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REQUIRED INFORMATION 1. Current requirements as shown in the undergraduate catalog:

See Attachment 1a and 1b.

2. Proposed new requirements:

See Attachment 2a and 2b

3. Identification of and rationale for the changes:

a. Proposed changes:

(1) Replace ENEE 114 with ENEE 150. (2) Add ENEE 200 as a required course. (3) Relax the constraints on the senior-level non-EE technical electives. (4) Require that at least two elective EE courses be taken from the same specialty area.

b. Rationale:

All of the changes listed above were discussed and approved at an open meeting of the entire departmental

faculty. The changes have been made to conform to ABET accreditation issues and to take into account modern trends in the preparation of high school students and the diversity of the employment opportunities of our alumni.

c. Detailed Summary:

(1) The current ENEE 114 includes many topics which are familiar to students who have taken courses in programming (such as AP Java), but can be very challenging to students who have limited back-ground in that area. To better serve both constituencies, we propose the creation of a two-course se-quence, ENEE 140 (not counting towards the EE degree) followed by ENEE 150. The latter course would replace ENEE 114 in the EE curriculum. A placement exam will be given to students who wish to take ENEE 150. This exam will be waived for anyone who has a grade of 3 or higher on the JAVA AP Exam. ENEE 140 is a two credit course, whereas ENEE 150 is a 3 credit course. This is one credit less than the course it is replacing (ENEE 114), because we have taken out some material that is now typically covered in high school. This material has been moved into ENEE 140 for the students who have not been exposed to it.

(2) ENEE 200 has been developed to help meet ABET requirements and to give our students a more in-depth exposure to the interrelations between engineering and society and the roles that ethics and re-sponsibility play in the professional lives of electrical and computer engineers. It has been approved as a CORE IE course and as such it (i) is open to all university students and (ii) the total number of required credits for the EE degree is unaffected by this change.

(3) The current requirements include nine credits which must be taken from a list of approved non-EE technical electives. Courses not on the list do not count towards the degree unless a special excep-tion is made. The new requirement allows these courses to be taken from a range of departments unless a course appears on a list of classes which is specifically prohibited from being counted to-wards a degree. Any 400-level course which uses the following prefixes and is not on the list of prohibited classes can be used to fulfill this nine credit requirement: AMSC, BCHM, BIOE, BSCI, CHEM, CMSC, ENAE, ENCE, ENCH, ENEE, ENES, ENFP, ENMA, ENME, ENNU, ENRE, MATH, PHYS, and STAT, In particular, this means that electrical engineering classes can be used to fulfill this requirement. Upper level courses which do not begin with the prefixes in the list above may be approved by the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education in ECE on a case-by-case ba-sis to fulfill this requirement if they are determined to be connected by a theme which is consistent with the student’s stated professional goals. A list of the courses that are excluded from satisfying this requirement is given in Attachment 2b.

(4) This requirement is intended to ensure that students are receiving sufficient depth in their senior elective EE courses as mandated by ABET. There are five such required courses and six technical areas, so this requirement will have little impact on students. See Attachment 2b for details.

4. A sample program under the proposed requirements:

See Attachment 2a. Change (1) will require that one section of ENEE 140 be taught every Fall semester (and perhaps during the summer or winter terms as well). Change (2) will require that one section of ENEE 200 be taught every semester (and perhaps during the summer or winter terms as well). ENEE 200 is currently being taught and there are adequate resources to teach ENEE 140 according to the proposed schedule. There are no other changes to the normal course offerings that are required to implement these new requirements.

5. Chart showing timetable of course implementation:

See attachment 3 6. New Courses:

ENEE 200 was approved by VPAC and has been approved as a CORE IE course. ENEE 140 and ENEE 150 are currently being considered by VPAC. ENEE 150 has been taught in a pilot form as ENEE 159A in the past.

7. Deleted Requirements:

ENEE 114 will be phased out according to Attachment 3. Any course which currently has ENEE 114 as a pre-requisite will be modified to have ENEE 150 as a prerequisite course.

8. Other departments impacted by change: No other departments are impacted by the proposed changes.

9. Students enrolled in the program prior to the curriculum change:

Students enrolled in the Electrical Engineering degree program prior to the start of the new curriculum will be given the option to complete their degree either under the old requirements or the new requirements*. The change could affect students presently enrolled at community colleges. Assuming that the new curriculum changes are implemented for the incoming Fall 2008 freshman class, the articulated agreements for the ENEE 114 equivalent courses will be accepted for transfer students up until (but not including) the Fall 2009 semester. As part of the MHEC initiative to create an associate two-year (ASE) degree in engineering, all local commu-nity colleges have already been made aware of these proposed changes and have been given the new syllabi for the proposed courses. This ASE development process has opened a new regular line of communication be-tween the University of Maryland and these colleges and these communication lines will be utilized to smooth the transition from ENEE 114 to ENEE 150. *This means the new requirements for the senior elective courses ( (3) and (4)) and/or for ENEE 150 (1), i.e. ei-ther ENEE 114 or ENEE 150 will be accepted for current students. Current students will be encouraged, but not required to take ENEE 200 (2), even if they elect to graduate under the remainder of the new requirements.


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Sample Graduation Plan† for Old Curriculum

FIRST YEAR Semester I II CHEM 135 General Chemistry 3 PHYS 161 General Physics 3 MATH 140/141 Calculus I/II 4 4 ENES 100 Intro/Eng. Design 3 ENEE 114 Programming Concepts for Engineers 4 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 3 Total Credits 13 14 SOPHOMORE YEAR MATH 241 Calculus III 4 MATH 246 Differential Equations 3 PHYS 260 & 261 General Physics II 4 PHYS 270 & 271 General Physics III 4 ENEE 241 Numerical Techniques in Engineering 3 ENEE 244 Digital Logic Design 3 ENEE 204 Basic Circuit Theory 3 ENEE 206 Digital and Circuits Lab 2 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 3 Total Credits 17 15 JUNIOR YEAR MATH 4xx* Advanced Elective Math 3 ENEE 303 Analog and Digital Electronics 3 ENEE 307 Electronics Circuits Design Lab 2 ENEE 313 Intro. to Device Physics 3 ENEE 322 Signal and System Theory 3 ENEE 324 Engineering Probability 3 ENEE 350 Computer Organization 3 ENEE 380 Electromagnetic Theory 3 ENEE 381 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 3 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 Total Credits 14 15 SENIOR YEAR Technical Electives NON-EE technical Electives 3 6 Technical Electives EE Electives 7 6 ENGL393 Junior English 3 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 3 Total Credits 16 15 † The minimum number of credits required to earn a degree is 120 credits. * Must come from the list of course approved for the Non-EE Technical Elective Requirement. ‡ NOTE: Schedule assumes one CORE class satisfies the CORE Cultural Diversity requirement.

Old Curriculum Attachment 1a


Electrical Engineering Majors

Old EE Technical Elective Requirements

Effective Spring 2001, all BSEE graduates must distribute their 13 credits of EE techni-cal electives among the following course categories:

Category A. Advanced Theory and Applications: minimum of 3 credits Category B. Advanced Laboratory: minimum of 2 credits Category C. Capstone Design: minimum of 3 credits

Please read carefully, and make a note of, the following special cases and other items: 1. Two credits of ENEE 499, Senior Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering, may be

used to satisfy the Advanced Laboratory requirement subject to approval by the faculty su-pervisor and the Associate Chair. The maximum number of ENEE 499 credits that may be applied towards EE technical elective requirements is five.

2. Additional Capstone Design courses can be used as substitutes for

• the required Advanced Theory and Applications course; and/or • the required Advanced Laboratory course, provided one of the following is completed:

ENEE 408A, 408B, 408C, or 408F. 3. Completion of ENEE 408A and ENEE 459A satisfies both the Capstone Design and Ad-

vanced Laboratory requirements. 4. If you have any questions about how these requirements affect your current selection of sen-

ior EE electives, please contact an advisor.

Old EE elective requirements Attachment 1b


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Sample Graduation Plan† for New Curriculum

FIRST YEAR Semester I II CHEM 135 General Chemistry 3 PHYS 161 General Physics 3 MATH 140/141 Calculus I/II 4 4 ENES 100 Intro/Eng. Design 3 ENEE 150 Programming Concepts for Engineers 3 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 3 Total Credits 13 13 SOPHOMORE YEAR MATH 241 Calculus III 4 MATH 246 Differential Equations 3 PHYS 260 & 261 General Physics II 4 PHYS 270 & 271 General Physics III 4 ENEE 241 Numerical Techniques in Engineering 3 ENEE 244 Digital Logic Design 3 ENEE 204 Basic Circuit Theory 3 ENEE 206 Digital and Circuits Lab 2 ENEE 200 Society, Ethics, and ECE (CORE IE) 3 CORE‡ General Education Course 3 Total Credits 17 15 JUNIOR YEAR MATH 4xx Advanced Elective Math 3 ENEE 303 Analog and Digital Electronics 3 ENEE 307 Electronics Circuits Design Lab 2 ENEE 313 Intro. to Device Physics 3 ENEE 322 Signal and System Theory 3 ENEE 324 Engineering Probability 3 ENEE 350 Computer Organization 3 ENEE 380 Electromagnetic Theory 3 ENEE 381 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 3 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 Total Credits 14 15 SENIOR YEAR Technical Electives EE Electives 7 6 Technical Electives Free* Technical Electives 3 6 ENGL393 Junior English 3 CORE‡ General Education Courses 3 3 Total Credits 16 15 * Restrictions on the Free Tech and advanced math electives are specified in Appendix 2b. † The minimum number of credits required to earn a degree is 120 credits. ‡ NOTE: Schedule assumes one CORE class satisfies the CORE Cultural Diversity requirement.

New Curriculum Attachment 2a


Electrical Engineering Majors

New EE Technical Elective Requirements*

Effective Fall 2008, all entering BSEE students must:

1. Distribute their 13 credits of EE technical electives among the following course categories:

Category A. Advanced Theory and Applications: minimum of 3 credits Category B. Advanced Laboratory: minimum of 2 credits Category C. Capstone Design: minimum of 3 credits

Note: ENEE 499, Senior Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering, may be used to sat-

isfy either the Category A or the Category B requirement subject to approval by the fac-ulty supervisor and the Associate Chair; it cannot be used as a Category C course. The maximum number of ENEE 499 credits that may be applied towards EE technical elec-tive requirements is five.

2. Distribute their 9 credits of free technical electives as follows:

a. They may be any upper-level course (300 level or higher) from the math, engi-

neering, and basic science disciplines whose courses start with the following pre-fixes and who do not appear on the list of unacceptable courses: AMSC, BCHM, BIOE, BSCI, CHEM, CMSC, ENAE, ENCE, ENCH, ENEE, ENES, ENFP, ENMA, ENME, ENNU, ENRE, MATH, PHYS, and STAT. The current list of courses which do not qualify as free technical electives within this list of course prefixes is given below. The most up-to-date list of these courses will always be maintained on the ECE website and will be distributed to junior and senior-level students along with their other registration materials every semester

b. They may be any upper-level course (300 level or higher) whose prefix is not given in the list above, assuming that the student: (i) completes the application to allow the course to count as a free elective, (ii) demonstrates how this course complements the student’s professional goals, and (iii) receives the signed ap-proval of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education. If more than one course is taken via this option, all of those courses must have a closely-related theme.

3. Have two courses from the same ENEE specialty area. Courses are listed below accord-

ing to specialty areas. If you have any questions about how these requirements affect your current selection of senior EE electives, please contact an advisor.


List of courses which do not count as free electives from the math, engineering, and basic sci-ence areas: Course Semester posted BCHM 386 Fall 2008 BSCI 399 Fall 2008 CHEM 386 Fall 2008 CHEM 395 Fall 2008 ENCE 302 Fall 2008 ENCE 386 Fall 2008 ENCH 386 Fall 2008 ENES 386 Fall 2008 ENFP 429 Fall 2008 ENMA 386 Fall 2008 ENME 350 Fall 2008 ENME 351 Fall 2008 ENME 386 Fall 2008 ENNU 386 Fall 2008 MATH 470 Fall 2008 MATH 478-499 Fall 2008 PHYS 398 Fall 2008 PHYS 399 Fall 2008 PHYS 411 Fall 2008 PHYS 485 Fall 2008 STAT 400 Fall 2008 STAT 401 Fall 2008 STAT 410 Fall 2008


List of courses divided by specialty areas: Electrophysics ENEE 407 Microwave Circuits Laboratory, 2 credits ENEE 408E (formerly ENEE 497): Capstone Design Course: Optical System Design, 3 credits (for EE majors only) ENEE 408J Capstone Design Course: Filter Designs, 3 credits ENEE 480 Fundamentals of Solid State Electronics, 3 credits ENEE 481 Antennas, 3 credits ENEE 482 Design of Active and Passive Microwave Devices, 3 credits ENEE 484 Design of Charged Particle Devices, 3 credits ENEE 486 Optoelectronics Laboratory, 2 credits ENEE 489M Introduction to Magnetic Information Storage Technology, 3 credits ENEE 489Q Quantum Phenomena in Electrical Engineering, 3 credits ENEE 490 Physical Principles of Wireless Communications, 3 Credits ENEE 496 Lasers and Optics, 3 credits Microelectronics ENEE 403 Analog and Digital Electronics II, 3 credits ENEE 408D Capstone Design Course: Mixed Signal VLSI Design, 3 credits ENEE 408J Capstone Design Course: Filter Designs, 3 credits ENEE 416 Integrated Circuit Fabrication Lab, 3 credits ENEE 417 Microelectronics Design Lab, 2 credits Computers ENEE 408A Capstone Design Project: Microprocessor-Based Design, 3 Credits ENEE 408B Capstone Design Project: Digital VLSI Design, 3 credits ENEE 408C Capstone Design Project: Modern Digital System Design, 3 credits ENEE 408D Capstone Design Course: Mixed Signal VLSI Design, 3 credits ENEE 440 Microprocessors, 3 credits ENEE 445 Microcomputer Laboratory, 2 credits ENEE 446 Digital Computer Design, 3 credits ENEE 447 Operating Systems, 3 credits ENEE 450 Discrete Structures, 3 credits ENEE 459A CAD Tools, 1 credit ENEE 459B Introduction to Trustworthy Computing, 3 credit ENEE 459D Data Structures and Algorithms, 3 credits ENEE 459I Principles of Intelligent Computing Models, Design Methods and Applications, 3 credits ENEE 459M Machine Learning, Knowledge Engineering, and Computational Intelligence 3 credits ENEE 459N Neural Network Design and Implementation, 3 credits ENEE 459P Parallel Algorithms, 3 credits ENEE 459Q Pinball Machine Project, 3 credits ENEE 459W Systems on Programmable Chips (SOPC), 3 credits Controls ENEE 408I Capstone Design Course: Control Systems - Building Autonomous Robots for Competition and Cooperation, 3 credit ENEE 460 Control Systems, 3 credits ENEE 461 Control Systems Lab, 2 credits ENEE 462 Systems, Control, and Computation, 3 credits ENEE 463 Digital Control Systems, 3 credits Power ENEE 472 Electric Machines and Actuators, 3 credits ENEE 473 Electric Machines Laboratory, 2 credits ENEE 474 Power Systems, 3 credits ENEE 475 Power Electronics, 3 credits ENEE 476 Power System Stability, 3 credits


Communication & Signal Processing ENEE 408F Capstone Design Course: Communication System Design, 3 credits ENEE 408G Capstone Design Course: Multimedia Signal Processing, 3 credits ENEE 420 Communications Systems, 3 credits ENEE 425 Digital Signal Processing, 3 credits ENEE 426 Communication Networks, 3 credits ENEE 428 Communications Design Lab, 2 credits ENEE 429W Topics in Communications: Indoor Wireless Lab, 2 credits ENEE 434 Introduction to Neural Networks, 3 credits ENEE 435 Introduction to Electrical Processes, Structures and Computing Models of the Brain, 3 credits Classes which could fall under any category, depending on the course content ENEE 488 Directed Study in ECE, 1-3 credits ENEE 498C Capstone II: Advanced Design, 3 credits ENEE 499 Undergraduate Research in ECE, 1-5 credits


Timetable for Course Introduction/Elimination of Courses

The timetable for the introduction of the new courses and the phasing-out of the existing courses appears below. An 'X' indicates the course will be offered during that term. Steady-state has been reached by the year 2010.

Course Transition Old Courses Sp08 Su08 F08W09Sp09Su09 F09 W10Sp10 Su10 F10ENEE114 X - X - - - - - - - - New Courses - - - - - - - - - - - ENEE140 - X X - - X X - - X X ENEE150 - - X - X - X - X - X ENEE200 - - - X - - X X X - X

Attachment 3


University of Maryland Course Proposal Form VPAC log no.: 0831910C Department/Program: ENEE Date initiated: 01/17/08 College/School: ENGR Action: add ACAF log no.: Course Prefix and Number: ENEE140 Transcript Title: Intro Prg Concept for EE

Title: Introduction to Programming Concepts for Engineers

Credits: Minimum 2 Maximum 2 Repeatable to a maximum of 0 if content differs

Hour commitment per week: Lecture: 1 Internship: Discussion: Laboratory: 2 Seminar:

Can this course be waived through an AP exam?Yes

Has this course been approved to fulfill a CORE distribution requirement? No

Grading Method: Regular (R) Formerly: n/a

Prerequisite(s): none

Corequisite(s): none

Recommended course(s): none

Restrictions: For 09090 majors only and departmental permission

Crosslisted with: n/a

Shared with: n/a

Credit will be given for only one of the following courses: n/a

Will this course be offered at another location or through an alternate delivery method?No

Catalog Description: Introduction to the programming environment: editing, compiling, UNIX; data types and variable scope; program selection, formatted/unformatted input/output, repetition, functions, arrays and strings

Reason for proposal/comments: The existing programming course, ENEE 114, will be discontinued and replaced by ENEE 150, which will have ENEE 140 as a prerequisite, or an acceptable AP Java score, or an acceptable grade on a departmental placement exam. This change was driven by the large variation in pro-ramming experience of the incoming freshman classes. g


Course Syllabus: ENEE 140: Introduction to Programming Concepts for Engineer, 2 Credits

Course Description Principles of software development, high level languages, input/output, data types and vari-

ables, operators and expressions, program selection, repetition, functions, arrays, strings, intro-duction to algorithms, software projects, debugging, documentation.

Programs will use the C language under the UNIX environment. Course Objective

A. Learn the programming and software development flow: write program in a high level language (C); compile, debug, and execute under an operating system; and document the program.

B. Learn how to solve real life problems by programming. C. Learn the fundamental data types.

Topics Covered

1. Programming environment: editing, compiling, and basic UNIX concepts 2. Data types and variable scope 3. Program selection (control flow) 4. Formatted input/output 5. Basic file input/output 6. Functions 7. Arrays 8. Strings

Grading Method Grades will be based on a combination of homeworks, quizzes, exams, and projects Prerequisite none Textbook Handouts made available by the instructor, and selected readings from the literature on pro-gramming fundamentals Syllabus Prepared by: Drs. Shuvra Bhattacharyya, Gang Qu, and Donald Yeung


University of Maryland Course Proposal Form VPAC log no.: 0832029A Department/Program: ENEE Date initiated: 02/05/08 College/School: ENGR Action: change ACAF log no.: Type of Change: Credits Grading Method Title Pre/CoRequisite Description Course Prefix and Number: ENEE244 Transcript Title: Digital Logic Design

Title: Digital Logic Design

Credits: Minimum 3 Maximum 3 Repeatable to a maximum of 0 if content differs

Hour commitment per week: Lecture: 3 Internship: Discussion: 1 Laboratory: Seminar:

Can this course be waived through an AP exam?No

Has this course been approved to fulfill a CORE distribution requirement? No

Grading Method: Regular (R) Formerly:

Prerequisite(s): none

Corequisite(s): none

Recommended course(s): none

Restrictions: For 09090 or 09991 majors only. Sophomore standing and permission of department

Crosslisted with:

Shared with:

Credit will be given for only one of the following courses:

Will this course be offered at another location or through an alternate delivery method?No

Catalog Description: The design and analysis of combinational and synchronous sequential systems com-prised of digital logic gates, latches, and flip-flop memory devices (and underlying tools such as switching and Boolean algebras and Karnaugh map simplification). Design and use of decoders, multiplexers, priority encoders, code translators, adders and subtractors, registers, counters, sequence recognizers, and asyn-chronous binary ripple counters. Use of programmable logic arrays (PLAs), read-only memories (ROMS, PROMS), and programmable array logic (PALs). Arbitrary radix conversion; radix- and diminished-radix- complement arithmetic used in the design of arithmetic units.

Reason for proposal/comments: ENEE 114 was previously listed as a prerequisite, but in fact material from that course is not used in ENEE 244. Sophomore standing is a much more effective restriction. Com-

ent: the current online catalog description is terribly wrong.... m


Course Syllabus: ENEE 150: Intermediate Programming Concepts for Engineers, 3 Credits

Course Description Intermediate principles of software development: high level languages; object-oriented de-

sign; documentation; data structures; graphs; dynamic memory allocation; software development for applications in electrical and computer engineering; software development in teams.

Programs will use the C language, as well as the Java or C++ languages. Software develop-ment projects will involve relevant electrical engineering topics, such as analysis of digital and analog circuits; cryptography; bio-informatics; embedded software; game programming; image processing; and wireless sensor networks.

There will be team-based projects and group presentations. Course Objectives

A. Learn how to develop robust and extensible software through effective software engi-neering practices

B. Learn about object-oriented design and complex data structures C. Learn the skills for self-study of other software development concepts in the future

Topics Covered 1. Advanced programming concepts: coding conventions and style, unit testing, separate

compilation and makefiles 2. Pointers 3. Dynamic memory allocation 4. Structures 5. Linked lists 6. Graphs and graph applications 7. Other dynamic data structures 8. Abstract data types 9. Object-oriented design 10. The Unified Modeling language (UML)

Grading Method Grades will be based on a combination of homeworks, quizzes, exams, and projects Prerequisite ENEE 140, or an acceptable AP Java score, or an acceptable grade on a departmental placement exam. Textbooks and other course materials

• P. Sestoft. Java Precisely. MIT Press, second edition, 2005. • B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall, sec-

ond edition, 1988. • Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison Wesley, third edition. 1997. • Course lecture notes and handouts

Syllabus Prepared by: Drs. Shuvra Bhattacharyya, Gang Qu, and Donald Yeung


University of Maryland Course Proposal Form VPAC log no.: 0832029 Department/Program: ENEE Date initiated: 02/05/08 College/School: ENGR Action: change ACAF log no.: Type of Change: Credits Grading Method Title Pre/CoRequisite Description Course Prefix and Number: ENEE244 Transcript Title: Digital Logic Design

Title: Digital Logic Design

Credits: Minimum 3 Maximum 3 Repeatable to a maximum of 0 if content differs

Hour commitment per week: Lecture: 3 Internship: Discussion: 1 Laboratory: Seminar:

Can this course be waived through an AP exam?No

Has this course been approved to fulfill a CORE distribution requirement? No

Grading Method: Regular (R) Formerly:

Prerequisite(s): none

Corequisite(s): none

Recommended course(s): none

Restrictions: Sophomore standing and permission of department

Crosslisted with:

Shared with:

Credit will be given for only one of the following courses:

Will this course be offered at another location or through an alternate delivery method?No

Catalog Description: The design and analysis of combinational and synchronous sequential systems com-prised of digital logic gates, latches, and flip-flop memory devices (and underlying tools such as switching and Boolean algebras and Karnaugh map simplification). Design and use of decoders, multiplexers, priority encoders, code translators, adders and subtractors, registers, counters, sequence recognizers, and asyn-chronous binary ripple counters. Use of programmable logic arrays (PLAs), read-only memories (ROMS, PROMS), and programmable array logic (PALs). Arbitrary radix conversion; radix- and diminished-radix- complement arithmetic used in the design of arithmetic units.

Reason for proposal/comments: ENEE 114 was previously listed as a prerequisite, but in fact material from that course is not used in ENEE 244. Sophomore standing is a much more effective restriction. Com-

ent: the current online catalog description is terribly wrong.... m


Course Syllabus: ENEE 244 Digital Logic Design, 3 credits

Course Description The design and analysis of combinational and synchronous sequential systems comprising digital logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive-OR) latches, master-slave, and edge-triggered flip-flop memory devices (SR, JK, T, and D) and underlying tools such as switching and Boolean algebras and Karnaugh map simplification of gate networks are covered in detail. Design and use of decoders, multiplexers, priority encoders, code translators, adders and subtrac-tors, registers, counters, sequence recognizers, and asynchronous binary ripple counters are also covered along with the use of programmable logic arrays (PLAs), read-only memories (ROMS, PROMS), and programmable array logic (PALs). Arbitrary radix conversion, including decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal, binary codes for characters and decimal digits (e.g., BCD, Ex-cess-3, Unit-Distance) radix- and diminished-radix- complement arithmetic used in the design of arithmetic units are also covered. Course Objectives

A. design and analyze combinational logic circuits; B. design and analyze synchronous sequential circuits.

Required Topics Covered 1. Binary Numbers; binary arithmetic and codes 2. Boolean Algebra, switching algebra, and logic gates 3. Karnaugh Maps, simplification of Boolean functions 4. Combinational Design; two level NAND/NOR implementation 5. Tabular Minimization (Quine McCluskey) 6. Combinational Logic Design: adders, subtracters, code converters, 7. parity checkers, multilevel NAND/NOR/XOR circuits 8. MSI Components, design and use of encoders, decoders, multiplexers, BCD 9. adders, and comparators 10. Latches and flip-flops 11. Synchronous sequential circuit design and analysis 12. Registers, synchronous and asynchronous counters, and memories 13. Control Logic 14. Wired logic and characteristics of logic gate families 15. ROMs, PLDs, and PLAs

Optional Topics (if time permits)

1. State Reduction and good State Variable Assignments 2. Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) Charts 3. Asynchronous circuits

Grading Method Grades will be based on a combination of homeworks, quizzes, and exams Prerequisite(s) Sophomore standing


Possible Textbooks and other course materials Givone, Digital Principles and Design, McGraw-Hill Mano, Digital Design, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall Marcovitz, Introduction to Logic Design, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th ed., Brooks/Colle Thomson Learning Syllabus Prepared by: Drs. Barua, Jacob, Qu, Silio, Srivastava, Yeung, January 2008