Edpsych-ed Final PPT

Post on 25-May-2015

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Edpsych-ed PBL Scenario 2


JEREMYPossible explanations

for his problems

Root Problems

• Poor quality between microsystemsVygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development

• No role modelBandura’s Social Learning Theory

Friends• Disrespectful and insensitive to

JeremyBandura’s Theory: Social Learning Theory• No role model to mimic

Skinner’s Theory: Behavioural Theory• Positively reinforced by teacher

Parents• No time management

• No shared responsibility with school

• Unrealistic expectationsTheory: BF Skinner’s Behavioural Theory• Positive punishment

– Take away Jeremy’s free time by making him complete more assignments

School• Fixated on correcting Jeremy’s

attitudeSkinner’s Theory: Behavioural Theory• Positive punishment: Standing outside the class

Vygotsky’s ZPD: Parents & School/Teachers• No feedback between school and parents

– Cannot establish ZPD

JEREMYPossible solutions for his problems


• Bronfrenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory - Work on the links in the microsystems and mesosystems surrounding Jeremy


Friends• Lesson Teaching Values

– Students can play games/role play

(e.g.: games that reflect certain aspects of social relationships)

- Perspective Taking

(Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development)

Increase social understanding and therefore interaction between him and his friends

Friends• Lesson Teaching Values

– Task/experience is within his Zone of Promixal Development (ZPD)

(Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory)

Provide feedback to guide and encourage Jeremy’s individual social learning


• As a teacher, model good and appropriate

behaviour in class for the students to adopt

(Bandura’s Social Learning Theory)

Parents• Work towards building rapport with the

the parents– Give updates via email – Potentially act as a mediator between

Jeremy and his parents


• Propose to keep Jeremy in school for

individualized attention (on certain days),

as opposed to tuition.

School• Providing a Male Role Model

– E.g.: teacher or counselor to establish healthy relationships with him

(Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory)

School• Avoid Using Punishment

– Negative reinforcement

E.g.: reducing his existing punishments in school if he does his work and/or behaves well in class

– Positive reinforcement

(Skinner’s Behavioural Theory)