Elements of an effective lawncare website

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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http://www.lawncarebusinesstips.com - This presentation shows you how to make sure your lawncare, lawn cutting, lawn mowing, or landscaping website is effective at getting new customers. You will some great tips for improving your website in this presentation


Elements of an Effective Lawn Care Business


In the next few minutes I am going to share with you

How to instantly know if your lawn care website is effective at all

Then I will show you the 4 elements of a highly effective lawn care site

Finally I will show you 3 examples of lawn care sites

We will see which ones are effective and...

Which ones are not

So lets get started...

How do you know if your Lawn Care Website is Effective?

First you need to be very clear about exactly what it is you want your website to do

Do you really know what you want out of your lawn care business website?

Most Lawn Care business owners are coming at their website from this angle

"I know I need a website"


"Someone told me I should have a website"

There is no clear goal for the website

Is this you?

If so I want to give you the goal right now

Your Lawn Care Website's number one goal is this:

To Bring You New Prospects And Customers

That's it


Maybe you want to get really sophisticated and do customer service and billing

That's fine

But the Absolute #1 Goal should be to bring you new customers

So an Effective website is one that gets you new customers

The question now becomes

How do you build a Lawn Care Site that is highly effective at getting new customers?

Let's look at what you need to do

You need to provide a form to capture leads and prospects

You need to provide a compelling headline with a strong call to action

Your site must collect the emails of every prospect and build an email list

Then you use the email list to contact these people over and over

That is the big trick that everyone misses

It is the one thing that will make the biggest difference with effectiveness of your website

Next to be effective your site needs to look REALLY good too

All things being equal the site with the better design…


Remember this

Do not skimp on design

Your site needs to look better than all the other ones in the cities you service

It needs to be really obvious to people that you are the #1 choice

The good news is this is not very hard or expensive once you know what to do

You can look every bit as good as a fortune 500 company without spending a lot of money

Next think about HOW people look at your website

Just look around next time you are out in public

Everyone is staring down at their smartphones

Your site needs to look and work really well on iPhone and Android phones

In the web design world we call it "responsive design"

I will cover that more later when I talk about Online Advertising

Just know for now it is really important

So To Recap...

The Elements Of A Highly Effective Lawn Care Site Are

#1 It uses a web form to gather leads and build an email list

#2 It has the BEST web design and looks extremely professional


#3 It works really well on Mobile phones

I will cover these more in other videos

These are just a starting point for you to start thinking about

If you need help making a site like this I can help you out

If you need help making a site like this I can help you out



I have already figured out the offers, headlines, and layouts that already work


So you will have a real leg up over using a regular design agency


You will save more money too

Let's take a look at some Lawn Care sites and see how effective they are..