Ektron UX office hours

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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A review of the UX Design process During a Developer Office Hours at Ektron


Gorilla Design Team

Goals and Sketching


First Click Tests

Where would you click if you wanted to begin editing content on this page?

Test 1

Test 2

Where would you click to see what actions you can take for this piece ofcontent?

Where would you click if you wanted to begin modifying the layout of this

PageBuilder page?

Would you consider this experience to be improved over your current Ektron implementation?

Test 1

Test 2

User Acceptance Tests

User: Kevin

• Edit in Context– Directed to page and told to edit… immediately clicked

on the switch to edit. Moved mouse trying to find silver access point and noticed border… Clicked in it and selected text he wanted to delete (I believe thinking he was within Aloha) then noticed menu icon in the corner… Clicked on that to get the edit options.

• General– When asked about 9 he said so far very nice.

Mentioned the inspector was interesting, a little more like working in dreamweaver.

Piece that went to the most changes?

U + I Feedback program
