EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017 · professionals (EP) and eligible hospitals (EH), including...

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EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017


Eligible Hospital Meaningful

Use SLR Guide

November, 2017

Version 2

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Disclaimer The pages that follow in this State Level Repository Guide for Eligible Hospitals are

intended to provide information to assist with completion of an Eligible Hospital attestation

to the Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. However, it is important to note that

this SLR Guide is not, nor is it intended to be, the full source of information about the

requirements of the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. It is the responsibility of the

provider who is attesting to the AL Medicaid EHR Incentive Program to be acquainted

with the requirements of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs Final

Rules and the State Medicaid HIT Plan (SMHP).

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Contents Background ..................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5

Eligibility .......................................................................................................................... 6

Establishing Patient Volume ........................................................................................ 6

Payment Methodology for Eligible Hospitals ................................................................... 7

Registration with the CMS Registration & Attestation System ......................................... 9

Overview of Attesting to the AL Medicaid EHR Incentive Program ............................... 10

Logging into the SLR ..................................................................................................... 11

Screen Navigation, Error Messages, and Helpful Links ................................................ 12

SLR Home Screen ........................................................................................................ 13

CMS Registration/AL Medicaid Data Screen ................................................................. 14

Provider Eligibility Details Screen .................................................................................. 15

Eligibility Incentive Payment Calculation Screen ........................................................... 17

EHR Details ................................................................................................................... 18

MU Questionnaire Screen ............................................................................................. 22

Documentation Upload .................................................................................................. 23

Demonstration of Meaningful Use ................................................................................. 24

Attestation Summary Screen ......................................................................................... 25

Successful submission .................................................................................................. 27

Additional ALSLR Screens ............................................................................................ 27

View All Payment Years ............................................................................................ 27

Alternate Contact Info: ............................................................................................... 28

Issues and Concerns ................................................................................................. 28

Documentation Upload .............................................................................................. 29

Additional Recourses ................................................................................................. 29

SLR Provider Guides ................................................................................................. 30

Email to EHR Incentive Program ............................................................................... 30

Contact AL SLR Help Desk ....................................................................................... 31

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Background The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented, through provisions of the

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), incentive payments to eligible

professionals (EP) and eligible hospitals (EH), including critical access hospitals (CAHs),

participating in Medicare and Medicaid programs that are meaningful users of certified electronic

health records (EHR) technology. The incentive payments are not a reimbursement, but are intended

to encourage EPs and EHs to adopt, implement, or upgrade certified EHR technology and use it in a

meaningful manner.

Use of certified EHR systems is required to qualify for incentive payments. The Office of the

National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has issued rules defining certified

EHR systems and has identified entities that may certify systems. More information about this

process is available at

Goals for the national program include:

1) enhance care coordination and patient safety;

2) reduce paperwork and improve efficiencies;

3) facilitate electronic information sharing across providers, payers, and state lines, and

4) enable data sharing using state Health Information Exchange (HIE) and the National

Health Information Network (NHIN). Achieving these goals will improve health outcomes,

facilitate access, simplify care, and reduce costs of health care nationwide.

Both EPs and EHs are required to begin by registering at the national level with the Medicare and

Medicaid registration and attestation system (also referred to as the CMS Registration Module).

CMS’ official Web site for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs can be found at The site provides both general and detailed information

on the programs, including tabs on the path to payment, eligibility, meaningful use, certified EHR

technology, and frequently asked questions.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Introduction The Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will provide incentive payments to eligible hospitals

(EH) and critical access hospitals (CAHs) as they adopt, implement, upgrade, or demonstrate

meaningful use of certified EHR technology.


• 42 CFR Part 495 Standards for the Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program

are located at


• Alabama Medicaid EHR Application Portal located at • Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program is located at

• Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is located at

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Eligibility While EHs can begin the program in Calendar Year (CY) 2011, they must begin the program no later

than Federal Fiscal year (FFY) 2016.

The first tier of provider eligibility for the Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program is based on

provider type and specialty. If the provider type and specialty for the submitting provider in the AL

MMIS provider data store does not correspond to the provider types and specialties approved for

participation in the Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, the provider will receive an error

message with a disqualification statement.

CMS has determined that the following hospitals are potentially eligible to enroll in the Alabama

Medicaid EHR Incentive Program:

• Acute Care Hospital

• Children’s Hospital

• Critical Access

To qualify for an EHR incentive payment for each year the EH seeks the incentive payment, the EH

must be one of the following:

1. An acute care hospital (includes CAH) that has at least a 10 percent Medicaid patient

volume for each year the hospital seeks an EHR incentive payment; or

2. A children’s hospital (exempt from meeting a patient volume threshold)

Hospital-based providers are not eligible for the EHR incentive program

Establishing Patient Volume An Alabama Medicaid provider must annually meet patient volume requirements of Alabama’s

Medicaid EHR Incentive Program as established through the state’s CMS approved State Medicaid

Health IT Plan (SMHP). The patient funding source identifies who can be counted in the patient

volume: Title XIX (TXIX) – Medicaid and Title XXI (TXXI) – CHIP.

Eligible Hospital Volume Calculation To calculate Medicaid patient volume, an EH must divide:

• The total Alabama Medicaid and out-of-state Medicaid encounters in any representative 90-

day period that begins with the first day of the month in the preceding fiscal year or 12

months prior to the date of attestation by:

• The total encounters in the same 90-day period.

o Total number of inpatient bed days for all discharges in a 90-day period (even if some

of those days preceded the 90-day range) plus total number of emergency department

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

visits in the same 90-day period. (Please note per CMS FAQ nursery days are

excluded from inpatient bed days)

o An emergency department must be part of the hospital.

• The total Alabama Medicaid and out-of-state Medicaid encounters in any representative 90-

Eligible Hospital Medicaid Encounter For purposes of calculating eligible hospital patient volume, a Medicaid encounter is defined as

services rendered to an individual 1) per inpatient discharge, or 2) on any one day in the emergency

room where Alabama Medicaid or another state’s Medicaid program allowed:

• Part or all of the service;

• Paid for part or all of their premiums, co-payments, and/or cost-sharing;

Exception – a children’s hospital is not required to meet Medicaid patient volume requirements.

Beginning for Program Year 2013, for purposes of calculating eligible hospital patient volume, A

Medicaid encounter means services rendered to an individual per inpatient discharge or rendered in

emergency room department on any 1 day when any of the following occur:

1. Medicaid (or a Medicaid demonstration project approved under section 1115 of the Act)

allowed for part or all of the service.

2. Medicaid (or a Medicaid demonstration project approved under section 1115 of the Act) paid

all or part of the individual's premiums, co-payments, and/or cost-sharing.

3. The individual was enrolled in a Medicaid program (or a Medicaid demonstration project

approved under section 1115 of the Act) at the time the billable service was provided.

Payment Methodology for Eligible Hospitals Statutory parameters placed on Alabama Medicaid incentive payments to hospitals are largely based on the

methodology applied to Medicare incentive payments. The specifications described in this section are

limits to which all states must adhere when developing aggregate EHR hospital incentive amounts

for Medicaid-eligible hospitals. States will calculate hospital aggregate EHR hospital incentive

amounts on the FFY to align with hospitals participating in the Medicare EHR incentive program.

Acute care hospitals may be paid up to 100 percent of an aggregate EHR hospital incentive amount

provided over a three-year period. Section 1905(t)(5)(D) requires that no payments can be made to

hospitals after 2016 unless the provider has been paid a payment in the previous year; thus, while

Medicaid EPs are afforded flexibility to receive payments on a non-consecutive, annual basis,

hospitals receiving a Medicaid incentive payment must receive payments on a consecutive, annual

basis after the year 2016. The aggregate EHR hospital incentive amount is calculated using an overall

EHR amount multiplied by the Medicaid share.

Alabama is responsible for using auditable data sources to calculate Medicaid aggregate EHR

hospital incentive amounts, as well as determining Alabama Medicaid incentive payments to those

providers. Auditable data sources include:

• Providers’ Medicare cost reports;

• State-specific Medicaid cost reports;

• Payment and utilization information from the Alabama MMIS (or other automated claims

processing systems or information retrieval systems); and

• Hospital financial statements and hospital accounting records.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

The Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program hospital aggregate incentive amount calculation will

use the equation outlined in the proposed rule, as follows:

EH Payment= Overall EHR Amount ×Medicaid Share


Overall EHR Amount = {Sum over 4 year of [(Base Amount plus Discharge Related

Amount Applicable for Each Year) times Transition Factor Applicable for Each Year]}

Medicaid Share = {(Medicaid inpatient-bed-days + Medicaid managed care inpatient-bed-

days) divided by [(total inpatient-bed days) times (estimated total charges minus charity care

charges) divided by (estimated total charges)]}

Alabama intends to pay the aggregate hospital incentive payment amount over a period of three

annual payments, contingent on the hospital’s annual attestations and registrations for the annual

Alabama Medicaid payments.

In the first year, if all conditions for payment are met, 50 percent of the aggregate amount will be

paid to the EH. In the second year, if all conditions for payment are met, 30 percent of the aggregate

amount will be paid to the EH. In the third year, if all conditions for payment are met, 20 percent of

the aggregate amount will be paid to the EH.

The last year that a hospital may begin receiving Medicaid incentive payments is FY 2016. States

must make payments over a minimum of three years. Additionally, in any given payment year, no

annual Medicaid incentive payment to a hospital may exceed 50 percent of the hospital’s aggregate

incentive payment. Likewise, over a two-year period, no Medicaid payment to a hospital may exceed

90 percent of the aggregate incentive.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Registration with the CMS Registration & Attestation System If this is your second year with the EHR incentive program then there is no need to register. You may

log in directly to the Alabama SLR to attest for Meaningful Use using the link

If this is your first year with the EHR Incentive Payment Program then EHs are required to begin by

registering at the national level with the Medicare and Medicaid registration and attestation system

(also referred to as the CMS Registration Module). CMS’ official Web site for the Medicare and

Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs can be found at

Hospitals must provide their name, NPI, business address, phone number, tax payer ID number (TIN)

of the entity receiving the payment, and their CCN.

Hospitals must revisit the CMS Registration Module to make any changes to their registration

information. After the initial registration, the provider does not need to return to the CMS

Registration Module before seeking annual payments unless information needs to be updated. EHs

seeking payment from both Medicare and Medicaid will be required to visit the CMS Registration

Module annually to attest to meaningful use before returning to the Alabama SLR system to attest for

Alabama’s Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. Alabama Medicaid will assume meaningful use is met

for hospitals if Meaningful Use was met for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program.

CMS will assign the provider a CMS Registration Number and electronically notify Alabama

Medicaid of a hospital’s choice to access Alabama’s Medicaid EHR Incentive Program for payment.

The CMS Registration Number will be needed to complete the attestation in the Alabama SLR


On receipt of the registration transactions from CMS, two basic validations take place at the state


1) validate the NPI in the transaction is on file in the MMIS system, and

2) validate the provider is a provider with Alabama Medicaid. If either of these conditions is

not met, a message will be automatically sent back to CMS indicating the provider is not

eligible. Providers may check back at the CMS Registration Module to determine if the

registration has been accepted.

Once payment is disbursed to the eligible TIN, CMS will be notified by Alabama Medicaid that a

payment has been made.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Overview of Attesting to the AL Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Alabama Medicaid will utilize the secure Alabama SLR system to house the attestation system. If an

eligible hospital registers at CMS and does not receive an email with the link to the attestation system

within two business days, assistance will be available by contacting the Alabama Medicaid

Electronic Health Record Incentive Program office.

Following is a description of the information that a provider will have to report or attest to during the


1. After registering for the incentive program with the CMS EHR Registration and

Attestation National Level Repository (CMS Registration Module) at, the EH will be asked to:

• Complete patient volume information on the Alabama SLR Web site

• Certification number for the ONC-ATCB certified EHR system (or numbers if

obtained in modules)

2. The EH will be asked to attest to:

• Adoption, implementation or upgrade of certified EHR technology or meaningful


• Not receiving a Medicaid incentive payment from another state

3. The EH will be asked to sign the attestation;

• The provider enters his/her initials and NPI on the Attestation Screen (there is a place

for an agent or staff member of the provider to so identify)

• The person filling out the form should enter his or her name.

• Print the attestation form and upload the signed document

Once the electronic attestation is submitted by a qualifying hospital and appropriate documentation

provided, Alabama Medicaid will conduct a review which will include cross-checking for potential

duplication payment requests, checking provider exclusion lists and verifying supporting


The attestation itself will be electronic and will require the EH to attest to meeting all requirements

defined in the federal regulations. Some documentation will have to be provided to support specific

elements of attestation. All providers will be required to submit supporting documentation for patient

volume claimed in the attestation. More information on documentation will be provided in the

attestation system.

During the first year of the program will be the only time an EH will be allowed to attest to adopting,

implementing or upgrading to certified EHR technology. Documentation is requested at the time of

attestation is to ensure the system and version of EHR technology has been certified by ONC (the

Certified Health IT Product List can be located at ONC’s website at EHs

can attest to either AIU or meaningful use as appropriate

All providers will be required to attest to meeting meaningful use to receive incentive payments after

the first year.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Logging into the SLR In order to access an EP’s attestation, the NPI and CMS Registration ID must be entered on the SLR

Log-In screen; then select ‘Submit’ to enter the site.

If an EH enters an incorrect NPI and CMS Registration ID combination 5 consecutive times for the

same NPI the SLR will display the following error:

“Your log-in screen to the SLR has been locked due to too many failed log-in

attempts. Please contact (844) 288-4701, or email to

request this screen be unlocked. If you do not know your CMS Registration ID,

please contact the CMS EHR Information Center at (888) 734-6433.”

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Screen Navigation, Error Messages, and Helpful Links

Red Asterisks

Required fields are denoted with a red asterisk.

Error Messages

Error messages are designed to alert the EH to an issue with the attestation so that the EH may

submit a complete attestation. If the screen has errors (for example, a required field has not been

completed), it will display an error message when the EH attempts to save the screen. In many

screens, the EH will not be able to save the information (or progress to the next attestation screen)

until the error has been corrected. Some screens will allow progression to the next attestation screen

even after an error message has displayed. However, when the EH attempts to complete the final

Attestation screen to submit the attestation, the SLR will not allow submission unless errors have

been addressed and resolved.

Save, Next, and Previous Buttons

Upon completion of any screen, select the Save button to save the data; then, upon logout, the SLR

will retain the information. When ready to proceed to the next screen of the attestation, select the

Next button at the bottom of the screen. (Selecting “Next” will also result in saving the information

on the screen.) The EP may always return to a previous screen by selecting the Previous button at the

bottom of the screen.

Left Navigation Links

The left navigation menu contains links that will remain available throughout the attestation process.

As attestation is worked through more links become active in the left navigation menu allowing EHs

the ability to skip to certain sections of the attestation.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

SLR Home Screen The SLR Home screen provides a “home page” for the EP to view messages from the AMA staff,

payment information, and status. It also displays a grid for the EP to access a view of past paid

attestations or to begin/modify a new attestation. The name of the EP will display in the screen


The Home screen is divided into 4 sections:

• Messages and Announcements

The Messages and Announcements section lists any messages or announcements provided

from the Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program.

• EHR Incentive Payment

Data The EHR Incentive Payment Data will list any payments or adjustments that have been

processed through the Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive Program

• Provider Information

The Provider Information section lists your current program and payment status as well as the

program years that are available for attestation.

• Navigation Grid

The Navigation grid allows you to view prior attestations when available as well as to select

your current program year and begin your next attestation.

Note: Should the attestation be submitted by the PY deadline, and later be re-opened by the AMA for

provider correction, the SLR will allow the EP to re-submit the attestation even after the PY


EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

CMS Registration/AL Medicaid Data Screen The CMS Registration/AL Medicaid Data screen allows the EH to review information sent to

Alabama Medicaid from the CMS registration, and to verify the Payee information for the incentive


CMS Registration Data Review

The CMS Registration/AL Medicaid Data screen displays information about the provider from the

CMS Registration and Attestation System. Corrections to this information may only be made by the

provider by returning to the CMS system to modify registration data.

Note: Do not return to the CMS registration unless a change is needed to the CMS registration

information. If the EP does return to the CMS account, the EH must be sure to re-submit the

registration at the CMS Registration and Attestation System, even if no changes are made. If the

registration is not re-submitted, the account status with CMS will change to In Progress or

Registration Started/Modified and will remain so until it is re-submitted. If the CMS account status

shows In Progress or Registration Started/Modified, AMA will not be able to exchange the

transactions with CMS that are necessary to work the attestation. A status of Pending State

Validation or Registration Sent to State in the CMS registration will indicate a successful


EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Provider Eligibility Details Screen

As shown above, hospitals must enter four categories of data to complete the Eligibility Details

screen including patient volume, EHR details, growth rate, and Medicaid share. Providers will enter

the following data on the screen:

• Patient volume

o Starting date of the 90-day period to calculate Medicaid patient volume percentage,

this must be the first day of the month

o Total Medicaid patient discharges during this period

o Total patient discharges during the period

o Medicaid patient volume percentage (calculated)

• EHR details

o EHR certification ID of EHR

o Status of your EHR – Choices:

o Adopt - Acquire, purchase, or secure access to certified EHR technology

o Implement - Install or commence utilization of certified EHR technology capable of

meeting meaningful use requirements

o (U) Upgrade - Expand the available functionality of certified EHR technology capable of

meeting meaningful use requirements at the practice site, including staffing, maintenance,

and training, or upgrade from existing EHR technology to certified EHR technology per

the ONC EHR certification criteria

o Meaningful User - currently meaningfully using certified EHR technology and are

prepared to attest to Meaningful Use and Clinical Quality Measures.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

• Growth rate This section does not have to be updated after year 1 unless there is a special circumstance that

would warrant the need to update this data. The payments for all 3 years are based on the year 1

payment calculation.

o Due to special circumstances does your cost report information need to be adjusted – This

should only be yes if you are a new hospital and did not have a full 4 years of data during

your attestation, or you have been working with the Medicaid her Staff due to another

issue and requested that you update this information. (This option on displays if your

payment year is greater than 1)

o End date of the hospital’s most recently filed 12-month cost reporting period

o Total number of discharges that fiscal year

o Total number of discharges one year prior

o Total number of discharges two years prior

o Total number of discharges three years prior

o Average annual growth rate (calculated)

• Medicaid share

o Total Medicaid inpatient bed days

o Total Medicaid Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) inpatient bed days

o Total inpatient bed days (Please note per CMS FAQ nursery days are excluded from

inpatient bed days)

o Total hospital charges

o Total uncompensated care charges

o Estimated total payment (calculated)

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Eligibility Incentive Payment Calculation Screen

This screen will list the estimated payment for the EH or CAH for the current attestation.

The current payment amount is located as the last line of the screen. For year 1 this will be 50%, year

2 30%, and year 3 20% of the total aggregate EHR Incentive Payment.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

EHR Details Certified EHR Technology is technology certified by an ONC-Authorized Testing and Certification

Body (ONC-ATCB) and reported to the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC).

The ONC has established new standards to define CEHRT that addresses new and revised objectives

and measures for Stages 1 and 2 of MU; enhances care coordination, patient engagement, and the

security, safety and efficacy of EHR technology; and provides more flexibility for providers to have

EHR technology that meets their individual needs. Learn more about the Standards and Certification

Criteria for Electronic Health Record Technology 2014 Edition Final Rule at:

All 2017PY attestations (AIU and MU) must be based upon AIU or MU CEHRT that is certified to

2014, 2015, or 2014/2015 combination Edition certification standards.

On this screen, the EH will enter information to provide the EH’s attestation to the certified EHR

technology (CEHRT). If the EH is attesting to Adopt, Implement, or Upgrade (option only for first

program year), the EH will attest to the CEHRT that has been adopted, implemented, or upgraded at

the time of the attestation. If the EH is attesting to Meaningful Use, the EH will attest to the

CEHRT(s) that was used for the meaningful use EHR Reporting period.

The ONC Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) serves as the official listing of certified products: This Web site is the single authority to obtain the CHPL/ONC

Product Number(s) and the 15-character alphanumeric CMS EHR Certification ID for the certified

EHR technology products(s). Please note: the left navigation link, “Additional Resources,” will

expand when clicked to display a link to the ONC CHPL Website.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Step 1: Enter the CMS Certification ID of your certified EHR Technology

The CMS Certification ID is a 15-character alphanumeric ID.

• If the EH provided the CMS Certification ID of the certified EHR technology during the

registration with the CMS Registration and Attestation System (optional), or if the EH has

provided this information during a previous year’s attestation, this field will pre-populate that

information. If the field is pre-populated, please review the information to be sure that it

still accurately reflects the certified EHR technology in place at the time of the

attestation submission.

• If there is no information displayed in the CMS Certification ID field, please enter

information into this field.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Step 2: Complete the Certified Health IT Product List:

Certified EHR technology must be a complete product, or combination of multiple products, that

offers 100% of the criteria required by the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs.

Enter information into this CHPL table for the certified EHR technology product(s) by completing

the fields for Product Name and Version #, Vendor Name, and CHPL Product Number. Select

Click Here to Add Product to save the information. Information will display in the CHPL table.

Failure to select “Click Here to Add Product,” will result in the following error message: “There

cannot be any empty Certified Health IT Product List field. Please complete the Certified

Health IT Product table.”

Step 3: Complete the Text Box

Enter a description of the EH’s legal or financial commitment to the certified EHR technology at the

time of attestation in this required text box. Include the full name and version of the technology, and

relevant dates.

Examples are as follows:

• Adopt: “I purchased [name and version of product] on [date] and have a receipt for that


• Implement: “My practice purchased [name and version of product] on [date] and is in the

process of implementation; we have retained a receipt for that purchase.”

• Upgrade: “XYZ Medical Group signed its first contract with [vendor name] on [date]; we

committed to an upgrade to certified EHR technology [name and version of product], as

demonstrated by a legally binding contract dated [date]. The current contractual commitment

is for three years ending [date].”

The EH must retain documentation for a minimum of six years that demonstrates a legal or financial

commitment to the acquisition, purchase, or access to certified EHR technology prior to the

incentive. This documentation would serve to differentiate between activities that may not result in

AIU (for example, researching EHRs, interviewing EHR vendors, contract proposals) and an actual

commitment to AIU. The documentation must show a legal or financial commitment to the adoption,

implementation, or upgrade to certified EHR technology, naming the product(s) and version(s). Such

documentation may include but is not limited to: an invoice and receipt for payment; purchase

agreement; license agreement; binding contract (signed by both parties). Should the documentation

not specify the certified EHR technology product (product name and version), a letter from the

certified EHR technology vendor that clarifies the product name and version may be retained with

the documentation as a supplement. However, such information will not be regarded as sufficient for

stand-alone evidence.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Step 4: Save Your Information

Select Save or Next button before leaving the screen.

The SLR will run a check against the ONC CHPL site to validate that the CMS Certification ID that

was entered is a valid CMS Certification ID. There may be slight delay as the system runs this check.

If the CMS Certification ID supplied is not valid, the following error message will display: “Not a

valid CMS certification ID.”

To Continue to the next attestation screen, select the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

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MU Questionnaire Screen

In order to complete the attestation for Alabama Medicaid EHR Incentive payment the Dually

Eligible EH must have first completed their attestation for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. If

this has been completed then the following two fields will be automatically completed from the data

used in the EH’s Medicare attestation for the program year being attested and the EH may click

‘Next’ to continue with their attestation.

• EHR Reporting Period Start Date – The start date of the EHR reporting period for your

Medicare MU attestation for the program year.

• EHR Reporting Period End Date - The end date of the EHR reporting period for your

Medicare MU attestation for the program year.

If the EH has not completed their attestation with Medicare then an error message will be shown on

this screen and the EH may not continue until the Medicare attestation has been completed.

*Please note – The information from the Medicare EHR Attestation is not sent immediately to

Alabama, allow up to three days for the file from Medicare to be processed.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Documentation Upload The Document Upload screen provides the means for providers to attach PDF, Word, or Excel files

to the provider attestation. AMA pre-verification staff (HealthTech Solutions (HTS)) may also

contact a provider to request documentation to support or clarify an attestation.

To upload a document, select the Browse button and locate the desired file. Then, select the Upload

button to add the file to the SLR application.

If the upload is successful, the SLR will display a message: ‘You have successfully uploaded: [File


The EH may review the uploaded document by selecting the View button. To delete the file, select

the Delete button. Once the attestation is submitted, uploaded documents may not be deleted. If you

need to remove documents from your attestation after submission, please contact the Help Desk or

AMA staff to have your attestation reopened.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Demonstration of Meaningful Use In order to comply with 42 CFR 495.40 that was added through the final rule for the new

Medicare Quality Payment Program EPs will attest to several additional statements in order to

qualify for Meaningful Use in Program Year 2017

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Attestation Summary Screen The Attestation screen displays a summary of information from the provider attestation. If while

reviewing the information the provider decides to revise information, he or she may return to the data

entry field to modify information before submitting the attestation. Please note, however, that once

the Submit button is selected, the attestation will be locked.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Successful submission Once successfully submitted, the following screen will display. At this point the EH can logout or

select the ‘Click here’ icon to return to the home page.

Any provider attesting to receive an EHR incentive payment potentially can be subject to audit. ALL

relative supporting documentation (in either paper or electronic format) used in the completion of the

attestation responses must be retained and easily retrievable for a minimum of six years from the

last year of participation in the Program.

Additional ALSLR Screens The screens described below are accessible through the left navigation menu and are not considered part of the attestation workflow.

View All Payment Years The View All Payments screen is accessed by a link that is located on the left navigation menu. This

screen is a read only screen that displays any payments or adjustments made to the EH by payment


EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Alternate Contact Info: Allows the EH to designate alternate contacts for AMA should there be questions related to the

attestation. The Alternate Contact link is functional even if the attestation is in a submitted status.

This screen will be utilized for preparers for EPs and EHs attestations to enter in additional resources

contact information other than the contact information list on the EP/EHs registration information

from the NLR. The entry of Alternate contact information will be useful in the instance that

clarification is needed concerning an attestation, payment, etc. for the provider.

Issues and Concerns Allows providers to submit issues or question from within the attestation the AMA staff.

The provider may submit an issue or concern by selecting an issue category and typing in the details

of their issue or concern. It will be saved upon them clicking the submit button. The Alabama EHR

staff monitors the submissions and will respond to the issue or concern through this portal, by email,

or phone depending on the information given by the provider.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Documentation Upload Navigates the EH to a screen to browse and upload files essential to the attestation for its review by

the AMA staff.

*Please Note: If you use this link from the left navigation menu the screen does not allow navigation

within the attestation screens.

Additional Recourses Expands to provide links to the AL Medicaid EHR site, the CMS EHR site, and the ONC CHPL site.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

SLR Provider Guides Navigates to SLR Guides specific to Eligible Professionals and to Eligible Hospitals.

Email to EHR Incentive Program Allows the EPs/EHs to send an email to AL outreach staff (

to answer EHR Incentive program questions.

EH Dual Eligible User Manal 2017

Contact AL SLR Help Desk Allow EPs/EHs to send an email to the help desk staff to assist in resolving any system issues

( as well provides the phone and fax contact information for the help desk.