

ganut materilisme, tapi orang yang mampu

memandang akan adanya otoritas kekekalan

Christmas 2011 27

Istilah iman di dalam Bahasa Yunaninya

disebut pistos, di dalam bahasa Latinnya

disebut fi de. Apa artinya? Yang setia, yang

sejati, yang bisa diandalkan. Kalau seorang

berkata "Aku beriman" "apa yang kui-

mani?", "Allah yang setia, yang sejati, yang

bisa diandalkan". Karena Allah itu sejati,

Allah itu setia, Allah itu bisa diandalkan,

sebab itu aku percaya kepada-Nya. Kalau

Allah berdusta, kalau Allah mengatakan

sesuatu yang hampa, tidak berarti, bu-

kankah imanku kepada-Nya sia-sia adan-

ya? Tapi sebaliknya, karena fi rman Allah

adalah sejati, maka bila aku tidak mena-

ruh imanku pada fi rman-Nya, bukankah

itu berarti aku bodoh adanya? Sebab itu,

Allah yang sejati dan fi rman yang sejati

adalah dasar di mana kita membangun

iman yang sejati. Itu membuktikan istilah

iman dan fi rman yang terdapat di dalam Al-

kitab mempunyai kaitan satu dengan yang

lain. Puji Tuhan!

Mengapa iman bisa menghasil-

kan pengharapan? Kalau iman kita sudah

dibangun di atas kesetiaan dan kesejatian

Allah, yang berjanji pasti akan menggenapi

semua yang tertulis di dalam fi rman-Nya,

itu artinya kita berpengharapan. Allah bu-

kan hanya Allah yang setia dan sejati, Dia

juga merupakan Allah yang berfi rman ke-

pada manusia. Alkitab lebih dari 6.000 kali

menuliskan: Allah berfi rman, Allah berfi r-

man, Tuhan berfi rman, artinya Allah kita

adalah Allah yang berfi rman dan tak satu

kalimat pun yang Allah ucapkan tidak

disertai dengan kuasa. Allah kita adalah

Allah yang memberikan janji-Nya kepada

kita. "Tuhan, siapakah nama-Mu?" jawab-

Nya, nama-Ku Yahwe. Apa arti Yahwe? Al-

lah yang ada sejak dulu dan yang akan

ada sampai selama-lamanya itu mem-

berikan janji-Nya kepada manusia. Apa

yang dimaksudkan dengan janji? Dia telah

menetapkan rencana-Nya bagi kita, lalu

memberitahunya kepada kita dan menja-

min pasti akan menggenapinya.

Bagian ke-II


28 Christmas 2011

Allah memberikan janji-Nya kepada kita:

Aku akan berbuat ini, berbuat itu. Istilah

yang dipakai untuk janji:

A. Testament, sesuatu yang ber-

hubungan dengan testimony.

B. Covenant, dengan nyawanya

memberi jaminan bahwa apa yang di-

katakan itu benar adanya.

C. Promise, gabungan dari dua isti-

lah Latin: pre (yang kemudian berubah

menjadi pro) dan mission (yang kemudi-

an berubah menjadi mise), gabungan dari

pre dan mission itu kemudian berubah

menjadi Promise. Mempunyai arti yang

sangat dalam: sebelum Allah meletakkan

misinya ke atas bahumu, Dia terlebih da-

hulu memberitahukan sesuatu kepadamu;

before the mission is given to you, God had

told you something previously. Sebab itu, se-

belum seorang menerima misi dia sudah ter-

lebih dahulu menerima janji Allah.

Ada sebagian orang Kristen yang

seumur hidupnya tidak pernah melakukan

apa-apa bagi Tuhan, ada sebagian orang Kris-

ten sudah memberi sedikit bagi pekerjaan

Tuhan, ada juga orang-orang penting di dalam

sejarah gereja, sebelum terjadi sesuatu sudah

terlebih dahulu menemukan janji Allah dan

mereka melakukan pekerjaan Tuhan dengan

penuh keberanian. Mengapa? Karena mere-

ka yakin, Allah yang mereka percaya adalah

Allah yang memberikan pengharapan ke-

pada manusia, Allah yang berfi rman dan

memberikan janji-Nya kepada manusia.

Maka sebelum Allah menyerahkan tugas

kepada mereka, Dia sudah terlebih dahu-

lu memberikan janji-Nya kepada mereka.

Jadi seorang yang mempunyai visi adalah

seorang yang mengemban pre mission,

seorang yang akan, melaksanakan misi itu

dengan berani. Dengan cara seperti itu-

lah pekerjaan Tuhan digenapkan.

Allah menjadikan segala sesuatu

dari tidak ada menjadi ada, Allah mem-

bangkitkan orang dari kematian, peruba-

han itu bukanlah perubahan yang dibahas

oleh teori Evolusi -- terus berkembang

-- melainkan perubahan yang terjadi secara

mendadak, yang dilakukan oleh Allah sendiri.

Hanya perubahan mendadak yang dicatat di

dalam fi rman Allah adalah kemajuan yang

sejati: sesuatu yang tadinya tidak ada men-

jadi ada, orang mati dibangkitkan adalah

pekerjaan Tuhan yang mendadak, yang ber beda dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan lain.

Christmas 2011 29

Puji Tuhan! Karena Dia adalah Allah yang

memberikan janji, itu sebabnya, berpegang

pada janji Allah membuat pengharapan kita


Ini merupakan satu hal yang sulit dipahami,

tetapi begitulah ajaran yang Alkitab beri-

kan kepada kita: penderitaan mendatangkan

ketekunan, ketekunan mendatangkan tahan

uji, dan tahan uji mendatangkan penghara-

pan. Di sini kita temukan empat langkah:

penderitaan, ketekunan, tahan uji, peng-

harapan. (Baca Roma 5:2-3).

Mengapa penderitaan bisa meng-

hasilkan ketekunan? Karena manusia

yang, tidak pernah menderita ingin serba

terburu-buru. Ada hal-hal tertentu meski

kita tidak sabar lagi menantikannya tetap

harus menanti. Contohnya: mungkinkah

kalau kau berkata kepada isterimu, sudah

sejak lama saya ingin punya anak, sekarang

saya sudah menikah, bulan depan kau ha-

rus melahirkan seorang anak. Tentu tidak

mungkin, bukan? Kau harus menunggu dia

hamil. Kalau isterimu baru hamil satu bu-

lan mungkinkah bulan depan dia melahir-

kan anak? Tidak mungkin. Kau harus sabar

menunggu sampai sembilan bulan. Bagaima-

na tergesa-gesa pun tidak ada gunanya, ha-

rus menanti dengan tekun. Apakah nilai dari

penderitaan? Allah menginginkan kita belajar

bersabar. Adakah semua kesabaran bernilai?

Saya membagi ketekunan ke dalam dua kat-


1. Untuk hal yang membutuhkan

ketekunan, janganlah kau lakukan dengan


2. Untuk hal yang tidak penting, kau ti-

dak perlu bertekun.

Contohnya: ketika saya akan berkhotbah

di Hong Kong, kau berkata, pak Tong,

jangan naik pesawat, naik kapal laut saja,

biar bapak belajar bersabar. Maka kalau

saya harus berkhotbah 2 jam pada tgl

2 April, saya perlu menghabiskan enam

hari di kapal laut untuk menuju ke sana,

dan setelah selesai khotbah, memerlukan

enam hari lagi untuk kembali. Kesabaran

seperti itu adalah kesabaran yang tidak

ada artinya. Apalagi tiket pesawat juga ti-

dak lebih mahal dari tiket kapal, selain itu,

dua belas hari perjalanan itu sebenarnya

bisa saya pakai untuk melakukan banyak

hal. Meskipun demikian, kesabaran yang be-

30 Christmas 2011

rarti, khususnya kesabaran yang dibutuhkan

dalam prinsip pertumbuhan, tidak boleh

tidak kita miliki. Waktu kau menyaksikan

seorang Kristen yang baik sekali rohanin-

ya: kata-katanya selalu membangun orang,

lalu kau berkata, saya ingin menjadi sep-

erti dia dalam waktu dua hari. Itu tidak

mungkin. Tahukah kau bahwa Allah per-

nah memberinya pengalaman menderita

selama 20 tahun, selama itulah kerohani-

annya bertumbuh perlahan-lahan sampai

menjadi begitu berlimpah, jiwanya men-

jadi begitu mantap, pemikirannya men-

jadi begitu teliti. Sebab itu, ada kesabaran

yang tidak kita butuhkan namun ada juga

kesabaran yang tidak boleh tidak kita mi-

liki. Kita perlu membedakan: kesabaran

mana yang bernilai.

Kesabaran-kesabaran yang berni-

lai selalu mempunyai hubungan yang positif

dengan penderitaan, apa sebabnya? Karena

kesusahan membuat seseorang tahan men-

derita, memupuk kekuatan batinnya menjadi

semakin kuat. Bagaimana bentuk huruf ke-

susahan di dalam bahasa Mandarin? Seren-

tetan perkara menusuk hati kita, sebab itu,

kita perlu belajar bersabar dalam kesusahan

bukan? Bagaikan bentuk huruf kesabaran di

dalam bahasa Mandarinnya? Menusukkan

belati yang tajam di jantung. Tentu saja, apa

yang baru saya ungkapkan adalah menga-

nalisa huruf Mandarin bukan menelaah Al-

kitab, karena Alkitab yang asli bukan ditulis

dalam bahasa Mandarin. Namun di dalam

pemikiran orang Tionghoa terdapat kon-

sep ini: seorang yang sabar kekuatan-

nya besar sekali. Keberanian orang yang

memukul orang belum bisa dibilang be-

sar, karena keberanian orang yang dipu-

kul tapi masih bisa menahan diri lebih

besar dari padanya.

Dari manakah datangnya penghara-

pan? Kesusahan mendatangkan keteku-

nan, setelah bisa tekun satu kali, dua kali,

tiga kali, lambat laun bisa tahan uji. Masih

ingatkah anda saat menantikan kelahiran

anak pertamamu begitu tegang? Ketika

anak pertama mimisan serasa dunia ham-

pir kiamat, telpon ke sana ke mari, mencari

dokter, membuka kamus, menanyakan kepa-

da tetangga, apa yang bisa saya lakukan? Tapi

ketika anak keduamu mengalami hal yang

sama, kau akan berkata dengan santai, tidak

apa-apa, sebentar lagi darah akan berhenti

dengan sendiri. Ketika anak yang ketiga men-

galami hal yang sama, kau tidak menghirau-

kannya. Ketika anak yang keempat mengalami

hal yang sama, kau hanya berkata, sana, minta

Christmas 2011 31

tolong kepada kakakmu. Ketika anakmu yang

kelima mengalami hal yang sama, kau bahkan

memukul meja sambil berkata, kalau mau

mimisan di luar saja, jangan di dalam kamar,

coba lihat, karpetnya menjadi kotor. Menga-

pa begitu? Karena kau sudah terbiasa meng-

hadapi hal itu. Orang yang sudah banyak

mengalami kesusahan, meski kesusahan lain

menimpa dirinya, dia juga tidak ambil pusing.

Sebab itu, orang yang belum pernah men-

galami kesusahan, waktu kesusahan datang

dia menjadi begitu tegang. Tapi orang yang

sudah sering mengalami kesusahan, meski

menghadapi kesusahan yang besar sekali-

pun masih tampak tenang luar biasa.

Kesusahan mendatangkan keteku-

nan, ketekunan mendatangkan tahan uji,

tahan uji mendatangkan pengharapan.

Dari manakah datangnya pengharapan?

Dari iman. Dari manakah datangnya peng-

harapan? Janji Allah. Dari manakah datang-

nya pengharapan? Kesusahan. Puji Tuhan!

Setelah seorang mempunyai pengharapan,

kuasa apa yang dia miliki? Orang yang ber-

pengharapan adalah orang yang aktif, yang

kuat. Di dunia ini ada dua macam manusia:

ada yang belajar berani melalui penderi-

taan yang dialaminya, ada juga yang setelah

mengalami begitu banyak penderitaan malah

menjadi penakut. Pernahkah kau tahu ada se-

bagian orang yang semakin tua semakin ta-

kut ini, takut itu: takut kalau-kalau ada orang

jahat atau pencuri datang, sebab itu, pintunya

harus dipasangi tujuh, delapan buah kunci

baru berani tidur, sebagai akibatnya: dia tidak

berani melakukan apa-apa. Di dunia ini hanya

ada dua jenis manusia:

1. Melakukan apa pun pasti ada kesuli-

tan, jadi sebaiknya tidak melakukan apa-apa.

2. Kesulitan apa pun terjadi pasti ada

jalan keluarnya.

Mana yang lebih baik? Yang kedua.

Permisi tanya: anda termasuk yang mana?

Yang ketiga. Apa itu yang ketiga? Tidak

peduli kedua-duanya. Sesungguhnya, di

dunia ini hanya ada dua jenis konsep:

1. Harus membuahkan hasil -- ke-

sulitan apa pun menghadang, saya tetap


2. Perlu mengamankan diri -- kalau

bertemu kesulitan, saya pasti akan ber-


Pengharapan menghasilkan kuasa yang be-

gitu besar, yang membuat kita mampu un-

tuk maju terus.

32 Christmas 2011

Dunia ini bukan rumah kita yang kekal, se-

bab itu, tidak seharusnya kita mencurahkan

semua pikiran, semangat dan kekuatan kita

hanya bagi dunia ini saja, kita perlu menga-

dakan persiapan bagi hari depan. Mentalitas

seperti ini hanya mungkin kau miliki, apa-

bila kau sungguh menyadari dirimu adalah

seorang musafi r. Kita mempunyai peng-

harapan yang kekal. Itu sebabnya kita perlu

membangun sistem konsep nilai yang kekal,

juga perlu menghasilkan buah-buah yang bisa

tinggal tetap sampai selama-lamanya. Pemiki-

ran seperti itu yang mampu menyatukan

pengharapan dan pelayanan kita.

Setelah memperoleh pengharapan hidup kita

menjadi lebih sempurna. (Baca 2 Korintus

1:8-11). Bagian fi rman Tuhan ini memberi-

tahu kita, pengharapan bukan hanya mem-

buat kita menyadari keberadaan kita di dunia

hanyalah seorang musafi r, pengharapan juga

membuat kita menyadari bahwa kita tidak

bisa bersandar pada diri sendiri melainkan

harus bersandar pada Allah yang membang-

kitkan orang dari kematian. Di bagian fi rman

Tuhan inilah Paulus mengemukakan keadaan-

nya ketika berada di Asia, katanya, kalian

semua tahu, kami menghadapi kesulitan, kami

ditindas begitu rupa, kekuatan kami tidak

mampu menanggulanginya, bahkan penghara-

pan untuk hidup pun sudah tidak ada lagi,

kami sudah tidak mempunyai pengharapan,

apa jadinya?

Di dalam keadaan seperti itulah dia

mendapatkan satu pengalaman: meskipun

hatiku sudah memastikan: aku pasti mati.

Tak jelas apa sebabnya, kita sering mengait-

kan susah dengan kematian: susah setengah

mati (bahasa Mandarin: susah sampai mati).

Waktu kita mengalami kesusahan juga con-

dong mengatakan, mati aku. Kalau sudah

mati, mana bisa komentar? Meskipun kau

berseru 'mati aku', kau masih hidup bukan?


Bagian ke-III

Christmas 2011 33

Paulus pun mempunyai pengalaman seperti

itu: hatiku sudah memastikan, aku pasti mati.

Adakah dia mati? Tidak. Mengapa? Karena

dia masih punya pengharapan. Pengharapan

membuatnya tidak bersandar dirinya sendi-

ri, hanya bersandar kepada Allah yang mem-

bangkitkan orang dari kematian.

Puji Tuhan! Maka seorang yang ber-

pengharapan akan memutar arah hidupnya:

kalau dulu dia bersandar pada dirinya, pada

kepandaiannya sendiri, pada pengetahuan-

nya, pada pengalamannya, pada talentanya,

tapi sekarang dia menyadari, semua itu ti-

dak dapat disandari, maka dia berbalik arah

dan berkata, Tuhan, aku hanya bersandar

kepada-Mu. Karena Engkaulah Allah yang

membangkitkan orang dari kematian.

Paulus berkata, karena kami mempun-

yai pengharapan, maka kami menantikan

datangnya hari itu dengan sukacita, meskip-

up kami berada di dalam kesusahan kami

tetap bersukacita.

Mana mungkin orang yang sedang

menderita bisa bersukacita? Ada dua orang

wanita yang sama-sama menggendong

anak: yang seorang menggendong anaknya

sendiri, yang lain menggendong anak maji-

kannya. Berat badan anak yang digendong

ibunya 6 kg; berat badan anak yang digen-

dong pembantu hanya 5 kg. Mana yang lebih

berat: anak yang mempunyai berat badan 6

kg atau anak yang mempunyai berat badan

5 kg? Tentu yang berat badannya 6 kg bu-

kan? Namun mana yang merasa lebih berat?

Yang menggendong anak 5 kg. Bagaimana

mungkin? Karena yang dia gendong adalah

anak majikannya bukan anaknya sendiri,

maka kalau dia nakal bisa saja dicubitnya,

kalau ibunya tidak melihat, bisa saja dipu-

kulnya. Tetapi si ibu yang menjaga anaknya

sendiri, meski dilihat orang atau tidak dili-

hat orang, dia akan terus menerus menge-

lus-elus kepala anaknya sambil berkata, kau

anak manis, cepat besar ya! Mengapa bisa

begitu berbeda? Karena si ibu mempunyai

pengharapan: meski lelah menggendongnya

dia adalah anakku. Sedangkan si pembantu

tidak mempunyai pengharapan seperti itu,

dia justru berpikir untuk apa saya berharap

dia bertumbuh besar.

Saya menggendongnya setengah

mati, setiap bulan hanya diberi Rp. 200.000.

Maka kalau ibunya tidak di rumah, letakkan

saja di tempat tidur, biarkan dia menangis

setengah hari, tidak usah dipedulikan. Bila

dia mendengar ketukan pintu, tahu majikan-

nya pulang, dia segera menggendong anak

itu sambil mengatakan, sayang, sayang, sam-

34 Christmas 2011

bil membukakan pintu. Dia mengerjakan

pekerjaannya tanpa sukacita, karena dia

tidak mempunyai pengharapan atas anak

itu. Kalian yang sudah menjadi orang tua

tentu memahami apa yang saya katakan ini.

Setiap kali memandangi anakmu, kau tidak

lagi mengeluh dirimu sudah tua, karena anak

yang masih kecil, yang ganteng itu adalah

wakilmu, meskipun harus menjadi tua pun

kau rela. Tetapi bila kau tidak mempunyai

anak, setiap kali bercermin dan menemu-

kan dirimu semakin hari semakin tua, kau

merasa tidak rela. Waktu kau melihat anak-

mu mempunyai anak dan kau menggendong

cucumu, kau akan tertawa dengan begitu

senang. Meski terasa berat kau tetap mau

menggendongnya, semakin berat semakin

merasa senang, "Lihat, cucuku begitu besar."

Apa yang menyebabkan semua itu? Peng-

harapan. Orang yang mempunyai penghara-

pan, meski berada di dalam penderitaan ma-

sih tetap mempunyai sukacita.

Seorang yang berharap kepada Tuhan akan

menantikan kedatangan Kristus yang kedua

kali. Orang yang menantikan kedatangan Kris-

tus tentu akan memelihara kesucian dirinya.

Semua ini saling kait mengait. Mana ada

orang yang sambil menantikan kedatangan

Kristus sambil berbuat dosa dengan sengaja?

Hari kedatangan Kristus sudah

dekat, aku akan memelihara bajuku yang

putih, supaya pada waktu aku menyam-

but Dia di tengah-tengah kemuliaan, tidak

terdapat cacat cela. Saat pengantin wanita

menantikan kedatangan pengantin pria, dia

tentu mengenakan gaun pengantin yang

putih. 10 Menit lagi pengantin pria akan

datang, dilihatnya ada anak yang sedang

main layang-layang, mungkinkah dia ikut

main layang-layang dulu sampai pengantin

prianya datang? Tidak mungkin. Karena 10

menit lagi pengantin pria akan datang, maka

harus memelihara kebersihan gaunnya be-

gitu rupa, tidak akan membiarkan barang

setetes tinta menodai gaunnya, juga tidak

akan membiarkan debu melekat di tu-

buhnya. Dia akan menyucikan diri sambil

menantikan kedatangan pengantin prianya.

Demikian juga setiap orang yang menaruh

pengharapan pada Tuhan pasti akan meme-

lihara kesucian dirinya. Adakah hidupmu

tidak suci? Karena kau tidak mempunyai

pengharapan. Adakah kau sungguh mempu-

nyai pengharapan? Maka kau harus melalui

hidup yang kudus. (Baca 1 Yoh. 3:2-3). Ki-

ranya Tuhan memberkati kita, agar kita yang

mempunyai pengharapan ini berani melaku-

kan pekerjaan Tuhan, melalui hidup yang ku-

dus, sambil menantikan kedatangan Kristus

yang kedua. [HW]

Christmas 2011 35

In 1 Corinthians 13:13, Paul wrote that

there are three things that remain, namely

faith, hope, and love, and the greatest is love.

Why are these three equally important? Be-

cause faith, hope, and love form the foun-

dation of our Christian life. Faith is impor-

tant because it ends our inner battle against

self-suffi ciency. It is turning to the salvation

that the Lord provided in Christ Jesus. Faith

means that we no longer strive for God’s fa-

vor by standing on human strength or merit.

Faith means totally relying on the salvation

that has been fulfi lled in Christ Jesus. The

importance of faith can not be overstated

as “…without faith, it is impossible to please

Him (Hebrews 11:6).” It is faith that gives us

victory over this world.

Hope comes from our faith in God’s

faithfulness. In other words, the faithfulness

of God is the basis our hope. The promises

of God, which are based on the faithfulness

of God, are the guarantee of our hope. When

we believe, we no longer hope in the world

that is seen because what is seen is only

temporary. Our faith overcomes the world

because hope enables us to fi x our eyes to a

world that is unseen and eternal. Faith gives

birth to hope and hope brings our eyes to

look to what is eternal. Focusing on eternity

allows us to worry less about the present

world. Faith and hope enable us to over-

come the world. After faith and hope comes

love. After we receive faith, we are able to be

victorious over the world. After we receive

hope, we are able to see this present world

clearly in its temporariness. After we receive

love, we are able to look back and alleviate

the suffering of this present world. Faith en-

ables us to overcome the torture infl icted

by time through the process of suffering.

God grants hope to Christians. A

Christian that is close to God loses track


English Translation

Hebrews 11:13-16

36 Christmas 2011

of time when worshipping God because he

is enjoying a taste of eternity with God. It

is not an escapist experience as Christians

who have developed faith in God still have to

live in this physical world; but they are able

to live by the Spirit. A Christian does not run

from reality but transcends reality and then

changes reality. Someone with hope is not

imprisoned by the reality of this life because

he is able to see a second reality: the ex-

istence of this present but temporal world

and the existence of eternity. The person

who focuses on the reality of this present

world is materialistic; but the person who

focuses on the reality of eternity is one who

has hope. The Apostle Paul said that we are

not without hope. When unbelievers lose

their loved ones to death, they grieve be-

cause they have no hope beyond this life. But

for Christians, we do not cry out of despair

when death comes to claim our loved ones

because we know that God has called them

to an eternal home where they can joyfully

live in the presence of God. Because of that,

whether dead or alive, whether living in the

present temporary world or in the future

eternal world, whether what is seen or is

unseen, we are already victorious because

nothing can separate us from the love of God.

The Word of God is the foundation of our

faith, and faith enables us to put our hope in

God’s eternal plans. The word faith is pistos

in Greek and fi de in Latin. It means ‘what is

faithful, what is true, what is reliable.” When

someone says that “I have faith,” who does

that person have faith in? The God who is

faithful, true, and reliable. If God speaks lies

and makes empty claims, would not our faith

in Him be futile? But the Word of God is

true; so if we do not put our faith in His

Word, we would be foolish. How can faith

yield hope? If our faith is built upon the faith-

fulness and trueness of God; the One who

promises is faithful and will fulfi ll His Word.

That is what it means to have hope. Our

God is a God who speaks and every word

that He spoke is fi lled with power and “will

not come back empty.”

God gave his promises to us; here are the

phrases used to denote 'promise' :

Christmas 2011 37

a) Testament – something that is relat-

ed to testimony.

b) Covenant – using one’s life to give a

guarantee that what is said is true and will

come to pass.

c) Promise – A combination of two

Latin words: pre (subsequently changed to

be pro) and mission (subsequently changed

to be mise). The Latin words pre and mise

combines form the word ‘promise.’ Before

the mission is given to you, God had told you

something previously. Because of that, before

someone receives his mission, he will fi rst

receive God’s promise.

Before God gives a task to his fol-

lowers; He will fi rst give His promises to

them. Because of God’s promises, His ser-

vants are able to undergo His missions

bravely. The Word of God records a series

of drastic, not subtle changes: God takes

something that does not exist and makes it

exist; he raises the dead to life. These drastic

changes refl ect true hope in the promises of


“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings,

knowing that suffering produces endurance,

and endurance produces character, and

character produces hope” (Romans 5:2-4).

Why does suffering produce en-

durance? Because without suffering we will

not learn to wait; our tendency is to desire

instant gratifi cation. Endurance is positively

correlated with suffering. The more a per-

son suffers, the higher his or her ability to

endure is. Suffering brings endurance. One

has to become accustomed to suffering that

one no longer frets when suffering comes.

This world is not our eternal home; as

such it is fi tting that we should not focus

most of our thoughts and efforts solely on

this earthly life. This mentality is only pos-

sible if one has the mindset that one is only

a pilgrim on earth. We need to develop an

eternal mindset; producing fruits that last to


38 Christmas 2011

Hope makes us realize that we can not rely

on ourselves, but only on the God who rais-

es us from the dead. In 2 Corinthians 1:8-

11; Paul recounted the gravity of his affl ic-

tions in Asia. “We were so utterly burdened

beyond our strength,” Paul wrote, “that we

despaired of life itself (2 Cor. 1:8b).” Paul

felt as if he had received a death sentence;

but hope enables him “to rely not on our-

selves but on God who raises the dead (2

Cor. 1:9b).”

Paul has said that although he is suffering, he

experiences joy. How can a suffering person

experience joy? Take for example the case of

two women. The fi rst woman carries her in-

fant son who weighs 15 pounds. The second

woman carries her master’s infant son who

weighs 12 pounds. Obviously the 15-pound

infant is heavier; but the woman carrying

her master’s 12-pound infant feels that her

burden is emotionally, not physically heavier.

The fi rst woman who is carrying her baby

son does not mind the heaviness of her son

because she has hope in the baby who is her

fl esh and blood. The second woman regards

her master’s baby son as a burden because

she has no hope in the baby who is not hers.

A person who hopes in the Lord will look

forward to the Second Coming of Christ.

A person who is anticipating the coming of

Christ will carefully attend to the holiness of

his life before God. No true Christian waits

on the coming of Christ while sinning on

purpose. The true Christian’s mindset is that

“The Lord is coming soon, I will take care

that my garments stay white and clean so

that I may be found without blemish when I

welcome Him.” Likewise, a bride waiting for

her bridegroom will take care that her dress

be spotless so when the bridegroom comes;

he will fi nd her without blemish. If you real-

ize that you are living an unholy life, then you

are without hope. In other words, if you have

hope, you must live a holy life.

May the Lord bless us so that we who have

hope dare to do God’s work through living

a holy life while waiting for Christ’s Second

Coming. [RA]

Edited from Transcribed Sermon:Tong, Pdt. Dr. Stephen. Momentum 38 Desember 1998. LRII. Pg. 25-35. <http://lead.sabda.org/01/jun/2006/kepemimpinan_pengharapan_di_ten-gah_krisis>

Christmas 2011 39

40 Christmas 2011

Albert Halim : 2nd coming of Jesus because life is a pain.Opa Kiatt : peace on earth.David Liu : want to drive.Andrew Kusnohadi : Everything.

Justin Lee : X-BoxEdwin : world peace.Harld Doryumu : college student will be guided togerther studying the Word of

God. And complete the works of Norman McLaren (animator).Stuart Kusdono : to be the best chess player.Brently Macamay : iPad

Sarah Lam : a dog.Joseph Wangsa : a puppy.Joel Suwanto & Steven Tjandra : Beyblade

Herwi Trisnadi : go to Indo and spend time with family and parents.Pastor Wilson : see Jesus. To be with my extended family in Indonesia and celebrate

Christmas togerther.Ester Dharmosetio : a calm mind, no stress.Ivan Gani : vacation.Harry Kawilarang : health for family.Tante Mona : to sing everday for the Lord.Valerie Wijaya : iPhone.

Randy Tindage : Jesus to come.













by: Kenny Gozali and Hubert Kusdono

Christmas 2011 41

“Go to Indo and spend time with family and parents. “

“2nd coming of Jesus because life is a pain.”

Herwi Trisnadi

Albert Halim

Steven Tjandra“Beyblade”

Edwin“World peace.”

Brently Macamay“ iPad ”

42 Christmas 2011

David Liu“ Want to drive. “

Tante Mona“ To sing everyday for the Lord.”

Pastor Wilson“See Jesus. To be with my extended

family in Indonesia and celebrate Christmas together.”

Valerie Wijaya“ iPhone “

Christmas 2011 43

Have you ever had a problem and

wanted to fi x it? I have. My problem is stut-

tering. About 3 million people in the U.S.

have this problem. I have had this problem

since 1st grade. Many people think that this

is just a small problem. But it’s a lot more

trouble than that.

What is stuttering? Stuttering is to

speak in such a way that the rhythm is inter-

rupted by repetitions or sounds or syllables,

sometimes accompanied by contortions of

the face and body. Has this complication af-

fected me? Of course, but I try not to let

this get in the way of schooling or any other

activities. But it has. For example, in school,

when the teacher asks me to read part of

the book we are reading, I cannot read the

paragraph smoothly. Even though this is a

major problem in my life, I know that this is

a part of God’s plan for me. Jeremiah 29:11

says, “ ‘For I know the thoughts that I think

toward you’, says the Lord, ‘thoughts of

peace and not of evil, to give you a future

and a hope.’” (NKJV) Another verse is Psalm

71:5: “For you are my hope, O Lord God; You

are my trust from my youth.” (NKJV) These

verses give me hope because even though

I am young, God still cares for me and will

guide me through my whole life.

Another big problem with stutter-

ing is that people just don’t know how it

feels like and start making fun of people with

this problem. I have been made fun of many

times. And only my family knows about this.

So now in school I never raise my hand even

if I know the correct answer. And I never say

anything that I know I cannot say. I also pray

Andrew KusnohadiGrade 8

No. It’s A Lot More.

Just Stuttering?Agape Writing Contest Winner

44 Christmas 2011

that the teacher never calls on me and that

the teacher never assigns oral presentations.

But when I had to do oral presentations I

sometimes was able to say it smoothly. Now

my stuttering problem has gotten better, but

is still a complication in life.

Stuttering can hold me back in life,

but I try not to let that happen. A few exam-

ples of people who have had stuttering but

were still successful are Bill Walton, Winston

Churchill, Reverend Charles Swindoll, Mari-

lyn Monroe, and even King George VI. This

just shows that people like them don’t let

their problems get in the way of their hopes

and dreams. I still have this problem in my

life but I don’t let it get in the way too often.

Now I’m taking drum lessons and TaeKwon-

Do, participating in NJB, attempting to get

straight A’s in Chaparral Middle School, and

have been the song-leader for the Sunday

School since last year. God has shown hope

in my life not only for these reasons but also

because I know God has great plans for me.

He always has and always will make a way for

me. But it’s not only just for me, but also for

you, too. [JT]

Christmas 2011 45

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P e n g a n t a r

Salah satu bagian Alkitab yang banyak dikenal oleh kalangan luas—baik orang Kristen maupun non-Kristen—adalah Khotbah di Bukit. Rangkaian khotbah ini penuh dengan intisari iman Kristiani, yang disampaikan oleh Tuhan Yesus sendiri di awal pelayananNya kepada banyak orang yang mengikutiNya waktu itu. Begitu mendasarnya khotbah ini terhadap hidup manusia, dan begitu “pas”-nya dengan ideal etika dan moral manusiawi, sampai-sampai Mohandas K. Gandhi, seorang pemimpin besar India awal abad ke-20, berani berpendapat bahwa kunci menyelesaikan masalah-masalah dunia adalah ajaran dalam Khotbah di Bukit. Bila anda ada waktu, silahkan baca dan renungkan sejenak Matius 5-7. Melalui perikop ini, Tuhan Yesus mengajar kita akan hubungan yang benar: antara diri dengan Tuhan, diri dengan sendiri, dan diri dengan sesama. Di sana dijelaskan akan bagaimana kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan harus punya integritas iman Kristen yang

sejati: menjalankan ibadah kita untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk dilihat manusia, mengerjakan kasih yang sejati terhadap sesama dan bukan untuk keuntungan diri kita sediri, menghidupi hari demi hari bersandar kepada Tuhan lebih sungguh, dan secara aktif menjalankan Firman Tuhan dalam setiap langkah kita membangun hidup yang berkenan di hadapanNya. Setelah anda selesai membaca Khotbah di Bukit ini, adakah perasaan takjub sama seperti pendengar saat itu? Adakah hati yang bertobat dan direndahkan? Mampukan anda berkata “Ya, Tuhan, fi rmanMu sungguh benar”? Terlebih lagi, beranikah anda melangkah untuk melaksanakannya?

Pe n d e n g a r a t a u Pe l a k s a n a ?

Coba baca lagi seluruh Khotbah di Bukit itu. Sadarkah anda akan banyaknya kata-kata kerja (“action words”) di sana? Lebih jelas lagi, coba perhatikan apa yang dikatakan Tuhan Yesus di ujung

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khotbahNya:"Setiap orang yang mendengar perkataan-Ku ini dan melakukannya, ia sama dengan orang yang bijaksana, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas batu. Kemudian turunlah hujan dan datanglah banjir, lalu angin melanda rumah itu, tetapi rumah itu tidak rubuh sebab didirikan di atas batu. Tetapi setiap orang yang mendengar perkataan-Ku ini dan tidak melakukannya, ia sama dengan orang yang bodoh, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas pasir. Kemudian turunlah hujan dan datanglah banjir, lalu angin melanda rumah itu, sehingga rubuhlah rumah itu dan hebatlah kerusakannya." (Matius 7:24-27)

Dengan kata lain, Khotbah di Bukit diajarkan bukan untuk didengar dan disimpan saja. Tujuan Khotbah di Bukit diajarkan adalah untuk dipraktekkan! Memang kita butuh mendengar, dan alangkah bagusnya kalau kita bisa mengingat fi rman yang kita dengar. Namun seperti yang Tuhan Yesus katakan, bila kita hanya mendengar namun tidak melakukan fi rman, apa bedanya dengan kita membangun rumah di atas pasir?

Dengan kata lain, kita membangun kehidupan kita dengan sia-sia! Bila kita pikir lebih jauh lagi, puaskah anak Tuhan dengan hanya mendengar fi rmanNya? Tidakkah orang Kristen sejati akan rindu menjalankan kehendakNya? Bila anda tidak melihat pentingnya menjadi pelaku fi rman, alangkah berbahanyanya konstruksi hidup anda. Semua itu akan rubuh dan porak poranda! Lukas 6:47-49 memperjelas perumpamaan Tuhan Yesus ini:“Setiap orang yang datang kepada-Ku dan mendengarkan perkataan-Ku serta melakukannya—Aku akan menyatakan kepadamu dengan siapa ia dapat disamakan—; ia sama dengan seorang yang mendirikan rumah: Orang itu menggali dalam-dalam dan meletakkan dasarnya di atas batu. Ketika datang air bah dan banjir melanda rumah itu, rumah itu tidak dapat digoyahkan, karena rumah itu kokoh dibangun. Akan tetapi barangsiapa mendengar perkataan-Ku, tetapi tidak melakukannya, ia sama dengan seorang yang mendirikan rumah di atas tanah tanpa dasar. Ketika banjir melandanya, rumah itu segera rubuh dan hebatlah kerusakannya."

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Sadarkah anda apa yang diungkapkan di sini? Mendengar fi rman tanpa melakukannya adalah sama dengan mendirikan hidup Kristen kita tanpa fondasi. Tidak perlu kita menjadi lulusan Teknik Sipil untuk mengerti akan hal ini; semua orang yang berakal sehat pasti akan setuju bahwa rumah yang didirikan tanpa dasar tidak akan berdiri teguh. Rumah itu akan hancur total dari atas sampai bawah! Bila rumah itu adalah hidup anda: maukah anda bangun rumah anda rapuh seperti ini? Memang kelihatan enak membangun hidup tanpa “banyak pikiran” seperti ini: Jadi orang Kristen ga papa, ke gereja dengerin khotbah oke-oke aja, asal jangan berlebihan deh! Setelah kebaktian selesai ya sudah... khotbahnya diinget silahkan, tapi jangan gaya-gaya mau dipraktekkan dah! Hidup setiap hari dinikmati, cari uang, berusaha jadi orang terkenal, ga usah sok munafi k lah! Kalo mau dianggep orang Kristen yang baik, ya kasih sumbangan sana, ikut kerja bakti, tolongin orang kalo ada yang butuh. Bila anda setuju dan salah satu penganut “trend” ini, maaf—anda bagaikan orang bodoh yang membangun rumah di atas pasir itu! Saat kesusahan melanda dan pencobaan datang, dan Iblis menggoda anda, dan penghakiman Tuhan di ambang pintu, semua yang anda bangun selama ini, termasuk amal ibadah anda,

adalah sia-sia belaka! Satu-satunya cara untuk bisa keluar sebagai pemenang hanya satu: memiliki hidup yang berdasar kokoh di atas fi rman, yang dibangun dengan melakukan fi rman. Itulah hidup orang yang bijaksana.

R e k o n s t r u k s i I n t e r n a l

Tidak mudah menjadi pelaku fi rman. Seperti yang ditulis di injil Lukas, itu sama seperti pembangun rumah yang harus menggali dalam-dalam hanya untuk meletakkan fondasi rumah di atas batu. Itu baru meletakkan fondasi—dia masih harus membangun di atas fondasi tersebut. Hidup yang dibangun di atas fondasi batu yang kokoh: itulah kehidupan Kristen yang sejati, yang hanya bisa dicapai dengan menjadi pelaku fi rman. Mari kita introspeksi sejenak. Hidup kita setelah sekian tahun ini bagaikan rumah yang telah kita bangun dengan susah payah. Adakah dasar yang kokoh di rumah itu? Ataukah hidup kita dibangun di atas ajaran-ajaran duniawi yang tidak benar? “Aku”-kah yang menjadi penopang rumah kita, atau Tuhan? Adakah hati yang mengasihi sebagai pintu rumah, dan mulut yang menginjili sebagai jendelanya? Doa, pengajaran, dan pelayanankah yang menjadi dinding dan atap pelindung hidup kita?

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Bila anda menjawab ‘tidak’ akan semua hal di atas, inilah saat untuk merombak total rumah anda. Jangan sayangkan apa pun, karena semua bakal hancur saat banjir melanda. Dengan kerendahan hati, akui Yesus sebagai Tuhan yang memerintah hidupmu. Bertobatlah dari cara-cara kehidupan duniawi, dan berjalanlah dalam kebenaran. Isilah hidupmu dengan doa, dan berpeganglah kepada kebenaran fi rmanNya. Kerjakanlah keselamatanMu. Jadilah pelaku fi rman! Jangan memasalahkan hal ini mudah atau tidak mudah—ini adalah suatu keharusan bila kita mau selamat. Mau tidak mau, kita harus bongkar semua yang sudah kita bangun, meletakkan dasar yang benar, dan membangun kembali rumah kita sedikit demi sedikit di atas dasar ini. Inilah yang disebut Rekonstruksi Intenal: perombakan di dalam hidup kita.

K o n k l u s i d a n R e f l e k s i

Khotbah di Bukit adalah khotbah yang radikal. Khotbah ini memisahkan pendengar ke dalam dua kelompok: orang-orang bijak yang mendengar dan melakukan, dan orang-orang bodoh yang merasa cukup dengan mendengar saja. Termasuk kelompok yang manakah kita? Bila kita merasa cukup hanya mendengar

saja, benarkah kita ini anak Tuhan?

BIla kita ingin menjadi kelompok orang yang bijak yang melakukan fi rman, hendaklah kita senantiasa ingat pula bahwa hidup yang bisa berdiri kokoh adalah hidup yang dibangun di atas dasar yang kuat. Untuk itu dibutuhkan renovasi total dan rekonstruksi menyeluruh di dalam kehidupan kita, dan “... bangunlah dirimu sendiri di atas dasar imanmu yang paling suci dan berdoalah dalam Roh Kudus.” (Yudas 1:20). Adakah Kristus sebagai landasan yang teguh yang menopang kuat kehidupan kita? Adakah kita menyatakan Kristus di dalam segala aspek hidup kita? Adakah kita menjalankan fi rmanNya dan melakukan kehendakNya?

Sebagai penutup, mari kita mundur selangkah dari perumpamaan ini dan membaca Matius 7:21-23 dan Lukas 6:46. Bukan orang yang berseru Tuhan! Tuhan! yang akan masuk Kerajaan Sorga. Bukan orang yang melayani luar biasa yang akan diterima Tuhan. Ia tidak melihat perbuatan yang kelihatan—Ia melihat jauh ke dalam hati kita: adakah kita melakukan kehendakNya? Hanya dengan dasar inilah kita akan diterimaNya. [MH]

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E n g l i s h T r a n s l a t i o n

The Sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5 to 7) chronicles Jesus Christ’s teachings on how we are to conduct proper relationships with God, ourselves, and others. Jesus called Christians to have integrity in our relationship and worship of God; that our acts of worship is solely for God and not for the eyes of men. The Sermon of the Mount forces Christians to evaluate whether we have been building our lives according to Jesus’ teachings. Jesus’ point is that in order to build our lives on His teaching, we must become the doers of His Word. It was signifi cant that Jesus chose to conclude the Sermon on the Mount with the parable of the wise and foolish builders. In this parable, Jesus likened the doer of His Word to a wise builder who built his house on a solid stone foundation. The listener (not doer) of the

Word was likened to a foolish builder who built his house on sand. One day “the rain fell, and the fl oods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house (that was built on sand), and it fell, and great was the fall of it (Matthew 7: 27).” There is a word of warning here. Jesus intended His teachings to become the foundation that we build our lives and relationships upon. In order to do so, we cannot be mere listeners of the Word. Jesus warned that to be a mere a listener of the Word is the same as building one’s house on sand. Although the house may look sturdy from the outside, a storm will expose the inherent problems of the house: its weak (and almost non-existent) foundation. No matter how much time, money, and effort are exerted towards the house, in the end they were all futile because the storm of life will wash the house away in the end. The only foundation able to withstand the storms of life is the Christ the Rock Himself.

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Our lives and relationships must be built on Christ, and the only way to do so is to become doers of His Word. Let us inspect our ‘house.’ Is it build on the solid teachings of Christ or is it built on the false teachings of the World? Is it ‘I’ who hold the house up or is it Christ? Is there an open door of love for others or an open window that shares the gospel to others? If Christ is not your foundation, then it is time to reconstruct your house. Do not be saddened when you must discard many old ‘items’ in your ‘house’ during the reconstruction process. If you do not reconstruct your ‘house’ on the solid rock foundation that is Christ, the storm will come and destroy everything and leave you with nothing. The Sermon on the Mount was as radical then as it is now. It separates the listeners from the doers of the Word. It separates the wise builders from the foolish builders. Let us turn to the true Foundation to build our lives upon. [RA]

“Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is

in heaven.” Matthew 7: 21

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Setting the Context for the Christian Pilgrimage: Our Destination and Purpose

........................................................................................................................ Christians today are modern-day pil-grims. Those who have been chosen by God and accepted into the grace and fellowship of our Lord Jesus Christ, are on a lifelong pilgrimage to the new heaven and new earth; a place where the glory of the Lord provides light and our occupation day to day will only be to praise the Lord for who He is. For the Christian, our destination and pur-pose for which we undertake this jour-ney lie outside the domain of earthly understanding. What is the Christian pilgrimage? To answer this let’s start with what it is not:

1. Unlike other pilgrimages, the Chris-tian’s journey is not to an earthly “holy” place as it is in Islam for our promised place is a heavenly city.

2. The purpose for our pilgrimage is not to attain “enlightenment” or hu-man wisdom as it is in Buddhist religion for the Lord has said that the wisdom

of men is foolishness in the eyes of God, and that understanding comes only through Jesus Christ’s revelation of the Father (Luke 10:22).

3. Our purpose for this pilgrimage is not to attain a divine power, for by the grace of God He already sent us that power to overcome sin by means of the Holy Spirit. Because of the as-cension of Christ, the Spirit has come down to be with us so we are fi lled with all speech and knowledge even now as the Holy Spirit renewed our spirits with power, love, and discipline- (2 Tim 1:6-7). The conquering power of the Holy Spirit has been given to us. His power within each of us and His work in the world is accomplished “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit.” (Zech. 4:16). We, as believ-ers, already possess anointing from the Holy One allowing us to discern God’s will and His truth with the power and aid of the Spirit (1 John 3:24 & 4:13).

By Janice Atmadja

Christmas 2011 53

4. Our pilgrimage is not for the pur-pose of attaining holiness. We will never be holy whilst we are still in this mortal fl esh. To Him our good works are like fi lthy rags. No one is righteous before Him (Romans) and if we do not believe this then we make Him to be a liar and His truth is not in us (1 John).

The Christian pilgrimage begins and ends with the Cross of Christ. Our journey begins with the already pres-ent state of our Lord. We are not on a journey to fi nd Him. Rather, He has found us. From the very start, we did not “choose” to start the journey; God did. In fact, the journey has begun long ago when He made the promise to Adam and Eve to send a savior to redeem them of their sins. Our fall into sin that happened years ago did not escape the foreknowledge and plan of God. Even Jesus’ life, crucifi x-ion, death, resurrection, and ascension are all part of God’s plan for salvation, which are done for the glory of God to save the chosen ones. The message of the Gospel is not of humans making their way to God; instead it is one of God making His way to us. It is the act of God to save His chosen people. It is the unique message of the Gospel which says explicitly that Jesus Christ has himself come for the very purpose. That is to reach down to save human kind as we are unable to save our-selves through the gift of grace, so no

one may boast. We praise God that He Himself has provided the way through His own son, Jesus Christ.

The Christian Pilgrimage is Daily Repentance. And Daily Repentance brings HOPE.

Is it enough for us to simply agree that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He alone is the way to the Father? No. The mes-sage of the Gospel does not end sim-ply at “agreement”. If that is so, then we are like the seed that fell on the ground, sprang up, but quickly died for there was no “depth of earth” (Matt. 13). Repentance and salvation are not separate and can not be separate. Re-pentance is the act turning away of men from sin to God.

“and saying, ‘The time is fulfi lled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’ ” (Mark 1:15 ESV) “For godly grief produces a re-pentance that leads to salvation with-out regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.” (2 Corinthians 7:10 ESV) “What shall we say then? Are we to con-tinue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” (Romans 6:1-2 ESV).

Because of Christ, we may glo-rify God even though we are sinful for we are simultaneously justifi ed by faith in the blood of Christ. Because of Christ,

54 Christmas 2011

our repentance has a purpose, which is a God-glorifying purpose. John makes it clear that in our state of sin, our glorifi cation of God is pos-sible through confession, repentance, and gratitude for His gift of salvation. The act of repentance is the turning away from sin towards the grace and mercy that Jesus Christ offers through the cross. Repentance is marked by the grief and sorrow towards sin and any-thing that displeases God. This is what we are to do every day. This is our act of pilgrimage. The Christian repents daily by preaching the Gospel to him-self daily. Our daily repentance is our spiritual act of worship. Repentance is Jesus’ commandment; it is the fi rst thing He utters early on in His ministry. Does that not highlight the importance of repentance? It is in-line with the message John the Bap-tist’s message of repentance. Let us be clear, repentance is not something that happens separately, apart from receiving the Good News; neither is it something that happens only once. Repentance, true repen-tance, happens simultaneously with the receiving of the Good News. When we understand the depravity of our state through the help of the Holy Spirit, we joyously receive news of salvation offered through Jesus Christ alone. If not, the Good News will not be good to us! It is good precisely because it makes our repentance and daily walk

with Jesus a joy, knowing that our good works are as fi lthy rags and because of that the work and Lordship of Jesus Christ is even more affi rmed.

WHY must we repent?

1. Because God is holy

a. God is holy. God abhors sin, and not a day goes by that we do not sin. How-ever, if we confess our sins, He is faith-ful and just to forgive us. (1 John 1:9) This is enough reason for daily repen-tance, but we must not stop there.

b. God is holy. Therefore, He is just. Christ’s gift of salvation is redemption fulfi lling the law, by grace, through faith. The Gospel does not negate law; the gospel and Jesus’ very life fulfi lls and completes it. His justice through the gift of Christ is the mark of His holi-ness and most of all, His love.

c. God demands that we too be holy so we must obey. i. Obedience is a commandment of God. Repentance is the commandment of Jesus. Therefore, we must repent. “If you love me, you will obey what I com-mand.“ (John 14:15 NIV)

2. Repentance is the mark of those born of God. Continuation in sin is not possible for those born of God. Repentance does not bring salvation,

Christmas 2011 55

but repentance is the mark of a per-son who has truly received salvation. If we habitually walk in sin, then we are mocking the holiness of God, we are taking lightly the enslavement of sin, and we are mocking what Jesus did for us. A person can never continually commit sin and still claim to know the Holy God.

“Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning be-cause he has been born of God.” (1 John 3:8-9 ESV)

3. Repentance allows sinful hu-man beings to fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. Mis-sion and evangelism exist so that there is worship on Earth for the one true God and fellowship between the Tri-une God and us. For this very reason, Christ came down to us.

“The life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:2-3 ESV)

a. Through repentance and salvation, we sinful humans may walk with a Holy God through the veil of Jesus Christ. In Christ’s righteousness we hide; we are not made righteous, but in Christ’s righteousness are we declared inno-cent before God.

b. Repentance allows us to know God and being known by Him is our ground of assurance.

4. Daily repentance keeps us away from idols. On this Earth, there is no such thing as comfort zone for the Christian; we are sent out as sheep amongst wolves. If we are always on guard, how then can we be compla-cent? Complacency arises from forget-fulness, forgetfulness leading to doubt. At the root of it all is idolatry. Stray-ing away from Christ means idola-try. It means forgetting to repent which is forgetting the standard of God. When we “stray away”, we replace God’s standards for our own standards of good works assuring ourselves that it is enough. This is a direct mockery of Jesus’ infi nitely more precious sacrifi ce, which is the real, high, cost of our sin.

“And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” (1 John 5:20-21 ESV)

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5. Daily repentance reminds us of where we place our hope. It reminds us to run the race to the end. Repentance is the mark of a Christian who continues to hope in Christ. In our repentance, the realiza-tion of our depravity makes us turn to Christ. Our assurance of salvation comes from Christ, which is the grace of God, alone; but confi rmation of our salvation may be seen in our pursuit of the things that please God.

“By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. “ (1 John 3:19-20 ESV) [MH]

• Tujuan ziarah kita bukanlah un-tuk mendapat penerangan atau kepinta-ran manusia karena pengertian sesung-guhnya hanya bisa didapatkan melalui Tuhan Yesus.• Tuhan ziarah kita bukanlah untuk mendapatkan kekuatan ajaib karena jika kita sudah mendapatkan Roh Kudus ke-tika kita percaya (1 Yohanes 3:24 & 4:13)• Tujan ziarah kita bukanlah un-tuk menjadikan kita suci karena selama kita masih berada di dalam dunia ini kita adalah manusia berdosa dan tidak bisa menjadi suci (1 Yohanes)

Tujuan ziarah kita di dunia ini hanya ada 1 yaitu untuk kemuliaan Tuhan. Ziarah orang Kristen bermula dan berakhir di salib. Kita tidak memilih untuk menjadi penziarah tetapi Tuhan lah yang memilih kita. Kita sudah dipilih dan ditetapkan sebelum dunia dijadikan. Jadi kita tidak dapat membanggakan diri sama sekali karena semua kemuliaan hanyalah untuk-Nya.

Ziarah orang Kristen adalah per-tobatan dan pertobatan akan mendatangkan harapan.

Percaya akan Tuhan Yesus bukanlah tu-juan akhir orang Kristen tetapi meru-pakan permulaan. Setelah kita per-caya maka kita harus ada pertobatan karena keselamatan dan pertobatan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Pertobatan sehari-hari adalah bentuk ibadah kita.


Arti dan Tujuan Perjalanan Orang Kristen

Orang Kristen sekarang bisa disebut penjiarah (pilgrim) jaman baru. Kita bisa disebut penjiarah karena orang Kristen yang sudah mendapatkan anugerah kese-lamatan akan menantikan surga dan bumi yang baru. Kita menantikannya karena itu merupakan tempat tinggal tetap kita ses-ungguhnya. Kalau begitu apakah arti dan tujuan ziarah kita?

• Ziarah kita tidak sama dengan zi-arah agama lain karena tujuan ziarah kita bukanlah ke tempat suci di dalam dunia tetapi ke dalam surga.

Christmas 2011 57

The woman burned with a fever. Before her was the Yellow River, vast and wide. Beside her were one hundred orphans displaced by war. They were starved, tired, but worse, trapped. In the midst of war, all the ships had been called away, leaving a lone English missionary and one hundred war orphans standing on the wrong side of the river. One little girl asked the missionary if God would part the River as He had parted the Red Sea for Moses. The missionary replied, "I am not Moses, Sualan." And so they stood, stranded.


The woman was Gladys May Ayl-ward, born on February 24, 1902 in Edmon-ton, London to Mr. Thomas Aylward, a mail-man. She was the oldest of two sisters and a brother. Though her parents brought her to church regularly, she did not realize that

"Hope in Hell's Despair"

God had a claim on her life until she went to a revival meeting at the age of 18. Sud-denly, her eyes were opened as the preacher exhorted the congregation to "giving one's life over to the service of the Lord."2 Ac-cording to her autobiography (Little Woman), she "joined the Young Life Campaign, and in one of their meetings…read an article about China that made a terrifi c impression on [her]. To realize that millions of Chinese had never heard of Jesus Christ was to [her] a staggering thought, and [she] felt we ought to do something about it."3 This seemed to have been the seed of God's purpose for her. Gladys eventually applied to the China Inland Mission and took their courses for preparation at the age of 26. However, at the end of the course, the mission center rejected her application on basis "that her education background was too limited."

4 As

"H"H"HH"HH"H"HHHHHHHHHHHopopopopopopopopopopopppopopoppopopoppopoppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee iiniiininninininininininininn HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHeeleeeleleeelelleellleeleelleeleelee 'llll''l'l'll''l'l'llll ssssssssssss DeDeDeDeDDeDeDeDeeDeeDeDeeDeD spsspspspsppsspsppaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaa r"r"r"r"r"r"r

By Jocelyn Lee Tindage

58 Christmas 2011

a young girl who disliked school, Gladys had dropped out of school at the age of 14 and became a parlor maid, cleaning houses in the city while taking acting classes at night in the hopes of becoming an actress. But God's plans do not always coincide with the plans of man; and God always prevails. In the same way, just because the mission center denied Gladys the chance to go to China, that did not mean God had de-nied her. God's method of sending her was just a bit different, and unexpected, perhaps. After the rejection from the mis-sion center, Gladys accepted a job offer to work as a maid in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fischer. While that had seemed like a step backwards from Gladys's perspective, God spent the next few years to prepare her for the missionary work He had planned for her and called her to do. With the certainty of God's call for Gladys to go to China, she set out to pre-pare for her trip. She planned to work hard and save up every penny possible that she might be able to travel to China on her own in three years. She was going to China with-out the help of China Inland Mission. How-ever, with God's help, she managed to save enough funds to start her trip in just one year. Then, in God's perfect timing, Glad-ys attended a Primitive Methodist Gathering where she learned that a missionary named Jeannie Lawson was looking for an assistant in order to continue her missionary work in China after her husband's death. Gladys wrote, and was accepted by Mrs. Lawson. Thus, on October 15, 1932, age 30, Gladys began a fi ve-week journey from London

to the city of Yangchen in the province of Shanxi, a little south of Beijing. The train ride across Europe and Sibera was wrought with danger because of the war between Russia and China. At one point, Gladys was detained, but managed to escape via a Japa-nese ship which took her to Kobe. From there, Gladys sailed to Tianjin and eventually made her way to meet Mrs. Lawson. Travel-ing through foreign land, narrowly escaping detention, meeting friendly helpers - one can only say that God was with Gladys every step of a dangerous way. Once in Yangchen, Gladys and Mrs. Lawson needed to fi gure out a way to preach the gospel. The two women opened up an inn, Inn of Eight Happiness. It was ap-propriate since Yangchen was an overnight stop for many mule caravans, and the trav-elers needed a place to stay. After feeding the mule drivers, Mrs. Lawson gathered the travelers for story time. Each night, she told stories of a man named Jesus. After Mrs. Lawson's death shortly following Gladys's arrival, Gladys carried on her work, but soon, God granted her the op-portunity to take the gospel further. During this time in China, the government had is-sued a ban on the tradition of foot-binding. However, many families refused to comply. The government therefore needed a woman whose feet were not bound (as an example) and who was willing to travel. In this man-ner, Gladys was able to take the gospel ev-erywhere she went to inspect feet. When God has a plan, He provides a way. Gladys Aylward, a woman who was considered in capable of learning the Chinese language by China Inland Mission, was now preaching the

Christmas 2011 59

gospel fl uently in Chinese all over the prov-ince of Shanxi. Five years after Gladys's arrival in China, however, what was considered the "Golden Age" for missionaries in Chi-na would come to a drastic end. In 1937, Yangchen was beginning to hear reports of war as the Japanese began their attack of China. The curtains for one of the world's most devastating war in all of history had just lifted. In 1938, the Inn of Eight Happiness was bombed and damaged. She would spend the next two years tending the wounded, fl eeing to the mountains for safety, and tend-ing to the large group of orphans that had collected over the years. One could say that her missionary work took a completely dif-ferent direction than she had perhaps antici-pated. The greatest challenge during that time came in early 1940. By then, Gladys had become a wanted woman of the Japa-nese government, who wished to arrest her for spying. She often spied on the Japanese and gave the Chinese Nationalist forces in-telligence. It was time to fl ee, but Gladys was taking care of over two hundred or-phans at the time. One hundred of those orphans would leave with Gladys's co-worker in ear-ly 1940. Days later, Gladys rounded up the other hundred and began the long moun-tainous trek from Yancheng to Xian where they would be safe. The fi rst few days of the journey was fi lled with excitement, but soon their shoes worn out, feet covered in bloody blisters, food supply depleted, and health

eroded. Gladys was plagued with fever, the children weakened by exhaustion, and all were tormented by hunger and fear. After twelve days of traveling, they fi nally came to the Yellow River, but all the nearby villagers had already escaped, taking the boats with them. So before them was the great divide, behind them were Japanese soldiers. It was no wonder the little girl Sualan thought of the story of Moses and the Israelites before the Red Sea. However, as Gladys had said, she was not Moses, and had no staff to part with river with. "But God is always God," the girl reminded Gladys. And so they prayed. The children prayed and sang. God did not part the Yellow River for them that day, but He did bring a Chi-nese offi cer who had heard the songs of the children. In three trips, all the children and Gladys were transported safely across the Yellow River. From there they journeyed still many days until they reached safety. Gladys was not Moses, the children were not the Israelites, and the Yellow River was not the Red Sea. Between Moses and Gladys spanned three millennia. But despite the change of time and space, God is still God, and He has cared for His people all the same. After Gladys recuperated from a string of illnesses that followed the jour-ney, she continued her missionary work in Chengdu. Then in 1949, she returned home to England. Though she longed to return to China, the place she called home, Commu-nists took over and sealed off China from all foreigners. Consequently, Gladys moved to Taiwan instead, and continued her work -

60 Christmas 2011

opening orphanages, preaching God's word - until her death in 1970. In the eyes of men, Gladys Aylward was perhaps just a parlor maid who was not good enough to enter the mission fi eld. But by the will of God, she made it to China, sur-vived through a treacherous journey, World War II, and carried out the work that God had created her to accomplish. In the end, her life is a testament that no circumstance, time, or men can ever thwart the will of our Almighty God. May it be an encouragement to us all, that in Him, there is always hope in hell's despair. [END] 1 Aylward, Gladys, and Hunter Christine. "Little

Woman." TCCA Taichung Christian Congrega-tion. Trans. Huang Wan-Hsu. TCCA, n.d. Web. 29 Oct 2011. <tcca.iam.tw/books_a_12.htm>.

2 Fritzius, John. "Gladys Aylward." tlogical. The-ology thru Technology, 2006. Web. 28 Oct 2011. <www.tlogical.net/bioaylward.htm>.

3 Piper, Noel. Faithful Women and their Extraor-dinary God. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2005. 72. eBook.

4 Ibid, p. 72

5 For further reading, refer to Faithful Woman and Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper and Little Woman by Gladys Aylward and Christine Hunter.

Kenapa kita perlu bertobat?• Karena Tuhan kudus adanya

o Tuhan membenci dosa o Tuhan menebus kita dari dosa o Tuhan mau kita untuk turut ke pada perintah-Nya

• Pertobatan adalah tanda lahir baru. Wa-laupun pertobatan tidak mendatangkan keselamatan tetapi pertobatan merupakan tanda orang yang telah mendapatkan kes-elamatan.

• Pertobatan membuat manusia bisa mem-punyai hubungan dengan Tuhan melalui Ye-sus Kristus.

o Dengan pertobatan kita bisa ber- jalan dengan Tuhan yang kudus. o Dengan pertobatan kita dapat mengenal dan “diketahui” oleh Tu- han.

• Pertobatan sehari-hari menjauhkan kita dari penyembahan berhala. Akar dari semua dosa kita adalah berhala dan manusia yang menjauh dari Tuhan pasti telah menyembah suatu berhala.

• Pertobatan mengingatkan kita dimana kita bisa menaruh harapan kita. Tuhan Yesus merupakan sumber harapan kita karena di dalam Dia saja kita mendapatkan anugerah keselamatan dan hidup yang kekal. [HW]

The Christian Pilgrimage

Christmas 2011 61

It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul.

-from ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley

62 Christmas 2011

William Henley’s ‘Invictus’ is well-regarded as a source of

inspiration to many notable figures. The poem has been quoted by fa-mous actors and songwriters. It has inspired Nelson Mandela during his twenty seven years of political imprisonment. It is also the poem that Oklahoma City Bomber, Tim-othy McVeigh recited on a piece of paper on his execution day. Somehow the poem’s message of ‘self-mastery’ appealed to both men although one man is considered a respectable leader and the other a terrorist.

At the heart of ‘Invictus’ is a declara-tion of man’s desire to direct the

course of his life. It is a prideful man’s anthem that sings of independence from his Creator and elevating himself to the status of master of his fate. The Bible speaks of material things that can be-come masters of us. However the most dangerous master that we can have is ourselves because when we elevate ourselves to become captains of our lives out of pride, we claim that it is for

sake of self-preservation. For example, one feels that one simply cannot wait

for God to act and decide to take matters into his own hands without consulting the Lord. Man in his sinful nature sees it as self-preservation, but God sees it as contending for su-premacy against Him.

If we are honest with ourselves, we will find that we like to con-trol the direction of our lives. We take great pains in ensuring

the level of comfort that we are used to having continues for as long

as possible. As long as one is open to God’s leading in his or her life, there is nothing wrong with studying hard for a future in your chosen profession or to save money for rainy days. However when one does not submit to the Lord’s direction and insist having a right to con-trol the trajectory of our lives, then one has wrestled control away from God. When I insist on going my own way and disregard God’s directions for my life; I have robbed God of his position as the true master of my life.

Christmas 2011 63

Regretfully we all have robbed God of his legitimate position as the true

Master of our lives. At times we take tomorrow for granted and make plans without consulting Him first. At times, we expect that God will give us a life that matches our human expectations and desires. At times, we expect and de-mand that God aligns His will with our wills when it is us who should be aligning our wills to His. If we say that we believe in God but yet do not trust Him with determining the direction of our lives, then we are liars and we do not know in whom we have believed in.

In Matthew 6, Jesus spoke with regards to storing up treasures on earth:

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”Matthew 6:24

In many ways, serving money in the end is serving our selves. Money is just a

means of self-preservation in which we find security and false strength that can be used to control the direction of our lives. Just as Jesus explained, to serve two masters is to disobey one of them. Do we declare with our mouths that God is the Captain of our souls and yet conduct our lives as if we are the cap-tains of our souls? Let us choose our Master wisely.

64 Christmas 2011

By: Hubert Kusdono and Kenny Gozali

Christmas comes with gift givings: parents giving gifts to their

children and children giving gifts to their parents as well as to the

other family members, the extended family and friends. This Christmas

we asked a few parents to give advice on what are the thoughtful

Christmas gifts they can offer to their Children. Let’s take a look below.

Christmas 2011 65

spiritual security. Also, especially during the Christmas season, parents should be good friends to their children. They should be listening and attentive parents, encouraging their children’s dreams and telling them how proud they are of them. This Christmas, even with all the hectic and diffi cult times of work, parents need to slow down and spend time with their kids. This is probably one of the best things any child could ask for Christmas. Most importantly, pray for their wisdom, protection, and strength.

Not only should parents give their children spiritual gifts for their children, but children should also give their parents gifts that are not necessarily materialistic. First and foremost, as a Christmas gift that any parent would want, children should obey their parents. They should pursue righteousness and remember Jesus

Christ in all their actions, as well as educate themselves in the Bible’s promises. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:1, children should live a pure life that pleases God. As a gift to their parents, children should apologize to their parents and be willing to change themselves when they have done wrong. Practicing good manners and keeping a good attitude is also something that parents would like from their children. Most importantly, children should not be afraid to open up and communicate

“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.” – Psalm 127.Each Christmas, children ask their parents for anything they dream of, whether it is a toy car, doll, or new video game system. A wise, thoughtful parent would not only think of materialistic things to buy for their children, but values to instill in their children which will benefi t them throughout their whole life. Implanting spiritual values and pointing their children towards Christ and His faithfulness is a great Christmas present that any parent can give to their child. Because God does not waste children on parents and calls them “gifts,” parents should have a commitment to raise and train their children in Christ. Even if it doesn’t suit to the preference of the child, discipline, without losing temper or embarrassing them in front of their peers, is still a way of teaching a child the rights and wrongs in life. Practicing a sincere respect for the child’s worth as an individual is something that all parents should do for their children, not only during Christmas, but every day. Respecting a child’s worth as an individual includes giving them emotional, physical, and

66 Christmas 2011

with their parents, for this creates a healthy relationship. They should thank their parents for all the sacrifi ces they have made. This Christmas, materialistic items may be nice to give, but a perfect gift that both parents and children could give to each other is the gift of love and compassion. Not only should they spend time with each other, but they should love each other in Christ. [HK]

A wise gift that any parent could give to their children is their time, even in the midst of the struggles, hardships, and stressful times. Even though children may prefer materialistic gifts such as new toys, quality time that is spent will create memories that

will last forever. Gifts such as toys may only satisfy a child for a period of time, whether it may be short or long, but a memory that is made from the special bonding between a parent and child is sure to last a lifetime. Spending family time together may just include anything ranging from going to an elaborate vacation spot to just eating dinner as a family. What is most important is the quality time that parents and their children should spend with each other, regardless of where they are. No matter the location, parents should be sure to give their children a great time and create memories that they will always remember as they grow older. For example, a couple years ago, my husband and I went to the Grand Canyon with our children during the Christmas vacation. Just spending quality time and strengthening our loving bond as a family helped create special memories that my children still remember to this day, even though they were very young at the time. It does not have to be at the Grand Canyon. Watching movies together, going out at night to get dessert, or just having a nice family meal will generate great times and memories that children will enjoy. While Christmas season and summer vacation are great times for parents to spend time with their children, Christmas is especially important and signifi cant because it is a time not only for spending time and having fun, but a time to remember God. As a Christian parent, one should not only make their kids happy but also make sure they grow in Christ. They should spend time with their children and guide them in the Word of God while training them to be good

Christmas 2011 67

Chris t ian fo l lowers in the eyes of the Lord. Family time is a perfect time to i n s t i l l Chr is t ian values and help them spiritually g r o w .

Worldly gifts and toys may make children happy, but the happiness and will never last as long as the joy from all the memories that were created from the great times spent with their parents. As a good Christian parent, one may delight their child by giving them gifts, but what is most important is creating a special bond and healthy relationship in Christ that will last a lifetime. [HK]

The wonderful and awesome Christmas gift everyone loves and needs is the gift of God, “Eternal Life in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6: 23). This gift without doubt is the most wanted, especially for someone who knows and experiences the down fall point of one’s life. This gift is also for friends who almost have everything in life such as electronic items: an I-pod, I-touch, and I-phone and still feeling emptiness in their hearts. The gift of God is the best gift ever. After getting this gift, you need to wrap it with a very special wrapper, the Words of God. In addition,

you might need to drop a bit of decorated items on the top of the wrapper. Those are your love, comfort, care and attention. Guaranteed, the person who receives this gift will love it the most. Another thing that you might give as Christmas gift is a quick grabbed one in many stores, such as a headphone jacket, a fl ash drive, or a Polaroid instant camera. These gifts are unisex items. They temporarily satisfy everyone. Their characteristics are immediate wants, short satisfactions, never enough updates, and fast bored desires. All suggested Christmas gifts are mentioned above, the best one or the better one, you can think of for this year. [KG]

68 Christmas 2011

We as Clement’s parents are very glad and thankful to the Lord, who has given us grace to experience parenthood, even though we do not deserve it. As time goes by, we can really experience that Clement has brought so much blessing in our family. So many times throughout the day, we hear laughter and singing from everybody in the house, including Clement’s grandparents. We see smiley faces around the house. We pray that this translates continuously that even when Clement grows up, he still can be a blessing to others around him because Christ lives in him.

Our hope for Clement:

1) May God reveal more of Himself to Clement. 2) May Clement truly recognize his state of fallenness as a sinful human being, so that he will come to Christ in humility and repentance. 3) We hope that Clement will love God will all of his heart, mind, and soul and love others just as himself. 4) We also hope that God will grant him the fear of the Lord which will produce humility, obedience, and heavenly wisdom which will guide him in all aspects of his life whether throughout his childhood, education, friendship, trials that God allows in his life, career, ministry that God entrusts to him, and his future.

Baby's Full Name:Clement Christopher Setiawan

The Parents:Heri Sebastian Setiawan and Christal Setiawan

Date of Birth:29 December 2010Weight and Height:

7.3 pounds and 19 inchesFuture Occupation:

Anything that God wants him to be.(a.k.a we don’t know yet)

Christmas 2011 69

Baby's Full Name: Charlene Aimee ChungThe Parents: Buddy and Linda Chung

Date of Birth: 18 February 2011 at 2.35PMWeight and Height: 6.3 pounds and 18 inches

Future Occupation: Athlete (said Mommy)or Doctor (said Daddy)

I (Linda) was very scared with the idea of giving birth, so I had been praying to God for the strength and courage. On Friday, February 18th at 9 AM (Home, Alhambra), Buddy was already off to work. I was about to bring Marshie, our dog for a walk when I suddenly heard popping sound. I did not feel any pain but noticed the carpet under me was all wet. I remembered one of my child-birth sessions and thought "Oh, maybe my water just broke... but it might be a false labor." I took a shower to clean myself and then called my doctor to tell her what had happened. The nurse who answered the call insisted that I should have it checked at the hospital. So there, I was driving alone to the hospital and called Buddy saying, "Don't worry, I just need to have it checked." At 10 AM (Methodist Hospital, Arcadia), I was told that I had to stay because I was already 3 cm dilated. At 11 AM, Buddy fi nally arrived at the hospital after making several wrong turns in the neighborhood he was familiar with, just because he was too nervous. I had not felt any pain yet at that moment, so I was thinking, "Wow, this is easy." About an hour later, it was not easy anymore. The contraction started, and I began to experience the pain. Buddy was trying hard to comfort me. All of the things I saw on TV when someone giving birth was happening to me. I was screaming, tossing, and turning. An anesthesiologist came and gave me an injection. Five minutes later, I was calm like a cucumber. Finally, after a few pushes, Charlene was born at 2:35 PM. This is all by God's blessing. It was the greatest feeling in my life. God knew I was terrifi ed, so He made everything quick and unpredictable for me.

Our hope for Charlene:

Is to be a wise woman who fears the Lord.

70 Christmas 2011

Baby's Full Name: Angela Elaine ZhengThe Parents: Jinzhang Zheng and Linda Tjhu

Date of Birth: 02 November 2011Weight and Height: 10.8 pounds and 20 inches

Future Occupation: Dentist

We were really surprised that our baby weighed more than 10 pounds because the doctor predicted only 8 pounds. Our baby who was born overweight had low blood sugar after delivery and had a higher risk for diabetes.We were concerned about her conditions. Finally after a few tests were done, her blood sugar came back to normal, and nothing was wrong with her. We are blessed for our baby girl. Thank God for giving us an adorable, big, and healthy daughter.

Our Hope for Angela:

When we named our baby girl "Angela Elaine," we hope she can be a light and blessing to her surroundings.

Christmas 2011 71

By: Eva Leony