EE5 Week One Language Clinic

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  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


    LearnEnglish British Council

    Hi everybody and welcome to our Exploring English: Language and CultureLanguage Clinic! The course educators are here to answer all yourquestions about life in the UK, the English language and everything elseyou can think of, so post your questions in the comments below and we'llget started!


    Published by Neil McLaren June 8 at 2:33pm

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    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi everybody, it's time for us to stop now.

    Thanks for all your great questions - we hope you found our answers useful!We'll see you back on the course - bye for now!Neil

    Like Reply 13Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at 3:46pm

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    Dolly BansalThank YOU!

    Like Reply June 8 at 3:47pm

    Laura Mar roquin is possible to answer the missing questions later?please

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 9:11pm Edited

    Roy Samyaohh yes!

    Unlike Reply 2June 8 at 3:48pm

    Roy Samyathank youUnlike Reply 2June 8 at 3:48pm

    Roy Samyathat was an awsome experience

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 3:48pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroHave a nice day/evening! Thank you!

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 3:58pm

    Mahrukh Shaikh RiazThanks!

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 4:10pm

    Olesya ProdanchukThank you so much!

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 4:18pm

    Corina PasolThank you! Have a nice e vening!

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 4:22pm

    Ibrahim Elbassoneythanks

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 6:10pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Laura, I'm doing it now!Neil

    Like Reply Commented on by Neil McLaren 2 hrs

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    Roy SamyaHow far do you think the core rules of grammar apply whencommunication is at stake?

    Unlike Reply 2June 8 at 2:34pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroI have noticed in the course comments that manypeople have this on mind too...

    Unlike Reply 1June 8 at 2:42pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Roy Samya,good question! Itdepends on what you mean by the 'core rules of grammar' really, aswell as 'communication is at stake'. If you mean what is moreimportant, communicating your ideas or using perfect grammar thenthere is no question that communication should come first in mostcases. I mean if you were having a heart attack what would be moreimportant, to know enough vocabulary to tell someone and get help orto ensure that your article usage and tenses were correct? But of

  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


    course that doesn't not mean you can ignore grammar completely.There are other situations where incorrect grammar could lead toconfusion and miscommunication, and others where the level ofaccuracy and formality would be expected to be high. So my advicewould be in most everyday situations to first concentrate oncommunication and fluency, and to worry about grammatical accuracylater, but to try to be aware of the grammar so you can improve andapply it correctly when that is more important.Neil

    Like Reply 16 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at2:43pm

    Roy Samyathe more the merrier

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 2:43pm

    Roy Samyawow!i got the answer sir!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 2:46pm

    Roy Samyathank you!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 2:46pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Vanessa Brasileiro, in the contextof the course this is a VERY important point. Apart from the languagefocus sections where we are concentrating on specific areas ofgrammar and vocabulary, our goal is for people to communicate freelyand to build their confidence and fluency. We are not looking formistakes and we are certainly not correcting them - we want people torelax and to join in conversations whatever their level and not to worryabout making mistakes. If someone asks we will help, or if a commentis really not clear we will mention it and say could you try again, but

    otherwise, as Roy says, communication is the key. Other learners (andeducators) are more interested in WHAT you have to say than inwhether you say it perfectly or not.Neil

    Like Reply 16 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at2:47pm

    Roy Samyawill our conversation happen in the comment section onlyor video will added?

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 2:49pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroCan we do that on Facebook, using onlinevideos?

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 2:53pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Roy, do you mean i n Step 1.2?

    The educators will record a video there to answer questions, but sadlyyou won't be able to appear! But later in the course we ask you torecord yourself and share the recordings with each other.Neil

    Like Reply 2 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at2:53pm

    Roy Samyaokay! no problems!

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 2:55pm

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    Lily Divine QuenchHi. I'd like to translate my poems from Italian to English.And I have a questio n abo ut position of adje ctive. In Italian w e can w rite itbefore or after nouns. The meaning is the same but the atmosphere, thesound, the silence between words can change. I know that in English

    adjective must write before noun. Is there a poetic license? And if yes, arethere other poetic licenses about other grammar rules? Thank you

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:40pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Lily Divine Quench, yes there issome poetic licence and word order is one area that poetry often playswith. However, I'd need to see an example of what you want to do togive you more detailed feedback.Neil

    Like Reply 1 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at4:08pm

    Lily Divine QuenchThank you for your reply One example is this Iwrote above. In particular I need to change from white horse to hoursewhite (there is a reason for that in Italian version). For other examples Idon't know now because I need to see all my poems.

    Like Reply June 8 at 9:12pmLearnEnglish British CouncilHi Lily Divine Quench, you could say 'a horse of white' - would that work?Neil

    Like Reply Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at 10:07pm

    Lily Divine QuenchHi Neil. I feel it's better if I can write my poem andwhat I'd like to say with it. So we can understand better each other. Forme "a horse of white" could work if it has the same meaning of white
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


    Unlike Reply 3 June 8 at 3:07pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Dolly, you can find everything youneed to know on our Education UK website here:

    Like Reply Remove Preview 3 Commented on by Neil

    McLaren June 8 at 3:15pm

    Study in the UK | Education UK



    LearnEnglish TinaHi Dolly, this is a good website to check out - it should be able to answer allyour queries ...Tina

    Like Reply Remove Preview 2 June 8 at 3:16pm

    Study in the UK | Education UK



    Roy Samya im from bengal,where are you from??

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:17pm

    Dolly BansalLearnEnglish Tina Thank You!

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:43pm

    Dolly BansalRoy Samya Punjab!

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:43pm

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    Omar FathiHello everybody.I've a question about the usage of the ( the grammer of question tag.what is the right to say.the bag is too heavy to carry,is it?or isn't it?

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:41pm

    LearnEnglish TinaHi Omar, question tags can be a bit tricky but if themain part of the sentence is positive (as in your example) then thequestion tag is negative. Take a look here for some more informationon Que stionTags: .Tina

    Like Reply Remove Preview 1 June 8 at 3:55pm

    Question tags

    Question tags Question tags are the shortquestions that we put on the end of sentences


    Omar FathiLearnEnglish Tina in terms of the linguistic meaning is itcompletly wrong?

    Like Reply June 8 at 3:58pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Omar Fathi, yes that's right!Neil

    Like Reply Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at 4:08pm

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    Corina PasolAnother question: Are people still using " How do you do!" - afterthey introduce themselves to some others? Lately, I haven't heard so much ofit ...

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:09pm

    Silvania Capuayoung people is saying whats up ! , among mystudents here

    Like Reply 2 June 8 at 3:22pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Corina, not really! In fact I can

    honestly say that I have never once in my life said 'how do you do'! It'snot very common these days and is really only used in very, veryformal situations when introduced for the first time. So in general I'dstick with more friendly, slightly less formal expressions, things like'pleased to meet you' or 'nice to meet you' etc. Here's a good page tofind examples of everyday phrases:
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


    Like Reply Remove Preview 8 Commented on by NeilMcLaren June 8 at 3:26pm

    Useful Expressions in English |

    Commonly Used English Expressions


    LearnEnglish TinaIt is still used Corina, but I would say in it's used inmore formal situations. Another one that my kids say is 'How's itgoing?'Tina

    Like Reply 5 June 8 at 3:28pm

    Corina PasolThanks a lot!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 7:06pm

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    Khaing Mar SuMy favourite place is Oxford University where Daw Aung SanSu Kyi had been lived. I want to study daily words and idioms. How shall I do?

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:06pm

    Simon LearnEnglishHi Kiang, reading is the best way to learn newvocabulary. I would avoid trying to learn idioms specifically as they arenot that useful. It's better to read to expand your general vocabulary,and if you find some idioms along the way, that's great! In terms of whatto read, look for texts/books on topics you enjoy!

    Like Reply 3 June 8 at 3:15pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Khaing Mar Su, the best place tostart is on our our online course, Exploring English Also visit this page every day for lots of greatfree resources and of course check out our websites:

    Like Reply Remove Preview 2 Commented on by NeilMcLaren June 8 at 3:17pm

    Exploring English - British Council

    This course for learners of English looks atBritish culture and examines English in use to


    Khaing Mar SuThank you!

    Like Reply June 8 at 4:37pm

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    Tamm YufulHello everybody! I have a foolish question about the use of "usedto" and "be used to", I'm a little confused with their uses. I looked forinformation but I couldn't understand them completely. when I have to usethem I avoid because I don't know how.

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 4:41pm Edited

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Tamm Yuful, 'used to' is used to talkabout past habit - something you did regularly in the past that you don'tdo any more. So for example 'I used to play football at school' - I playedit in the past but now I don't/

    'Get/be used to' means that you are comfortable with somethingbecause you've often experienced it before, so it's no longer difficult orstrange. For example:When I started my new job it was really hard to get up so early. But nowI'm used to it and it's no problem.You can find out more here:

    Like Reply Remove Preview 3 Commented on by NeilMcLaren June 8 at 3:36pm

    used to + infinitive and be/get used to

    used to + infinitive and be/get used to People often getconfused about the use of used to + infinitive and be/get used to +ing form because they look similar. They are, however,completely different.used to + infinitive We use used to to talkabout things tha...


    Tamm Yufulthank you so much! now, it's clearer. I keep reading anddoing exercises. Thanks!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:55pm
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


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    Maria TironeHi!! Can you advice me something to better understand howphrasal verbs work? The only solution is memorizing them or there is somekind of trick which can help me? Thank you in advance!!

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:07pm

    Karina PozharskayaHi, this question is very interesting for me too)couse this is really unreal to memorizing all of them) thank you!

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 3:59pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Maria, you should really think ofphrasal verbs in much the same way as you think of other newvocabulary. Try to learn them in context, try to practise using them inyour own speaking and writing and revise them every now and thenuntil you are sure you know them. Here are some useful links to helpyou:1) Fast Phrasals - Multi-word verbs - Phrasal verbs - Two & three part verbs - Phrasal verb dictionary -

    Like Reply Remove Preview 4 Commented on by NeilMcLaren June 8 at 4:11pm

    Phrasal verb videos | LearnEnglish

    Teens | British Council


    Karina PozharskayaThank you, Neil!

    Like Reply June 8 at 4:14pm

    Maria TironeThank you very much!!!! I'll do this way

    Like Reply June 8 at 4:36pm

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    Nastya BelanHello everyone! I want to be an illustrator.How do u think in which pl ace or univercity in England i can learn how tobecome an illustator?

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 2:52pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Nastya Belan, to be honest I'm notreally an expert in that area, but the place to find out is our EducationUK - British Councilwebsite here:

    Like Reply Remove Preview 1 Commented on by NeilMcLaren June 8 at 2:56pm

    Study in the UK | Education UK



    Nastya Belanthanks a lot! )i will check it

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:01pm

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    Sa ZaHi Neil.Unfortunately I have just noticed that Clinic was starting as mynotification was late.

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:26pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Sa Za, no problem, we're still here!


    Like Reply 1 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at3:28pm

    Sa ZaHi Nei l.Thank you so much

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:30pm

    LearnEnglish TinaHello Sa, I love your new profile picture Whatare they?Tina

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 3:57pm

    Sa ZaHi Tina.Thanks a lot.They're flower's leaves that water Rosemake of them.I took this photo when we went to Kashan the city whichmake water Rose in the gardens.In Persian we say Golab instead ofwater Rose.It's a very beautiful process.
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 4:06pm Edited

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    Roy SamyaLearnEnglish British CouncilDuring the time of Shakespearethere was Old English, then came Middle English and n ow we have ModernEnglish that's in is use, so my question is that in the due of course of time theEnglish changed, will it again in Future? And if it does so what can be like, liketext language?

    Like Reply June 8 at 3:35pm Edited

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    Vanessa BrasileiroLanguage is a cultural manifestation, so I believeit is a question of time. In my opinion, what is really interesting is thefact that we still recognize the importance of the past forms oflanguage, trying to understand how they have contributed to ournowadays forms of speaking.

    Like Reply 2 June 8 at 3:05pm

    Roy Samyayes!

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 3:06pm

    Roy Samyathat is fascinating!

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 3:06pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroConsidering past written forms, I have as muchdifficulty on reading it as I do when I read text language. Brazilian TVbroadcast tried to use text language in subtitles once, and I simplycoundnt read it, as if it was another language I had not learned yet...!

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:17pm

    Roy Samyahave you read Shakespeare or Chaucer?

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:18pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroTrying hard to read Shakespeares play "TheTempest" with a Facebook group. Have you followed the BC ExploringEnglish: Shakespeare course? I did it on january and since then Icouldnt stop studying English... It is my third course now and I havealready joined the University of Sheffiels Literature of English CountryHouse course.

    Unlike Reply 3 June 8 at 3:27pm

    Roy Samyayes dear, i have completed that course!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:31pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroYou may ask LearnEnglish British CouncilNeilto inscribe you on the group. We had just started reading the play.

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:35pm Edited

    Roy Samyaokay!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:35pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Roy, English is changing all thetime - it's changed a lot in my lifetime alone in terms of formality, themixing of more and more American and British English, the creation ofwhole new areas of vocabulary such as technology, and the reductionor disappearance of some regional differences. Now with the massivegrowth in internet reach, not to mention the increase in global travelthe rate of change is probably faster than ever, so if you're asking willEnglish in the future be as different from English today asShakespeare is to us, I'd say quite possibly!Neil

    Like Reply 2 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at

    10:09pm Edited

    Roy Samyathank you sir!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 4:14pm

    Roy Samyaawsome answer!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 4:14pm

    Roy Samyasee you back on futurelearn

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 4:14pm

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    Sa ZaHi Neil.How stress on words and stress on sentence are importantwhen we're learn English plea se? Thanks a lot.

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:19pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroGood morning Sa Za!

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:31pm

    Sa ZaGood morning Vanessa

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:35pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroHave you had your cup of tea already?

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:38pm
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


    Sa ZaYes I have Vanessa Afternoon tea

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:40pm

    Vanessa BrasileiroSa Za I was wondering that. I have already takenmy cup of coffee...

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:49pm

    Sa ZaGreat Vanessa. Bon appetite

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:50pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Sa Za, stess is very important inEnglish. In fact I'd say it's as important as any other feature ofpronunciation and more important than many. Native speakers can

    often follow speech with poor pronunciation of certain sounds easierthan they can speech where the word and sentence stress is notcorrect. Check out these links for help with this: tips -


    Like Reply Remove Preview 2 Commented on by NeilMcLaren June 8 at 4:02pm

    Sentence stress | ESOL Nexus

    English is a stress-timedlanguageListeningListening


    Sa ZaHi Neil.Thank you so much.So speaking English is very difficult.Thanks a lot for this link .I will practice more.

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 4:53pm

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    Wens Jons AlonsoHey, I would like to know if there's a rule for theexpression of "looking forward to", is it always followed by the "-ing" form

    Unlike Reply 3 June 8 at 2:36pm

    Simon LearnEnglishHi Wens, you know the rule already! Yes, lookforward to or looking forward to is always followed by an 'ing'

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 2:38pm

    Wens Jons AlonsoThanks a lot! I didn't it was a rule, I was onlyfollowing my heart

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 2:41pm

    Silvania Capuabecause to is a preposition

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 2:43pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilExactly Silvania! You can easilycheck when 'to' is a preposition in a sentence because you canreplace the gerund with a noun or noun phrase. So for example:I'm looking forward to...seeing you/Christmas/my holidays/the party.Neil

    Like Reply 12 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at2:51pm

    Liane Maria FaccioLearnEnglish British CouncilIn the same way,

    would you please say to me if is correct to say "hope hearing from yousoon" or "hope to hear from you soon"?

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:29pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Liane Maria Faccio, it's a differentrule - this one is connected to verbs that are followed by an infinitive or-ing. 'Hope' is always followed by an infinitive so only 'hope to hearfrom you soon'.Neil

    Like Reply Commented on by Neil McLaren 2 hrs

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    Wens Jons AlonsoIs it true that in the UK it's always raining?

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 2:42pm

    LearnEnglish TinaHi Wens- it's true, it does rain quite a bit but at themoment the UK is experiencing some lovely weather! Have you everbeen there?Tina

    Like Reply 3 June 8 at 2:45pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Wens Jons Alonso, I come fromScotland and before I left I lived in Glasgow and the thing I remembermore clearly than anything was the fact that it rained almost all year!To be honest I miss it!
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic



    Like Reply 5 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at2:49pm

    Wens Jons AlonsoI've been just once! I went to London inDecember 2007 and i t was pretty cold and it rained for one whole day.I loved the city though, the Big Ben looks shiny even when it's rainy.

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 2:49pm

    Wens Jons AlonsoI wish It would rain more where I live, it's sunnyalmost all year long and I like it better when it rains... maybe I shouldmove to Scotland

    Unlike Reply 3 June 8 at 2:51pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilNeil

    Like Reply 1 Commented on by Neil McLaren June 8 at2:52pm

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    Liane Maria FaccioOnwards! This conversation have already teached me anew word: onwards. Thanks, British Council!

    Unlike Reply 5 June 8 at 3:17pm

    Now this is only visible to the person who wrote it and their friends.

    Unhide Delete Report Ban Omar Fathi

    Fabiana ChvezHello Simon and e verybody

    Unlike Reply 4 June 8 at 2:42pm

    Puji Youthania AstutyIs Big Ben located near Sherlock holmes museum ?

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 2:53pm

    Simon LearnEnglishHi Puji, yes it is relatively near Big Ben. If youwalked it would take you about 45 mins - 1 hour, or you can take 'thetube' (the underground train) and that would take about 20 mins. Areyou planning to visit?

    Like Reply 2 June 8 at 3:26pm Edited

    Puji Youthania AstutyYes someday. But i need to prepare everythingright now. Thanks in advance

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:06pm

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    Helmy DecoHello Neil, i have such a ba d problem in order to be perfect in

    english this problem is getting bored when i study english so how can yourstyle in teaching english make me more interested and hung ry to learn and beperfect

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:27pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Helmy Deco, the solution is easierthan you think! If you're getting bored it means that you're probablystudying the wrong things! Learning English does not have to be aboutlearning grammar rules and doing boring exercises. It should be aboutdoing things that you enjoy in English - listening, watching and readingabout things you're interested in! So my recommendation is start fromthere - first think about what you enjoy and are most interested in, itcould be anything, music, sport, films, video games, politics, science -anything at all! Then just do the things you enjoy and think about thelanguage - learn new vocabulary, check our websites for explanationsof any grammar you don't understand, then practise it etc. etc. If you

    enjoy what you are doing and if you are really interested in it you willlearn more than if you force yourself to do things you find boring!Neil

    Like Reply Commented on by Neil McLaren 1 hr

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    Corina PasolHello! I keep reading and doing exercises about present andpast tenses. Exercises are fine, but when I have to write a text by myself, it is adifferent story. For example: " I started to learn English when I was five. Mygrandma used to take me to a nice lady who had been teaching me Englishsongs. Years later I had started to study English in school." Is it correct?I don't know what to do to be sure about the correct use of tenses.

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 6:38pm Edited

    Simon LearnEnglishHi Corina, the paragraph is partly correct. You

    have used the past perfect incorrectly though. We use had + pastparticipe, when there are two past actions, one of which happenedbefore the other. E.g. Years later I had started to study English inschool when I met the lady who used to teach me English songs. It wasnice to meet her again.'

    Like Reply 2 June 8 at 3:12pm

    Corina PasolThank you for the answer!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 6:39pm
  • 7/25/2019 EE5 Week One Language Clinic


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    Rania ElhadiHi everyoneI want to improve my vocabulary. How can l do this? "Step by step ".

    Also li stening to some ace nts are di fficult. How can l overcome tha t?

    Unlike Reply 3 June 8 at 2:47pm

    LearnEnglish TinaHi Rania! In a way listening and vocabulary arelinked ... the more things you listen to, the more exposure you have todifferent vocabula ry Here are some links that you may find usefulfor improving your vocabulary:Learning new words - your vocabulary - listening to different accents you could try: How to understand thedifferences between British and American English -

    Like Reply 5 June 8 at 2:58pm Edited

    LearnEnglish TinaAnd this one is also good - This has British, Irish,American a nd mo re hope they help ...

    Like Reply Remove Preview 3 June 8 at 2:58pm

    Dialect Blog

    The Accents and Dialects of English


    Rania ElhadiThanks LearnEnglish Tinathanks very much

    Unlike Reply 2 June 8 at 3:32pm

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    Becky WongHi~I have a question about a sentence as follow:

    Father is heavy.

    Is this sentence ok?! Is that a complete sentence?! My daughtet's Englishteacher asked them to use "is" to make sentence, and her teacher gave herthis example. Is that ok?!

    Unlike Reply 1 June 9 at 2:38am

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Becky, good question! If Father isbeing used as proper noun, as in Mother/Father/John/Mary etc. thenyes this is possible. It's maybe not the most obvious choice but it'scorrect - X is + adjective (tall, pretty etc.)Neil

    Like Reply Commented on by Neil McLaren 1 hr

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    Silvania CapuaNowadays we have so informal writing that some studentshave problem in using linkins words and connectives proporly . Would haveany suggestion for learning these ?

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 3:24pm

    Simon LearnEnglishHi Silvania, reading is a good way to seeconnectives being used well in context. It is possible to communicatewell using a few connectives, so unless your students need to usethem, I would avoid spending a lot of time focusing on them. If they doneed to use a lot of connectives, the best thing is to learn them, thenask them to practice using them in writing tasks.

    Like Reply 1 June 8 at 3:38pm Edited

    Silvania Capuathanks a lot for your coment, I am organizing here allthe tips your team of educators are sending us here today .

    Unlike Reply 1 June 8 at 3:40pm

    LearnEnglish British CouncilHi Silvania, these practice exercisesare also really good and can be printed out:

    Like Reply Remove Preview Commented on by Neil McLaren 1 hr

    Try these quizzes to test your use of linking words

    for the FCE Writing paper

    Common linking words used in typical FCE Writing tasks