Education By: Angus

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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The ancient Mesopotamian’s kept written records of everything, no matter if it is super important or not important at all. So that means that there would be a record of everything that the kid did, good or bad. These were obviously made by people who could read and write, and the people who could read and write would most likely get a good job with a good pay as a scribe. Thats why most people decided to send their kids to school.


Before that time most children got their education from their parents. The ancient Mesopotamians realized that their children would get a better education if they sent their kids to learn from people who were smarter than themselves. Ancient Mesopotamians mainly taught the children the skills of being a scribe, that means mainly reading and writing.




The schools that children attended in ancient Egypt are a lot different than the schools that kids attend today. Only very wealthy families could afford to send their children to “houses of instruction” in the royal palace or in temples. Only boys went to school back then.


Once the boys that had already become educated had turned twelve they were able to be scribes. When the kids were first learning to read there was no books in their level of ability so the first book that the teachers gave them was called ”Kemyt”. Kemyt was full of advice to schoolchildren and polite Egyptian phrases. Once the boys turned twelfth they could be a scribe.




Most kids in Ancient China didn't go to school simply because they had no time. They were too busy working weather it was in the fields planting rice or millet, weeding the vegetables or feeding the chickens. They could also be busy taking care of their younger siblings.


If you were a boy, and your father could spare you from the fields, then he would send you to school. If there wasn't a school in your village, you might have to go live with your relatives or with strangers in a bigger town. In ancient China, many schools were free, paid for by the Emperor.




Education was very important to the ancient romans. Rich people got a very good education as apposed to the poor people who did not get a formal education at all. Many of the poor families still learned the basic stuff like reading and writing.


Learning in Roman schools was based on fear. Boys were beaten for the slightest offence as a belief existed that a boy would learn correctly and accurately if he feared being hurt if he got something wrong. If a boy continued to get answers wrong he would be held down by two slaves and be beaten by their tutor.




Education in modern day Canada is so much different than what they were like in ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient China and Ancient Rome. There is no beating of children in Canada, not just teaching the children to do one job and most children are not too busy working that they can’t go to school.


Another reason education is different now compared to then is that in modern Canada we have all of the modern technology and in all of the ancient times they didn’t have any technology at all. We have an easier way to do a lot of stuff but mainly getting research has improved the most from the ancient times.


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