Eft and hypnosis

Post on 16-May-2015

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http://positivetranceformations.com.au/blog/eft-and-hypnosis-just-what-are-meridians-anyway/ EFT uses the principles of acupuncture and acupressure to have their effect. The fundamental idea is that of Qi (life force or energy) that flows along certain channels in the body, which are known as meridians.


EFT and Hypnosis: Just What Are Meridians Anyway?


Interest is growing in the use of EFT (emotional freedom techniques) in conjunction with hypnosis. The two reinforce each other particularly well, as the scripts used for EFT can be tailor-made to work alongside the hypnotic suggestions implanted during a trance,

and the techniques of EFT can be used during a hypnotherapy session that involves regression to monitor, control and reduce any negative emotions that are relived during the regression.

You can try EFT without understanding fully how it works. After all, you can eat and enjoy a meal without knowing exactly how your digestive system and taste buds work.

You can drive a car well without being a mechanic. And I’m sure that you can play a computer game without knowing a single thing about the programming code that was used to create it.

So you don’t have to know everything behind the principle to put it into practice. But some of you may want to know more than the basic how-tos of EFT.

EFT draws on some of the principles of acupuncture or, more accurately, acupressure. This is why, during a sequence of EFT tapping, certain areas of the body are touched and not others.

The areas in question are supposed to be part of key meridians that stimulate the body’s Qi in a certain way.

That paragraph may have started confusing a few people already. “That’s not much of an explanation,” you may say.

What is a meridian and what is Qi? What have they got to do with acupuncture/acupressure and EFT?

So let’s go back to the start and view the body from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is a holistic approach to the body that differs from that of the Western tradition (in some respects).

Acupressure has come out of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been shaped by its worldview.

Traditional Chinese Medicine, the link between body and mind is very close, and what affects one affects the other.

This is something that official Western medicine is only just starting to discover – or should that be rediscover?

Traditional Chinese Medicine doesn’t look so much as different organs in a piecemeal approach but at a series of systems.

These need to be in harmony and in balance. Qi (also spelled Chi) is a key concept here that doesn’t have a proper English equivalent, but could be translated “life force” or “energy”.

Qi is supposed to flow freely through the body, making both mind and body work well.

The Qi flows along set pathways within the body, and these pathways are known as meridians.

Acupuncture chooses certain spots along certain meridians to stimulate and direct Qi and to unblock a clogged channel.

Sometimes, the surfaces on the body which are stimulated are referred to as meridians, and you may find this term used to describe the places tapped during EFT.

Know more about EFT at
