EGI Technical Preparation Day 1

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Expert Guided Implementationfor Technical Preparation

Update to EhP1 (Latest SPS)

23rd – 25th August, 2011(Day 1)

Rakesh RanjanAGS (SAP Labs, India)


Expert Guided Implementation methodology

Check of prerequisites

Upgrade Java Stack

Upgrade ABAP Stack

SAP Media download


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Expert Guided Implementation

Key Messages

Expert Guided Implementation is offered by SAP to support our customers and partners in the activation and maintenance of specific SAP Solution Manager scenarios.

During Expert Guided Implementation the customer receives direct guidance from an SAP Scenario Expert and is not alone with configuration guides.

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SAP Expert demonstrates to group of customers how to implement a scenario

SAP Expert explains implementation steps to group of customers within the SAP Solution Manager system. In addition he explains do’s and don’t to avoid problems.

Customer executes demonstrated steps at the same day.

Empowering Execution

Registered customer has access to SAP Expert


CustomerSAP Scenario Expert SAP Scenario Expert

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Expert Guided Implementation How to get help

How to get help

Customer SAP Expert

During the execution part you have direct access to the Expert via telephone number to solve questions quickly. Please ensure that the R/3 support

connection is open that we can logon to your system.

Rakesh Ranjan+91 98730 18902

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Daily Feedback Document

Daily feedback document provides us information about your activities and occurred problems during this week.

Document will be uploaded after the presentation with SAP Connect session and can be downloaded.

Please fill out the document according to your current implementation state and send it to us after each working day.

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Expert Guided Implementation scheduleImplementation steps in detail

Day 1

Expert Explains:

Explanation of scenario

Checking of prerequisites

Download SAP Media for upgrade

Customer executes:

Check and fulfill prerequisites

Download SAP Media for upgrade


Ready to start with upgrade procedure to EhP1

Day 2

Expert Explains:

Upgrade Kernel and Java Stack

Check for successful upgrade

Customer executes:

Execute demonstrated upgrade steps

Check for successful upgrade

Receive support by SAP scenario expert on demand


Java Stack upgrade is finished

Day 3

Expert Explains:

Upgrade ABAP Stack

Check for successful upgrade

Customer executes:

Execute demonstrated upgrade steps

Check for successful upgrade

Receive support by SAP scenario expert on demand


Upgrade of SAP Solution Manager 7.0 to EhP1 is finished

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Expert Guided Implementation methodology

Check of prerequisites

Upgrade Java Stack

Upgrade ABAP Stack

SAP Media download


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SAP Solution Manager Platform for Application Lifecycle Management

SAP Solution Manager

Reduces risk and lowers TCO through standardized and integrated Application

Lifecycle Management according to ITIL

Optimizes business benefits through a comprehensive and integrated

quality management process

Leverages built-in innovation by making innovation a non-event and

protecting existing investments

SAP Solution Manager provides comprehensive capabilities and services for Application Lifecycle Management

for SAP and non-SAP applications




Build & Test





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Application Lifecycle Management An approach in six phases of ITIL application management

Solution Documentation Central documentation of business processes, system

landscape, custom code, partner applications, …

Template Management Standardize configuration across

multiple projects

Test Management Change impact analysis

End-to-end test management

Technical Operations Central monitoring & alerting infrastr.

Unique End-User Experience monitoring Central administration tools

Change Control Management Integrated quality management

Synchronized transports of various components Controlled and documented adjustment of business

processes incl. approval process

Maintenance Management Management of corrective

software packages

Business Process Operations Ensure business continuity Provide Business KPIs

Business process benchmarking

Application Incident Management Integrated service desk

Involvement of partners in problem resolution Provide root-cause analysis for complex

landscapes with diverse technology stacks

Upgrade Management Comprehensive project support

for release transitions

Solution Implementation Discover and realize enhanced

business functionality Avoid disruption of business

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Application Lifecycle ManagementBusiness Process Repository

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Application Lifecycle Management Business Process Repository

Demonstrates the ALM standard processes coming with SAP Solution Manager

Allows to choose the right use cases or best practices fitting your needs

Helps to choose a combination of processes ensuring a smooth data flow without gaps

Supports configuration and implementation of ALM processes and SAP Solution

Manager capabilities

ALM BPR - Preview of current contentSMP alias /bpr

At Available implementation content Business Process Repository Solutions/Applications SAP Solution Manager <ALM Process> SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 you will find a preview of the currently available content

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ALM BPR - Scenario LevelALM Processes

ALM processes are mapped to scenarios in BPR, allowing more granular processes and process steps

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ALM BPR - Scenario LevelLinked documentation

On scenario level you typically find the following documentation linked:Support standardsBest practice process documentTraining materialApplication help

One exception is Business Process Operations where

you find those documents on process level

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ALM BPR - Process and Process Step Levels

On process level on tab ‘Graphic’ you find the graphical display of the process structure

On process step level you find: Detailed application help links listed in the

order of the typical workflow Technical objects supporting the process step

(transactions, work centers) Configuration objects supporting the process

step (configuration documentation, IMG objects)

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Selecting ALM BPR content for your project

In your SAP Solution Manager system go to transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN

Create a new (implementation) project

Go to transaction SOLAR01 Mark ‚Business Scenarios‘ Go to tab ‚Structure‘ Choose ‚Value help‘

opening the BPR

Go to Solutions/Applications Go to SAP Solution Manager Select the scenario of your interest Choose the current product context

SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1

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Expert Guided Implementation methodology

Check of prerequisites

Upgrade Java Stack

Upgrade ABAP Stack

SAP Media download


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Check of PrerequisitesImportant Information

Ensure that you’ve read the following SAP Notes before starting the upgrade:

1169247 - Additional info for Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 update 1142832 - Installation Enhancement Package 1 for NetWeaver 700

The following guide has information on planning, preparing, and updating of SAP Solution Manager 7.0 to EHP1, including OS specific information: SAP Components SAP Solution Manager Release 7.0 EHP 1 Upgrade

Update to SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP 1 Using SAINT/JSPM 

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Check of PrerequisitesImportant Information

If the SP level of your SAP Solution Manager is < 17, you need to upgrade the Java stack to SP17 first to be able to upgrade to EhP1. Please check SAP Note 1169247 for details.

Be sure to de-schedule the "LANDSCAPE FETCH" job before the upgrade to EhP1

Implement SAP Notes 1155107, 1256384 and 1354957 to avoid ABAP generation errors during upgrade

Release all Customizing / Workbench requests with status “Modifiable” in transaction SE09

If an upgrade from < SP23 to target SP27 will be performed please update ABAP component ST-A/PI in advance to version ST-A/PI 01M_CRM570 (SAPKITAC4E) with using SAINT before starting the upgrade.

Define 5 parallel R3trans processes in SAINT in the Extra Settings menu

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Check of Prerequisites

Service & Support Backbone



Service Desk

For the communication of your Solution Manager with SAP Backbone please ensure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled

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Check of PrerequisitesRFC Connection to SAP

Transaction: SM59You can check the connection to SAP with Utilities Test Authorization Test for the RFC SAPOSS in transaction SM59. This will run the connection test using the user and password that were assigned to the RFC.

The SAPOSS RFC should have the Logon Group EWA

The User / Password is always OSS_RFC / CPIC

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Check of PrerequisitesRFC Connection to SAP

Transaction: OSS1

If you have problems with the connection test of SAPOSS you can check and maintain settings for the connection in transaction OSS1. The RFC SAPOSS will be adapted automatically after configuration change in OSS1.

You can find detailed information about transaction OSS1 and RFC connection SAPOSS in SAP Note 33135. For troubleshooting see SAP Note 24177.

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Check of PrerequisitesRFC Connection to SAP

Demo: Check SAPOSS Connection

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Check of PrerequisitesS-User Authorizations


You can check the authorization objects of your Solution Manager S-User with the „Authorization reports“. Pleaseensure that your S-User has at least the markedauthorization objects.Further information about the S-User and authorizations can be found in SAP Note 1041351

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Check of PrerequisitesRequired Users

SAP Solution Manager server user (<SID>adm) for upgrading the kernel and Java Stack with JSPM

User for configuration with administrative authorization (authorization like DDIC, please do not use the DDIC user itself)

For client 000

For productive Solution Manager client

For BI client

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Expert Guided Implementation methodology

Check of prerequisites

Upgrade Java Stack

Upgrade ABAP Stack

SAP Media download


© SAP 2011 / Page 26

SAP Media for Upgrade

Software Components:

1. SPAM/SAINT upgrade (recommended version: 42)

2. Kernel files

3. Java files

4. ABAP files

Where to find:

All files can be downloaded from the SAP Service Marketplace. The following slides contain a description of one possible way of downloading. There are several ways to get the files, depending on the number of the objects to be downloaded.

Please refer to SAP Note 1169247 for further (current) information about Upgrade to EhP1.

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Download from the Service Marketplace SPAM / SAINT download of version 42

Start in your browser the SAP Service Marketplace:

Logon with your administration S-User for the SAP Solution Manager

Navigate in the navigation pane to „Support Packages and Patches“

Navigate in the left navigation tree to „Browse our Download Catalog“

In the main frame you will get a new navigation frame where you should select as following:


Add the package SAPKD70042 to your download basket. In case of an upgrade to Version 42, a maintenance certificate is needed. For more information about this topic please refer to

Approve the download with the Maintenance Optimizer of your SAP Solution Manager

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Download from the Service Marketplace

Depending on your current situation please choose one of the following scenarios and download SAP Solution Manager components from the SAP Service Marketplace :

Scenario 1: SAP Solution Manager Upgrade from SP15 to SP27 EhP1 Scenario 2: SAP Solution Manager Upgrade from SP17 to SP27 EhP1 Scenario 3: SAP Solution Manager Upgrade from SP18 EhP1 to SP27


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Download from the Service Marketplace

Use the Maintenance Optimizer to download the Kernel, Java, and ABAP components together:

Start in your Browser the SAP Service Marketplace software download center

Logon with your administration S-User for the SAP Solution Manager

In the left navigation pane, navigate to Software Download Support Packages and Patches Browse our Download Catalog

In the main frame you will get a new navigation frame where you should select the download path according to the scenario chosen.

Ensure that your S-User has all required authorizations. Otherwise some files of the Stack Download may be missing!

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SAP Media for UpgradeDownload and deployment paths

Source: SP<17 Source: SP17

Target: EhP1 SP27

Download:Source: SP=17

Target: EhP1 SP27

Deployment:ABAP Stack

SP17 to EhP1 SP27

Deployment:JAVA Stack

SP17 to EhP1 SP27

Source: SP>17

Download:Source: SP>17

Target: EhP1 SP27

Deployment:ABAP Stack

SP>17 to EhP1 SP27

Deployment:JAVA Stack

SP>17 to EhP1 SP27

Download:Source: SP<17Target: SP17

Download:Source: SP<17

Target: EhP1 SP27

Download:Source: SP=17

Target: EhP1 SP27

Deployment:JAVA Stack

SP<17 to SP17

Deployment:ABAP Stack

SP<17 to EhP1 SP27

Deployment:JAVA Stack

SP17 to EhP1 SP27

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Download from the Service MarketplaceExample Scenario 1

Example Scenario 1:SAP Solution Manager Upgrade from SP15 to SP27 EhP1Download the SAP Media with following options (3 steps):

Stack download of source SP15 to target SP17 Stack download of source SP17 to target SP27 EhP1 Stack download of source SP15 to target SP27 EhP1

Please create a separate folder for each download!

Location for downloading Kernel, Java, and ABAP components together: Software Download Support Packages and Patches Browse our Download Catalog SAP Technology Components SAP SOLUTION MANAGER SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.0 Link to SP Stack Application

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Download from the Service MarketplaceExample Scenario 2

Example Scenario 2:SAP Solution Manager Upgrade from SP17 to SP27 EhP1Download the SAP Media with following option:

Stack download of source SP17 to target SP27 EhP1

Location for downloading Kernel, Java, and ABAP components together: Software Download Support Packages and Patches Browse our Download Catalog SAP Technology Components SAP SOLUTION MANAGER SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.0 Link to SP Stack Application

© SAP 2011 / Page 33

Download from the Service MarketplaceExample Scenario 3

Example Scenario 3:SAP Solution Manager Upgrade from SP18 EhP1 to SP27 EhP1Download the SAP Media with following option:

Stack download of source SP18 EhP1 to target SP27 EhP1

Location for downloading Kernel, Java, and ABAP components together: Software Download Support Packages and Patches Browse our Download Catalog SAP Technology Components SAP SOLUTION MANAGER SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.0 EhP1 Link to SP Stack Application

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Download from the Service Marketplace

1. Select target stack: SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 – 272. Select your SAP Solution Manager source stack3. Click Next Step


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Download from the Service Marketplace

4. Expand the entry for SAP Kernel 7.01 which fits for your system architecture and make a selection for your operating system (SAP Solution Manager ABAP and Java Stack)

5. Expand the entry for SAP IGS 7.00 and make a selection for your operating system.6. Then check the OS-independent and the database relevant checkboxes according to your

operating system.7. Click Next Step to continue

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Download from the Service Marketplace

All the Java and ABAP Support Packages are displayed and selected by default.

This listing needs to be saved as a xml file for the Java Support Package Manager.Therefore, click the button “Generate Stack XML” and save the file.

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Download from the Service Marketplace

Next, add all the files to your download basket, then approve the files in the Maintenance Optimizer and download them to /usr/sap/trans

Save the table as an XML file. This file is required for the Support and Enhancement Package option of Java Support Package Manager. This option uses the configurationfile, whereas the option Business Packages cannot process this file.

Save this file in your global EPS Inbox directory /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in

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Demo: Software Download with SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer

Software Download with SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer

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Download from the Service Marketplace

After downloading the files as shown before, you will have all the files required for updating your SAP Solution Manager to the latest SP level of EhP1

SPAM/SAINT IGS and Kernel files Java files ABAP files

Kernel UpgradePlease also download the current C++ Runtime Library for the Kernel in case of Windows Operating System.

Update the C++ Runtime Library before starting the Upgrade procedure.

For further information please refer to SAP Note 684106

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Check of PrerequisitesExecution

Check the RFC connection “SAPOSS”

Check the authorization on SAP Service Marketplace for your Solution Manager S-User

Download Media for Upgrade

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Expert Guided Implementation How to get help

How to get help

Customer SAP Expert

During the execution part you have direct access to the Expert via telephone number to solve questions quickly. Please ensure that the R/3 support

connection is open that we can logon to your system.

Rakesh Ranjan+91 98730 18902

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Expert Guided ImplementationOutlook

Next steps - Day 2

• Upgrade Kernel and Java Stack

To avoid problems with the next steps it is important that all points from today are implemented in your system

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Thank you!