EEEurope 2014 · EEEurope 2014 Sudety Mountains Poland 4th 10th of May 2014 Experiential Education...

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EEEurope 2014Sudety Mountains ­ Poland4th ­ 10th of May 2014

Experiential Education EuropeThis meeting gathers people working and interested in the               field of experiential education, including trainers, coaches           and consultants from all over the world. For the last 18                   years we meet every spring to share knowledge and               experience the newest professional developments in this           field. The main activities of the meeting are the numerous                 practical workshops provided by participants.

Program of EEE 2014 ­ Poland3rd­ 4th of May (Saturday ­ Sunday)Arrival of participants ­ to Wrocław or directly to the venue.Sightseeing of the city for those who arrive on 3rd May.                   There will also be a chance for everyone to see Wrocław                   after the conference.

4th of May (Sunday) afternoonOpening of XIXth EEEurope and welcoming dinner

5th of May ­ 8th of May (Monday ­ Thursday)Main conference ­ workshops and group activities

8th of May (Thursday)Feedback session and farewell meeting

8th of May ­ 10th of May (Thursday ­ Saturday)Post conference with lot of attractions

The biggest patio in Europe ­ Castle Hotel

Hotel Zamek na Skale ­ Castle Hotel ­ for more pictures click here

The venue ­ Hotel Zamek na SkaleCastle Hotel

AreaThe hotel is situated in beautiful Sudety Mountains. We can                 admire wonderful views, get lots of really fresh air and use the                     friendly forested surroundings for walks, reflection or workshops.             It is a historical place with soul ­ and with extraordinary interiors!

ServiceThe hotel offers accommodation in single and double rooms.               There is a lovely restaurant with orangery and terrace. During the                   conference the restaurant will serve us meals ­ breakfast, lunch                 and dinner ­ starting with lunch on Sunday 4th of May and                     ending with breakfast on 8th of May (Thursday).

Additional hotel attractions:castle guidetours, SPA, swimming pool, snooker, sauna,           jacuzzi, pool, table tennis, bikes for rent, bar football and others.

For visiting  hotel website click here

Let others knowIf you know someone who is interested in experiential education                 and may bring some value ­ let them know about EEE 2014.

Contact us with any questions or requests: Jacek Skrzypczyński ­ content, EEE program & strategySue Talik ­ logistic information, newsletters & applications, t. + 48 887 649 129 / +48 71 351 83 61

Double room ­ for more pictures click here

Post conference 8th ­ 10th of MayPost conference will include seeing landscapes and           self­development experiential exercises. The first       attraction of the post conference will be rock climbing               with experienced climbing trainer. We plan hiking and             visiting historical places in the area. Additionally there             will be a chance to drink mineral waters from rich                 sources of Sudety Mountains. At the end we will take                 you for the tour around Wrocław. If you wish to have                   any other activities included ­ send us your request!

 Wrocław ­ Town Hall on the Market Square

Price and application detailsYou will find all necessary information at our web page        Price for meeting, accommodation       and food vary from 360 to 440 Euro depending on the                   date of payment. The price of post conference is 180                 Euro if paid in time. Please let us know your questions,                   wishes and comments. You can sign up under this link.                 See you soon.

 Jacek Skrzypczyński & Sue Talik

How to get thereMost people will arrive by plane to Wrocław airport or by train to                       the main station. From Wrocław we plan to organise shuttle                 buses. Or you can take a taxi from the airport to the venue.

Address of the hotel is: Trzebieszowice 151, 57­540 Lądek Zdrój

By car ­ it is approx. 100 km from Wrocław. Route: see below

Contact us with any questions or requests: Jacek Skrzypczyński ­ content, EEE program & strategySue Talik ­ logistic information, newsletters & applications, t. + 48 887 649 129 / +48 71 351 83 61