Effect of Thai Style Self-manipulative Exercises “Rusie ...

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53Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan

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Effect of Thai Style Self-manipulative Exercises “Rusie Dutton”

In Middle-aged Women ~A Study of Psychological Change by the Two-dimensional Mood Scale~


The Open University of Japan, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Master's Program (Chiba, Japan)

Abstract: In recent years, the numbers of middle-aged and elderly patients with mental diseases has been increasing rapidly in Japan. In 2013, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare added mental disorders as the fifth type of diseases being targeted in its Medical Care Plans, the other four being cancer, cerebral apoplexy, acute myocardial infarction, and diabetes, and the ministry showed the needs for measures on these types of diseases. In the “Study on the aspirations for health (2014)”, middle-aged and elderly persons answered that they had “uneasiness about health”, and 50.4% pointed out a “decline of their physical strength” and 38.9% pointed out “stress / psychological fatigue” as causing them anxiety. From this, it is thought that demand is high for light exercises that can be done by people who are not physically fit, and that can reduce their stress. “Rusie Dutton” is an exercise method that is a traditional medical practice in Thailand. It is an easy and simple exercise for health that can do only using a breathing method and a posture (position) method, and recently, it is being performed as an exercise program in Japan. However, no studies have been found on the effects of Rusie Dutton exercises. Therefore, this study examined the transient psychological effect of Rusie Dutton in middle-aged women. Ten middle-aged women, residents of C city, were subjects, excluding the one person for answers deficiencies, it was analyzed 9 persons of valid data. In the pre and post periods of doing Rusie Dutton exercises for 90 minutes, four items were measured for their psychological conditions of "stability", "vitality", "pleasure", and "arousal", using the TDMS (Two-dimensional Mood Scale) that can quantify psychological conditions by answering 8 questions. In a comparison of pre and post periods, increases were observed for stability, vitality and pleasure for all subjects. These results suggested Rusie Dutton exercises in middle-aged women subjects increased their psychological pleasure, and such light exercises might reduce stress. Keywords: Rusie Dutton, Thailand, traditional medical practice, breathing method, psychological effect, Two-dimensional Mood Scale, TDMS

1.Introduction Recently, the numbers of middle-aged and elderly patients with mental diseases have been increasing rapidly in Japan. In 2013, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare added mental disorders as the fifth type of diseases being targeted in its Medical Care Plans1), the other four being cancer, cerebral apoplexy, acute myocardial infarction, and diabetes. In the “Study on the aspirations for health (2014)2)” middle-aged and elderly persons answered that they had "uneasiness about health” and 50.4% pointed out a “decline of their physical strength” and 38.9% pointed out “stress / psychological fatigue”as causing them anxiety. From this, it is thought that demand is high for light exercises that can be done by

people who are not physically fit, and that can reduce their stress. Light exercises such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong, have been practiced as traditional exercise methods in many countries for health effects. Various studies have been published about them. “Rusie Dutton” is an exercise method that is a traditional medical practice in Thailand, but no studies have been found on the effects of Rusie Dutton exercises. Therefore, this study was intended to examine transient psychological effects of Rusie Dutton using the TDMS3). Subjects were ten middle-aged women who resided in C City, and analyzed 9 persons of valid data, excluding the one person for answers deficiencies.

2.Study methodology Subjects Ten middle-aged women, residents of C city, were subjects, analyzed 9 persons of valid data excluding the

______________________________________________________Motoko TAKAHASHI The Open University of Japan, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Master's Program 2-11 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 261-8586 E-mail: 1418262415@campus.ouj.ac.jp

Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan


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one person for answers deficiencies. The subjects in the study were mothers who participated in the family education class (September 25, 2015 from 14:00 to 16:00) sponsored by Parent-Teacher Associations of two C City elementary schools and one junior high school. All subjects gave their informed consent for participation in this study. Table 1 shows their characteristics. None of the subjects were regularly doing Rusie Dutton exercises, and they were considered as inexperienced or beginners. The experiences listed in Table 1 mean subjects had participated in the family education classes of 2014 and 2012 that were held in the same way as in 2015. Subjects were asked about exercise habits as 6 levels, and many had no such exercise habits. The 6 levels about exercise habits were as follows. 1 None. 2 Once three months. 3 Once a month. 4 Once a week. 5 Two-three times a week. 6 Every day.

Table 1 Characteristics of subjects No Age Experience Exercise

habits 1 48 2 0 2 49 1 0 3 41 1 3 4 39 3 4 5 42 2 0 6 42 1 0 7 42 2 0 8 39 1 0 9 43 2 0

Average 42.8 1.67 0.78 Rusie Dutton Rusie Dutton refers to Thai style self-manipulative exercises that use breathing and meditation methods. They are said to originally have been devised as self-healing methods for priests on pilgrimages and practicing monks. "Rusie" means "hermit" and "Dutton" means "self-stretching". Rusie Dutton exercises are considered as tradition medical practices using breathing and simple posture methods. The breathing method uses inspiration through the nose and expiration through the narrowed mouth. For the way of moving body is taken after starting the inspiration, and by the end of expiration, the body is returned to the original posture; the idea is to do the posture movement slowly, without overdoing it, coordinated with breathing in and out. Measurement items 1) TDMS: TDMS was measured for four psychological conditions of "stability", "vitality", "pleasure", and “arousal", by answering 8 questions with current psychological condition. The measurement was done before and after a 90 minute session of Rusie Dutton exercises. Five minutes was required for the pre and post

questions. 2) Questions: The author modified questions used by the Nihon Rusie Dutton Fukyū Rennmei (The Japan Federation to Spread Rusie Dutton) and focused on the physical change after Rusie Dutton. Subjects were asked about 8 items and asked to give the extent of change as 6 levels. They could also give a free description of the effects. The 8 items asked about were as follows. 1 The body became warm. 2 The range that joints moved was increased. 3 Muscle stiffness was loosened. 4 Posture got better. 5 Perspiration increased. 6 Saliva increased. 7 Refreshed feeling increased. 8 The body moved without difficulty. The 6 levels of change for the 8 items were as follows. 1 None. 2 Slight. 3 Low. 4 Moderate. 5 Large. 6 Very large. Method The number of subjects with the regular habit of exercise was small, so first of all, it was important for everyone to understand the current state of their own bodies. Subjects were set as pairs, and told to observe the standing position of each other, and to exchange opinions. After that, each subject was urged to have self-awareness of her own physical condition, such as the difference between right and left sides when in a supine position and a sitting position (their actions took 10 minutes). Then, subjects were told explanations about Rusie Dutton as follows. 1: For the way of moving body, 2: The breathing method, 3: The idea of posture (their explanations took 5 minutes). Thereafter, they did Rusie Dutton exercises as follows. The practice of breathing method (10 minutes), in sitting position, 1: the upper arm, 2: flank (Fig. 1), 3: shoulder top: the 3 postures to relax and to put pressure using the hands (17 minutes). Further, 4: the upper limb elevation, and stretched spine, 5: the palms and fingers of both hands mutual support, and warped, 6: adduction of the shoulder blade, 7: upper body twist, 8: the soles and fingers of both feet mutual support, 9: extend the sides of the body, 10: twisting the waist, 11: bending forward, 8 postures (33 minutes). Then, In standing position, 12: lateral leg squat, 13: front and rear leg squat, 14: one leg support balance, and the palms and fingers of both hands mutual support, 3 postures (10 minutes). In prone position, 15: support balance of the palms and forearms and abdomen. In supine position, 16: extend the posterior thigh, 17: extend the whole body, 3 postures (10 minutes), relax while remaining in the supine position (5 minutes) Finally in sitting position, 18: mutual support by hands around the ears and jaw, end with the breathing method (5 minutes).

55Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan

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During all the exercises, subjects could drink water, however, they proceeded without a break. Measurements The TDMS results were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) and analyzed using a paired T-test. The significance level was less than 5%. Results of questions were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Statistics program used was Excel Microsoft ® Excel ® 2013 (15.0.4779.1001) MSO (15.0.4779.1000) 64bits.

Fig. 1 Author and the ten subjects

3. Results TDMS Before and after the 90 minutes of Rusie Dutton exercises, the TDMS was measured to evaluate the psychological changes. Three items, vitality, stability, and pleasure were significantly increased, and these results had significant difference, but arousal only showed a decrease, and this result did not have significant difference (Fig. 2, Table 2). Also, vitality and stability were represented in a two-dimensional graph (Fig. 3). Vitality, stability, and pleasure were increased more, the mood of subjects was improved their nervous, lethargy, and frustration. Their mood became more calm and relaxed, and a change was observed that the psychological condition was suitable for rest. Questions Question items 1 to 4 showed a possibility that there was a similar effect of light exercise, such as stretching and walking (Fig. 4).

Question items 5 to 7 showed a large individual difference, while some subjects answered "None", there was also those who answered the level of change was "Large”.

Question item 8, was associated with the exercise habit and subjects did not observe it. The difficulty in seeing the effect of item 8 was probably due to the difference in the movements for Rusie Dutton with other exercise methods, or to influence from unpleasant physical symptoms, such as shoulder stiffness and lower back pain. In addition, among those subjects who answered "Slight" on question item 8, and there were

those subjects who answered "Large" and "Very large" on question item 1 to 4, it seemed that the feeling was a good exercise effect.

In the free description impressions, one subject wrote that she pointed out a good unlike yoga, and that her unpleasant frozen shoulder was reduced. Another subject wrote that her edema had been alleviated. A third subject noted she felt the one-leg standing balance was easier to do than yoga. Table 2 Change of TDMS measurement values before and

after Rusie Dutton (mean ± standard deviation (SD))

Vitality Stability Pleasure Arousal Time pre post pre post pre post pre post

Mean 1.75 5.00 3.00 8.50 4.75 13.56 -1.25 -3.50

SD 2.31 3.12 2.30 1.20 3.65 3.40 2.96 3.02

Fig. 2 TDMS results before and after Rusie Dutton

(mean ± standard deviation )

Fig. 3 Indication of the psychological condition

change of TDMS



pre post pre post pre post pre post

Vitality Stability Pleasure Arousal






-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10



StabilityArea suitable for rest

Area of nervous,uneasiness


a of








a su


e fo



Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan


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Fig. 4 Impressions after Rusie Dutton

(8 items; N = 9; mean ± standard deviation)

4. Discussion In this study, the Rusie Dutton exercises showed increased stability, vitality and pleasure in the minds of its middle-aged subjects, and improvement of their psychological stress state to the psychological state that is suitable for more leisurely calm rest. Significantly arousal showed a decrease.

Matsumoto et al.5)reported for running using a treadmill (with exercise intensities of 40% and 60%), In 60% of exercise intensities, showed a decreasing trend of arousal, and six of ten subjects showed an increase in the lactic acid level. And then, in this study of the subjects, arousal showed a decrease, it is thought that can be increase in lactic acid value at the same level as 60% of exercise intensities.

Moreover, Homma6) reported for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) patients that respiratory muscle training and stretching exercises of the respiratory muscles extended the distance walking for 6 minutes as an index of endurance. Rusie Dutton exercises used in this study, of pressure, relaxation, stretch, shrink, twist, have been used to stimulate the respiratory muscles, with breathing through the narrowed mouth. In persons with no exercise habits, long-term implementation of Rusie

Dutton can be expected to improve their prolonged endurance for walking.

Results of the Rusie Dutton exercises for the middle-aged women subjects of this study suggested this light exercise program can increase the psychological comfort and reduce stress.


1) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Medical

Care Plans, http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file.jsp?id=141459&name=2r98520000036fkg.pdf,2012

2) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Annual Health, Labour and Welfare Report43-131, Study on the aspirations for health (2014), http://www.mhlw.go.jp/wp/hakusyo/kousei/14/dl/1-02-1.pdf,2014

3) Sakairi Y, Soya H and Kizuka T: Two-Dimensional Mood Scale TDMS guide, Aiemuefu Co., Ltd., 2009

4) Kogiso K.: Traditional Medicine under Globalization-The Spread of Intellectual Property and the Creation of “Thai Traditional Medicine,” Waseda University Graduate School of Sport Sciences Master's thesis, 2009.

5) Matsumoto H, Yamanishi T and Soya H: The influence that difference in exercise strength gives to menstruation and the psychological side- Comparison between Two-dimensional Mood Scale and POMS-: The 55th Conference of Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, 55: 473, 2004.

6) Homma I: Mental and physical adjustment and breathing: Journal of Health Science of Mind and Body, 5(1):1-7, 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Mean 4 3.89 3.67 3.67 2.33 1.67 2.11 2.44








(Level of change) 1 None; 2 Slight; 3 Low; 4 Moderate; 5 Large; and 6 Very large.

(Question items) 1 The body became warm. 2 The range that joints moved was increased. 3 Muscle stiffness was loosened. 4 Posture got better. 5 Perspiration increased. 6 Saliva increased. 7 Refreshed feeling increased. 8 The body moved without difficulty.

57Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan


中年女性におけるタイ式自己整体「ルーシーダットン」の運動効果 ~2次元気分尺度による心理的変化の検討~

(Effect of Thai Style Self-manipulative Exercises “Rusie Dutton” In Middle-aged Women ~A Study of Psychological Change by the Two-dimensional Mood Scale~)

高橋 基子


放送大学大学院 文化科学研究科修士課程(日本、千葉)

要旨:近年、我が国では、中高年における精神疾患罹患者が急増しており、平成 25 年、厚生労



安があると答えた中高年(40~64 歳)の人は、不安要因として、「体力の衰え」(50.4%)「ス






におけるルーシーダットンの一過性の心理的効果について検討する事を目的とした。C 市在住の

中年女性10名を対象者とし、回答不備による 1 名を除外した 9 名分のデータを解析した。ルー

シーダットンを 90 分間行った事前事後において、8つの質問に答えることで、「活性度」「安

定度」「快適度」「覚醒度」の 4 項目について、心理状態を測定できる2次元気分尺度 TDMS (Two Dimensional Mood Scale)を用い、測定した。事前事後の測定結果を比較検討したところ、対



唆された。 キーワード:ルーシーダットン、伝統医療、呼吸法、心理効果、2次元気分尺度、TDMS

1. はじめに


者が急増しており、厚生労働省は、平成 25 年より、

医療計画として 4 大疾病であるガン、脳卒中、心臓

病、糖尿病に、精神疾患を加え、5 大疾病とした1)。


査」2)(厚生労働省・平成 26 年)では、健康に関し

て不安があると答えた中高年(40~64 歳)の人は、




動は需要があると考えられる。 ヨガ、太極拳、気功法のような軽運動は、多くの






性の心理的効果について、2 次元気分尺度 TDMS (Two Dimensional Mood Scale) 3)を用いて検討する事

を目的とした。被験者は、C 市在住の中年女性 10 名

とし、回答不備による 1 名を除外した 9 名分のデー


2. 研究方法 対象者: C 市在住の中年女性 10 名を対象者とし、回答不備

_______________________________________________________ 高橋基子 放送大学大学院 文化科学研究科修士課程 〒261-8586 千葉県千葉市美浜区若葉 2-11 E-mail:1418252415@campus.ouj.ac.jp

Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan



による 1 名を除外し、有効データ 9 名分を分析した。

対象者は、C 市立小学校 2 校と中学校 1 校、計 3 校

の PTA 主催による家庭教育学級(平成 27 年 9 月 25日 14:00~16:00)に参加希望した保護者とした。


明し、研究参加の同意を得た。Table 1 には、対象者




平成 26度と 24年度の家庭教育学級に参加していた。



運動習慣についての 6段階は以下のとおり

0:ない、1:3ヶ月に 1回、2:月に 1回、3:週に 1

回、4:週に 2~3回、5:毎日

Table 1 対象者の特徴

No 年齢

(歳) ルーシーダット

ン経験(回) 運動習慣

1 48 2 0 2 49 1 0 3 41 1 3 4 39 3 4 5 42 2 0 6 42 1 0 7 42 2 0 8 39 1 0 9 43 2 0

平均 42.8 1.67 0.78

ルーシーダットン: ルーシーダットンとは、呼吸法・瞑想法を用いた











ながら、呼吸と共に無理なく、行う。 測定項目: 1) TDMS :心理状態(気分)を表す8つの質問に


適度」「覚醒度」の 4 項目について、心理状態を測定、

評価できる検査である。90 分間のルーシーダットン


各 5 分)。 2) 質問紙 :「ルーシーダットン後の身体の変化に


作成した。(8 項目・6 段階評価と、感想の自由記述)



に行なった(約 5 分)。 (8 項目の質問内容) 1:身体が温かくなった 2:関節の動く範囲が広

がった 3:筋肉のコリがほぐれた 4:姿勢が

良くなった 5:汗が出た 6:唾液が増えた

7:視界がスッキリとした 8:無理なく、動けた

(6 段階評価内容) 0:ない 1:少しそう 2:ややそう 3:あ

る程度そう 4:かなりそう 5:非常にそう 方法: 運動習慣のほとんど無い参加者だったため、まず、





するように促した(10 分)。 次に、ルーシーダットンについて次のように説明


点(5 分)。 その後、ルーシーダットンを実施した。呼吸法練

習(10 分)、座位にて、1:上腕部、2:側腹部(Fig 1.)、3:肩上部、を圧迫弛緩する 3 ポーズ(17 分)、



捻り、8:足裏を合掌させ支え合う、9:側屈、10:ウエスト部捻り、11:前屈、 の 8 ポーズ(33 分)。 それから、立位姿勢になり、12:側方開脚スクワ

ットと首の捻り、13:前後方開脚スクワット、14:片足支持バランスと、両手を支え合う合掌 の 3 ポ

ーズ(10 分)。 腹臥位姿勢になり、15:手掌から前腕部と腹部の

床支持バランス、 仰臥位姿勢になり、16:大腿後部伸ばし、17:全

身伸ばし の 3 ポーズ(10 分)、そのまま、仰臥位

にて、リラクゼーション(5 分)。 最後は、座位にて、18:耳・顎周囲のほぐし、と、

呼吸法(5 分)を行なって、終了した。 実施中は、水分補給を随時行ない、休憩は取らず


59Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan


統計解析: TDMS の結果は、平均値±標準偏差で表し、対応

のある T 検定を用いて解析した。有意水準は5%未


した。統計処理には Microsoft ® Excel ® 2013 (15.0.4779.1001) MSO (15.0.4779.1000) 64 ビットを用


Fig 1. 著者と対象者 10 名

3. 結 果 TDMS: 90 分間のルーシーダットン前後で、TDMS を測定


適度の 3 項目が有意に増加したが、覚醒度のみ減少

を示し、有意差はなかった(Fig. 2, Table 2)。また、

活性度と安定度を 2 次元グラフに表した(Fig. 3)。安定度、活性度、快適度がより高まったことで、対



クスし、休息に適した心理状態へ変化が見られた。 質問紙:

設問 1)~4)は、ストレッチやウオーキングなど

と似た軽運動としての効果と考えられる(Fig.4)。 設問 5)~7)は、個人差が大きく、「ない」と答え

る者がいる一方で、「かなりそう」と答える者もいた。 設問 8)は、運動習慣の有無による関係性が見ら






思われる。 自由記述による感想において、1 名の対象者は、






Table 2 ルーシーダットン前後の TDMS 測定値の変化

(平均±標準偏差) 活性度 安定度 快適度 覚醒度

時期 pre post pre post pre post pre post

平均 1.75 5.00 3.00 8.50 4.75 13.56 -1.25 -3.50


偏差2.31 3.12 2.30 1.20 3.65 3.40 2.96 3.02

Fig. 2 ルーシーダットン前後の TDMS 測定結果

(**:P<0.01, 平均±標準偏差)

Fig. 3 TDMS による心理状態の表示








pre post pre post pre post pre post

活性度 安定度 快適度 覚醒度












-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10







** **


Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci.    Vol.34, No.1, March 2016 The 41st Symposium on Life information Science

March 19-20, 2016, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan



Fig. 4 ルーシーダットン後の感想

(8 設問。N =9。平均±標準偏差)

4. 考 察 今回の結果から、ルーシーダットンは、中年女性




た。覚醒度については、減少を示した。 松本らは、トレッドミルを用いたランニングにお

いて、運動強度 40%と 60%での比較を行い、60%強


者 10 名中の 6 名に乳酸値の増加がみられた5)と報


が示されており、運動強度 60%と同程度の乳酸の増

加があった可能性があると考えられる。 また、本間は、COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)患者に


実施したところ、持久的指標である 6 分間歩行の距






行持久力を延長することができると推測される。 タイの伝統医療における運動法であるルーシー




参考文献 1) 厚生労働省. 医療計画について


2) 平成 26 年度 厚生労働省白書 43-131「健康意識に関する調査」http://www.mhlw.go.jp/wp/hakusyo/kousei/14/dl/1-02-1.pdf,2014

3) 坂入洋右・征矢英昭・木塚朝博:二次元気分尺度 TDMS 手引き. アイエムエフ株式会社, 2009.

4) 小木曽航平:グローバル化時代に伝統医療が直


の拡大を手がかりとして-. 早稲田大学大学院スポーツ科学研究科修士学位論文, 2009.

5) 松本博・山西 哲郎・征矢 英昭:運動強度の


分尺度と POMSの比較. 日本体育学会大会号, 55: 473, 2004.

6) 本間生夫:心身の調節と呼吸. 心身健康科学, 5(1):1-7, 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8平均 4 3.89 3.67 3.67 2.33 1.67 2.11 2.44














