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www.wjpps.com Vol 8, Issue 7, 2019.


Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences



*Dr. Shefali Jain and Dr. Shikha Roy

*Department of Botany, Rajasthan University, Jaipur, India.


Effect of different concentrations of plant growth regulators on

germination of Abrus precatorius L.(ratti) seeds was studied under

controlled environmental conditions. Ratti seeds were placed in Petri

dishes with filtration papers and the germination followed during ten

days periods. All pre-sowing seed treatments were observed by

0.005gm/500ml, 0.01gm/500ml and 0.015gm/500ml GA3, IAA, Kn,

IBA and NAA treatments. However, for all these parameters the

highest concentration 0.015mg/500ml taken in the present study was

unfavorable for all the three auxins. But natural auxin IAA at both the

lower concentrations improved germination and growth indicating its positive response to the

added growth regulator showing its active metabolization. Where as the GA3 and Kn growth

regulators are mainly responsible for cell elongation and increase in height.

KEYWORDS: seed treatments/plant growth regulators/ratti seed


Abrus precatorius is a slender woody vine that climbs shrubs and low trees. Its older stems

are dark gray and the younger ones are green and very fine. The alternate, pinnately

compound leaves are 5 to 10 cm long and have five to 20 pairs of leaflets. The racemes have

tight clusters of white to purple flowers.[5,8]

The most notable thing about this species is the 6-

mm, spherical red and black seeds. Crab’s eye produces a tap and lateral root system with

abundant fine roots. The larger roots are dark reddish brown. The lateral roots produce white


Seedlings grow at a moderate rate. It takes about 6 months after germination for them to

reach 30 cm in height. Mature plants may grow 2 m or more per year in each leader. They


SJIF Impact Factor 7.421

Volume 8, Issue 7, 974-987 Research Article ISSN 2278 – 4357

Article Received on

30 April 2019,

Revised on 22 May 2019,

Accepted on 12 June 2019,

DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20197-14142

*Corresponding Author

Dr. Shefali Jain

Department of Botany,

Rajasthan University, Jaipur,


www.wjpps.com Vol 8, Issue 7, 2019.


Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

eventually reach 5 to 10 m into the canopy or a similar distance laterally. The longevity of

ratti is not reported, but certainly it lives longer than 3 years. New plants are easily grown in

the nursery and probably can be established by direct seeding into prepared seed spots.

Because the species is exotic in all of the U.S. Territories and because it becomes a weed in

range and semimanaged pastures, it is difficult to see a justification for the establishment of

plantations. The seed germination is often the most sensitive stage in the life cycle of a plant.

Plant growth regulators are organic substances other than nutrients, which in low

concentration promote or inhibit growth. Growth regulators are defined as chemical

substances which are produced naturally in plants and capable of translocating and regulating

one or more physiological reactions when present in low concentration.[2]

The response of

plant or a plant part to a plant growth regulator may vary with the variety of plant. Even a

single variety may respond differently, depending on its age, environmental condition,

physiological state of development (especially its natural hormonal content) and state of

nutrition. In Piper nigrum L. the environmental factors temperature, light and different

growth regulators GA3, Kn and IAA enhance the seed germination.[9]

Of the growth

regulators, gibberellic acid (GA3) is the most potent germination promoter in breaking seed

dormancy in a wide range of crop species: beans and peas[12]

, potato[14]

, lettuce[1,7,13]



, radish.[11]

Deka and Das (1978), reported that lower concentration of GA3 (50 mg.l-

1) enhanced the germination of pea seeds.

Seed germination is the process of reactivation of metabolic machinery of the seed and the

emergence of radical and plumule, leading to the production of seedling.[3,6]

The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of certain growth regulators in

Abrus precatorius.


Neutral glass petri dishes of 10 cm diameter were taken and single layer of cotton covered by

double layer of blotting paper was placed in each petri dish. These plates were autoclave

sterilized. Seeds were soaked for 24 hours in IAA, IBA, NAA, Kn and GA3, in different

concentrations 0.005, 0.01 and 0.015 gm per 500ml (i.e. 10, 20 and 30 ppm respectively) and

in distilled water as control. Treated seeds were then placed in petri dishes on blotting paper

that were moistened with sterile distilled water. Five replicates of petriplates for each set of

experiment were taken along with control. The plating was done in sterile conditions. These

www.wjpps.com Vol 8, Issue 7, 2019.


Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

plated seeds were incubated in BOD incubator (SEW) at 25ºC, and readings were taken

periodically every alternate day up to 10 days.


Seed germination and seedling growth in Abrus precatorius were affected differentially by

the different growth regulator treatments. The seed coat color (Red) vanished along with seed

swelling on soaking in different growth regulator solutions (Fig. 1.1).

Fig 1.1: Abrus precatorius seeds before soaking in growth regulator and seeds after

growth regulator soaking (→Dry seeds of Abrus precatorius before soaking ……..>

swollen, decolorized seed after soaking)

Indole 3-acetic acid (IAA)

The effect of auxin IAA on percent seed germination in Abrus precatorius is given in Table

1.1. It was recorded that maximum seed germination was 26% in 0.005gm/500ml IAA

treatment (Table 1.1). Percent seed germination gradually reduced at higher concentration of

IAA (Table 1.1; Fig. 1.2A). At 0.01gm/500ml and 0.015gm/500ml percent seed germination

was 20% and 14% respectively (Fig. 1.2B).

The root lengths of seedlings were also in accordance to germination in IAA treatment (Table


The effect of IAA on shoot (hypocotyl) length of Abrus precatorius is shown in (Table 1.1).

The maximum shoot length was recorded in 0.005gm/500ml treatment. And it was minimum

in 0.015gm/500ml treatment (Fig. 1.2B).

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Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Fig1.2: Abrus precatorius seed germination studies in distill water as control (A)Distilled water as control (B) IAA at (a)

0.005gm/500ml (b) 0.01gm/500ml (c) 0.015gm/500ml

Table 1.1: In Vitro studies on the effect on IAA on percent seed germination and seedling growth of Abrus Precatorius.

Concentration (gm/500ml)



Percent seed




Length of Shoot and Root (cm)

Other Comments Total Root

Average±SD Total

Shoot Average±SD

(DW) Control 8/50 16 16±5.48 11.5 1.44±0.32 15 1.88±0.43

Minute (fine) root hairs. Root cylindrical and

tapering with Small leaves germinate after1

week and root color turn brown in color.

0.005 13/50 26 26±5.48 21.4 1.95±0.78 35.9 2.76±1.56 Hypocotyl small, cylindrical, root hair longer

in size.

0.01 10/50 20 20±12.25 13.5 1.35±0.58 31.8 3.18±1.56

Hypocotyl long, cylindrical and thin.

Roots small in size and after 6-7 days turn

brown in color.

0.015 07/50 14 14±5.48 6.5 0.93±0.45 12.1 1.73±0.47 Hypocotyl small in size. Root small with root


www.wjpps.com Vol 8, Issue 7, 2019.


Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Indole 3-butyric acid (IBA)

The percent seed germination recorded at 0.005gm/500ml and 0.01gm/500ml concentrations

of IBA were same (Fig. 1.3). However, seed germination reduced drastically at

0.015gm/500ml (Table 1.2 and Fig 1.3).

Lowest concentration of IBA caused an increased root length of Abrus precatorius. The

maximum root length (29.5 cm) was recorded in 0.005gm/500ml IBA treatment followed by

0.01gm/500ml (3.9 cm) and 0.015gm/500ml (2 cm) treatments (Table 1.2, Fig 1.3).

Effect of IBA concentration on shoot length varied considerably (Table 1.2, Fig. 1.3). The

shoot length also followed the same pattern as that of root, being maximum at

0.005gm/500ml (49cm) and least at 0.015/500ml (3cm) IBA treatment (Table 1.2, Fig. 1.3). It

indicates that higher concentration 0.015gm/500ml of IBA had adverse effect on growth of

seedling (Fig. 1.3).

Fig 1.3: Abrus precatorius seed germination studies in 0.005gm/500ml IBA concentration

root hairs and swollen root at collar.

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Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Table1.2: In Vitro studies on the effect on IBA on percent seed germination and seedling growth of Abrus Precatorius.

Concentration (gm/500ml )








Length of Shoot and Root (cm)

Other Comments Total

root Average±SD


shoot Average±SD

(DW) Control 8/50 16 16±5.48 11.5 1.44±0.32 15 1.88±0.43

Minute (fine) root hairs. Root cylindrical

and tapering with small leaves germinate

after1 week and root color turn brown in


0.005 15/50 30 30±7.07 29.5 2.21±0.75 49 3.27±1.61

Hypocotyl small, thin and cylindrical. Root

swollen at the collar and then tapering, many

root hairs produced which were long; after

1week root color change to brown in color.

Small leaves germinate.

0.01 15/50 30 30±14.14 3.9 0.48±0.29 15.4 1.03±0.72 Root small in size, minute root hair seen.

0.015 03/50 6 6±5.48 2 0.67±0.29 3 1±0.5 Root swollen at the collar. Number of

germinated seeds were very less.

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Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

α– Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA)

Seed germination was significantly affected by NAA treatment (Table 1.3, Fig. 1.4). A

considerable increase in percent seed germination was recorded at 0.005gm/500ml. Least

percent seed germination was recorded in 0.015gm/500ml concentration (Table 1.3, Fig. 1.4).

In NAA treatment maximum root length (9.2 cm) was recorded at 0.005gm/500ml treatment

followed by 0.01gm/500ml (4.8cm) and 0.015gm/500ml (3cm) which were less than the

control (11.5cm) (Table 1.3, Fig 1.4).

Among the three treatments given maximum shoot length (9.1cm) was also recorded in

0.005gm/500ml concentration which was followed by 0.01gm/500ml and 0.005gm/500ml in

accordance with the root length (Table 1.3, Fig. 1.4). Shoot and root length both were less as

compared to the control in all the concentrations showing its adverse effect on growth of the

seedling (Fig. 1.4).

Fig 1.4: Abrus precatorius seed germination studies in NAA at.

(a) 0.005gm/500ml (b) 0.01gm/500ml (c) 0.015gm/500ml

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Table 1.3: In Vitro studies on the effect of NAA on percent seed germination and seedling growth of Abrus precatorius.

Concentration (gm/500ml)








Length of Shoot and Root (cm)

Other Comments TotalRoot Average±SD


Shoot Average±SD

(DW) Control 8/50 16 16±5.48 11.5 1.44±0.32 15 1.88±0.43

Minute (fine) root hairs, root cylindrical

and tapering. Small leaves germinate

after1 week and root color turn brown in


0.005 10/50 20 20±8.94 9.2 1.15±0.48 9.1 0.91±0.37 Root swollen at the collar and tapering,

cotyledon not visible, root fibers

developed (white cottony structure).

0.01 8/50 16 16±11.4 4.8 0.8±0.44 5.1 0.64±0.31 Small seedling

0.015 4/50 08 8±8.37 3 0.88±0.48 0.6 1.5±0.41 Small seedling, no demarcation between

root and shoot.

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Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Kinetin (Kn)

The effect of different concentration of Kn on percent seed germination in Abrus precatorius

is given in (Table 1.4). The maximum seed germination was recorded at 0.005gm/500ml

concentration. Among the different concentration of Kn applied the least germination was

recorded in 0.015gm/500ml treatment (Table 1.4, Fig. 1.5A).

Root length was also maximum at lowest concentration (15.5cm); which gradually decreased

with increase in kinetin concentration taken for study (Table 1.4, Fig. 1.5A). As in the case of

seed germination, the root length was also more at lowest concentration over control; but

both the higher concentrations had adverse effect on the root length (Table 1.4, Fig. 1.5B).


Fig 1.5 A: Abrus precatorius seed germination studies in Kn at (a) 0.005gm/500ml (b)

0.01gm/500ml (c) 0.015gm/500ml.

B: Seed germination on 0.005gm/500ml Kn after one week showing thin tapering root,

long thin hypocotyl and cotyledons emerging out from seed coat.

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Table 1.4: In Vitro studies on the effect of Kn on percent seed germination and seedling growth of Abrus Precatorius.


(gm/500ml )





germination (%)


Length of Shoot and

Root (cm) Other Comments


root Average±SD


shoot Average±SD

(DW) Control 8/50 16 16±5.48 11.5 1.44±0.32 15 1.88±0.43

Minute (fine) root hairs, root cylindrical and

tapering. Small leaves germinate after1 week

and root color turn brown in color.

0.005 10/50 20 20±15.81 15.5 1.94±0.98 67.2 6.72±2.67

Healthy and large hypocotyl seen, roots were

tapering, many root hair present. Root color

turn brown after 1 week. Small leaves


0.01 08/50 16 16±13.42 7.5 0.94±0.42 34.8 4.35±2.81 Large hypocotyl present. Root swollen at

collar, no root hair found. Root turn brown in

color by one week.

0.015 05/50 10 10±7.07 6.5 1.63±0.48 22.2 5.43±2.93

Healthy hypocotyl observed. Roots were seen

in some seeds but in some seeds root not

found, root swollen at collar. After 1week it

turned brown in color. Number of seed

germination was very less.

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Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Gibberellic Acid (GA3)

The results recorded on percent seed germination and seedling growth on GA3 treatment is

given in Table 1.5. The percent seed germination was same at 0.005gm/500ml (20%) and

0.01gm/500ml (20%) concentrations of GA3 which was more than control (Table 1.5, Fig

1.6A). Least percent seed germination was recorded at highest concentration (Table 1.5, Fig


The maximum root length (18.7cm) was recorded at 0.01gm/500ml concentration; which was

even better than control (Table 1.5, Fig 1.6B) and least at 0.015gm/500ml (8.5 cm). Root

length at the lowest concentration was almost same as control (Table 1.5).

Among all the three GA3 concentrations taken, although the shoot length was maximum at

0.01gm/500ml concentration but all the concentrations were better than control (Table 1.5).

The least shoot length was recorded at 0.005gm/500ml as compare to 0.01gm/500ml and


The hypocotyl was long but root was not very distinct. GA3 produced numerous small thin

velvety coverage of root hairs on the tapering root which increased with GA3 concentration

(Fig 1.6B).


Fig 1.6A: Abrus precatorius seed germination studies in GA3 at (a) 0.005gm/500ml

(b) 0.01gm/500ml (c) 0.015gm/500ml.

B: Seed germination on 0.01gm/500ml GA3 solution showing thin tapering root with

fine small root hairs covering the roots, long hypocotyl and cotyledon emerging from

the seed.

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Table 1.5: In Vitro studies on the effect on GA3 on percent seed germination and seedling growth of Abrus Precatorius.


(gm/500ml )




Percent seed




Length of Shoot and

Root (cm) Other Comments


root Average±SD


shoot Average±SD

(DW) Control 8/50 16 16±5.48 11.5 1.44±0.32 15 1.88±0.43

Minute (fine) root hairs, root cylindrical

and tapering. Small leaves germinate

after1 week and root color turn brown in


0.005 10/50 20 20±4.47 11.0 1.31±0.53 55 5.5±2.92 Hypocotyl (shoot) long in size. No root

hairs found.

0.01 10/50 20 20±4.47 18.7 1.87±1.07 71 7.1±1.91 Shoot length maximum, with fine root


0.015 07/50 14 14±8.94 8.5 1.21±0.64 52 7.43±1.46 Root hairs found in this conc.

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Jain et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


During the present investigation auxins (IAA, IBA and NAA), cytokine (Kn) and gibberellin

(GA3) were taken. In all the experiments with different auxins the minimum concentration

(0.005gm/500ml i.e. 10ppm) was the best over higher doses with respect to percent seed

germination, root and shoot lengths, and among the three auxins IBA was better over others.

The growth regulator Kinetin also showed maximum percent seed germination, root length

and shoot length at lowest concentration taken. While on GA3 0.01gm/500ml (i.e. 20ppm)

was better than other concentrations. Among all the growth regulators tested IBA showed

maximum percent seed germination as well as, root length; however shoot length was better

on GA3 but seedling health was best on Kn treatment.


The Authors are grateful to the Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India

for providing necessary materials.


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