Effective Communication By Wasim

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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be what you are


The major objective of this program is to close that gap and ensure that whenever YOU communicate you

ALWAYS get the desired response.

Half the world is filled with people who have something to say and can’t say it and the other half, of people who have nothing to say and keep on saying it. - Robert Frost

All of us communicate, getting in touch with people nowadays is more about punching keys on the computer and buttons of telephone.

Communication is easy- anytime, anywhere and anyhow.But is it always effective?????????????

There is the whole world of difference between communication & Effective communication.


It is an exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings between two or more entities.

We communicate our thoughts and feelings to family, friends, co-workers and strangers every hour of every day.

Need for Effective Communication

An infant -------- CRYING

Child-------------- LACK OF WORDS / ACTIONS


What is the difference!!

What distinguishes Good and Effective communication from its poor and ineffective counterpart is:-

The Desired Response/Feedback:- This is what the sender was hoping to invoke in the receiver after the initial communication. This could be in the form of acknowledgment/ action or a verbal reply.

This is the deciding factor in any communication.

Types of Communication

Verbal Non Verbal Communication is not mere words.

To understand the message completely, we have to not only understand WHAT is being said but also HOW it is being said. It is a perfect blend of both verbal as well as non verbal.

Verbal Communication : It is all about spoken words e.g. dialogues, telephonic conversation, face to face, presentations, meetings, conferences, debate etc. Verbal form is direct and tend to evoke an immediate response.

Language also plays an important role in this.

Non verbal Communication : Written words and Body language

The most effective way of conveying a message is by making an eye contact with the listener, maintaining good posture and keeping your body and facial features relaxed.

Written Communication : When verbal communication is not possible due to any reasons, we

adapt to written communication. This could be because---- 1. The person is far away 2. We have to send in more information

while writing be it very clear, keep it short and Sweet and be precise.

"Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one-week leave."

from an employee who was performing the "mundan" ceremony of his 10 year old son: "as I want to shave my son's head off, please leave me for two days..."

Leave-letter from an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding: "as I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave.."

"As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave."

"Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave"

"I am suffering from fever, please declare one-day holiday."

"As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me "

"As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day."

Covering note: "I am enclosed herewith..."

"Dear Sir: with reference to the above, please refer to my below..."

"My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home I may be granted leave".

Letter writing:- "I am well here and hope you are also in the same well."

A candidate's job application:

"This has reference to your advertisement calling for a ' Typist and an Accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both(!! )for the past several years and I can handle both with good experience, I am applying for the post.

Body Language :- Body movement , language and vocal delivery are all very crucial factors. To be effective communicator you must be able to read the body language of your receiver and the environment and adapt your message accordingly.

Movement Part of body Action Effect

Facial Eye brow Raised Surprise/Interest

Eyes Contracted Mild irritation

Eye Contact Confidence

Bad eye contact Hesitation

Lips Curling Upward Pleasure

Curling downward


Tightly Closed Disapproval

Movement Part of Body Action Effect

Limbs Fists Tightly closed Tension/Anger

Vigorous Hand Movements


Body Posture Leaning Forward Deep Interest


Busting The Barriers

Tips for improving Communication Skills When Verbally Communicating:- 1. Keep an open mind about what people say. (Don’t presume anything before he has completed.). 2. Ask a specific question if you want a specific answer. 3. Take notes wherever possible. ( particularly for a Telephonic conversation) 4. Speak in as natural tone as possible to create warm environment. 5. Use humour where and when appropriate. 6. Avoid using unclear and complex words. 7. Always try to put yourself in others situation while in

the midst of conversation and respond accordingly. 8. Do give relevant feedback.

Tips for Effective Communication When Writing :- Use simple language. Order your thoughts. Visualize the reader when writing a long report or

letter. Read your report / letter after a while. Add meaningful headlines and captions. Use colorful images and visuals

wherever/whenever possible.

Prepared by WasimPrepared by Wasim