ELECTION OF 1800 -Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie for President (vs. Adams/Pinckney) -both are...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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-Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie for President (vs. Adams/Pinckney)

-both are Democratic-Republicans

-Tie broken in Jefferson’s favor

• Hamilton convinces House to vote for Jefferson

- Future problems avoided with 12th Amendment

• Added in 1804 to prevent ties

• Separate vote for Pres/VP

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr

After losing to Jefferson in the election of 1800, Aaron Burr needed to revive his failing

political career. Shortly thereafter, Burr read unflattering

remarks made about him by Alexander Hamilton, his longtime political enemy. Burr, hoping for publicity, challenged Hamilton to

a duel.

Usually, after a challenge was made, differences were resolved

peacefully. But Hamilton and Burr did not reconcile. On the morning of July 11, 1804, they threw dice

to see who would fire first. Hamilton won but fired into the

air. Burr then shot his opponent in the stomach, and Hamilton died

the next day.

Burr was charged with murder but fled before he was brought to

trial. In 1806, he became involved in a failed plot to annex Mexico.

Charged with treason, Burr fled to Europe but later returned to New York and practiced law until his



-1st peaceable transfer of political power from one party to another in modern government

-Federalists to Dem.-Republicans

• No violence in transfer of power

-Jefferson’s philosophy brought to the White House and Democratic-Republican Congress

laissez-faire government

• Jefferson promises a small gov. with a hands-off approach

• Wants to reduce size of federal government

“Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle,…We are

all Republicans, we are all Federalists.”

~Thomas Jefferson’s 1st Inaugural


-Midnight Judges appointed

• Adams wants to leave behind Federalist judges

• Appoints judges right before leaving office

-Jefferson refused to recognized judges

• Didn’t force Madison to deliver appointment to Marbury

-Marbury v. Madison

• Marbury sues Madison to get Court to enforce appointment

John Adams & William Marbury (Federalists)

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

(Democratic Republicans)


-John Marshall is Chief Justice of Supreme Court

• Marshall ruled against Marbury, saying the Court cannot make orders to Executive Branch

-case declares part of Judiciary Act unconstitutional

-Establishes principle of Judicial Review

Court can declare laws to be unconstitutional

• Power of courts to determine whether laws follow Constitution

Chief Justice

John Marshall

The Barbary Wars

Thomas Jefferson and his Agrarian Dream


-Louisiana Purchase (1803)

• US wants mouth of Mississippi River for trade

• Jefferson bought Louisiana from France for $15 million

• Jefferson debates deal – strict constructionist

• Doubled the size of the U.S., as well as the national debt


- Lewis and Clark Expedition

• To explore the Louisiana Purchase

• Main purposes were to find a Northwest water route to Pacific and to study resources on land

- Sacajawea

• Native woman who helped Lewis and Clark by serving as a tracker, translator, and guide

Significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Thomas Jefferson’s popularity during his first term in office got him reelected by an overwhelming majority in the Election of 1804.


-Indian Conflicts

• Settlers moving West and pushing natives off their land

- unfair treaties American settlers not

upholding promises made to natives-

Tecumseh’s League Group of natives led by Tecumseh

Ready to attack American settlers, aided by British

“White people…have driven us from the great salt water, forced us over the mountains,

and would shortly push us into the lakes. But we are

determined to go no farther. The only way to stop this evil is for all red men to unite.”



- Battle of Tippecanoe (1811-Madison’s Term)

• Tecumseh’s men set up here

- William Henry Harrison

• Governor of Indiana who attacked Tecumseh’s League at Tippecanoe before they could attack him

• Shatters Native American morale

In November 1811, while Tecumseh was absent, his

brother and aid led the Shawnee in an attack on Harrison and his

troops near Tippecanoe. Harrison struck back and burned the

Shawnee capital to the ground. Harrison’s victory, known as the Battle of Tippecanoe, made him a

national hero.


-US neutrality between Britain and France???

Needed trade with both sides

• Jay’s Treaty expired

• War among European nations

-British began impressment of sailors

• Making American sailors fight for the British Navy

• British attack U.S. ship

Impressment of American sailors into the Royal British



-Jefferson gets Embargo Act passed to cut off trade; hurts U.S. business more than Europe

• Angry about attacking American ships; will not trade with anyone

• Ruins Jefferson’s presidency

• Congress repealed in 1809

-War Hawks emerge

• Want to begin war with British

• Henry Clay/John C. Calhoun

Possibility of gaining lands

Revenge for helping Indians

“Mr. President, if you know what is good for your future welfare you will

take off the embargo that is now such a check upon American

commerce…” ~New England merchant, 1808

“It has paralyzed industry…Our fertile lands are reduced to

sterility. It will drive our seamen into foreign employ, and our

fisherman to foreign sandbanks…It has dried up our revenue.”

~Philip Key, Congressmen