eHealth Workshop 4: David Ryan

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Driving change

management and

adoption processes

David Ryan CIO, Grampians Rural Health Alliance

Telehealth – A case study in

driving change management and

adoption processes

eHealth Conference

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Information doesn’t

change the world.

People Do.

With their ideas.

With their knowledge.

Make everything available.

Help people find it.

Design solutions to be in-the-flow, not above-the-flow.

Don’t design for one size fits all.

Many sizes fits many.

Don’t be afraid to

colour outside the lines.

Keep it simple

Don’t Predict.

Try, Learn and Adjust.

Leadership is about creating change that you believe in.

Put your trust in people.

Not in the technology.

Use it to empower them.

See People.

Listen to them.

Don’t hold a monologue.

Create a conversation.

Help people to connect.

Take the connected people and make change.

Create a ripple effect.

Champions. The Good Example.

Viral Messages.

The first step to change is to dip a toe in.

Its Change.

Get over it…..Just do it!

Everything will change

Forces impacting us…..

The forces of Change The Rate and Speed of Change

Poll Question? Is the

World Changing at a

Comfortable Pace?

There is likely to be more change over the next 3 years than in the last 25 years!

Change is easy Intellectually

Question… Who likes Change?

But …very hard emotionally!

if you had to

change your life patterns

to AVOID DEATH could you do it?

Question? What % of patients conform to a healthy lifestyle

after a heart attack? A)10% B)20% C)30% D)40%

Is it easier to change during a crisis or during good times?



If there’s a lack of urgency, Don’t see it, Are too familiar…. Or; have wrong perception

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most responsive to change” Charles Darwin

Grampians Rural Health Alliance Using Technology to achieve better patient outcomes

Connect, Communicate, Care

The Grampians Region

Who are we?

• 40 Public Health Services

• Includes Community Health Services

• Some remote Bush Nursing Centres

• 160 network connections

• Several customers covering Local government, Community Services, Allied Health, Medical Practices and Imaging providers.

Who are we? • 7,000 staff in the health services across the region

– Serving the care continuum

– Lots of Aged Care

– Significant linkages with community services, education and research

• $750M Gross Operating Revenue

• Ballarat Health Services largest health service – $350M Gross Operating Revenue alone

Rural Health

Metro Health

Distance Choice Staff Diversity Clustering

Rural Impacts

The Role of Hospitals are


Why a change is needed

• By 2030 65-84 year group will double and over 85 will quadruple

• The need for Residential Aged Care places will double by 2030 • Diabetes costs to increase 436 per cent • One in five people in Australia (3,958,300 or 20.0%) currently

report a disability • Prevalence is growing with Dementia and Alzheimers on the rise • 9% (552,000) admissions avoidable (AIHW), one-third in the 75

years and over • Current cost of $2.32B

The questions our clinical groups are interested in

• How can technology help us to work smarter?

• How can we more effectively support staff across large areas?

• How can we maintain and extend staff skills?

Broadband links for public health Linking more than 40 communities Investment from partners and government

High availability, high bandwidth Wide Area Network

Internet Telephony everywhere

Fixed and Mobile Clinical Video Conferencing

Applications in Shared Services

42 of x David Ryan eHealth Conference @ CeBIT Australia 2012

Wireless gateways

Blended and e-learning programs

High Quality Mobile Clinical Video Conferencing

Linking Education & Health

Operating Theatre conferencing


• wireless

• tailored design

• located in clinical areas


• e-learning

• peer support

• policies & protocols


• quality

• access

• record & replay

Technology close to the clinical workface

We now have opportunity today to make what were past dreams into reality – computing power, High bandwidth networks, cloud services, mobility

1910 Paris Exhibition Imagining what life would be like in the Year 2000

Illustrations by Villemard

Making it all work

Force The new cycle of innovation

Force - Social Networking

Who was Time Magazine’s

Person of the Year in 2006?

Who was Time Magazine’s

Person of the Year in 2010?

The Power of


2006 2010

Egypt Youth Organized

Leveraging Social Media

Force Everything is Connected

Force Net Generation “100% Digital, All the time”

Photo: AlBErto Gottardo/Flickr (Digitally


Implications on business

and leadership

What are the current challenges in the business environment?

IBM Survey of 1500 CEOs Globally

CEO Survey

Key Findings

Today’s complexity is only expected to rise and more than half the CEO’s surveyed doubt their ability to manage it

“In 10 years 40% of the Fortune 500 will no longer be here” (Babson Lin School of Business, Fast Company April 2011, page 121)

Story of Blockbuster

Physical Stores DVD’s mailed to you Internet Video Streaming


Different ways of seeing

the same problem

Focus on disruptive innovation 2000 - Kodak vows to lead in digital

2001 – Kodak leads in digital camera sales: Surged 40% to $5.7B Film fell 18%

What Happened?

Low margins on cameras and high margins on film

Crushing profit disappointment

Embrace Social Media

Consider the


Leverage successful


Thomas Alva Edison

81 of x David Ryan eHealth Conference @ CeBIT Australia 2012

David Ryan

Connect, Communicate, Care

Driving change

management and

adoption processes

David Ryan CIO, Grampians Rural Health Alliance

Telehealth – A case study in

driving change management and

adoption processes

eHealth Conference

Wednesday 23 May 2012