Eight insightful questions to ask before choosing a DAM vendor

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Eight insightful questions to ask the Product Team before choosing a DAM Vendor

The product team are the ones who build the DAM platform. Wouldn’t you want to know all you can about them?

Here are eight questions to find out if a vendor’s product team is right for you:

1. Are They Passionate about Improving User Experience?

An interface that’s

easy and intuitive to use, will retain users.

This makes the interface one of the most

vital features of a good platform.

2. How flexible is the underlying software?

Being able to configure the system on your end helps you

adapt it to your needs. Doing so without custom development

saves time and money.

3. What software products do they draw inspiration from?

They should recognise that today’s business users

expect the same user-friendly

and efficient experience they get from software they use in

their personal lives.

4. Do they understand the marketing function of business?

You must be confident that they

understand the real world marketing challenges

that you face and how to create

DAM software that meets those challenges.

5. Do they see the big picture?

Developers must encompass

strategic thinking about the future and where the industry is headed.

Balancing innovation with market understanding

is key.

6. How closely do they workwith other teams in the business?

Teams working close together

creates consistency. You will hear the

correct information from whichever team you talk to.

7. Can they tell you how the platform is going to grow in the future?

The key is that

everyone at your vendor company,


common objectives about where the product is going.

They should be able to share that with you at any point.

8. Will the product team attend any of your sales meetings with you?

If they do attend and

hear first-hand what you are asking for, it’s an excellent sign that

they are passionate about building the right product for you.

Look for a product team that:1. Is passionate about user-

experience2. Creates adaptable software3. Has suitable sources of

inspiration4. Understands marketing5. Sees the big picture6. Works with the vendor’s other

teams7. Knows where the platform is

headed8. Listens to what you need first-
