Effective Use of Social Media

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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This presentation was given at the WEDU Be More Workshop to inspire non-profit organizations to harness the power of social media to build relationships, develop community advocates and drive revenues. I presented this on Sept 17, 2008 at WEDU's Be More Effective Workshop to over 200 non-profit leaders in Tampa Bay.


Julia Gorzka twitter.com/dtowner

Be More Connected Be Part of the Conversation

Effective Use of Social Media

•  Who uses it? •  What is it? •  Where do they do it? •  When? •  Why? •  How you can be part of it?

Social networking is a conversation

People are connecting with people, places and brands online

Anyone can participate!

The Basics

Robert Scobel

People are talking with or without you

•  Listen and Learn to drive marketing strategies and community outreach – Who’s talking about you? – Where? – What are they saying? – What’s the context?

Put insights into action

Be relevant Be authentic Be real Use the same conversational language as your audience

Relevancy = Value

8 comments What do they reveal?

39 friends

119 Members 716 photos

•  Social networking is social!

•  People are connecting around things they enjoy and have meaning for them.

•  Help people connect around their interest in what you offer.

Opportunities to connect

Listen, learn, engage, participate, build relationships

“We don’t have time.”

“We don’t know how.”

Hire a Consultant to develop your roadmap and strategies

Benefits are high • Generate interest in what you are doing • Raise awareness • Attract new visitors • Get people coming back • Raise money • Develop your next generation audience

Cost for entry is low • Social Media tools are free! • Re-evaluate line items for marketing & advertising

Everyone needs to be responsible for building relationships for future success

Re-evaluating and re-writing job descriptions may be required

What does Success

Look Like?

•  Build awareness? •  Increase visitors? •  Drive membership? •  Volunteer appreciation? •  Add value to sponsor opportunities? •  Develop community advocates?

Embrace how social media allows you to connect with your audience

What are your goals?

Determine the path that’s right for you

Give your fans the opportunity to tell the world how much they love you!

Investing in social networking is investing in your future

•  Social networks connect people with shared interests and passions

•  Connect them around your organization

•  Build relationships for future clients, visitors, members, volunteers, donors, patrons and sponsors

Julia Gorzka President and Founder

www.CityLinkage.com www.BrandTampa.com

julia@BrandTampa.com (813) 690-2100
