EEE527 Embedded Systems Lecture 12: Mini-Project Ian McCrumRoom 5B18, Tel: 90 366364 voice mail on 6...

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EEE527Embedded Systems

Lecture 12:Mini-Project

Ian McCrum Room 5B18, Tel: 90 366364 voice mail on 6th ringEmail: Web site:

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

The following programs can be modified to achieve much of what is needed.

Page 1 Timer1_ISR.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 2 Timer1_ISR.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 1 adc_simple.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 2 adc_simple.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 3 adc_simple.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 1 uart_printf.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 2 uart_printf.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 3 uart_printf.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

Page 4 uart_printf.c in

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

The Tasks: implement a series of programs that do the following;

(1) Read the ADC and output its code by pulsing 4 LEDs e.g 0x0342 = Arrange a system where a human can work out what the code is. i.e when the first hex digit is output and use delays to ease reading.

(2) Read an ADC once every 10 milliseconds and store its data in a ring buffer. The 4 LEDs should show how full the buffer is (scaled between 0 and 15)

(3) Data is to be read from the buffer and sent to the PC using UART2. Every time a pushbutton is pressed and released the PIC should send 64 values to the PC. Use printf and send CSV text, e.g %03X, %03X, %03X, %03X,… i.e |342,333,6F8,045,023,002,3FF,1AB,444 … 23F| This can be saved and imported into excel to display graphs.

You add any extra features that you feel improve the usefulness of the system (from morse code to excel importing!)

From : Di Jasio - Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C with additions by Ian McCrum

The Marks: Each video is worth 10%, the report is worth 60% with 10% awarded for extra features. You may work in pairs but make it clear who did what. Please split the work up.

The Deadlines: High noon on the Wednesday after the end of term.

The Deliverables: Once you have a task working, record a video with an audio commentary that makes it clear that it works, highlighting any extra features. This should be less than 10 minutes long. Ask me for a video camera if necessary.

Hand in one paper report very well commented listings with any flowcharts and explanatory text or photographs that you feel necessary to explain the system to a fellow student who knows a bit of C but was not at any of the classes. I expect less than 20 pages. Upload the videos to Youtube and ensure the report lists the URL This can be marked as a private video. Alternatively you may submit a DVD of the video with the report if you do not wish or are unable to upload videos.

The Feedback: I will email you all within 10 days with detailed marks and comments.