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Steve Fahrenkrog

President Elect

Glen Keppy

Vice President

Jeff Helms

Vice President Elect

Dennis Peterson


Steve Fahrenkrog


Greg Schaapveld

Past President -


Steve Suiter

Board Members


Marcia Brandt

Jerry Coussens

Lorraine Lynch

Lori Rochau


Chris#ne Garrow

Rich Golinghorst

Gene Meyer

Patrick Olsen

Execu$ve Secretary

Dennis Peterson Dennis.peterson1@gmail.com


Vol. 43 No, 02 www.northsco.rotary.org; E-mail NSRotary@aol.com January 14, 2015

Eldridge / Davenport, Iowa

Brian Ritter

Brian Ritter is the Executive Director of Nahant Marsh and the

Program Director for Conservation Technology through the

Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC) and the Advanced

Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC). He

teaches EICC courses on site and uses Nahant preserve as an

outdoor classroom. Brian has overseen operations at Nahant

Marsh since 2007 and has created and sustained several envi-

ronmental education programs, biological research projects,

and natural resource management practices. Brian has his Mas-

ter of Science degree in public health and the equivalent of a

second Master’s in biology. He lives on a small farm in west Davenport and his hobbies

include biking, paddling, gardening, cooking, camping, and fishing.

Dear North Scott Rotary Members,

Last year I was personally effected by the kindness and generosity that your organization displays every

day. I just want to say, thank you.

You see, last year I was honored to receive one of your college scholarships, which helped me to attend

the college of my dreams. Since I had heard of the University of Notre Dame and visited it during my sen-

ior year of high school, I knew that God was pulling me in that direction. I have only been in school one

semester, and it, honestly, still feels like a dream. I hope it always does. Thank you for making this dream,

this goal, this hope possible.

In my first semester of college I have already been brought to my knees in worship and awe at the Grot-to and Basilica on campus, found a way to contribute to this world by participating in a group known as Foodshare which takes left-over food from the dining hall to the homeless shelter in South Bend, joined a gospel choir known as Voices of Faith, a completely new experience for me, but one that has already changed me for the better and given me a second family. I have participated in a protest, survived mid-terms and finals (with lots of caffeine and prayers), discovered my faith anew through a Theology class and Bible study, learned how to swing dance, learned how to curl; I have lost my voice screaming at foot-ball games, participated in a Poetry Slam with an original poem and have sat for hours with friends in a dining hall that looks like Hogwarts and even danced in that same dining hall. I have found a family. One within my dorm where we have crafts night every Thursday, where we watch movies together, go apple picking together, we decorate the hall for Christmas (and we went all out this year), and even wear matching onesies. But I have also found a family outside my dorm. I truly believe that God has already placed friends in my life who will always be there and whom I am honored to know. More importantly though, this college has, and continues to give me an opportunity to actively search out who I am and how I'm going to live for God. None of this would have been possible without you. So, thank you. Thank you for all the scholarships you have given throughout the years, because I know I am, by far, not the only young college student you have helped. Thank you again and God Bless You all, Stephanie Konrady


North Scott Rotary Serves

North Sco/ Rotary Trivia

Becky Bray and the Membership Commi.ee created a fun

and informa#ve program for all of us. Trivia ques#ons

were given to the team members of Steve’s (Fahrenkrogs)

Stooges, and Glen’s (Keppy) Groupies. Without the help

from the rest of the membership, many of the ques#ons

would not have been answered.

It was fun for all.

Picture by Bill Tubbs

Gods Mercy Orphanage Center Christmas Celebra#on From Food Prepara#on, singing, dancing, sweet beverages, gi>s, and a feeling overall of great Joy, This Holi-

day was made much brighter and happier thanks to the involvement and generosity of many members of

North Sco. Rotary . School will start again in a couple of weeks, a>er the Summer break, with a sigh of relief

by its founders and teachers. Gra#tude because the future of so many of the students is helped along in

their educa#on process. If you want more informa#on, contact Merle Anderson or Dennis Peterson.

Governor, Rotary District 6000

John Ockenfels, Iowa City, IA

Ass’t Governor

Doug Peterson, Be.endorf, IA

Monday, Noon.......................... Clinton, Rastrelli’s Restaurant, Lyons Monday, Noon.................. Davenport Outing Club, 2109 N. Brady St. Monday, 12:10 pm ........ Muscatine, Hotel Muscatine 101 W. Miss Dr Monday, 12:15 pm ...Moline, Trinity Lutheran Church 1313 13th Ave Monday, 6:00 pm ...... Quad Cities Illinois, Hy Vee 42nd Ave, Moline Tuesday, 7:15 am .. River Cities, Brothers Restaurant, Rapids City, IL Tuesday, noon ................................ Rock Island, QC Botanical Center Wednesday Noon ............................ Bettendorf, Tanglewood Pavilion Wednesday, Noon ................................ Tipton, 1143 Cedar Valley Rd Wednesday, 4:30 pm ..... Ridgecrest, 4134 Northwest Blvd, Davenport Thursday, 7:00 am ..................... Iowa Quad Cities, J-Bar Elmore Ave. Thursday, 12:15 pm...... East Moline, Christ United Methodist Church Thursday, Noon ..................................... Milan, Pinnacle Country Club

Friday Noon ......................... North Scott, Steeplegate Inn, Davenport.

Friday, January 16: 11:00 A.M. Board of Directors meet-ing at the Steeplegate. Friday, January 16: Program: Brian Ritter, Executive Di-rector of Nahant Marsh, Davenport. Rich Horst, Host. Induction of new member Lawrence (Lonnie) Behnke by Dr. Anita Wubbena. Friday, January 16: 3:00 P.M. Auction Committee Meet-ing at the Jersey Grille. Room to the immediate left, inside front door. Any member is welcome; you don’t have to be on the committee! Sat.-Sunday, January 17-18: Youth Exchange Winter Retreat. Christian Conference Center, Newton, IA Friday, January 23: Program: Ian Scott and Andy Green, District Executives of Illowa Council, Boy Scouts of America. Scott Case, Host. Friday, January 24: Special Olympics Basketball Skills. North Scott High School. Opening Ceremonies 8:30 AM. Skills at 9:00 Friday, January 30: Program: Dr. Louis M. Katz, M.D. Infectious Disease Specialist. Bill Tubbs, Host. Friday, February 6: Program: Alex Bare and Anna Dengler: North Scott Students who attended RYLA camp. Paul Seelau, Host. February Birthdays celebrated. Junior Rotarians present. Friday, February 13: Valentine Function at the Steeple-gate. Friday, February 20: Program to be arranged by Rev. Rich Pokora Friday, February 20: 3:00 P.M. Auction Committee Meeting. Location to be determined.

December 12: Pat DeLuca: Rotary EClub December 24: Keith Mattke: Mini Meet at Rustic Ridge January 5: Merle Anderson: Sunset Rotary Club of Tucson, AZ January 7: Donn Wilmott and Jerry Coussens: Mini Meet at Rustic Ridge January 9: Patrick Olsen, Cody Allen, Becky Bray, Charlie Jones, Lori Rochau, Marcia Brandt, Jeff Helms, Rich Goling-horst, Gene Meyer, Glen Keppy, Dennis Peterson, Greg Schaapveld, Jerry Coussens, Lorraine Lynch: Mini Board Meeting January 12: Elza Sager: Classification Committee January 13: Tricia Kane: Rotary EClub

January 16: Set up/tear down: Deb Peterson; Greeters: Lori Rochau and Dick Cole; Song Leader: Angela Reese; Piano: Tewanta Dover; Invocation: Rev. Rich Pokora; Sergeant: Anita Wubbena January 23: Set up/tear down: Loren Rickard; Greeters: Car-olyn Scheibe and Chris Connolly; Song Leader: Paul Holzworth; Piano: Cathie Strieter; Invocation: Jim Koehler; Sergeant: Cody Allen January 30: Set up/tear down: Glen Keppy; Greeters: Jack Schinckel and Andy Green; Song Leader: Paul Holzworth; Piano: Marguerite Holzworth; Invocation: John Pheiffer; Ser-geant: Jeff Ashcraft February 6: Set up/tear down: Patrick Olsen; Greeters: Paul Seelau and Todd Gullickson; Song Leader: Scott Case; Pi-ano: Cathie Strieter; Invocation: Jan Trimble; Sergeant: Pat-rick Olsen

Rotary Interna$onal President

Gary Huang, Taiwan RC

Make ups available at nearby Rotary Clubs





LAST MEETING – January 9, 2015—North Scott Rotary Quiz Bowl The team of Steve’s Stooges: Eric, Kim and Lori were the winners (by a close margin) over Glen’s Groupies: Ryan, Jan and Brad in the North Scott Rotary Quiz Bowl. Becky and Charlie had prepared a lot of Rotary related questions for the contestants. (See picture elsewhere). The win-ners each received a “Pay Day” and the second place team a “Snicker”. Glen Keppy presided over the meeting in Steve’s absence. New member, Brian Williams was inducted, by Charlie Jones. His sponsor is Bill Tubbs. More info about Brian will be printed next week. January birthdays were celebrated; $5 was collected for cake. Ryan Varner was the ser-geant and collected $18 in fines. Nancy Dalton (our server) thanked the club for her generous Holi-day tip, collected at the last meeting in December.

The 4 Way Test Of the things we THINK SAY or DO

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?




PO Box 52 Eldridge, IA 52748 NorScottarian (USPS 339-290) is published weekly except the weeks of July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas and New Year’s, for $5 per year by the Rotary Club of North Scott, PO Box 52, Eldridge, IA 52748. Periodicals postage paid at Eldridge, IA 52748 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NorScottarian, PO Box 52, Eldridge, IA 52748

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