Effective Time Management Techniques to Teach Your Employees | Webinar 09.22.15

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Chris Osborn

Vice President of Marketing




Jessica Petry

Sr. Marketing Specialist



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Improve employee performance with the largest

and fastest-growing library of training videos.

What we hope you’ll take-away:

Time Management might be an oxymoron, however we can make smarter choices

to gain productivity.

Some ideas you can implement right away to get more productive time out of

your already busy day.

Time Management

The ability to use one’s time effectively

and productively.

Our focus is “time management” in a work context.

Poll Question: How many screens, tabs and/or applications do

you have open right now? Be honest…

a. 1-5

b. 5-10

c. 11-15

d. 15 -20

e. I lost count…

There is no time management, only

choice management.

Kevin Eikenberry

Poll Question: Multi-Tasking

a. A skill or competency

b. No more than a “buzz word” and a myth


The term Information Overload was

first coined in 1970 by Alvin Toffler,

American sociologist, futurologist and

author of the book Future Shock.

If he only knew…

Stress. Good or Bad?

A life without stress can sometimes be a life without significance. But

how you interpret the body’s response makes all the difference. A lot

of new research shows that it’s possible to develop your self-awareness

to the extent that you can approach something in a positive way, that for

another person would be negatively stressful. Another person might feel

flooded or overwhelmed, but you can develop a way to approach the

data in a constructive manner.

Source: Dan Siegel, Author of Brainstorm: The Power And Purpose Of The Teenage Brain,

featured in the article, Data Overload and the Myth of Multi-Tasking

Can we keep up?

Time Challenges Meetings


Do more with less

Work/life balance

Work or learn

MeetingsStand up and get moving!

EmailOMG my inbox!

Doing more with lessYou’ve heard it… over and over and over and over

and over and over and over and over and over

and over and over and over and over.

Work / Life BalanceConstant adjustments based on what balance

looks like to you.

Work or Learn“Work is learning and learning is the work.”

- Harold Jarche


Is it really learning?

Well – yes . . . in every essential way.

1. No cognitive overload

2. Observation = mastery/learning

3. Easy to spaced intervals between videos

4. Target content that is important to learner

5. Interleaving (hugely increases learning) by using

multiple styles

6. Testing (forced recall) helps increase mastery



Keys to Time Management





Plan for the next day, before leaving work.

• You have a sense of what to expect tomorrow.

• You sleep better without thinking about work.

• It helps you to compartmentalize work and home.

• You wake with a purpose, a sense of the day. You are

less reactive.

• You will know if you made realistic plans for the day.

• You avoid the decision dilemma. These are the time gaps when

you ask yourself, ”What should I do next?”

• You have a clear focus, which reduces your stress level.

• You enjoy family time more. You are present and focused.

Planning Ahead

SOURCE: Laura Stack, Time Management: How to Control Your

Day in an Uncontrollable Workplace


Communication Strategies

1. Understand communication


2. Use the right channel based

on priority

3. Be conscientious of the


4. Know who needs and wants

to know

Decision Making

1. Prioritizing

2. Overcoming analysis


3. Act now, adjust later


Not Important



Not Urgent

Not Important

Not Urgent


Steven Covey’s Time

Management Grid

Activity Plan Activity Review


Initiative or

Business Impact

Project /





% Time Comments Activity


Yes / No

If No, %


Planning and Scheduling



Minimize Distractions

1. Limit technology


2. Organize workspace

3. Self-management skills

Embrace Breaks and Energize

1. Human physiology is wired for

breaks . . . bursts of energy and

time to recharge

2. Breaks = improved productivity

3. Mental and physical breaks are

both needed

IT’S 3 P.M. ON A


How do you beat the

slump?According to a recent University of Michigan study, the

most common strategies are checking email, switching

tasks, or making a to-do list. However, none of these

tactics actually improved employees' sense of energy.

What did: learning something new.

"The more actively you can engage your brain, the more

alerting an activity is going to be," says John Caldwell,

Ph.D., a fatigue management specialist and former NASA

researcher. "You can actually overcome a good bit of

sleep pressure just by engaging in something


So brush up on your Excel skills, for example, or watch a

short video.

Login at www.companycollege.com/YOURURL

Develop Self Awareness

What motivates me? Why?

What does not motivate me? Why?

What do I need personally and

professionally now?

Key Take-AwaysTime is finite. We can’t really manage it. Instead we need to focus on our choices

and mindset.

Key techniques you can use and teach your employee to improve time

management: planning ahead, unplug, communication, decision making,

embrace breaks, minimize distractions, develop self awareness

Planning and Scheduling for Results

Insights and


Video Series

Jan Durrans shares her strategies

for being organized and achieving

results in several key ways,

including: committing to a regular

written plan, chunking down

projects, regular review and

accountability, discipline and

mindset for success and more!

Best Practices, Skills and Tools

Time Management

Video Series

Managing the Time of Your Life Part I

Managing the Time of Your Life Part II

Planning Your Week

Prioritize Your Tasks

Creating Extra Time

Working More Efficiently

Getting Organized

Stop Procrastinating

Improve employee performance with the largest

and fastest-growing library of training videos.

Let us know through the poll or

click the “free trial” button.

Chris Osborn

Vice President of Marketing



Jessica Petry

Sr. Marketing Specialist


