Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, And Sodium Carbonate on Patties (1)

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Volume 7, Issue 2 2011  Article 1

 International Journal of Food  Engineering 

Modelling with Response SurfaceMethodology of the Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg

White, and Sodium Carbonate on Some of thePhysical-Chemical and Sensory Properties of 

Beef Patties

Özgür Parlak, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, Muş-Turkey

Ömer Zorba, University of Abant İzzet Baysal Şükrü Kurt, University of Adıyaman

Recommended Citation:Parlak, Özgür; Zorba, Ömer; and Kurt, Şükrü (2011) "Modelling with Response SurfaceMethodology of the Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Some of thePhysical-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Beef Patties," International Journal of Food  Engineering : Vol. 7: Iss. 2, Article 1.DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.2004Available at: http://www.bepress.com/ijfe/vol7/iss2/art1

©2011 Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.

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Modelling with Response Surface

Methodology of the Effects of Egg Yolk, EggWhite, and Sodium Carbonate on Some of thePhysical-Chemical and Sensory Properties of 

Beef Patties

Özgür Parlak, Ömer Zorba, and Şükrü Kurt


This study was accomplished to determine the effects of sodium carbonate, egg yolk, and eggwhite powders on some of the physical-chemical and sensory properties of meat patties by usingcentral composite design of response surface methodology. Meat patties were prepared using beef,lamb tail fat, and spices. Effects of the addition of egg yolk powder (0-1%), egg white powder (0-1%), and sodium carbonate (0-1%) on pH, proximate composition, cooking yield, and sensory

 properties were studied. The influence of egg yolk in the beef patties was found to be limited.However, the effects of egg white and sodium carbonate were found to be significant on several

 parameters. The levels of sodium carbonate up to 0.8% and egg white greater than 0.5% improvedthe physical-chemical and sensory properties of beef patties.

KEYWORDS: beef patties, sodium carbonate, egg white, egg yolk, response surface

Author Notes: The authors are grateful to Yüzüncü Yıl University Research Fund (2008-FBE-YL034), for its financial support of this research work.

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The type and the amount of additives in formulations of meat products are the

most important factors for product quality, technological properties, and consumerhealth. Egg products can be widely used in foods and can improve gel formingcapability, water holding capacity, emulsification, and nutrition properties offoods (Kiosseoglou, 2003). Although egg white and egg yolk are primarily knownfor their sensory and nutritional value, they have important application in foodformulations, including their protein functionality (Linden and Lorrient, 1999;Kiosseoglou, 2003; Kurt and Zorba, 2009). The technological properties of egg products are more important than their nutritional properties for use in meat products. They can affect the textural and sensory properties of meat patties(Gujral et al., 2002).

Refined sodium carbonate is widely used in the food, feed,

 pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. In the food industry, sodium carbonate isused for pH arrangement in order to improve the textural properties of products. Ithas a white, opaque, and crystalline structure. Its solution in water is clear,colourless, and alkaline. Sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate can be used infish and emulsified meat products due to their alkaline properties (Ko0akowski etal., 1994; Bechtel et al., 1989)

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of egg white, eggyolk, and sodium carbonate on pH, cooking yield, proximate composition, andsensory properties of beef patties using a central composite design.


Beef boneless rounds and lamb tail fat were obtained from a local market. Eggwhite and egg yolk powders were obtained from AB foods (Istanbul Turkey).

Beef patty preparation

Meat and lamb tail fat pieces (~3 cm3 in size) were mixed and standardized to15% fat. This mixture was minced in a grinder (Cem, :stanbul, Turkey). 1.5% salt,3% bread crumb, 1% red pepper, 1% black pepper, 1% cumin, 0.5% thyme, and5% onion were added to the minced meat and minced an additional two times in agrinder. This formulation was mixed by manually and divided into 16 equal parts.Egg white, egg yolk, and sodium carbonate were added to each part as shown in

Table 1. Each formulation was then kneaded for approximately 10 min to obtainuniform meatball dough. Then, each piece of dough was shaped manually intoapproximately 1.3 cm thick and 6 cm diameter circular-shaped beef patties. The beef patties were cooked on a preheated electric grill (Tefal Largon) forapproximately 15 min at 180ºC and were flipped every 3 min.


Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011

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Table 1. Central composite design of three independent variables


Sodiumcarbonate (%)

Egg yolk powder (%)

Egg white powder (%)

1 0 0 02 0 0 13 0 1 04 0 1 15 1 0 06 1 0 17 1 1 08 1 1 19 0 0.5 0.510 1 0.5 0.511 0.5 0 0.512 0.5 1 0.513 0.5 0.5 014 0.5 0.5 115 0.5 0.5 0.516 0.5 0.5 0.5

Determination of pH

Ten grams of sample was homogenized in 100 ml distilled water and the pH wasmeasured using a pH meter (Consort R735, Belgium) equipped with temperature probe as outlined by Ockerman (1985).

Determination of moisture, protein and fat content

Moisture, fat and protein were determined according to AOAC (2000). Proteinwas determined as crude protein using the Kjeldahl method. Fat was determinedas crude fat using the Soxhelet extraction.

Determination of cooking yield

Cooking yield was determined as follows:




wCooking Yield 



where 0w is the weight of beef patties before cooking and 1w is the weight after


Sensory analysis

The cooked beef patties were cooled to room temperature and served in randomorder. Eight semi-trained judges assessed the sensory properties using a hedonic


 International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 7 [2011], Iss. 2, Art. 1


DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.2004

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scale for the appearance, texture, homogeneity, elasticity, flavour, brittleness, juiciness, and acceptability. The values in the scale indicated the following rangeof reactions: 0: dislike extremely to 5: like extremely.

Statistical analysis

The experimental design and statistical analysis were performed using JMP 4Software (SAS Institute Inc.). The experiments were based on a central compositedesign with a total of 16 combinations, including two replicates of the centre pointwere carried out in random order.

Two replicates were performed for this study. The variance for each factorassessed was partitioned into linear, quadratic, and interactive components andwas represented using a second order polynomial equation. The equation is:

201 1 1 1

k k k k  

i i ii ii ij i j

i i i ji j

Y x x x x   = = = =


= + + +  

where Y is the estimated response,   0,   i,  ii, and   ij are constant coefficients, k isthe number of factor variables, and  xi,  xii, and  xi x j represent the linear, quadraticand interactive effects of the independent variables (sodium carbonate, egg white,and egg yolk), respectively.

Table 2.  Analysis of variance of the effects of sodium carbonate, egg yolk and egg white on physical-chemical properties of beef patties

 pH Protein Moisture Fat YieldSources ofVariation DF F-value F-value F-value F-value F-value

X1 (SC)  1 605.819**  5.3069* 0.0647 0.0104 40.5774** 

X2 (Egg yolk)  1 0.275 0.0394 0.2132 0.6480 1.8405

X3 (Egg white)  1 0.181 0.0039 0.0433 0.1757 18.1017** 

X1*X1 1 0.069 0.5244 0.0007 0.0146 6.9806*

X2*X1 1 0.002 0.9034 1.6418 0.1191 4.0368

X2*X2 1 0.872 0.3324 0.2872 0.1291 0.1125

X3*X1 1 0.185 0.0132 1.2322 0.3159 1.6574

X3*X2 1 1.085 0.0102 0.0229 0.0002 3.3314


31 1.377 0.1603 0.2771 0.0566 0.4663

Lack of fit 5 1.560 0.2821 0.1601 0.0979 0.7031

C. total 31

**: P <0.01 significance level, *: P <0.05 significance level, DF: Degrees of Freedom, SC: Sodium carbonate 


Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

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pH, protein content, and cooking yield of beef patties

The linear effect of the sodium carbonate on pH was found to be significant( p<0.01; Table 2). pH increased as sodium carbonate increased (Fig. 1). Thisincrease in pH could result from the alkaline characteristic of sodium carbonate.  

The linear effect of the sodium carbonate on protein values was found to be significant ( p<0.05; Table 2). As shown in Figure 2, protein contents decreasedwith an increase in sodium carbonate. This effect may be related to the increased pH. When pH moves furthers away from the isoelectric point of the muscle proteins, the net electric charge increases. It can cause an increase in solubilityand water holding capacity of proteins (Zorba et al., 1993a, 1993b). Thedecreasing in protein content may be related to an increase in protein solubilityand relative moisture content.

Cooking yield was significantly ( p<0.01; Table 2) affected with the

addition of sodium carbonate and egg white. Sodium carbonate levels up to 0.8%increased cooking yield and then decreased (Fig. 3). However, the increasedlevels of egg white also increased cooking yield. This effect of egg white may berelated to its hydrophilic properties. Also, heat treatment affects protein properties,allowing protein-protein interactions, which cause a stronger protein matrix (Zorba

Figure 1. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg yolk on pH of beef patties


 International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 7 [2011], Iss. 2, Art. 1


DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.2004

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and Kurt, 2006). During gel formation, the protein matrix can retain somecomponents inside it (Ziegler and Acton, 1984; Ker and Toledo, 1992).

The technological properties of meat products are strictly related to the

 physicochemical properties of their proteins (Zorba and Kurt, 2006). An importantfunctional characteristic of proteins is gel forming ability. Myofibril proteins play animportant role in gel formation, which contributes to the desirable texture and fat-water stabilization in meat products (Ziegler and Acton, 1984).

The effects of egg white, egg yolk, and sodium carbonate on moisture andfat values of cooked beef patties were not found to be statistically significant( p>0.05; Table 2).

Sensory properties 

The quadratic effects of egg white on appearance scores were found to be

significant ( p<0.05, Table 3). Increasing levels of egg white up to 0.5% increasedappearance scores (Fig. 4). However, egg whites levels greater than 0.5%decreased appearance scores. This phenomenon may be due to clot formation onthe surface of the patties.

Figure 2. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg yolk on protein content of beef patties


Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011

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Figure 3. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on cooking yield of beef patties

Figure 4. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on appearance of beef patties 

The linear and quadratic effects of egg white were also found significant( p<0.05,  p<0.01, respectively) on texture scores (Table 3), as texture scores


 International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 7 [2011], Iss. 2, Art. 1


DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.2004

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increased with increasing amounts of egg white until the egg white content was0.5%; then they decreased (Fig. 5) which may be attributed to the resultant effectof egg white on structural and functional changes in proteins. Elasticity,

 brittleness, and juiciness scores increased as significantly sodium carbonate levelincrease (Table 3, Fig. 6, 7, 8). However, higher sodium carbonate levelsdecreased brittleness and juiciness values. The changes in the scores of texture,elasticity, brittleness, and juiciness may be attributed to the result of the behaviours of proteins. Sodium carbonate increased pH values, which may affectthe solubility of protein. Changes in pH values of muscle proteins improved thetextural quality and water-holding capability of meat products (Gökalp et al.,1999). The changes in the muscle proteins led to gel formation, improving theslicing ability of the meat products (Kerry et al., 2002).

Figure 5. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on texture of beef patties

The linear and quadratic effects of sodium carbonate and its interactionwith egg white on flavour scores were found to be significant ( p<0.01, Table 3).Flavour scores increased with increasing levels of sodium carbonate and thendecreased when the level of sodium carbonate rose above 0.6% (Fig. 9); this may

 be attributed to the resultant effect of pH on proteolytic and lipolytic changes.Cooking process increased taste and aroma components, such as nitrogenouscomponents and short-chain fatty acids, which originated from proteins and fats(SerdaroMlu and DeMirmencioMlu, 2002). A complex series of thermally inducedreactions leading to a wide range of products determined the aroma attributes andcontributed most to the characteristic flavours of the meat (Mottram, 1998).


Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011

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 International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 7 [2011], Iss. 2, Art. 1


DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.2004

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Figure 6. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on elasticity of beef patties 

Figure 7. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on brittleness of beef patties


Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011

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Figure 8. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on juiciness of beef patties

Figure 9. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg yolk on flavour of beef patties


 International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 7 [2011], Iss. 2, Art. 1


DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.2004

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The linear effects of sodium carbonate on acceptability scores were foundto be significant ( p<0.01, Table 3). Moreover, the quadratic effects of sodiumcarbonate and egg white on acceptability scores were significant ( p<0.05, Table

3). Sodium carbonate up to 0.6% and egg white up to 0.5% increased acceptabilityscores (Fig. 10).

The effects of sodium carbonate, egg white, and egg yolk on beef pattiesare also expressed mathematically in Table 4. These predicted model equationsare useful for understanding levels of factors and the interactions among thestudied factors.

Figure 10. Effects of sodium carbonate and egg white on acceptability of beef patties


Increasing sodium carbonate levels up to 0.8% improved the properties of the beef patties. This improvement was associated with increased pH as a result of addingsodium carbonate. Egg white powder was more effective than egg yolk powder onthe beef patties. More than 0.5% of egg white powder improved the properties of

the beef patties. However, the effects of egg yolk powder on the beef patties werefound to be limited. Egg white powder was only effective in affecting flavourscores in the range of 0.44-0.76%. As a conclusion, it can be use more than 0.5%of egg white powder and by 0.8% of sodium carbonate should be used for moredesirable beef patties.


Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011

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Table 4. Predicted model equations for the effects of sodium carbonate (X1), egg yolk (X2) andegg white (X3) on properties of beef patties

Parameters Equations

 pH Y = 7.037 + 1.057X1 + 0.023X2 + 0.018X3 + 0.022X12 + 0.002X2X1 -

0.078X22 + 0.021X3X1 - 0.050X3X2 + 0.098X3


Protein Y = 22.019 - 0.730X1 - 0.063X2 + 0.020X3 - 0.447X12 - 0.337X2X1 -

0.356X22 + 0.041X3X1 + 0.036X3X2 - 0.247X3


Cooking yield Y = 82.691 + 1.824X1 - 0.389X2 + 1.218X3 - 1.474X12 - 0.643X2X1 -

0.187X22 - 0.412X3X1 - 0.584X3X2 + 0.389X3


Appearance Y = 3.887 - 0.036X1 - 0.060X2 - 0.003X3 - 0.072X12 + 0.004X2X1 -

0.006X22 + 0.032X3X1 - 0.029X3X2 - 0.242X3


Texture Y = 3.750 + 0.090X1 + 0.036X2 - 0.099X3 - 0.076X12 - 0.030X2X1 +

0.153X22 - 0.067X3X1 + 0.037X3X2 - 0.257X3


Elasticity Y = 3.712 + 0.151X1 + 0.005X2 + 0.019X3 - 0.083X12 - 0.064X2X1 -

0.094X22 - 0.036X3X1 + 0.007X3X2 - 0.145X32

Flavour Y = 3.677 + 0.265X1 - 0.054X2 - 0.015X3 - 0.355X12 - 0.135X2X1 +

0.062X22 - 0.036X3X1 - 0.029X3X2 - 0.063X3


Brittleness Y = 3.723 + 0.096X1 - 0.044X2 - 0.030X3 - 0.300X12 + 0.015X2X1 +

0.158X22 - 0.037X3X1 + 0.036X3X2 - 0.151X3



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Parlak et al.: Effects of Egg Yolk, Egg White, and Sodium Carbonate on Patties

Published by Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011