Egypt Social Institution Research Project. Egypt: An Overview.

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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Social Institution Research Project

Egypt: An Overview

Common Norms & Values

Values Norms ( which reinforce the value)

•Marriage and Family •Marriage is important •98% of the population between 25-65 has been/is married

•Islamic is the primary religion •95% of the population practice the Islamic religion•anything that goes against Islamic law is prohibited

•Religion/Spiritualism •People attend church regularly• believe in folklores and pass down religious stories through the generations

•Wealth and Safety •The government controls wealth from industries•It keeps businesses and wealth of their country safe

•Patriotism and Nationalism •There is conscription and everyone serves in the military for a minimum of 2 years

Family Life

The estimated population in 2005 was 74.03 million people

Family is considered to be the most important social institution

Family is considered the primary social marker

98% of the population between the ages of 25 and 65 have been or are married

Marriages previously were arranged however today, people can choose who to marry

It is acceptable to marry within your extended family

Class and social standing is based on family, wealth, education, and experiences overseas

The oldest son is considered to have the most power and control within a family

Family Life – Relating to Values/Norms

In Egypt

Value: Marriage and family holds a high value among Egyptians.

Norm: Loyalty to one’s family is viewed as the most important aspect of Egyptian life and marriage is considered mandatory.

In Canada

Value: family is important and marriage is viewed as a sacred right of passage.

Norm: families are usually smaller in size. Marriage is viewed as important however, not necessary to lead a successful, enjoyable life.

Egyptian marriage


An Islamic wedding procession in Egypt leads the bride to the home of the groom. The bride, hidden from view in a tentlike covering, is riding the camel. Elaborate processions like this one are chiefly a rural tradition of the Islamic wedding ceremony

The future of marriage in Egypt?

Family Life – Relating to Values/Norms

Relating Norms Between Egypt-Canada

Norms of the family social institution in Egypt would not work in Canadian society

Egypt’s views of inbreeding, to keep the wealth within the family circle, are contradictory to Canadian views

Canadians see inbreeding as folkway (socially unacceptable)

Religion – An Overview

Religion is highly valued 95% Muslim, 5% Coptic (Christian,other religions) Any religion that goes against Islamic law is

prohibited Some religious practices: • Muslim religious holidays • Ramadan: month of fasting (no eating and drinking during daylight hours) • Eid al-Fitr: large feast and celebration at the end of Ramadan • boys get circumcised at birth • 7th day after the birth of a child is celebrated • when a person dies, the burial is done as soon as possibly; preferably on the day of death • tell religious stories called Folklores • Folklores are passed down through the generations • Men wear traditional shirt-like garments and pants • Women wear traditional long gowns and head scarves

Religion – Relating to Values/Norms

In Egypt Value #1: religion is highly valued and important

for Egyptians Norm #1: express their value of religion by

attending church on a regular basis and practicing religion in various ways (previous slide)

Value #2: Muslim religion is particularly valued Norm #2: the religious norm in Egypt is to be

Muslim (95% of citizens). Any religion that goes against Islamic/Muslim law is prohibited

In Canada Value: multiculturalism is highly valued and all

cultures are accepted Norm: there is no true norm for religion and all

cultures/races are taught to be accepted

Religion – Relating to Values/Norms

Relating Norms between Egypt – Canada

Values and norms presented in the social institutions in Egypt would not be accepted in Canada

Some people in Canada are not religious, unlike Egypt where everyone practices religion

The norm of Muslim religion would not relate to Canada where people are all multicultural

People in Canada have been taught to accept and be multicultural and different

If they tried to make everyone religious, everyone Muslim, people would protest and it would never be accepted


Economy is controlled by the government Plays an important role as a social institution Egyptians economy was mostly agriculture and

industry is centrally controlled by the government. It is the second largest economy in the Arab

world. The service sector is by far the largest growing

economic sector and account of 51 percent Tourism , trade, banking and shipping services on

the Suzz canal Constitute are the main sources Economic sectors reflect its size. Government has moved to aggressive promotion

of domestic tourism to compensate for the loss of foreign tourism

The land is very expensive and difficult for people to use agriculture as a profitable source of income.

In 1950 the gov’t has developed petroleum services.

Economy- Relating to Values/Norms

Egyptian economics would not function in Canada

Economy in Egypt is based on services Canada’s economy is all about exporting

goods in other countries such as the US We have natural resources such as wood

and wheat and in Egypt they don’t have this type of system.

Egyptians displayed the norm of wealth and safety

It controls economy by government that ensures the gross domestic.

It produces enough to sustain the population.

Military- An Overview

350,000 people in the military, known as the Central Security Forces

The strongest in Africa (ranked 11th in the world)

Military includes: Egyptian Army, Navy, Air Force and Air Defense Command

Conscription is used to maintain the military

Able bodied men and women must serve a minimum of 2 years in the military

Egypt plays in important role in foreign affairs and international peacekeeping

The democratic government, more specifically the Ministry of Interior controls the military

Patriotism and peace are highly valued by Egyptians

Military- Relating to Values/Norms

The Egyptian government controls the military

Conscription is put before education in Egyptian society

The enforced conscription ensures the safety of the country and its people

Patriotism and nationalism are important norms of the Egyptian society

The strong military reflects the importance of safety

Egyptians are very proud of their land and its preservation

Military- Relating to Values/Norms

In Egypt● Serving in the Egyptian military is considered a great

honour and accomplishment● Serving in the army can raise a family’s social status● Conscription is put before education

In Canada● The Canadian Army is based on voluntary recruitment● Education is put before conscription● Serving in the army is considered brave, but it is also

dangerous● Conscription would not work in Canada because education

is a higher priority in Canadian societies