Education in Gujarat

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/10/2019 Education in Gujarat


    Compiled By: Kunal H. Upadhyay

    Primary Education

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    Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)


    SSA project implemented by Gujarat Council of Elementary Education in Gujarat States.

    Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of

    Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86thamendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-

    14 years age group, a Fundamental Right.

    The programme seeks to open new schools in those habitations which do not have schooling

    facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms,

    toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grants.

    Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength are provided with additional teachers, while the

    capacity of existing teachers is being strengthened by extensive training, grants for developing

    teaching-learning materials and strengthening of the academic support structure at a cluster, block

    and district level.

    SSA seeks to provide quality elementary education including life skills. SSA has a special focus on

    girl's education and children with special needs. SSA also seeks to provide computer education to

    bridge the digital divide.

    Functional Areas of SSA

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    . Teachers Training

    . Planning & Management

    . Tribal Education

    . Gender Education

    . Civil Works

    . Finance & Accounts

    . Media & Documentation

    . Management Information System


    Integrated Education for Disabled

    Management Structure - State Level

    SPD State Project Director

    ASPD Additional State P roject Director

    F & AO F inance & Account O fficer

    OIC O fficer Incharge

    SSA Sarva Shiksha A bhiyan

    GCERT G ujarat C ouncil of E ducational R esearch and T rainingActivities

    Activities / duties of the council

    The following activities / duties are carried out by the council taking into consideration the provisionscontained in the frame work for implementation SSA.

    1. To provide school / Special Training.

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    2. To provide a room for every teacher for every grade / class, whichever is lower in primaryand upper primary.

    3. Civil Works : Improvement of school facilities and BRC / CRC construction and additionalclassroom at CRC level.

    4. Maintenance and repair of school building (subject to specific norms)


    School Grant6. Teachers grant for TLM (subject to the limit by the norms)7. Provision for Teacher Training8. Provision for training of community leaders9. Efforts to meet the special need of Disabled children10. Provision for Research, Evaluation Supervision and Monitoring11. To establish the Management structure.12. Innovative activity for girls education, early child hood, care and education, interventions for

    children belonging to SC/ST community.13. To establish educational units like BRC at block level and CRC at cluster level and to provide

    fund for their activeness and capacity building.14. To provide fund for setting up Special Training centers, Bridge course, Back-to- school camps

    with a focus on mainstreaming out of school children into regular schools.15. Preparatory activities for micro-planning, household surveys, studies, community

    mobilization, school-based activities, office equipment, training and orientation at all levelsetc.

    16. To establish Model Cluster School under NPEGEL and provide fund for TLM, sports andvocational training.

    17. Provision for grant to Model Cluster School for meeting the expenditure on various activitiesfor promotion of girls education.

    18. Provision for awards to school/ teacher at cluster level for the achievements in enrolment,retention and learning out comes of girls students.

    19. Training to teachers and peoples participants for gender sensitization

    20. CAL - Computer Aided Learning

    Commissionerate of Schools, GandhinagarCommissionerate of Schools is a Head office under administrative control of EducationDepartment of State Government. The function of this office is to look after the Developmentand Management of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

    This office has been assigned responsibility to control all District Education Offices, to providegrants to the Government and Grant in Aid Secondary and Higher Secondary schools includingspecial institutes , conducting inspections and monitoring of the schools.

    CCommissionerate is an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization with aim of universalization ofSecondary and Higher Secondary Education for all the students with quality education withoutdiscrimination, transparent administration to the teachers and parents, continuous developmentof Education with High Gross Enrolment ratio and less dropout rate. This office provides goodenvironment to the employee and officers also.

    Commissionerate of Schools implements important Secondary and Higher SecondaryEducational Schemes i.e. Vidjyalaxmi Bond for Girls, Karma yogi Training for teachers,

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    Connecting all major Universities, Colleges, Research Institutes, Libraries and centers ofexcellence spread across different countries of the world

    . Act as a resource center

    . Act as nodal agency for National/Regional Knowledge initiatives

    KMPF . Knowledge Management Program for Faculty. To enhance ability in knowledge management. Enhance Language, Professional and E skills. 32 hour course for 13,000 college teachers. Cascade model of training

    SaaksharBharat - Sarasvatiyatra In Gujarat Objectives

    . Impact functional literacy to illiterate adults in the age group of 15+

    . Enable the neo-literates to continues their learning beyond basic literacy and acquireequivalency to formal educational system.

    . Equip the neo-literates with skills to improve their living and earning conditions; and

    . Establish a learning society by providing opportunities to neo literates for lifelong learning


    . Achieve 80% literacy rate, In Sarasvatiyatra Achive 85% literacy rate

    . Reduce gender gap in literacy to 10% , In Sarasvatiyatra this figure would be >10 %

    . Reduce regional, social, and gender disparities,

    . Extend coverage from 15-35 year age group to 15 + age

    Focus Areas

    . Rural women

    . Schedule Caste (SCs), Schedule Tribes (STs) and Minorities

    . Other disadvantaged groups and adolescents

    . Low literacy States, Traible areas

    Gujarat Rajya Pathya Pustak Mandal



    Gujarat state Textbook Mandal was established in AD 1969 on 21st October. Since 38 yearmandals main target. High quality textbooks are published and to Gujarat students they are easilyavailable at reasonable prices.

    Through Mandal Std. 1-12 Gujarati Medium textbooks are published. Thereafter in Hindi,English, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit and Tamil Language also text books are published.Board Committees

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    Mandals whole management is done properly; it decided objectives are fulfilled for that BoardCommittee is formed as below.

    (1) General Board (2) Director Board (3) Working committee (4) Educational committee (5)Production committee (6) Research committee.

    Above mentioned all committees administration works properly regarding that advisesuggestions are given.Mandal distribution related works

    Printed textbooks are distributed in whole Gujarat at Government level working organizationsthrough them with district distributor textbook are sold in retail for that work distributors arehired. Retailers registration is done in mandal. In Ahmedabad also Ahmedabad has its ownselling centre. (Sale Depot, Godown no. 9 below Asarva Bridge, Ahmedabad 380016, Ph.22133920) is there. At any institute or personal level to any student from this sale centretextbook can be availed at retailing std. from outside Gujarat through money order or bank draftalso textbooks can be obtained.Mandals research related work

    Textbook mandal by publishing textbook is not satisfied. Textbooks quality improvescontinuously for that research related work is also done. From primary teacher to university

    professors knowledgeable persons are joined in evaluation programme and other educational programme. Textbooks writers, advisers, translators etc. for them work of finding genius is done.Mandals work in new sector

    Basic subjects textbook AD 1999 to Std. 11-12, basic subject 26 textbooks publishing beingdone Mandal for general exam additional subjects through textbook relevant sectors students are

    provided basic literature. Due to this in village and Kurshi sector also Mandal human research

    development important work could give own contribution.Committees of the Board

    General Board

    Honorable Education Minister - 01Executive President - 01Government Members - 11

    Non-Government Members (Those who are Members inDirector Board)

    - 09

    Non-Government Members (Those who are not Members inDirector Board)

    - 10

    Total - 32

    Administrative Structure

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    State Examination Board

    Establishment of State Examination Board

    In November, 1966, the State Examination Board was established by the Gujarat Education

    Department to administer examinations at the different Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondarylevel. This Board has been declared Autonomous by a notification of the Education Department in1999. The contribution of the Education Minister is inspiring as a Chairman of the Budget Meeting ofthis autonomous Board. The Principal Secretary of the Education Department provides importantguidance as a Chairman of the working committee of the Board. The Chairman of the StateExamination Board plays the role of the member secretary of both the committees. The StateExamination Board administers various 24 open examinations. The 13 members of this Board areappointed by the Gujarat Government. Apart from this, administrative committees are formed to be

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    helpful in managing different examinations.

    Functions :

    . To co - operate & collaborate with Dept. of Edu., other Educational Institutes.

    . To advise the State Govt. and other Educational Institutions of the state.

    . To undertake steps that may be necessary for the attainment of objectives, as may be determined by E.C. for time to time.

    . To make rules and regulations for the conduct of various examinations.

    . To prepare Balance Sheet and audited accounts of the SEB.

    . To invest funds of SEB in such securities ,as may be decided by SEB.

    . To purchase, hire, take on lease, exchange or acquire property and maintain any buildings as perneed.

    . To provide academic support & guidance to the all Educational Institutions, through visits.

    . To associate with Govt. of Gujarat for better facility to improve the examination system &standards.

    Executive Committee1 Hon. Prin. Secretary of Dept. of Edu. Chairman2 Prin. Secretary Fin. Dept. Member3 Commissioner of Higher Education Member4 Commissioner of School & MDM Member5 The Principals of Educational Institutes selected by Chairman of SEB Members6 One Educationist Known for his experience and interest in Primary /

    Secondary education to be nominated by the State Govt.Member

    7 One woman with experience and interest in Women's Development andEducation to be nominated by State Govt.


    8 Director of Primary Education Member9 Director of Gujarat Council of Educational Research & Training. Member

    10 Director of School Text Book Board Member11 Director of Examination G.S.E.B. Member12 Chairman of State Examination Board Member -


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    Directorate of Technical Education

    Organization Chart



    Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a pivotal institution at thestate level for the enhancement of qualitative education at primary and secondary schools.

    It was "State Institute of Education" before 1988. It was later upgraded as a SCERT in 1988,under the resolution of State Education Department. The upgraded SCERT, now named asGujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a fully structured State levelacademic institution and is controlled and guided by a Governing body as well as an ExecutiveCommittee.

    GCERT was shifted from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar, the State Capital in 1997. State Education

    Department has allotted separate land for the GCERT for building in sector-12. Hence theGCERT has been functioning in the newly constructed building VIDYABHAVAN in sector -12 with modern infrastructure and latest equipment since 21st August, 2004 in view of thewidening horizon.

    Under the umbrella of GCERT, there are now 26 DIETs (District Institute of Education andTraining) functional in 25 Districts. These DIETs impart pre-service and in-service training tothe primary teachers of the State. There are seven branches namely Pre-service Teacher

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    Education (PSTE), Work Experience (WE), District Resource Unit (DRU), Curriculum MaterialDevelopment & Evaluation (CMDE), Educational Technology (ET), In-service Field interactionInnovation & Co-ordination (IFIC) and Planning & Management PM functioning in theseDIETs. These DIETs are well equipped with qualified and experienced academic andadministrative staff.

    The GCERT works as a prominent institution for implementing the policies, programmes andresearches in the State. It provides resource support and guidance to all the teacher educationinstitutions and works in collaboration with the NGOs, Subject experts, Educationalists and

    pioneers in bringing about reforms in the remote and underserved areas of the State. Itdisseminates latest information with regard to modern trends and approaches in primaryeducation, pre-service and in-service education, pedagogical advances in the country, wide useof distance education as a mode of training, organizing community awareness programmes andupdation of curriculum of primary education in view of new and emerging concerns. Even theState Ministry of Education banks upon its expertise. The Council is committed to bringingabout qualitative improvement in school education particularly Elementary Education,development of curriculum syllabi, instructional material and evaluation strategies to exploresuitable solutions to educational challenges with the changing time. The GCERT has scaled aunique journey with experimentation from chalk to satellite, scaling an arduous terrain in thefield of educational reforms.

    Objectives of the Organization

    To bring about qualitative enhancement at all levels of education.To provide academic research extension and training support in the field of school educationthroughout the state.To assist / advise the Department of Education, Government of Gujarat to implement its

    policies and major programmes in the field of primary education.To provide academic backup, Leadership, guidance and suggestion for the qualitativeimprovement of primary education through reorientation of educational content and practice.To provide Leadership, academic guidance, suggestions to institutions such as DIETs, CTEs,IASEs and GBTC to achieve the goals of revamping primary education in Gujarat State.To organize innovative programmes for the propagation and dissemination for new trends andapproaches related to education.To Guide and monitor the functioning of CTEs / IASEs and other institutions under the StateDepartment of Education.To provide academic support and guidance to educational institutions through visits toconcerned offices, CRCs and teachers.To publish educational Literature.To organize creative programmes like Science fairs, Balmela, Ramatotsav at grass-root levelto promote the overall development of children.


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