Effective 12/21 MCA NOOR Fajr 6:20 6:30 Dhuhr 12:35 12:35 ...

Post on 19-Dec-2021

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Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful. Who are stingy and enjoin upon [other] people stinginess and conceal what Allah has given them of His bounty - and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment -

Quran: 4:36-37

NewsletterPublished Weekly by the Muslim Community Association of San Francisco Bay Area

PRAYER TIMINGS Effective 12/21

MCA NOORFajr 6:20 6:30

Dhuhr 12:35 12:35

Asr 3:00 3:30

Maghrib Sunset Sunset

Isha 8:00 7:00

Juma 1 12:15 12:15Juma 2 1:30 1:30


Dec 20, 2019Rabi Al-Sani 23, 1441


Join the MCA Mailing List and Stay Connected TO ADVERTISE, VISIT MCA WEBSITE: www.mcabayarea.org/newsletter

‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Al-’as (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Four are the qualities which, when found in a person, make him a sheer hypocrite, and one who possesses one of them, possesses one characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons it. These are: When he is entrusted with something, he betrays trust; when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he acts treacherously; and when he argues, he behaves in a very imprudent, insulting manner.”

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].


Free Weekend IslamicSchool for Adults

Arabic ClassesBy Sh. Mohammad Shadid

Beginners: 10:30 – 11:30 amLetters, Vocabulary, reading,writing and communication.

Open to All Brothers & Sisters

Classes Start Jan 12, 2020At MCA, Ayisha Room

Intermediate: 11:30 – 12:30 pm Grammars, Vocabulary and


These Classes are offered byIslamic Organization of North America

IONA (Santa Clara Chapter)& sponsored by MCA Da’wah Committee

for the past 10 years.

Themes of QuranBy Br. Mamadou Ibrahim

Compiled by Dr. Israr Ahmed9:30 am – 10:30 am

For more information Email us:fhai3000@yahoo.com


18 ways to achieve greatness through gratefulness

Taha Ghayyur

Whether you consider yourself a positive, easy-going person or a demanding, hard to please person, these tips can help you become a more grateful, caring, and content individual.

There is much more to gratitude and Shukr (thankfulness) in Islam than a mere Thank You that our ears have become so used to ignoring. Discover how you can be more thankful to Allah and His creation.

1. Stop Complaining and be positive!

This is the first step towards being thankful to Allah and people around you. We have become a community of complainers and whiners, which has lead to a collective psychology of negativity and unproductively.

Stop complaining about the economy, weather, politicians, traffic, or the system. Refrain from blaming your Masjid, Imams, parents, spouse, in-laws, children, or boss. If you think with an open mind, you may find more positives in your circumstances and the people around you than negatives.

2. Say Al-hamdulillah (All thanks and praise belongs to Allah) often.

A constant utterance of this phrase reminds you of the source of all blessings and happiness in this life. This practice of attributing all good actions to Allah keeps you humble and content and has a positive

affect on your relations with people.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has instructed us to say Al-hamdulillah? on daily basis:”Allah is pleased with His servant if, when he eats something he thanks Allah for it, and when he drinks something he thanks Allah for it” (Muslim).

3. Respect others’ time and schedule.

Part of ungratefulness is wastage of time. As a scholar once said, “Time is not just money. It is more expensive than gold, diamonds and pearls. Time?is life itself!”

Arriving late at a meeting or a class, cancelling appointments last minute, or starting off a program late, are not only a big waste of time and disrespectful to others, but also a lack of appreciation of others’ time on your part.

4. Seize the opportunity while you can.

Procrastination in offering your prayers, delaying a donation to a humanitarian cause, or filling your leisure time with unproductive or unlawful activities is ingratitude to Allah for the limited time and opportunity He has given you to do good and to achieve Paradise.

Prophet Muhammad warned us, “Good health and spare time are two of the blessings of Allah with respect to which many people are deceived.” (Bukhari)

Even if you live till tomorrow, what guarantee do you have that there won’t be any obstaclesin carrying out a good action.

The Prophet used to call on Muslims to take the initiative to do good deeds before any problems arise.

5. Spend 15 minutes daily to think about things that you should be thankful for.

Recall people in your life, whom you may have taken for granted like your parents, spouse, children, co-worker, or teacher, who were caring and loving.

List some of Allah’s gifts that are not tangible or were not obvious to you before. Sulayman, a follower of the Prophet’s Companions, once said: “Remembering His blessings makes one love Allah.”

This simple mental exercise not only makes you a grateful person, but also a healthy one. According to a 2001 research bythe Institute for Research on Unlimited Love (IRUL), based in Ohio, just 15 minutes a day focusing on the things you are grateful for will significantly increase your body?s natural antibodies, will make you less vulnerable to clinical depression, and will keep your blood pressure and heart rate stable.

6. Be patient and grateful when disasters strike.

The depth and strength of your gratitude is tested in difficult times. Allah wants to see how thankful you truly are when you loose your job or a loved one, or when you feel ill and or get injured.

It helps to know that in times of calamity


Taha Ghayyur | http://soundvision.com

18 ways to achieve greatness through gratefulness

and distress, there will be some good for you, provided you respond appropriately. The Prophet said, “How wonderful is the case of a Believer! There is good for him in whatever happens to him -and none, apart from him, enjoys this blessing.” (Muslim)

Sufyan al-Thawri, a famous early scholar of Islam, said, “He does not understand religion properly who does not count affliction as a blessing and ease as a trial.”

7. Donate your time, talent, money, and advice to social work and non-profit efforts.

In our profit-driven culture, it is burdensome to squeeze out time and wealth for others. Your selfless service and generosity towards people in need and non-profit organizations is a sure way of showing gratitude to Allah and to your community.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him said, “People are dependants of Allah; the closest to Him are those who are most useful to His dependants” (Muslim).

“As the blessings from Allah to a servant increase, so will the people’s needs of that blessed servant’s services. If the servant ignores their needs, it will cause those blessings to be removed” (lbn Hibban).

8. Visit the sick, the terminally ill, and the disabled.

Frequenting patients and families of the deceased, not only brings comfort to them and brings multiple rewards from Allah to you, it also helps you appreciate your own good health and opportunities you have in life to serve others.

9. Share the message of Islam.

If you appreciate the guidance of Islam as your most precious treasure, don?t hesitate to share it with others. If Islam has changed your life for the better, what’s holding you back from inviting your friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers to explore this message of hope and positive transformation?

10. Recite and memorize the Duas of Prophet Muhammad.

The most natural and beautiful way to thank Allah is the words of the Prophet himself.

The Prophet told Muadh, “By Allah, I love you, so do not forget to say at the end of every prayer: O Allah, help me to remember You and to give thanks to You

and to worship You well” (Ahmad and At-Tirmidh).

11. Fall in Prostration (Sajda) when you receive a blessing from Allah.

Prophet Muhammad used to prostrate (Sajda) to Allah whenever he received something pleasant or was told good news to thank Allah for the grace he had received.

12. Don’t consider any blessing too small.

Treat all gifts of Allah with equal respect and gratitude, lest you lose it one day for good. Aishah said that the Prophet entered upon her one day and saw a small piece of bread on the floor, so he picked it up and wiped it, then told her: “O Aishah, treat the blessings of Allah with respect, for when it departs from a household it may never come back to them” (Abud Dunya).

13. Use and display Allah’s blessings moderately.

Part of being grateful to Allah is to look presentable and clean, and spend money on yourself with moderation.

Abul-Akhwas narrated that his father said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah looking dishevelled and scruffy. He asked me, ‘Do you have any possessions?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He asked me what sort, and I told him, ‘I have all sorts. Allah has given me camels, horses, slaves and sheep.’ The Prophet said: ‘If Allah has given you all of that, then let Him see His blessing on you.’”

14. Don’t be too picky and accommodate others!

Some people express their discomfort (perhaps unintentionally) with anything that they are not used to. They may be too picky about their taste of food, clothing and furniture; they may get irritated easily in new environments; they may like meeting only a certain type of people; they may not like working with others.

This insensitivity to other people’s preferences and inability to accommodate others is a sign of selfishness, arrogance, and ungratefulness. Be content in every situation and you will become grateful.

15. Admire those below you and keep your expectations low.

A lot of times the reason for our ungrateful behaviour is that we are constantly comparing our material success with the wealthier, healthier, and more accomplished. In our race to keep-up-with-

the-Ahmad-family next door, we forget so many obvious blessings that others may not enjoy and we should be thankful for.

The Prophet admonished us, “Look at those people who have less than you and never look at those who have more grants than you, this will ensure that you will not depreciate Allah’s favours” (Muslim).

16. Thank people for littlest things.

People like to be appreciated for little favours they do for us, which often get ignored in our busy routines. When was the last time you thanked your little son for taking care of simple chore for you? Has your husband heard a compliment from you lately?

Take the time to thank them for their thoughtfulness. As the Prophet stated, “The one who does not give thanks for a small blessing will not give thanks for a great blessing, and the one who does not give thanks to people will not give thanks to Allah” (Abud Dunya).

17. Compliments & recognition and motivate team members.

Whether you are an employer or a manager at work, or lead a volunteer based project, or simply a team player, a personal recognition significantly boosts the employee or volunteer morale.

As Stephen Robbins in his book The Truth about Managing People explains, several organizational behaviour studies have indicated employees and volunteers rate personal thanks and recognition from a superior for a job well-done as the most motivating of a variety of incentives; yet not many team leaders use this simple, cost-effective technique that works like magic! What kinds of personal recognition and group success incentives does your organization have in place?

18. When you thank someone, make sure you mean it.

When you say Jazakallahu Khayran (May Allah reward you the best) to your wife, does it come from your heart? Or is it received as another cold clich?

Be a little creative when you really want to express your gratitude to someone. Say it with a personal thank you card. Show it with flowers. Accompany it with a genuine smile. Charge it with emotions. Enhance it with a meal or a meaningful gift. •



Imagine hundreds of thousands of marine creatures and nearly one million seabirds, all choking or being strangled to their gruesome deaths, as a result of plastic waste. Imagine your cute puppy or your fluffy cat being killed by a plastic cap thrown on the ground by some careless person. Not nice, right? Products made from plastic are a part of our everyday life. We pour milk for our morning cereal out of a plastic bottle, we drive to work in our cars made with plastic parts, and we routinely throw away plastic water bottles.

Plastic may seem to make our lives better and we might believe that we can’t live without it. However, our affinity for plastic products is not sustainable. It is our duty as dwellers of this planet to urge industries and companies all over the world to find alternatives to plastic when making their products, in order to reduce the use of toxic chemicals and to reduce the size of our landfills, which also threaten environment and wildlife.

Plastic in all forms is made from the same base

ingredient: petroleum. Petroleum is

refined into poisonous chemicals and cooked at high temperatures in order to produce items such as plastic bags, water bottles, plastic wrap, or utensils that we use every day. In the plastic-making process, toxic by-products and greenhouse gases are also released, which in turn harm air quality and poison the soil and water. Studies have shown that the production of plastic in the United States releases 500 million tons of greenhouse gases every year. Alternative products such as paper, glass, and metal all produce fewer emissions (about 5 million tons) and can replace the products we use on a daily basis (e.g. steel water bottle).

Our next problem is our landfills. It takes approximately 1000 years for a plastic water bottle to decompose. Plastic items (in particular shopping bags) take up about 79 percent of landfills. This is something that can be easily avoided. In 2006, research conducted by the University of California suggested that a switch to compostable products from

plastic would decrease landfill size by about 60 percent. Often when we throw our plastic bottles and bags away, this waste ends up in waterways, parks, and beaches where animals can easily come into contact with them and end up choking to death.

Though plastic products seem to make our lives less complicated, over time they make our lives more difficult through the damage they do to our environment. If we continue to rely on hazardous products such as plastics, we will only add to the damage that has already been done. We must take action ourselves and begin to reuse and recycle. Next time you come from the store with a plastic bag just put it into your cabinet and reuse it the next time you are at the store. When more and more people begin to reuse, recycle, push for a greener environment, and start doing small deeds, we will be able to spare the lives of countless animals, and then, in my opinion the world will begin to become a better place to live.


Youth Voice on the Environment: “Death by Plastic”

MCA Sustainablity Committee

by Abdulhakim Moghaddam, 7th Grade


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Afghanistan50 students

India50 students

Jordan(Syrian | Palestinian | Jordanian)

100 studentsKenya

50 studentsPakistan

400 studentsSomalia

50 studentsNepal

50 students


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Shireen Khan(408) 469-3995 | hhrd.shireen@gmail.com

NorCal In-Kind Center3070 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara CA, 95054

For details please contact

Donate online at hhrd.org/Bay-Area-CAL-SDP

Please visit the HHRD booth during Jummah @ MCA Banquet Hall.

Thank you to all donors throughout this year of 2019! As the year ends, HHRD needs your help to Eradicate Poverty by

sponsoring Skills Development Students before Dec 31, 2019

$180per student

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There lived a pious man all by himself, who spent most of his time in praying, fasting and praising Allah. Almost all his waking hours were utilised in meditation and devotions. He was very happy with his spiritual progress. No wicked thoughts came to his mind and no evil temptations entered his heart.

One night, he dreamt a rather disturbing dream. He saw that a shopkeeper in the town was far superior to him in spirituality and that he must go to him to learn the basics of true spiritual life.

In the morning, the pious man went in search of the shopkeeper. He found him busy with his customers, selling goods and collecting money with a cheerful face. He sat there in a corner of the shop and watched the shopkeeper carefully. No signs of any spiritual life at all, he said to himself. His dream could not be true. But then he saw the shopkeeper disappear to pray his Salah. When he returned, he was busy dealing with money matters again.

The shopkeeper noticed the pious man sitting in the corner and asked: “As Salamu Alaikum, would you like something, brother?”

“Wa Alaikum As Salam. Oh! No! No!” said the pious man. “I don’t want to buy anything, but I want to ask you a question.” He then related his dream.

“Well, that is very simple to explain,” said the shopkeeper, “but you will have to do something for me before I answer your question.”

“I will do anything for you,” replied the pious man.

“All right! Take this saucer; there is some mercury in it. Go to the other end of the street and come back fast within half an hour. If the mercury falls out of the saucer, you will hear nothing from me. There you go now.”

The pious man took the saucer and started running. The mercury nearly wobbled out of the saucer. He saved it just in time, and slowed down. Then he remembered he had to return within half an hour, so he started walking at a fast pace. At long last he returned puffing and panting. “Here is your mercury, safe and sound,” he told the shopkeeper. “Now tell me the true interpretation of my dream.”

The shopkeeper looked at the pious man’s weary condition and asked him: “Well, friend, how many times did you remember Allah while you were going from this end of the street to the other?”

“Remember Allah!” exclaimed the pious man. “I did not remember Him at all. I was so worried about the mercury in the saucer.”

“But I do remember Him all the time,” said the shopkeeper. “When I am doing my business, I am also carrying mercury in a saucer. I am fair, honest and kind to my customers. I never forget Allah Ta’ala in my dealings with other men.”

“Men whom neither trade nor sale (business) diverts from the remembrance of Allaah (with heart and tongue) nor from performing As-Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah) nor from giving the Zakaah. They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned (out of the horror of the torment of the Day of Resurrection). That Allaah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace. And Allaah provides without measure to whom He wills” [Al Quran, Surah an-Noor 24:37-38]

The Pious Man and the Shopkeeper



SStteemm PPrrooggrraamm

Fall Courses (Saturdays, Sept 7–Dec 14)

• Competitive Math • Introduction to Programming (Python) • Middle and High School Math Crash Courses • Tutoring in Phy, Math • Community service volunteer hours for high school


Spring Courses Coming soon

There is a minimal course fee. Payment can be made onsite by check. Contact stem@mcabayarea.org for questions/details.

Math Kangaroo Exam at MCA for 2020 has been scheduled for Thursday, March 19. The exam is after school, and to take the exam, a student does not need to miss school for the day. Registration has already started and if you are interested in registering your child(ren) to take the exam please visit https://mathkangaroo.oasis-lms.com/Public/Catalog/Home.aspx for more details. If you have any questions, contact stem@mcabayarea.org.


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To advertise with us, visit our website:www.mcabayarea.org/newsletter

newsletter@mcabayarea.org 408-727-7277

Disclaimer: MCA does not endorse and is not responsible for products and services in the ads section of the MCA newsletter. MCA holds the right to reject or accept ads submitted. No ads dealing with a business deemed to be in conflict with Islamic principles will be accepted.

SYED DENTAL CARE GENERAL DENTISTRYDr. Rafia Syed, Dr. Farhan Syed, Dr. Samia NaeemOpen Sundays! Most insurances accepted. 1150 Scott Blvd. Ste A2, Santa Clara, CA 95050Located near MCA and Masjid An-Noor. For appointments visit our website:www.SyedDental.com or call 408-985-SYED

MOHSENA AHMAD, DDS,Family Dentistry with a caring approach.Most Insurance accepted. Open on Saturday.259 Meridian Ave., Ste 12, San Jose, CA 95126(Between W. San Carlos St. & Park Ave.)Please call: (408) 275-0768

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SARAH AZAD, MDEl Camino Women’s Medical Group2500 Hospital Dr. Bldg 8AMountain View, CA 94040www.ElCaminoWomen.com650-396-8110 650-336-7359

LUBNA AZEEM, DDS General Dentist 2016 Forest Ave, Suite 4, San Jose, 95128 Near O’Connor Hospital, Open Saturdays, www.calsmiledental.com Visit our website for coupons (408) 930-5238

MOHSENA AHMAD, DDS,Family & Implant Dentistry with a caring approach.Most Insurance accepted. Open on Saturday.3540 Union Ave., San Jose, CA 95124(Intersection of Union & Camden Ave.)Please call: (408) 275-0768

ORTHODONTISTDr. Zahra Ammari, DDS, MDS.Braces and Invisalign for adult and children. Saturday open.Please call: 408-275-0103

DR ZAKIYYAH HYATT, PSYDPsychologist | Advocate | Consultant | Life Coach• Building Productive Marriage. • Parenting Your Child’s Strength.Drzhyatt@gmail.com1650 Zanker RD., Suite 230, San Jose, CA 95112(408) 590-8655, (408) 475-5846

SNYDER TRADITIONAL MEDICINECupping/Hijama/Acupuncture/Herbs/NutritionAmy Snyder, Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist1361 S. Winchester Blvd., suite 206San Jose, CA 95128408-906-9645, SnyderMedicine.com

PEDIATRICSFareeda N. Adeeb, M.D., FAAPDiplomate American Board of PediatricsInfants–Children & AdolescentsTel: (408) 279-8798www.dradeeb.comMost major insurances accepted Complimentary Prenatal Visit

PEDIATRICS OFFICE, Farda Qureshi MD., FAAP., Sunnyvale Office: 500 E. Remington Dr., #15, Sunnyvale. San Jose Office: 2101 Forest Ave., #117, San Jose. After hour appts & medical ear piercing available. Tel (408)730‐2200

BUSINESS SERVICESAUTO HAUS EL CAMINO Complete Auto Repair & Service All work guaranteed (20 % Discount)3100 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA. 95051408 244-3634, Saranmoe@yahoo.com

PIONEER TECH ACADEMYTechnology Courses at MCA Courses in Database Technologies Cassandra, Oracle, MySQL Courses in Internet Technologies: PHP & MySQL, Ruby & Rails, Java Programming. Register now at: register@pioneertechacademy.com

ADAM GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. General Contractor Lic # 838185 Contact : Alaaeldin Adam 408-661-1525, 408-568-8666 Email : aaldin.adam@gmail.com For all your Construction need : home addition, home remodeling, kitchen & bath remodeling, construction projects managment.





NON-PROFITHIDAYA FOUNDATION Donate Zakat and Sadaqah for the poorest of the poor. Read about our 30+ projects at www.hidaya.org (408) 244-3282

RAHIMA FOUNDATION Help Us To Help The Needy. 1823 Houret Ct., Milpitas CA 95035 Email: mail@rahima.org | www.rahima.orgPhone: 408-262-6006

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MCA - Every Sunday, 2-4 PM, Men’s Prayer Hall. No appointment needed. Just show up. Call (408) 732-1988 for more info.


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Muslim Community

1. Ar-RahmanThe One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.

The Most Merciful

“And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.”

[Quran 7:180]

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TAX / ACCOUNTINGMicro Tax, Audit, & Accounting Services, LLPCertified public accountants Tax preperation (e-file), audit, accounting, & payroll services. Call: M. Amin Haroon CPA, FFCA (UK)Ph: 408-986-9829 support@microtaxcpa.com

Each month, Hidaya is supporting nearly 10,000 orphans and 5,000 widows in 6 countries (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Cameroon, Guinea) under two projects:

No Orphan without Education:For $10 per month, all educational needs are met for each orphan child.

W i d o w / O r p h a n S u p p o r t : For $40 per month, all basic needs are met for a household of a widow and her orphan(s).

Please help us with this effort of taking care of the weakest of society by donating monthly towards our orphans projects.

Support Orphans Monthly

FFOOUUNNDDAATTIIOONNP.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 | www.hidaya.org

Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583

Fill the back of this form to sign up for Automatic Monthly Donation, or set it up yourself at: www.hidaya.org/donation-page/automatic-monthly-donation

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together to illustrate.(Sahih al-Bukhari 5659)