Education Powerpoint by David, Tait and Jesse

Post on 18-May-2015

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By David Liu, Tait Gu and Jesse Chen

The Background

A Meaningful Quote

• “The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one” Malcom S. Forbes

Why is this issue a Global one? What is the main problem?

• main problem: is that many people around the world cannot access or do not have the resources to receive a proper education

• without a proper education, an individual cannot interact with the world around him/her

• this can create a cycle of poverty and widen digital divide. ~t

How Is This Affecting the World?

• there are illiterate people in every part of the world, even the rich nations.

• also an underlying factor in many other global issues such as poverty, digital divide, labor rights, etc.

• Also a solution to many problems ~D

What is being done?

• United Nations Literacy Decade is one program trying to help the illiterate get an education for free

• Their aim is to help get kids an education by raising money for them so they can go to school

• UNESCO is another organization trying to help illiterate children. Like the decade, they raise money to help those in need. Their goal is education for all people by 2015.~J

The Case Study

Our Case Study

• For our case study, we as a group have chosen to research and focus on the lack of education in rural China. We have also decided to focus on a specific organization.


Background : Statistics +Articles

• Mercy Corp China “Living and Learning Together”

• UNICEF “The State of the World’s Children 2004”

• UNICEF “Life Skills- Education” ~T

Why did we chose this topic?

• We chose this topic because people don’t notice that china has a an education problem too and because it is easily accessible (because we live in it). ~J

A Meaningful Picture

Our Focused Organization

Shanghai Sunrise!

What they Do

• Shanghai Sunrise is a non-profit organization dedicated to sponsoring children in Shanghai who are in financial need so they can go to school and get an education.

• Individual donation sponsorships are given on a one to one basis, meaning that the all money donated is directly given to the child; it doesn’t go through Shanghai Sunrise first.

Things We Like About Them

• They’re action plan

• They sponsor children in Shanghai who are in financial need

• The child is always sponsored and never cut off ~D

The Interactive Activity

We have planned a video activity for you!~t

What You Have To Do

• As a group view the Youtubes on one specific laptop.

• After watching the video;1find 5 things that are different between the classrooms in the video and our classroom

• 2.find 5 things different between the two classrooms.

• You will have to report tothe rest of the class

Final Question on the Interactive Activity

Brainstorm on how you yourself can help ~t


About the Group

• Group Name: Education United

• Members: Tait Gu, Jessie Chen and David Liu

• Purpose: We are doing this because children in rural China aren’t getting a proper education which they need to break the poverty cycle or become a contributing member of China. ~J

Our Message

• Why should people be informed about this issue?

• literacy is declared a human right• many people don’t know that there are parts of

China that are cut off • places don’t get the education they need so they

never break out of the poverty cycle • When more people know this is happening, the

problem can be resolved faster and more efficiently. If they don’t take notice, then it will only grow. ~t

Short Term Plan

• Raise Awareness at school

• Earn enough money from myg nites and fundraisers to help buy supplies for a school SAS is visiting during China Alive~J

Long Term Plan

• Start and continue an SAS tradition of donating to the school on the China Alive trip

• Continue to fight for educational rights throughout our lives~J

Our Wiki

• Our wiki is like our own website

• It contains everything we have put into these slides and more.

• Links~t


• Mercy Corp• Nike• Rural China Education Foundation• China Rural Education• Dream Corps• Hands On Shanghai• International Institute of Rural Reconstruction• UNICEF• EFA• UNLD~D

Why Is This Important?

• “Only the educated are free”- Epictetus

Why Should You Care

• It affects everyone

• It is a problem that will only become worse and grow in the future.

• We can be the solution ~J

A Meaningful Student Poem• Education is a must,

None should protest.

Education is our right, And so it teaches not to fight!

Educated should encourage illiterates, About the dangers of poverty.

Education is necessary, For illiterates and everybody.

Ours is a democratic country, So we should try and eradicate illiteracy

Nida Fathima