Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216



    -Transform the sentence = Rephrase the sentence = Express something in different words so that itsmeaning is clearer.

    -Being successful with this type of sentences involves:

    -Work hard with many grammar tr!"t!r#

    -St!dy $o"a%!&ary' SynonymO((oit#Ad)#"ti$#Ad$#r%Phraa& $#r%

    R#writ# th# #nt#n"#* +on,t "hang# th# m#aning o th# origina& #nt#n"#

    .#r%a& T#n#

    1-am started wor!ing at " a.m and he still hasn#t finished am has$$$$$$$%-& met 'ary two wee!s ago & have$$$$$$$.(-)hen did you get your new *i!e+ ,ow long $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..$$$$$$$..+-They came to live in aragossa in % They have$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$./-& last saw you in % & haven#t$$$$$$$$$$$$..0-'y computer stopped wor!ing yesterday and still doesn#t wor!

    'y computer hasn#t$$$$$$$$.-& *egan studying computer technology last year. m still studying it now & have *een$$$$$$$$$$2-3lmod4var started ma!ing films in 1"2. ,e is still ma!ing films today 3lmod4var has *een$$$$$$$$$$$.."-5n the way to wor! & saw a car crash & saw$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-5n my wal! home from school6 & dropped my mo*ile phone )hile$$$$$$$$$$$11-& did my homewor! *efore & went out

    & didn#t go out$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..1%-The thief escaped and then the police arrived By the time the police$$$$$$$$$$$..1(-m on my way to the cinema 785&98 &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-;ave only sometimes writes me an email 795T 5ET ,aven#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..+10-& started rehearsing at 1 o#cloc! this morning. &t is now 1 o#cloc! and m still rehearsing 7&9?E & have$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    1-& was on my *i!e when & fell 7R&;E & was$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    12-&t#s 'ay. & started learning 8erman in @anuary 7

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    1-Det#s go for a wal! in the countryside,ow a*out$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+%-hall we go out tonight+)hy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+(-& suggest we have a glass of champagne together)hy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..+-)hy don#t we go to a restaurant for lunch+

    ,ow$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+/-,ow a*out trying the wine Tony has *rought+Det#s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$0-)hy don#t we travel a*road this ?hristmas+ ,ow a*out$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+Det#s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.hall$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+

    Wo!&d yo! &ik#0* Want

    1-;o you want to stay with me for a wee!+

    )ould you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+%-ll help you with your composition if you li!e )ould you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+ ;o you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+(-)ould you li!e some more *iscuits+ ;o you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..+-)ould you li!e to have a !itten at home+ ;o you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+

    Pat ha%it:AE; T5 Pr##nt ha%it: BE AE; T5 ver*-ing )5AD; &nfinitive without FTo

    1-'y parents lived in that house years ago'y parents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.%-)hen & was younger & always too! flute lessons on Thursdays )hen & was $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..(-&t#s no pro*lem. Gathy always drives to wor!Gathy is$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-)e would never !now what my father was going to do next)e never$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$../-)e often went for a wal! on aturdays )e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$0-?lara usually trains once a wee! ?lara is used$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-& live in Dondon *ut & lived in aris in the past & live in Dondon *ut &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.2-)hen my father was a child he used to sing in a *and every wee!end )hen my father was a child he$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$."-&t isn#t difficult for us to use a computer *ecause we#ve done it *efore )e are used$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    R#writ# th# #nt#n"#* /# th# "orr#"t orm o used to


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    1-@ohn hasn#t always had a moustache@ohn didn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.............%-& live in Dondon *ut & lived in aris in the past& live $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.(-@oaHuIn is a vegetarian *ut he ate meat in the past@oaHuIn is a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    R#writ# th# #nt#n"#* /# would or wouldnt

    1-3s a student & didn#t use to go to lectures every day$$$$$$$$$$$$$..........................................%-'y grandfather used to ta!e me to a foot*all match$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..(-)henever the *a*y was hungry he used to cry very loudly$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    REJ&&59 RE,R3&98

    ast ha*it 6 resent ha*it

    1)hen she was a young woman she would wear high-heeled *oots )hen she was$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..%Elissa used to laugh more than her *rother in the past Elissa$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(,enry finds it strange to eat snails ,enry is not$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&t wasn#t difficult for them to coo! They were$..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Jer*al tenses 7ast simple6 ast ?ontinuous6 resent erfect6 resent erfect ?ontinuous6 ast erfect6

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    10 Poe *ought the ?;6 then she realised it was the wrong one.Poe realised the ?; was the wrong one after.................................................

    1 Bec!y finished university three months ago. he is still loo!ing for a o*. 7for..................................................................................................

    12 They started arguing two hours ago and they are still arguing 7for................................................................................................


    1 >ou shouldn#t eat so much sugar&f &$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    % )hen you go to &reland next year6 you should visit NTrinity ?ollegeO)hen you go to &reland next year6 you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    ( )e ought to do three hours homewor! each evening)e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    &t#s a good idea to wear a suit to the interview 7,5AD;


    / >ou should de elegant and polite in a personal interview&f &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    0 &t#s a good idea to *e discreet in pu*lic>ou ought$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    1 .IDetQs stay at home tonightn

    hall we$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    % hall we employ someone to cut down this tree+,ow a*out$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    ( hall we discuss this reHuirements on Tuesday+)hy don#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    DetQs start loo!ing at exampleshall we$$$$$$$$$$

    / )hy don#t start *eing honest+

    ,ow a*out$$$$$$$$$$$$

    0 ,ow a*out having a drin!+)hy don#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    & your position & should complainto the manager.&f & were you your position & should complain to the manager.&f & were youPO2ITE RE3/EST OR CO22O3/IA2 ONES

    1 )ould you li!e to focus the reading on N'isteryO+;o you want$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..+

    % ;o you want to come to our party6'ary+)ould you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.+


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216



    1 & would *e a very shy person when & was a !id&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    % & collected things when & was a child&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    ( )hen my mum was a young girl she went dancing on

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    suggestions -)hy don#t we travel a*road this Easter+,ow a*out$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.Det#s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hall$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    ;espite&n spite of3lthoughThough

    Even though

    -3lthough he trains very hard6he seldom wins his matches;espite$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-&n spite of the fact that it was hot6 they stayed at home3lthough$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    R#(hra# #nt#n"# !ing 5oda& .#r%

    1-;o they sell *rown sugar in this shop+?an &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+

    %-There is a choice of a*out twenty dishes in our menu>ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    (-m Huite certain that isn#t @ohny#s car. ,is is *lueThat car$$$$$$$$$$$

    -he was sorry *ecause she didn#t !now how to answer the Huestion 6CO/2+7he was sorry *ecause she$$$$$$$$$$$..

    /-erhaps they have gone a*roadThey$$$$$$$$$$$.

    0-erhaps they didn#t receive the invitationThey may$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    -&t is not necessary for you to hoover the floor. & have already done it>ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    2-&n many panish schools it is compulsory to arrive in time for the lessons&n many panish schools6 you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    "-)e should try to fix the computer)e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    R#(hra# #nt#n"# working 89!t!r# T#n#:

    1-;o you intend to write a new novel next summer+3re you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..+

    %-)illiam and Tina are getting married next aturday)illiam and Tina#s marriage$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    (-;o you intend to live a*road next year+



  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    -,e too! the safe !eys with him in case the security officer had gone home 65ight,e too! the safe !eys with him *ecause hethought$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    /-& can#t *e sure *ut m Huite confident that & will get a grant& will 7pro*a*ly$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    0-'y doctor#s appointment is for 1 o#cloc! 6##ing7


    -m not sure what to study *ut it will either *e English or 8erman 65ight7 &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Revisi4n: Jer*al tensesast ha*itresent ha*it

    1-5n my wal! home from school6 & dropped my mo*ile pone

    )hile$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%-,ow long is it since they finished school+)hen$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(-& went to Dondon eight months ago&t is$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.-)hen did his plane ta!e off+,ow long$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/-aul is *ac! from &talyaul has *een$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$0-Ro*ert has *ro!en his arm again&t# s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    -&t has *een ages since he studied ournalism,e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..2-The last time Garen saw her cousin was at ?hristmasGaren hasn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$."-& passed my English exam. Then & went to university& had$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-& live in Dondon *ut & lived in aris in the past& live in Dondon *ut &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.11-)hen my father was a child he used to sing in a *and every wee!end)hen my father was a child he$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1%-?lara usually trains once a wee!?lara is used$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    Revision: Jer*al tenses------------resent perfect Sresent perfect continuous

    1-& last saw you in %& haven#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..%-'y computer stopped wor!ing yesterday and still doesn#t wor!'y computer hasn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(-& *egan studying computer technology last year. m still studying it now& have *een$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    -3lmod4var started ma!ing films in 1"2. ,e#s still ma!ing films today


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    3lmod4var has *een$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Revision: ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(-'y sister can#t go to night clu*s'y sister isn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-&t is possi*le that it will rain later&t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$../-erhaps & ta!e a gap year after finishing school

    &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..0->ou must *e eighteen years old if you want to *uy alcoholic drin!s in a *ar>ou cannotScan#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-The moped isn#t where & left it. m sure some*ody has stolen itThe moped isn#t where & left it. &t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..2->ou have to trust me. m the only one who !nows the truth >ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"->ou must *e patient with her. he has not *een feeling well lately >ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1-&n many panish schools it is compulsory to wear a uniform&n many panish schools6 you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$11-m feeling *etter. &t isn#t necessary for you to stay with me all night longm feeling *etter. >ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..1%-eople should do more physical exerciseeople $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1(->ou shouldn#t tell him anything a*out it>ou had$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-&t is not necessary for you to clean the house. & have already done it >ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..1/-erhaps it will *e sunny tomorrow&t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    10-)hen & was eight6 & did not !now how to swim


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    )hen & was eight6 &$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-aul is a very good singeraul$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$12-&n many British schools it is compulsory to wear a uniform&n many British schools6 you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1"-& am sure they are not at home. Their car is not in their car par!They$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..%-)e should leave soon6 the roads will *e *usy

    )e ought$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    1(-U&Qm so sorry & *ro!e the printerU Tom said to ,elenTom apologiCed...

    1-U?an & *ring a friend along to the party+U @ohn as!ed me@ohn as!ed me....

    1/-U)hat has happened to your !nee+U aulQs mother as!ed himaulQs mother as!ed him....

    Too ; Eno!gh

    10-'ilan isnQt near enough from Dondon to drive there in a day'ilan is too...

    1-he is too young to play in the championshiphe isnQt...

    Conditiona& S#nt#n"#

    12-& didnQt phone you *ecause & didnQt realiCe you were at home

    &f &...

    1"-,e didnQt *ecome an accountant *ecause he failed his exams&f he$

    %-& am not going to go to the dance *ecause & havenQt got a partner&f &...

    %1-&f your performance isnQt great6 you wonQt *e employed *y this companyAnless your...

    %%-& donQt have a word processor so & canQt write your report with it&f &...

    So ; S!"h

    %(-The musical was so successful that all the tic!ets were sold&t was...

    5oda& .#r%

    %-omeone almost certainly stole the car during the nightThe car must....

    %/-There is a chance theyQll arrest him if he tries to leave the country,e...

    %0-erhaps & was asleep when you called *ecause & didnQt hear the phone&....

    %-mo!ing is prohi*ited in pu*lic *uildings>ou .......

    %2-&t would have *een *etter if he had gone out on aturday



  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    R#&ati$# "&a!#

    (-heila spea!s good 3merican English. he was *orn in )ashington ;.?heila6 ...

    -3 shop assistant spo!e to me. he was very helpfulThe shop assistant......

    G#r!nd Ininiti$#

    /-&t is more dangerous to ride a motor*i!e than to drive a carRiding a motor*i!e...

    0-Recovering from an unexpected shoc! often ta!es a long time&t...

    -?ould you please open the window+)ould you mind...

    RE,R3E T,E E9TE9?E

    A7 A"ti$# into Pai$#1. They have postponed the concert.

    %. ome*ody is using the computer at the moment.

    (. & didnQt realise that some*ody was recording our conversation.

    . )hen we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game.

    /. They are *uilding a new ring road round the city..

    0. They have *uilt a new hospital near the airport.

    . ome*ody has cleaned the room.

    B7.#r%a& T#n#& was reading this *oo! and he called me.While...

    & have had this sweater for fifteen years*It ...

    The door*ell rang in the middle of her phone conversation*While ...

    'y date of *irth is 3pril (rd6 1""(*I ..

    ;ogs frighten me.I ...

    That letter arrived only a few minutes ago.

    That letter...


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    )hile & was having dinner6 @im arrived*Jim...

    &tQs a long time since & last visited Tom.For ...

    he has *een studying English for two years*It's ...

    & was waiting for the *us and there was an accident *While ...

    C)Reported Speech,e said: UBo* often reads a *oo!.UHe.**

    'y mother said to me: U)hen did the girls help in the house.U! mother...

    @im said to his wife: U'ust & do the shopping+UJim...

    'rs mith said to my mother: U& will *e / years old next wee!.Urs Smith...

    ,e said to his friend: U& was ill.UHe...

    Tom said to the teacher: U& didnQt have time to do my homewor!.UTom...

    ")#ast Ha$it and #resent)hen & was a little girl & used to live in 'adrid)hen & was a little girl &$.

    &n the summer they would wal! along the *each and then have a swim.&n the summer they$$$

    )e used to playfoot*all after school)e$$$$$$$$.

    & used to spenda lot of time in cafe with my friends


    'y dog used to *eaggressive6 *ut heQs a mellower now'y dog$$$$$$$..

    )e are used tohard wor!)e$$$$$$$$$$$.

    )e are used togoing campingevery spring)e$$$$$$$$$$.

    E7 5ak# and 2#t1-They have to wor! until very late in the companyTheir *osses$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    %-,e had to do the exercise againhe$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(-)e have to do sports in the rain5ur school$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-& don#t have to go to school when m ill'y mum$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$./-Gate doesn#t have to wal! to school if it is rainingGate#s parents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..0-he is allowed to *orrow her mum#s ma!e-up

    ,er mum$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$->ou are allowed to play the music loud>our parents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2-tudents are allowed to sing in classTeachers$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$."-,e can paint his room *lac!,is parents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..1-he can have a part time o* at the wee!ends,er parents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$



    T55 3dective to infinitive

    3dective E95A8, to infinitive

    ,eis too short to be a policeman = ,eisnt tall enough to bea policeman

    7En el rephrasing usamos el adetivo opuesto

    r a c t i c e :

    1.'ilan is too far. >ou can#t drive there in a day.'ilan is too $

    %. ,is new car is so wide that it won#t go into the garage easily

    ,is new car is too$

    (.This soup is too hot for us to eat

    This soup isn#t$

    .The car wasn#t cheap enough for me to afford

    The car was$

    /.The house was too small for them to live in

    The house wasn#t$

    0.The mountain wasn#t low enough for us to reach the top

    The mountain was$

    .,e is too laCy to finish the wor!

    ,e isn#t$

    2.)e weren#t relaxed enough to go out

    )e were$

    ".,e can#t reach that shelf. ,e is too short

    ,e isn#t$.

    1.The cat can#t catch the mice. They run too fast

    The mice$


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216



    Pra"ti"#'Stat#m#nt'0. N)e visited her this morningO6 they saidThey said $. NThey were here three months agoO6 he said.,e said $2. N& haven#t *een waiting longO6 she said

    he said$". N & can see you tomorrowO6 he told him,e told$1.N& spo!e to @ane last wee!O6 usan said.usan $

    3!#tion'1. N)hen are you coming *ac!+O6 & as!ed them& as!ed them $%. N,ave you finished your exams+O she as!ed mehe as!ed $

    (. N)hen was the timeta*le changed+O & as!ed& as!ed $. N)here were you last night#O6 her father as!ed her,er father as!ed $/. N;o you !now who *ro!e the window+O he as!ed,e as!ed if & !new who had *ro!en the window0. N)hen did you start learning panish+O she as!ed mehe as!ed me$. N;id you telephone my mother+O Tom as!ed her.Tom as!ed her $2. N;oes this *us stop in 'anchester+O she as!ed me

    he as!ed me $". N)hy didn#t you telephone+O my mother as!ed me'y mother as!ed me $1.N3re you wearing your new dress this evening#O6 am as!ed her.am as!ed $

    Con#"!ti$# C&a!#


    5 3detivoA?, 7determinante NaOS NanO 7adetivo 9om*re

    he wasso beautiful thatevery*ody loo!ed at her = he was such a *eautiful girl thateverybodylooked at her

    'ar! issuch an attractive man7that hes very popular among the girls = 'ar! is soattractive(that)hes very popular among girls.

    1.he spea!s with such a strong accent that people can#t understand her

    ,er accent$%.,is life is so dull,e has such$.(.The weather was so warm that & didn#t need a coat&t was such$.The road is so narrow that it is difficult for % cars to pass each other


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    &t is such$/.The lesson was so *oring that she fell asleep&t was such$0.The weather was so lovely that we went out for the day&t was such$.The film was so exciting&t was such$

    PASSI.E .OICE1-Th#y ha$# (&a"#d an im(ortant ro in Wor&d hitory3n important role$.4-Britain #>(ort#d d#mo"ra"y and th# Eng&ih &ang!ag# to n!m#ro! "o!ntri#;emocracy and the English language$.?-Th#y ar# "ommitting many "r!#&ti# in th# nam# o )!ti"#'any cruelties$@-Th#y ha$# %orrow#d om# %ook on th# #"ond wor&d warome *oo!s$-War a&way (r#ad d#ath and mi#ry;eath and misery$

    -Th#y wi&& how a n#w do"!m#ntary on T. tonight3 new documentary$-Caro& o#r#d m# a &it hom#&$..3 lift home$..D-H#r (ar#nt ha$# (romi#d h#r a n#w "ar i h# (a# a&& h#r #>amhe$3 new car$..-Th#y wi&& #nd him th# in# %y (ot,e$.The fine$.

    1F-W# had hown th#m th# way hom#< %!t th#y got &otThey$The way home$

    11-Th#y ar# (aying him 1FF (o!nd or th# inormation,e $5ne hundred pounds$14-o! ho!&dn,t ha$# nt him yo!r n#w motor%ik#* H# i a dang#ro! dri$#r,e$>our new motor*i!e$1?-Ar# th#y #&&ing ti"k#t or th# "on"#rt3re tic!ets$

    1@-+o I ha$# to (ay thi %i&& imm#diat#&y;oes this *ill$1-+o# thi "hoo& (#rmit moking&s smo!ing$

    1-Ha$# yo! !#d thi "am#ra %#or#,as this camera$1-+id th# (o&i"#man tak# th# !it"a# o th# (&an#)as the suitcase$1D-How "an th#y grow !"h %ig tomato#,ow can such *ig tomatoes$1-How m!"h ha$# th#y (aid or th#ir n#w &at

    ,ow much has..4F-Wi&& yo!r (ar#nt #nd yo! to a n#w "hoo& n#>t y#ar


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    )ill you$

    41-It i %#&i#$#d that thi (ainting i a mat#r(i#"#This painting..44-It i #>(#"t#d that th# go$#rnm#nt wi&& r#d!"# ta># n#>t y#arThe government..4?-It i #timat#d that "ar a""id#nt "a!#d mor# d#ath than to%a""o d!ring th# &at y#ar?ar accidents$

    4@-It wa tho!ght that many i&&n## w#r# tranmitt#d %y th# air'any illnesses$4-It i known that many (#o( w#r# a% to a$# th# %!i&ding %#or# th# #>(&oion'any people$4-It ha %##n r#(ort#d that no%ody wa in)!r#d9o*ody$PASSI.E .OICE' HA.E GET SO5ETHING +ONE1-Th# wa&& o o!r ho!# &ook dirty 6(aint7)e should$4-Thi dr# i too &ong 6hort#n7>ou could$

    ?-5y "ar #ngin# i making a trang# noi# 6"h#"k7m going to$@-Sara do#n,t &ik# thi "om(!t#r (rogram* Sh# want a n#w on# 6inta&&7ara will$.-H# inih#d hi no$#& &at month* Th#y ha$# )!t (!%&ih#d it 6(!%&ih7,e has ust$-5r E$an i i&& in %#d* On# o h#r n#igh%o!r i wa&king h#r dog or h#r #$#ry day 6wa&k7'rs.Evans is$

    Revision : Relative pronouns---------;efining clauses S 9on-defining clauses SRelatives V preposition

    1)e li!e cereals. )ell6 if they are wholemeal$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. )e li!e cereals%'ichaelangelo was a famous artist. ,e painted the istine ?hapel 'ichaelangelo was $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(& can#t remem*er the person from whom & too! the money & can#t remem*er$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..)e didn#t recognise the people at whom we were loo!ing )e didn#t recognise$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/'y grandparents live in ?4rdo*a. They are school teachers 'y grandparents 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$0'y friend Duis has lived in many exotic countries. ,e wor!s for the government

    'y friend Duis6 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6 $$$$$$& met a *oy. ,e can spea! three languages& met a *oy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.2he always wears designer clothes. They cost a lot.he always wears designer clothes$$$$$$$$$$$$$.."he is the lady to whom we always wavehe is the lady$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1This is the wall into which the car crashedThis is the wall$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.11'adonna is a popular pop singer and actress. he was *orn in the A3'adonna 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1%N8uernicaO was painted *y icasso. &t is permanently exhi*ited in 'adridN8uernicaO 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$..


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    TotalRevisionR#(ort th# tat#m#nt'-N& don#t feel very wellO Rowena saidRowena said$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.-Nm going to go home at lunchtimeO ,e said,e said$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-N)e can#t repair your motor*i!e this afternoonO The mechanic said

    The mechanic told me$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-N5ur *us didn#t come until half past nineO The students explainedThe students explained that$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    R#(ort th# !#tion'-N)hy are you waiting here+O )e as!ed the photographers)e as!ed the photographers$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.-N)hich restaurant did you go to with your cousins+O 'y father as!ed me and my sister'y father as!ed us$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-N,as the press ever pu*lished untrue stories a*out you+O The interviewer as!ed the actressThe interviewer as!ed the actress$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    R#(ort th# ord#r< ad$i"#0*'-N;on#t drin! this can of *eerO he warnedhe warned me$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-N8et to the concert early N & advised aul& advised aul$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-N)e should catch this train tomorrow morningO 'y father insisted'y father insisted$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.-N& arrived at the Danguage lesson lateO ,e apologised to the form teacher,e apologised$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    S!gg#tion'-N)hy don#t we meet at the Expo avilion+O,ow a*out$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    In$itation'-)ould you li!e to go to a party next wee!end+,ow$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Conditiona& #nt#n"#'-he remem*ered Emily#s *irthday *ecause Gate reminded her&f Gate hadn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-Ro*ert passed his exams *ecause he wor!ed hardRo*ert wouldn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-&f you don#t write the address clearly6 your letter won#t *e delivered to the right personAnless$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    A"ti$# and (ai$# #nt#n"#'-Three of my paintings have *een *ought *y my friends'y friends$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-They are filming one scene here next wee!5ne scene$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    -They gave 'adame ?urie The 9o*el riCe for ?hemistry in 1"11'adame ?urie$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216


    The 9o*el riCe for ?hemistry$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-The hairdresser cuts Rachel#s hair a*out twice a yearRachel has$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    Pr##r#n"#'-d prefer to play foot*all next wee! if you don#t mindd rather$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    5oda& $#r%'-m sure that &stam*ul is an exciting city&stam*ul$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-erhaps & won#t ta!e a gap year after finishing school&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.-&f & were you & would eat lots of fruit to stay healthy>ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$->ou aren#t allowed to ta!e photographs in the ReIna ofIa>ou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    Pat Ha%it'

    -'y mum would tell me stories every night'y mum$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Pr##nt Ha%it'-Tom usually dances much when he goes to a discoTom is$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    +#ining "&a!#'-3ll my family get together at ?hristmas?hristmas is a time$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    Non-d#ining "&a!#'-'y grandparents# house is in De4n. 'y mother was *orn there'y grandparents# house 6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..6 $$$$$$$$$$$

    Sin"#'-Tom plays the saxo. ,e *egan last 'archTom$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    9or9!t!r# orm'-This is your first visit to 3merica>ou are$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    Pr##nt (#r#"t'-& last saw you in %/&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    TooEno!gh'-ally wasn#t old enough to get marriedally was$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.-The ice was too soft for us to s!ate onThe ice wasn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


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    SoS!"h'-The day was so sunny that they only wanted to *e in the swimming pool&t was$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    +#(it#A&tho!gh'-;espite having wor!ed for the same company for a long time6 he was dismissed

    3lthough he$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..-Though he has got a fortune6 he lives in a modest house&n spite$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    5oda& $#r%'-& am certain they are foreigners. They spea! with a funny accentThey$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-& am sure she is not your grandmother6 she loo!s too younghe$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-erhaps this picture is a icassoThis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    -)e should leave soon6 the roads will *e *usy)e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    Pat ha%it'-'y grandfather would go fishing every wee!end when he was younger'y grandfather$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Pr##nt ha%it '-eter usually sings much when he is in a Garao!eeter is$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    +#ining "&a!#'-They have invented a new shampoo. &t cures *aldnessThe new shampoo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Non J d#ining "&a!#'-The shop is in a shopping centre. & *ought my mo*ile phoneThe shop 6 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 6 $$$$$$$

    Sin"#'-'y '( stopped wor!ing yesterday and still doesn#t wor!'y '( hasn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    9!t!r#'-;o you intend to write a new novel next summer+3re you$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+

    Pr##nt (#r#"t'-'y dad last had a o* two months ago'y dad hasn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..


    -The cardigan was too wet to *e ta!en from the clothes lineThe cardigan wasn#t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


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    SoS!"h'-The o* was so dangerous that he was paid an extra salary&t was$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

    +#(it#A&tho!gh'-&n spite of the fact that & had put two lumps of sugar in my coffee6 it was still *itter3lthough$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
