Eleanor Cippel: Sales for online news publishers

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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From The Patterson Foundation's BlockbyBlock 2012 indie online news summit. Eleanor Cippel runs sales at EW Scripps. Here Cippel shares how to close the deal. To see a video and read more visit www.blockbyblock.us .


Sales and Business Development

Cold Calls

Needs Analysi









Sales and Business Development Structuring Sales Activity

Effective Sales Process

Retain the Business

Overall Tactics for Success

The Secret Sauce for Sales Success is…






Sales Activity

What are the activities that make up an ideal sales day?

Critical Sales ActivitiesNew Business


In-person/Telephone Prospecting

Pre-call Planning

Needs Analysis Meetings

Idea Generation & Strategizing

Presentations to Prospects

Account Development

Current Client Calls


Campaign Iteration

Creative Redesign, Swaps and Promotional Creative Strategy

Presentations to Grow Revenue


Account Management

Contact Management

Procuring Testimonials

Presentation Development

Business/Industry Trends


Top sellers make every

minute of every

day count.

What is the schedule that makes up an ideal sales day?

Sales Activity Everyday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:00 In office 8-8:15 Sales training8:15-9:30 EmailVoice mailCRM input9:30-4:30 Field Calls- 3 sales calls- 2 current client calls- 10 cold calls

8:00 In office 8-8:15 Sales training8:15-9:30 EmailVoice mailCRM input9:30-11:00 Power Hour11:00-4:30 Field Calls- 3 sales calls- 2 current client calls- 10 cold calls

8:00 In office 8-8:15 Sales training8:15-9:30 EmailVoice mailCRM input9:30-4:30 Field Calls- 3 sales calls- 2 current client calls- 10 cold calls

8:00 In office 8-8:15 Sales training8:15-9:30 EmailVoice mailCRM input9:30-3:30 Field Calls- 3 sales calls- 2 current client calls- 10 cold calls

3:30-5:00 Power Hour

8:00 In office 8-8:15 Sales training8:15-9:30 Email, VM, CRM9:30-3:30 Field Calls- 3 sales calls- 2 current client calls- 10 cold calls

3:30-5:00 Sales Meeting- Cover the numbers- Monthly projections- Celebrate weekly wins-Address any issues

10,3,2 = 10 Cold Calls, 3 Sales Calls , 2 Current Client Calls

Simple Sales Activity Summary

180 Dials a week - Selling the appointment

10 cold call door knocks. Used to gather info, build your database makes the phone calls warm.

3 Sales calls per day (15 per week) In pursuit of business, needs analysis and proposal appointments

2 Current client calls a day (10 per week) quick follow up to report, iterate, check in on results and measure/manage expectations

3 Referrals per month

3 Testimonials per month

Work the Activity Numbers

15 sales calls per week (3 a day) x

20% close (minimum) =

3 contracts x

4 weeks =

12 contracts x

Average or minimum contract amount =

High Growth and BIG Money

The Numbers

15 sales calls w/ 20% close rate

3 deals a week = 12 deals per month

An average sale of $250 per month annualized = $3000 per year

12 deals per month at $3000 per year = $36,000 in gross contract value

12 months of consistent sales activity = $36,000 x 12 = $432,000 in gross contract sales

What does this really mean?

Year 2 = monthly $36,000 per month in actual revenue!

Reverse Engineer Commission Earnings With Your Reps

Help them see the path to earning $

Ask them to determine their personal earnings goal for the next 12 months

Reverse engineer the number back based on commission paid each month to determine what they have to sell to get there

Have them design their 100 day plan to take action and get there

Consistent Sales Activities

Set the expectation with sellers for full throttle sales activity

Provide the structure and measurement for success from the start

You set the structure for: Power Hour Cold calls Sales calls Client calls Admin work Training and Team time

Manage the numbers, Mange the numbers, Manage the numbers!

For Sales Progress




Realize We All Sell Everyday and You Are Able to Sell!

HOW you sell is just as important as WHAT you sell

Types of Sellers

Product or Feature Seller ~ All about me and my product

Price Seller ~ Leads with cost, highlights the deal.

Relationship Seller - ~ Relies on personality, charm and shared interests.

Consultative Seller – The Trusted Advisor- ~ Determines need, matches solution and provides advertising advice and expertise.


Why the Emphasis on Consultative Selling?

Competitive Media Landscape in Your Market



Yellow pages

Direct mail

Internet solutions




Relationship management

Email marketing

Lead generation

Business owners are constantly being called on by sales reps. Why would they choose you?

Business Owner Defensive vs. Seller Credibility

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being high…

Your Credibility The Business Owners Defensive

For the Price Seller – The price has no perceived value For the Product Seller –The product has no perceived valueFor the Relationship Seller - the relationship has no perceived value!

The Effective Sales Process

By successfully matching advertising solutions with the business owner’s needs

The Goal of a sales Call is to Make a Sale…

1. Ask the right questions to understand business needs and objectives.

2. Do a little homework to understand the business and industry

3. Be an an expert on all of their advertising solutions

4. Develop the right combination of ideas and solutions to help them achieve their goals

5. Understand how advertising works when it works and help advise accordingly

To Make The Right Kind of Sale Reps Must:

Asking The Right Questions

Look for opportunities to ask questions that are both Specific & Significant

What do they sell

Who do they sell to

What buying factors their potential customers “Care About” when considering which company to choose

(USP) Why would they be the best choice for their products or services?

Precall Planning - Quickly Learn About the Business or Industry

Specific and Significant Questions

With Specific, Significant, Closed-ended - The prospect will respond (95% of the time) This alllows you the opportunity to successfully transition to the

Needs Analysis most of the time

Keys Insights from a Successful Needs Analysis Understand how to properly “Promote”

their business

The buying factors their potential customers “Care About”

Identify the Opportunity/Gap based on the businesses’ capabilities and capacity

Establish specific business needs/objectives

Campaign Intent and Desired Result



Direct Response

Getting to Yes

Develop and present specific solutions that will solve the advertisers needs and objectives

Gain agreement throughout the proposal

Sell to ensure retention, pointing back to the specific business needs and objectives uncovered in the needs analysis

Use their words in the creative, in the presentation and in the approach

Tips to Close

Steal Share – Are you the dominant media player? Take a piece of the pieCompliment sale rather competitively sell

This is a sales call, not a date, ask for the order

Assume the close

Use the creative concept design to gain agreement

… …


Sell the business and then keep it!

Consistent Contact and Value After the Sale

Retention begins before the Sale Closes1. Start with the right questions to understand

business needs and objectives.

2. Develop the right combination of ideas and solutions to help them achieve their goals

3. Find the Opportunity/Gap based on the businesses’ capabilities and capacity

4. Establish an expectation of ad campaign and strategy iteration campaign and adjustment for best results

5. Know the intent of the ad campaign (branding, targeting direct response)

The 2…4… Sell Program

Designed to support and reinforce your sales

Increases advertiser retention, satisfaction and results

High touch with advertisers until recommendations have yielded success

Earning the right to ask for more $

2,4, Sell Approach Post-sale Strategy: The 2… 4… Sell! Model

Week 2

Week 4

Week 6

Week 8

Week 10

Week 12




Rapport Reinforce


Week 6






Sell or


Sell or


Sell or


The R’s to Retention

Rapport- Build a bond of mutual trust around meeting your advertiser’s needs.

Reinforce- After the sale, restate the specific business benefits of the program.

Resell- If retention is at risk, go back to the NA.

Report- Metrics, performance, and actions

Recalibrate- Adjusting the campaign to meet expectations through audience, creative, placement or product.

Referral- A recommendation for your services to another business.

Tips to Retaining the Business

Change the Dang Creative!!!

Be Proactive, plan, take them suggestions and ideas

Get in Front of it, know what they are doing at what time of year, merchandise drives, specials and events etc.

Consider their full media campaign – remember how advertising works when it works

Talk about the results

The Needs Analysis never ends - continue to look at the business through the lens of their customer and use every opportunity to dig in for understanding

Change the Dang Creative!!!

Change the Dang Creative!!!
