Post on 25-Aug-2018

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IntroductionThrough advances in music technology, the electronic music scene has developed to become a prominent force within modern culture, and its popularity and impact on mainstream music is undeniable. Not just limited to techno music and DJing, electronic music has infiltrated and influenced many different music genres, and the ability to produce quality electronic music has become a highly sought after skill within the industry.

The Certificate III in Music is designed and taught by industry professionals, many of whom are successful practicing artists. The course is ideal for the novice or for those who have experience with electronic music production and would like to advance their skills to a more professional level. Classes are interactive, fun and challenging, with an emphasis placed on developing your creativity and preparing you as an artist in your own right.

Practical ComponentA series of exercises and practical submissions are required throughout the course covering areas such as editing, sampling, arrangement, production techniques, synthesis and performance. You will have many opportunities to experiment with creating your own music productions, and to develop your skills in live-set performance - compiling a small portfolio of work. You will be trained in MIDI recording and sequencing within a virtual studio environment. The combination of audio and MIDI for production and remixing is examined and you will have the opportunity to experiment with fresh ideas to achieve your own unique compositions. Industry-standard Digital Audio Workstations will be examined in depth. The application of different creative editing techniques will be explored to enhance your productions and remixes.

Over the five-month course you are introduced to a rrange virtual instruments in Ableton Live, MIDI controller and analog synthesizer. Various sound design


Qualification SAE Certificate Level III in EMP

Next Intake & Duration September 2014, 5 Months

Class Schedule* Monday & Tuesday 18.30 - 21.30

and sound shaping techniques are examined, and you will learn different creative and technical aspects of sampling, sound design and beat programming. The course also introduce students to the electronic music industry and its process by setting up a digital record label and organize a publishing plan,so they can be recognized as well their music be heard by wider audiences.

Theoretical Component

Sound theory, studio theory, MIDI theory and music theory are at the core of this course. You will learn the essentials of audio engineering through sound theory, EQ, FX, dynamics, and signal flow. You will be introduced to a professional studio, and analyse various home studio set-ups. Songwriting and composition structure is supported through music theory and arrangement techniques in electronic music production.

Career Options Include:Music Producer, Music Director, Electronic Music Writer/Arranger, Electronic Live Performer, Electronic Music Composer, Jingle Writer, Recording Artist, Record Producer


*Class Schedule subject to change

Intakes Twice a year (March/April & Sept)


Point of completion for Certificate Level III in Electronic Music Production

EMP 103Production Technique

EMP 105Electronic

Live Performance

EMP 101Introduction to Electronic

Music Production

EMP 102Music Theory

EMP 106Final Project:

Digital Publishing

EMP 104EMP Mixing and Digital


Module 1

Module 5

Module 2

Module 6

Module 3 Module 4

SAE Institute Jakartaf6, fX Sudirman, Jalan Jendral Sudirman Pintu Satu Senayan, Jakarta, 10270

Phone +62 21 2555 4540 | Fax +62 21 2555 4539 | Mobile +62 877 1234 6567 | PIN 227CDA49Email jakarta@sae.edu | Website jakarta.sae.edu | Twitter @SAEjakarta | Facebook SAE Jakarta