Educate Empower Thrive Starting a FREEDOM...

Post on 18-Oct-2020

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Startinga FREEDOM LIFESTYLE from scratchSuper Simple Success guide


Life By Own DesignEducate ● Empower ● Thrive

To Create The Life Of Your Dreams~ Life By Own Design

You Have The POWER

Sebastian Cannon & Beata TworekFounders of Life By Own DesignThis eBook was created to assist you in your positive journey

to success in life and in business.

In our life we went from surviving to thriving by finding the right education, mentors and community to awaken and support us on our journey.

We dedicated ourselves to education and learning the knowledge and skills we needed, to empower ourselves and create abundance in our life.

It was essential that we had to step outside of our comfort zone, adopt new skills, challenge ourselves and do things we had never done before if we wanted to create a life we had never had before.

A life of freedom, fulfillment, empowerment and abundance.

Now sharing our knowledge is our passion and our mission is to help, motivate and educate others to truly live their best life.

Through this book and the educational resources that we recommend here, you

will gain the knowledge and skills to take control of your mindset, awaken the leader within you and master the online world, so that you can ignite success in your life.

Anyone can create abundance by understanding and taking action on specific principles of success and leveraging the internet by following the steps shown here and putting the work in. So absorb the information, instill within yourself a resolve to make it happen and it inevitably will.

Have no fears. What ever level you are at right now in all personal, technical, social, business or digital skills, this is enough. We all start somewhere and there is no right or wrong place to start.

It is important to note that the strategies, techniques and principles you will learn here and the platforms that you will eventually use and master, are NOT rocket science and you don't have to be a super brain to understand and implement them.

Simply dedicate yourself to growth and persevere consistently with your craft. Then you can master and accomplish anything.This is an exciting time.

Wishing you all success and happiness.Beata & Sebastian

We are extremely blessed and lucky parents of our beautiful twin daughters

Atiya and Caira. We thrive as a family, having a relationship that we cherish greatly. We live every day fully, together, happy, fulfilled and prosperous, so incredibly grateful for the gift of life and the opportunity to love, grow, learn, create more abundance every day, be inspired and inspire others.

It's why we create all that we do, books, videos and teachings for people all over the world.

And although our life now is like “the dream come true”, it was not always like this.

There was time only a few years ago, when we lived our life feeling stuck in the day to day routine. Dragging ourselves out of bed every morning, doing things automatically without any particular passion, exhausted from the constant struggle for more money and more time, stressed and utterly pinned against the wall. We felt so vulnerable and powerless.

Sebastian was holding down a secure but extremely unfulfilling and draining job. He had to leave home every day in the very early morning. After our baby girls were born, it made him cry not being able to be there with us. He used to have panic attacks, at work and at home. Passing out, his brain not able to take the pressure anymore, to the point that one time I actually had to call an ambulance, thinking he was dead.

Click to Hear Our Mission (This will open in your browser)

Atiya Caira Our Story

I was lucky to be able to stay at home with my precious daughters but felt like

I’m drowning in isolation, defeated. With my hormones all upside down after birth, I was very low on positive energy and not really coping. I wanted to be this perfect mum but felt like I'm failing and would literally scream in despair. Thinking that my neighbours must have thought that I’m crazy.

As grateful as we were for each other and the girls, we were yearning for change, a different lifestyle, filled with vitality and prosperity. Of course we were scared from the unknown and had to deal with a lot of judgement from others. How dare we not want to live the status quo, to fit in, to slave our life away day by day for little money just to pay the bills?! Like most other people do.

Well, life is too short! And we knew it. Especially after having to stay 6 long weeks in hospital after Atiya’s and Caira’s premature birth. And then Caira's serious operation at only 4 months old. And Atiya’s hole in her little heart, every day fearful, afraid for her life. And then her open heart operation when she was 1 year 9 months old. We faced the fragility and preciousness of life every day and it was unbearable to miss out on being there for each other and having to spend our days apart.

And this is why, in spite of the pressure from all the naysayers and our own fears, we decided to take the risk, do something about it and make the change that we dreamed of. I drove one day many miles away to look at a house in Wales and shortly after we moved to the countryside, leaving everything behind, to work on our own project. Start our own little business and stay together at home.

Gosh, it wasn't easy, it took us a long time to slow down the pace we were used

to and adjust to the completely new environment. We worked really hard for over three years on Sebastian's inventions, his designs of auto-stabilising active dynamic chairs – Cloud Bubbles. It was like walking in the dark, so inexperienced, with zero support and no investment capital.

We created from scratch a unique series of beautiful chairs, we invested in it all that we had and more, but because we had no idea how to get them out there into the world, we had to pause. I started worrying more and more often how we would buy food for the week to come or if we would have enough petrol to drive the girls to school. It was a grey, wet winter. Our landlord came to ask for delayed rent money and I lost my temper as we had to spend it to pay for the gas to heat the house.

I was in pieces, cried a lot. The hopes for a better future shattered, day in, day out falling deeper and deeper... guilt, shame, anger, doubt.

And then one day, not exactly sure where it came from, tired of and fed up with my own constant negativity, somehow the voice within told me to flip it all around. I made a choice that day, for myself and those I loved most, to make it work, to be happy again, to have fun, to appreciate and be grateful for my life and all in it, to forgive and enjoy every moment and feel worthy.

And believe it or not, this is when the things started to really change. This is when our real growth began. In a very short space of time we started coming across different trainings and courses online, opportunities for working from home, teachings and personal development coaching.

However the true transformation happened when we found the educational

community of SFM. There was something different, special about it, genuine and possible. We felt instantly drawn to the vision of the founders and their authenticity. By joining the incredible community of extraordinary like-minded people on a similar journey as ours, we became a part of something much bigger.

At the beginning we were just looking for a way to achieve a sustainable income and even prosper. But in a short time, it became so much more than that. Taught by our mentors and other members of the community, we started shifting our mindset and with that the reality and state of our life. We started to grow and expand so much, learning so many new skills for life, so relevant to this modern world and the expanding human consciousness.

It became about making dreams come true, stepping into an empowered life, choosing successful living and giving back to the world for the benefit of all. Making a difference, feeling the power within and helping others to improve and even transform their lives and working together towards building a better tomorrow for the future generations.

And that became our mission. To awaken others to their true potential. To share our experiences and knowledge, to show people that there is more to it all and it's available for everyone, like YOU and ME.

We wish to give as many people as possible access to quality resources for new models of education, digital expansion, teachings on how to live fully and experience the flow state. Inspire well-being and wealth. And spread Love and Unity.

● ...what would your ideal life be like?

● ...what experiences would you like to have?

● would you like to grow?

● would you like to contribute to the world?

● ...and... what is stopping you from making all this happen?

So ask Yourself The 5 Big Questions





Where Are You? What Life Do You Desire? How To Get There?







Leverage The Digital World Success


The Global Digital RevolutionOne of the most poignant reasons and perhaps one of

the least generally thought of in why gaining a digital education and online skills in today's world is so valuable, is linked directly in the awareness of what tomorrow's world will look like.

The ‘digital revolution’ is here, here to stay and it has already evolved our society and the way humans live in a dramatically short space of time.

By harnessing the skill-sets and mind mastery of an online entrepreneur now, you will be gaining some of the most invaluable education today for a world rapidly evolving.

A powerful modern education that you can not only use to create abundance and security now. But to teach your children and others, skills that we may very well NEED when self driving cars, lorries and taxis are the norm and your doctor is a robot computer with a worldwide self-learning brain...

Watch This Eye-opening VideoAbout ‘OUR FUTURE’ - That Is Already Here

CLICK THE VIDEO to view(This will open in your browser)

3 Parts To The Puzzle

1 Mindset

● HAVE A CLEAR VISION Create a crystal clear intention for your life.

● BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Shifting your mindset and taking control is the very first step.

● EDUCATE YOURSELF Understanding WHICH education is the key.

2 Digital Skills

● Online Affiliate Insights● High Ticket Commissions● List building + Leads● Creating Quick Websites● Simple Sales Funnels● Your Subscribers● Ultimate AD Examples● Core Strategic Principles● Tools + Platforms + more...

3 Empowerment



( You Will Discover All Of These Aspects In This eBook)




Begin Your Journey Today


Copyright & Disclaimer - The Legal Stuff

This book was written for educational purposes. The contents is intended to provide information and guidance. We do not claim that the contents guarantees your success, financial or otherwise. That is and always will be entirely down to you.

We make no guarantees that you will make money by following the guidance in this book. Individuals results will vary.

Every precaution has been made to ensure that the information in this book is correct and complete, and no liability is assumed for any errors or omissions, real or perceived. The authors reserve the right to update or edit this book at any time.

All rights reserved. The contents of this entire book are covered by copyright laws. The owners of the copyrights are Sebastian Cannon and Beata Tworek.

This book does not include resale or redistribution rights. You may not sell any part of this book.

Please remember that this book was written for educational purposes but should not replace common sense in decisions made in your business and in your life.

Oh...and Enjoy Everything!