Effective Lobbying What’s in It for Me? Created by: Joe Bell, Karen Jones, Wanda Lynn, Mark Perez,...

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Effective Lobbying

What’s in It for Me?Created by: Joe Bell, Karen Jones, Wanda

Lynn, Mark Perez, Willa Vire, and Bert Wagnon


Effective Lobbying

Define Your Issue


Effective Lobbying

The Basics:

•Political Action•Grassroots Lobbying•Advocacy

Effective Lobbying

Where does lobbying begin?


Effective Lobbying:Where does lobbying begin?

Your work site Local offices Friends’ living rooms Phone conversations E-mails, telegrams

Social events Community

meetings Hearing rooms

Effective Lobbying: Do’s or Don’ts?

Check those items that contribute to effective lobbying.


Effective Lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts

Do Get to the point soon and focus on your

issue. Time is precious. Keep it simple. Explain in simple and

straightforward terms the logic supporting your position.


Effective Lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts

Do Get to know rep’s staff – they can be as

important as the lawmaker. Know your issue. Remember there’s strength in numbers.

Many issues are decided on the volume of communications received.


Effective Lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts

Do Remember important information. (Your

contact information with all your communications, pertinent data, bill #, etc.)

Commit to your cause. Follow-up with letters and calls after the initial contact.

Be a good winner and loser; remember, you win some and you lose some.


Effective Lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts

Do Be patient. Results could take several

months – or even several sessions. Ask lawmakers to state their positions. Thank your lawmaker, no matter what

the outcome. Use the media.


Effective Lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t Cover multiple issues in one communication. Use form letters to convey a consistent

message. Underestimate the weight given to letters and

phone calls. Make one contact to the lawmaker, then drop

the issue.


Effective Lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t Let the lawmaker know that your organization

has asked you to contact him/her. Ignore opportunities to visit your lawmaker at

home. Lie – never. Forget that you and your lawmaker need each



Effective Lobbying:Building Relationships

1. Get to know the political powers before you ask them to do something for you.

2. Establish a positive relationship with your representatives through visits, phone calls, E-mails, etc.

3. Visit your representatives in your district.


Effective Lobbying:Building Relationships

1. Invite your representatives to your work site.

2. Provide them with background information and offer yourself as a resource.

3. Provide recognition and visibility in exchange for their support.


Effective Lobbying:Message Articulation

1. Know and plan delivery of your message.2. Practice, practice, practice! Nothing is

more impressive than a smooth and professional presentation.

3. Be brief. Show you value their time.4. Get to the point.5. Be courteous.6. Don’t forget to close. Ask for their support.


Effective Lobbying:Professional Image Punctuality

Know where to go Arrive at least 15 minutes early

Physical Appearance You only get one chance to make a first



Effective Lobbying:Professional ImageProper Dress

•A suit is recommended for both men and women.•Men may wear pants and jacket.•Women may wear a skirt and a jacket. (appropriate length)

•Best colors are navy, black, and beige.

Shoes• Men should wear polished dress shoes.• Women should wear polished, medium heels

with closed toes.


Effective Lobbying:Professional ImageJewelry• Jewelry should be neat and simple. • Guys should not wear earrings.

Makeup• Makeup should be applied neatly and conservatively. • Lipstick color should be a natural or light shade.• Nails should either be polished clear or red.

Hair• Hair should be neat.• Wear long hair pulled back away from face.


Effective Lobbying:Professional ImageBody Language Conveys Confidence• Stand and sit straight. (Practice by placing a book on your


• Promote a positive image with a pleasant facial expression. (Practice in a mirror.)

• Be the first to extend your hand in greeting.• Place your arms on the chair’s armrests or by your side

with your hands gently locked in your lap. (avoid fidgeting)

• Keep both feet on the ground.


Effective Lobbying

What is a cadre? A Framework A Nucleus A Core


Effective Lobbying

Who makes up a cadre?


Effective Lobbying: What is grassroots lobbying?

Using internal resources and networks to advance the agenda.

Demonstrating to key policy makers that particular issues have support in their home base.

Focusing on the quality of information and quantity of time with the policy maker. (Make the most of the moment.)


Effective Lobbying: Who is a grassroots lobbyist?

You and anyone else who has an interest in a particular policy issue.

Like who?

Association members, friends, families, colleagues, church groups, etc. are potential grassroots lobbyists.


Effective Lobbying: What do I need to begin grassroots lobbying?

1. Have an effective message What are you going to tell the policy

maker? You must tell the story, and why you want

to tell it. Once the message is developed, the cadre

must use it consistently.


Effective Lobbying: What do I need to begin grassroots lobbying? 2. Target your message Grassroots lobbying is labor intensive, so

it is critical to prioritize through careful targeting.

Identify the policy maker that you have the greatest chance of influencing through grassroots techniques.

Effective Lobbying:Your LobbyingAction Plan

Strategy for Internal and External Communications


Effective Lobbying:Lobbying Action Plan

Timelines & Delegation

of Responsibilities


Effective Lobbying:Lobbying Action Plan

Lobbying Campaign Evaluation & Assessment


Effective Lobbying:Lobbying Action Plan

Handouts: “10 Golden Rules of Lobbying” “Meeting with Legislators”


Effective Lobbying:Activity: Case Study

1. Certified Salary – School System

2. ESP Privatization – School System

3. Evaluation System – General Assembly

4. Code of Ethics – Professional Standards Commission


Effective Lobbying: Important Things to Remember

The Basics: Political Action, Grassroots Lobbying & Advocacy

Lobbying Roles and Skills

Building the Cadre for Grassroots Lobbying

Your Lobbying Action Plan

Effective Lobbying

What’s in It for Me?Created by: Joe Bell, Karen Jones, Wanda

Lynn, Mark Perez, Willa Vire, and Bert Wagnon