Effective Classroom Technology

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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A presentation on the effective integration of technology into the classroom.


Eva Gorny Ed 3508 GH1

 The application of practical sciences to industry or commerce.

◦ World English Dictionary, 2010.

 Innovative  Engaging  Additional Resources ◦ “World at your fingertips”

 Real-world application

 Audio-Visuals  Internet  PowerPoint  Smart Boards  Blogging  Social Networking


 Relates to curriculum  Simple, clear  Be an expert! ◦ Pre-planning



 Johnson, B., Sullivan, A., & Williams, D. (2009). A one-eyed look at classroom life: using new technologies to enrich classroom-based research. Issues in Educational Research. 19(1). 34-37, June. Retrieved Sept 24, 2010,

from http://www.iier.org.au/iier19/johnson.pdf

Fox-Turnbull, Wendy. (2010). The role of conversation in technology education. Design and Technology Education. 15(1). 24-30, May. Retrieved Sept 24, 2010,

from http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/EJ882754.pdf

Inan, F., & Lowther, D. (2010). Factors affecting technology integration in K-12 classrooms: a path model. Educational Technology Research and Development. 58(2). 137-154, Apr. Retrieved Sept 24, 2010,

from http://0-dx.doi.org.darius.uleth.ca/10.1007/s11423-009-9132-y