El ratón Tiffu

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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Pequeño cuento ilustrado, escrito en inglés debido a que su destino era mi clase de inglés. Está adaptado para niños con discapacidades psíquicas severas por medio del lenguaje "arasaac"


Text and illustrationsDaniel San Miguel Cid


ArasaacEspecial language for mentally-handicapped Childs. It is property of “Xunta de Aragón” used with non profit.

Tiffú, The Mouse

Hi, I`m Tiffú the mouse, and I am very Hungry.

I love the fruit. I buy some oranges on a fruiterer’s

I love eat, a great plate of strawbe-rries with some cream.

My favourite fruit is the watermelon.It´s great!

I like lemon juice. It`s so sweet with sugar.

In Summer, I go to the beach, and I love to eat a fantastic coconut.

Come with me my little friend!.I´m Tiffú the Mouse, and side by side, we live a great adventure with the fruits.