Elijah - christadelphianmyc.com · events in Elijah’s life. 8. Write out and illustrate one of...

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  • Elijah

    Preparation Workbook for JUNIORS Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019

    God willing

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Dear Camper,

    We are so excited that you are planning to come to Manitoulin

    Youth Camp this summer, God willing. This may be your first

    time as a camper at Youth Camp or you may have been there

    last year and now you know all about being a camper!

    There are 5 parts to your pre-camp assignment:

    1) this workbook

    2) a minute meditation

    3) memory verses

    4) Bible readings

    5) a special project

    Try to get started as soon as possible and do your best work!

    If you have any questions about the workbook or any of these

    assignments, please contact us. We look forward to seeing you at

    camp, God willing.

    May God bless you in your studies,

    Uncle Jon and Auntie Becky Gore


    313 485 8567

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Workbook Review ** This page will be used by your counsellor, who will review your workbook at Camp.**

    **You can skip this page.** Overall Comments: _____________________________________________








    Please tick the box if complete:

    � Bible Marking

    � Special Project � Minute Meditation

    The following questions were not completed or need more work. Please finish them and return your workbook to your counselor. Let your teacher or counselor know if you need help. Page # Comments Done

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    1. Completing Your Workbook

    • Don’t forget to pray to God before you begin, asking for an open mind and heart so that you can understand what you are studying.

    • This workbook will help you begin studying the life of Elijah so that you understand the basic story and help you prepare for camp.

    • The workbook is written using the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. Feel free to look at other versions to help you understand the text.

    • Start each section of questions by reading through the verses and doing the Bible Marking for that section. We will do activities at camp, God willing, using the Bible Marking that you do in your camp preparations.

    • There are questions throughout the book with a (TQ) symbol, which stands for ‘thought question’ (or some like to call them tough questions!). These are designed to make you think about the answer, so don’t expect to find the answer in a specific verse, just write down what you think.

    • Read all the extra information in the workbook. There are different translations, word definitions and lots of other useful information which will help you to understand more about the story.

    • Also enjoy the extra activities throughout the book, like word searches and mazes and feel free to color the pictures.

    • If you are having trouble with a question, put a star next to it and move on to the next question. When you have completed the section, go back and try again. If you still can’t get it, ask someone for help or email Uncle Jon and Auntie Becky at jbgore97@gmail.com.

    Directions for Using a Strong’s Concordance

    1. Look up the word in the main concordance (the front section) just like you would in a regular dictionary.

    2. Find the verse that contains the word you are looking for and look for a number to the right of the reference.

    3. Use this number to look up the meaning in the back of the concordance. Because we are studying the Old Testament you will use the Hebrew dictionary in the back of the concordance.

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    2. Minute Meditation You will need to prepare a Minute Meditation to present at camp. You will present it in your class or you can volunteer to present it in the main pavilion. You will need to choose one verse on which to base your Minute Meditation. A Minute Meditation is an opportunity for you to meditate or think about a verse from the study and share what you have learned in approximately one minute. You will read the verse and then tell what you have learned from the verse. You can share what you have learned about God and His character, or what you have learned about the people in the verse, or how this verse relates to other verses in the Bible, or how it relates to your life or a combination of these ideas. The passages are divided up by the first letter of your last name. Please find the first letter of your last name below and choose a verse from one of the passages listed next to that letter to use for your Minute Meditation. A-C: 1 Kings 16:29-34; 17:1-24; James 5:17 and Hebrews 11:35, 38-40 D-K: 1 Kings 18:1-20 and Malachi 4:1-6 L-Q: 1 Kings 18:21-46 and Leviticus 1:1-8 R-S: 1 Kings 19:1-21 and Romans 11:1-5 T-Z: 1 Kings 21:1-29; 2 Kings 2:1-15 and 2 Chronicles 21:12

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    3. Memory Verses There will be a memory verse from the life of Elijah each day at camp. You will be quizzed on the verse in the quiz the next morning. Below is the list of verses. We suggest that you start memorizing these verses before camp.

    Monday – Hebrews 11:39-40

    And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received

    not the promise: God having provided some

    better thing for us, that they without us

    should not be made perfect.

    Tuesday - Malachi 4:2

    But unto you that fear my name shall the

    Sun of righteousness

    arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up

    as calves of the stall.

    Wednesday – 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they

    said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is

    the God.

    Thursday – Romans 11:5

    Even so then at this present time also there is a

    remnant according to the election of grace.

    Friday - 2 Kings 2:6b And he said, As the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not

    leave thee. And they two

    went on.

    You can cut out the memory verses and hang them up

    to help you memorize them for camp, God willing!

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    4. Bible Readings There will be Bible readings from the life of Elijah each day at camp. You will do these readings with your camp group. You will be quizzed on the readings the next morning. The life of Elijah covers many chapters of the Bible. We will only be reading about some of the events in his life. Below is the list of readings for the quizzes each day. We suggest that you read over these readings before camp to help you in your preparation for the week and in doing your workbook. Monday – 1 Kings 16:29-34; 17:1-24; James 5:17; Hebrews 11:35, 38-40 Tuesday – 1 Kings 18:1-20 and Malachi 4:1-6 Wednesday – 1 Kings 18:21-46 and Leviticus 1:1-8 Thursday – 1 Kings 19:1-21 and Romans 11:1-5 Friday – 1 Kings 21:1-29; 2 Kings 2:1-15 and 2 Chronicles 21:12

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    5. Special Project You will need to prepare a special project to present in a 5-minute presentation to your class during Youth Camp. When thinking about your class presentation, it is best to pick one small idea and do it well, rather than trying to fit too much information into your 5-minute presentation. Here are some project ideas to choose from:

    1. A map of significant places mentioned in the story. Be sure it is well labeled with

    key places and key events at each place.

    2. Write a skit or short play based on one of the events in the study. Find a couple of friends to help you act out your play for the class to enjoy.

    3. Create a fun game based on Elijah’s life. Be sure to include Bible verses and interesting facts from the life of Elijah.

    4. Draw a detailed picture or make a model of one of the events in these chapters.

    5. A character study of one of the following characters: a. Obadiah b. Jezebel c. Ahab d. Elisha

    6. Create a poster board project about the Baal and Asherah worship. Also include verses from other places in the Bible that speak against this type of behavior.

    7. Make a comic/graphic novel version of one of the events in Elijah’s life.

    8. Write out and illustrate one of the memory verses.

    9. Use a Bible dictionary to look up information about one of the following subjects in the Bible and present your findings in a report, poster board or video: a. ravens b. famines/droughts c. the burnt offering

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Background 1 Kings 16:29-34 Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.29 the thirty and eighth year

    of Asa

    v.34 In his days

    Geography (color orange) v.29 Samaria

    v.32 the house of Baal

    God (color purple) v.34 the word of the LORD

    Timeline of the Kings & Prophets of Israel & Judah from 940-810 B.C.

    Read 1 Kings 16v29 1. Who was the king of Judah? _______________

    TIMELINE WORK: Find the name of this king on the timeline above and color the box that he is in with your yellow pencil.

    MAP WORK: Color the area of JUDAH yellow on MAP 1 on page 9. 2. Who was the king of Israel? ________________

    TIMELINE WORK: Find the name of this king on the timeline above and color the box that he is in with your orange pencil.

    MAP WORK: Color the area of ISRAEL orange on MAP 1 on page 9. 3. According to the timeline, approximately what year did this king begin his reign?

    _______ B.C.

    4. Who was the father of the king of Israel? ______________

    TIMELINE WORK: Find and circle his name on the timeline above. Look back at 1 Kings 16:25. Was he a good or bad king in the sight of God?


    Kings of Israel


    Kings of Judah







    S O L O M O N













  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Background (cont.) 1 Kings 16:29-34

    Read 1 Kings 16v29 (cont.) 5. Where did the king of Israel reign from?

    ________________ MAP WORK: Write the name of this city at

    the star on MAP 1. 6. How many years did this king reign for?


    Read 1 Kings 16v30 1. What is God’s evaluation of Ahab? (fill in the


    “Ahab did _______ in the _________ of the

    LORD _______ all that were _________ him”

    Read 1 Kings 16v31 1. Who did Ahab marry? ____________

    2. Who was her father? ______________

    3. Who was he the king of? ______________

    4. Who did Ahab worship? _______________

    Read 1 Kings 16v32 1. What did Ahab do for Baal?


    2. What had Ahab already built in Samaria for

    Baal? _____________________________

    3. TQ Why do you think that Ahab did these things for Baal? _____________________




    Mediterranean Sea


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    MAP 1

    Ancients texts claimed that Baal was a god of fertility, wind, sun

    and fire. He was said to live in the mountains and send the rain,

    wind and lightning.

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Background (cont.) 1 Kings 16:29-34

    Read 1 Kings 16v33 1. What else did Ahab do for Baal? _________________________________________

    2. How did God feel about Ahab’s behavior? (fill in the blanks)

    “Ahab did __________ to provoke the LORD God of Israel to ____________ than all

    the ____________ of Israel that were ____________ him”

    3. Turn to Deuteronomy 11:16,17. What did God say would be the consequence of

    idolatry? ________________________________________________________

    4. TQ What are things that can be idols (or take time and attention

    away from God) in our lives?





    Read 1 Kings 16v34 1. What else was happening in these days?




    2. TQ What do you think that the spiritual state of the nation of Israel was at this

    time? ____________________________



    When God destroyed the city of Jericho, Joshua made this

    important promise: “Anyone who tries to rebuild this city of Jericho will be punished by a curse from the Lord. The man who lays the

    foundation of this city will lose his oldest son. The man who sets up the gates will lose his youngest

    son.” Joshua 6:26

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah Prophesies a Drought Read 1 Kings 17:1 Bible Coloring - After reading the verse, color the phrase below in your Bible:God (color purple) v.1 As the LORD God of Israel liveth

    1. CONCORDANCE WORK: Look up the name “Elijah” in a Strong’s Concordance and write down the meaning of his name.

    Elijah (H452) ______________________

    2. Where was Elijah from? _____________

    MAP WORK: Color this area green on MAP 2.

    3. Who did Elijah deliver God’s message to?


    4. What was the message? (fill in the blanks)

    “there shall not be ________ nor _________

    these _________, but according to my


    5. Turn to James 5:17. How long was there no

    rain in Israel during the time of Elijah?


    How did Elijah stop the rain from coming?


    6. Turn to 2 Kings 1:8. How is Elijah described?










    Brook Cherith

    Mediterranean Sea


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    Sea of


    MAP 2

    No rain should have been a warning to Ahab that the nation

    was sinning and that they needed to change their ways.

    1 Kings 8:35-36; Deut. 11:16,17

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    God Cares for Elijah at Cherith Read 1 Kings 17:2-7 Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.6 in the morning

    In the evening

    v.7 after a while

    Geography (color orange) v.5 brook Cherith

    God (color purple) v.2 the word of the LORD

    v.4 I have commanded

    v.5 the word of the LORD

    1. Where did God tell Elijah to hide? (v.3)


    MAP WORK: Draw a man by this location on MAP 2 on page 11.

    2. Where would Elijah get his water to drink?

    (v.4) ___________________

    3. What had God commanded to bring food

    to Elijah each day? (v.4)


    4. How often did Elijah eat each day? (v.6)


    5. What happened to the brook after a little while? (v.7) ______________________

    6. Why did this happen to the brook? (v.7) ________________________________


    Read Leviticus 11:13, 15 below from the International Children’s Bible (ICB).

    “Also, some birds should not be eaten. They should be

    hated. You must not eat any of these birds: eagles, vultures,

    black vultures,…Don’t eat any kind of raven.”

    TQ Ravens were considered unclean under the Law of

    Moses. Elijah lived in a time when they were still living under

    this law. How do you think Elijah would have felt having his food delivered to him by ravens? ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

    TQ What do you think that God was trying to teach Elijah in this situation? __________


  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    God Cares for Elijah at Zarephath Read 1 Kings 17:8-16 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.11 as she was going

    v.13 first

    after v.14 until the day

    v.15 many days

    Geography (color orange) v.10 Zarephath

    God (color purple) v.8 the word of the LORD

    v.9 I have commanded

    v.12 As the LORD thy God liveth v.14 thus saith the LORD God of Israel the LORD sendeth

    v.16 according to the word of the LORD

    1. In what city did God tell Elijah to go and dwell? (v.9) (fill in the blanks)

    _____________, which belongeth to ____________ MAP WORK: Draw a woman and her son at this location on MAP 3 on page 14.

    Look back at 1 Kings 16:31. Who was the king of Zidon? ___________________

    How was the king related to Ahab? ____________________________________

    Help the raven get to Elijah

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    God Cares for Elijah at Zarephath (cont.) Read 1 Kings 17:8-16

    2. Who had God commanded to sustain (or

    take care of) Elijah? (v.9) ______________

    3. Who did Elijah see at the gate of the city?

    (v.10) _____________________________

    4. What was she doing? (v.10)


    5. What two things did Elijah ask the woman

    for? (v.10-11)



    6. How did the widow respond to Elijah’s

    request? (v.12) (fill in the blanks)

    “As the _________ thy _________ liveth, I

    have not a __________, but an handful of

    __________ in a barrel, and a little

    ________ in a cruse: and, behold, I am

    gathering two _________, that I may go in

    and dress it for me and my ___________,

    that we may __________ it, and _________.”

    7. How do we know that this widow knew

    about the one true God? (v.12)



    8. What did Elijah tell the woman to do

    before she made food for her and her

    son? (v.13) _______________________









    Brook Cherith

    Mediterranean Sea


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    Sea of


    MAP 3

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    God Cares for Elijah at Zarephath (cont.) Read 1 Kings 17:8-16

    9. What did Elijah say that God would do for her if she obeyed Elijah? (v.14) (fill in the


    “The ___________ of meal shall not ___________, neither shall the __________ of

    oil ___________, until the day that the ___________ sendeth __________ upon the


    10. Did the widow woman do what Elijah asked? (v.15)


    11. Did God fulfill the words that Elijah spoke to the widow?

    (v.16) _____________________

    Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son Read 1 Kings 17:17-24 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.17 after these things

    Geography (color orange) v.19 into a loft

    God (color purple) v.20 O LORD my God

    v.21 O LORD my God

    v.22 the LORD heard v.24 the word of the LORD

    1. What happened to the widow’s son? (v.17) ________________________________


    2. What did the widow say to Elijah? (v.18) (fill in the blanks)

    “What have ______ to do with


    3. What did she call Elijah? (v.18)


    4. What two things did the widow say that

    Elijah had done? (v.18)

    A. _____________________________


    B. _____________________________


  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son (cont.) Read 1 Kings 17:17-24

    5. Where did Elijah take the widow’s son when she gave the boy to Elijah? (v.19)


    6. What did Elijah do next? (v.20) __________________________________________

    7. How many times did Elijah stretch himself on the child? (v.21) _________________

    8. What did Elijah do again? (v.21) _________________________________________

    9. How did God respond to Elijah’s prayer? (v.22) _____________________________

    10. What did the widow know (or become convinced of) because of this miracle? (v.24)


    11. TQ Can you think of a faithful man in Genesis who believed that God could raise up his son even if he offered him as a sacrifice to God? _________________________

    Faith Hebrews 11 is a chapter about the actions of faithful men and women in the Bible. As

    you read the following verses from Hebrews 11, color in with BLUE some of the things

    that people did through faith.

    1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report….32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions….35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection…38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: 40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

    Which phrase in this section could be talking about the faith of the widow of Zarephath?


    Which phrase in this section can be talking about us?___________________________

    The widow woman had FAITH that Elijah could raise her son even though

    Elijah had never done it before and no one had ever done this before!

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah



    F R A V E N S M H T I A F B Z W F C W O V H I D N P L W L U R Q N P Z L E H O X O A C E E L I J A H S Y D D U T H N S A C S R J G D I R R E E K U R G U E B E W Z O W R R B R E A D P O T Q T U K C I Y R I T G H S I O I G R O T H E A E J A K B B V H E H H U C R V K T C H R R T H A D Q T B T E H I S O A P T I G N I D X F N T I O I L A R X V O E M J N S T K S Z E Y T U N C L E A N I L M H L A




  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    The Word of the LORD to Elijah Read 1 Kings 18:1-3 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.1 after many days

    v.1 third year

    Geography (color orange) v.2 Samaria

    God (color purple) v.1 the word of the LORD

    v.3 feared the LORD greatly

    1. What did God tell Elijah to do? (v.1) ___________________________________

    2. What was God going to do? (v.1) _____________________________________

    3. How many years had Israel not had rain? (v.1) ___________________________

    4. Did Elijah go as God commanded? (v.2) __________

    5. CONCORDANCE WORK: Look up the name “Obadiah” in a Strong’s Concordance and write down the meaning of his name.

    Obadiah (H5662) _____________________

    6. What was Obadiah’s job? (v.3) ____________________________________

    7. Did Obadiah fear the LORD? (v.3) ____________

    Help Obadiah

    get to the prophets

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Ahab and Obadiah Read 1 Kings 18:4-6 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Geography (color orange)

    v.6 one way

    v.6 another way

    1. What had Obadiah done for the prophets of the

    LORD? (V.4) ___________________________



    2. What were Ahab and Obadiah looking for? (v.5) _________________________________

    3. Why were they doing this? (v.5) _____________________________________

    4. How did they thoroughly cover the land? (v.6) ________________________________________________________________

    Obadiah Meets Elijah Read 1 Kings 18:7-16 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.15 to day

    Geography (color orange) v.7 in the way

    God (color purple) v.10 as the LORD thy God liveth

    v.12 the Spirit of the LORD

    v.12 fear the LORD from my youth

    v.15 as the LORD of hosts liveth

    1. What did Obadiah do when he saw Elijah? (v.7) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

    2. What did Elijah tell Obadiah to do? (v.8) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

    3. What did Obadiah think that Ahab would do when he delivered Elijah’s message? (v.9) __________________

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Obadiah Meets Elijah (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:7-16

    4. What did Obadiah tell Elijah that Ahab had been doing while Elijah was gone? (v.10) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    5. TQ Why do you think that Ahab was trying so hard to find Elijah? ___________________________________ ____________________________________________

    6. What was Obadiah afraid that Elijah would do as soon as they separated? (v.12) _______________________ ____________________________________________

    7. What did Elijah promise Obadiah that he would do? (v.15) _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

    8. So what did Obadiah do? (v.16) ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

    Ahab Meets Elijah Read 1 Kings 18:17-19 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following phrase in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.17 when Ahab saw Elijah

    1. What did Ahab accuse Elijah of? (v.17)

    _________________________________ 2. What two things did Elijah say that Ahab

    and his father’s house had done? (v.18)

    A. _______________________________


    B. _______________________________

    _________________________________ 3. TQ Who really was the troubler of Israel?


  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Ahab Meets Elijah (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:17-19

    4. Where did Elijah tell Ahab to

    meet? (v.19)


    MAP WORK: Draw a mountain at this location on

    MAP 4. 5. Who did Elijah say that Ahab

    should gather at this location?

    (v.19) (fill in the blanks)

    A. ________ Israel

    B. ________ prophets of


    C. ________ prophets of the


    Contest on Mount Carmel Read 1 Kings 18:20-40 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.26 from morning even until noon v.27 at noon

    v.29 when midday was past

    v.36 at the time of the

    offering of the evening


    Geography (color orange) v.20 mount Carmel

    v.40 brook Kishon

    God (color purple) v.24 the name of the LORD

    v.39 the LORD, he is the God;

    the LORD, he is the God

    Read 1 Kings 18:20-29 1. Did Ahab do what Elijah asked him to do? (v.20) __________

    2. What did Elijah ask the people? (v.21) (fill in the blanks)

    “How long ________ ye between ________ opinions? If the ________ be

    ________, follow ________: but if ________, then ____________ him.”







    Mount Carmel

    Brook Cherith

    Mediterranean Sea


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    Sea of




    Brook Kishon Jezreel

    MAP 4

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Contest on Mount Carmel (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:20-40

    3. TQ What do you think that it means to halt between two opinions? ________________________________________


    4. How did the people answer Elijah? (v.21)


    5. TQ Why do you think that the people responded this way? _________________________________________________


    6. How many prophets of the LORD did Elijah think that there

    were? (v.22) _______

    7. How many prophets of Baal were there? (v.22) _________________

    8. Draw a picture of the contest that Elijah proposed. (v.23) “Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under”

    9. What was Elijah’s plan to show who was the one true God? (v.24)



    10. Did the people agree to Elijah’s plan? (v.24) ________

    11. Who went first in the contest? (v.25) ______________________________________

    12. How long did the prophets of Baal call on their god? (v.26) ____________________


  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Contest on Mount Carmel (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:20-40

    13. Did Baal answer them? (v.26) _________

    14. What did they do on the altar? (v.26)


    15. At noon, what did Elijah say that Baal

    must be doing? (v.27)

    A. _______________________________

    B. _______________________________

    C. _______________________________

    D. _______________________________

    16. What did the prophets of Baal do to themselves after Elijah said this? (v.28)



    17. What time did the prophets of Baal prophesy until? (v.29)


    Read 1 Kings 18:30-35 1. What did Elijah say to the people? (v.30)


    2. What did Elijah do to the altar of the LORD? (v.30)


    3. What did Elijah use for his altar to represent the

    number of the tribes? (v.31) _________________


    4. What did Elijah make about (or around) the altar? (v.32) ___________________

    5. How big was it? (v.32) ______________________________________________

    6. Draw the number of barrels of water that they poured onto the altar. (v.33-34)

    In the time of Joshua, 12 stones were taken out of the

    Jordan and set up at Gilgal. It was to remind the children of

    Israel that the hand of the LORD was mighty, so that they would fear the LORD forever.

    Joshua 4:21-24

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Contest on Mount Carmel (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:20-40

    Read 1 Kings 18:30-35 (cont.) 7. What ended up being filled with water?

    (v.35) __________________________

    8. TQ Why do you think that Elijah poured water on top of the offering? ________





    Read 1 Kings 18:36-40 1. What time of the day was it? (v.36) _______________________________

    2. What title did Elijah use to address God? (v.36) (fill in the blanks)

    “_________ _______ of _____________, __________, and of __________”

    3. What did Elijah want God to show the people? (v.36-37) (fill in the blanks)

    “that thou art ________ in ___________”

    “that ____ am thy ____________”

    “that ____ have _________ all these things at thy _________”

    “that ________ art the _________ ________”

    “that ________ hast _____________ their ____________ back again”

    4. What did the fire of the LORD consume and lick up? (v.38)

    A. _____________________________

    B. _____________________________

    C. _____________________________

    D. _____________________________

    E. _____________________________

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Contest on Mount Carmel (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:20-40

    5. What did the people say when they saw

    the fire? (v.39)______________________


    6. What did Elijah do to the prophets of

    Baal? (v.40) _______________________


    7. Where did Elijah do this? (v.40)


    MAP WORK: Draw a sword at this location on MAP 5.







    Mount Carmel

    Brook Cherith

    Mediterranean Sea


    an R


    Sea of




    Brook Kishon Jezreel

    MAP 5

    Under the Law, God commanded that false

    prophets were to be put to death because they taught rebellion against the LORD.

    Deuteronomy 13:1-5

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah’s Prophecy & Prayer Read 1 Kings 18:41-46 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.44 at the seventh time

    v.45 in the meanwhile

    Geography (color orange) v.42 top of Carmel

    v.43 toward the sea

    v.45 Jezreel

    v.46 the entrance of Jezreel

    God (color purple) v.46 the hand of the LORD

    1. What did Elijah tell Ahab to do? (v.41)



    2. What did Elijah say was going to

    happen? (v.41) ________________


    3. Did Ahab do what Elijah told him to do?

    (v.42) _________

    4. Where did Elijah go? (v.42)


    5. What did Elijah do? (v.42)


    6. What did Elijah tell his servant to do? (v.43) ________________________________

    7. What did the servant see when he did this? (v.43) ___________________________

    8. How many times in total did he tell his servant to go and do this? (v.43) __________

    9. What did the servant see on the last time he looked toward the sea? (v.44) _______


    10. What did Elijah tell his servant to go and tell

    Ahab? (v.44) (fill in the blanks)

    “_____________ thy ________________, and

    get thee ___________ that the _________ stop

    thee not.”

    11. What happened in the meanwhile? (v.45)



  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah’s Prophecy & Prayer (cont.) Read 1 Kings 18:41-46

    12. Where did Ahab ride to? (v.45)


    MAP WORK: Draw a crown at this location on MAP 5 on page 25.

    13. How did Elijah get ahead of Ahab? (v.46)


    The Burnt Offering Leviticus 1 tells us about how the burnt offering was prepared for God and the purpose of the burnt offering. Read Leviticus 1:1-8 below. As you read: • With your BROWN pencil, color what type of animal could be used for a burnt

    offering • With your YELLOW pencil, color the steps that were taken in preparing the animal

    as a burnt offering 1 And the LORD called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock. 3 If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD. 4 And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him. 5 And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 6 And he shall flay the burnt offering, and cut it into his pieces. 7 And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire: 8 And the priests, Aaron's sons, shall lay the parts, the head, and the fat, in order upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar: 9 But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    The Burnt Offering – Leviticus1:1-8 (cont.)

    1. What did the burnt offering do for the offerer? (v.4) ___________________________

    2. The word atonement means “to cover”. What do you think that the burnt offering was

    providing a “covering” or forgiveness for? __________________________________

    3. Fill in the blanks about how the animal was prepared for a burnt offering. (v.5-9)

    “he shall __________ the bullock before the __________”

    “the priests…shall bring the _______ and __________ the blood round about upon

    the ______”

    “he shall ________ the burnt offering, and _______ it into pieces”

    “the priest shall put _______ upon the altar, and lay the _________ in order”

    “the priests…shall lay the parts, the _________, and the ______, in order”

    “But his __________and his ________ shall he ___________ in water”

    4. Look back at 1 Kings 18. Can you find a verse that talks about Elijah doing similar

    things in preparing the bullock for the sacrifice on Mt. Carmel? 1 Kings 18: ____

    5. What sins of the people do you think that Elijah was asking forgiveness from God

    through the offering of a burnt offering? ___________________________________



  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah



    O C T I T R N E R C T A T B H I H R O R P C E H O I F F A F M O I E R I T A I E C A B A A L R H A F A J R I P A E T C I H A Y I W I A A R O I R A R M L E R R L H I N P S S U E E P R C M E C R R R R W T T I E T A A E A U N O A C S E R R L S D I H M A P E R A I N G N I K N B O H H L O S C E S L A F C A A I E Y D A B T R R E F I O I T T S E E E R I F A H A B E M S U L E M R A C T N U O M A E




  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah Flees from Jezebel Read 1 Kings 19:1-3 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.2 tomorrow

    v.3 when

    Geography (color orange) v.3 Beersheba

    1. Who did Ahab tell about all that Elijah had done and how he

    had killed the prophets with the sword? (v.1)


    2. What message did Jezebel send to Elijah? (v.2) (fill in the


    “So let the ____________ do to me, and more also, if I make

    not thy __________ as the life of one of them by ____

    _____________ about this time.”

    3. TQ Why do you think that Jezebel wanted to kill Elijah? ____________________________________


    4. Where did Elijah flee to? (v.3) __________________

    MAP WORK: Draw a line from Jezreel to this location on MAP 6. 5. Who did Elijah leave there? (v.3) _________________________







    Mount Carmel

    Brook Cherith

    Mediterranean Sea


    an R


    Sea of




    Brook Kishon Jezreel


    MAP 6

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    God Encourages Elijah Read 1 Kings 19:4-8 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.4 a day’s journey

    v.5 as he lay and slept

    v.7 the second time

    v.8 forty days and forty nights

    Geography (color orange) v.4 the wilderness

    v.5 under a juniper tree

    v.8 Horeb

    God (color purple) v.5 angel

    v.7 angel

    v.8 the mount of God

    1. Where did Elijah go? (v.4)


    2. How long did it take him to get there? (v.4)


    3. What type of tree did Elijah sit down under? (v.4)


    4. What did Elijah ask God to do for him? (v.4) (fill in the


    “It is ____________; now, O LORD, take away my

    ___________; for I am not ___________ than my _____________.”

    5. TQ Why do you think that Elijah asked this of God? ______________________________________________


    6. When Elijah fell asleep, what did the angel say to him? (v.5)



    7. What did Elijah see when he looked up? (v.6) ______________________________


    8. What did Elijah do? (v.6) _______________________________________________

    9. What did the angel say to Elijah the second time? (v.7) (fill in the blanks)

    “______________ and

    ______________; because the

    _______________ is too

    _______________ for thee.”

    Moses also asked God to take his life when the burden of taking care of the

    children of Israel in the wilderness felt

    like it was too much. Numbers 11:1-15

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    God Encourages Elijah (cont.) Read 1 Kings 19:4-8

    10. Where did Elijah go after he ate the

    second time? (v.8)


    MAP WORK: Draw a line from Beersheba to this location on MAP 7.

    11. How long did it take Elijah to get there?

    (v.8) ____________________________

    12. TQ Who else in the Bible was in the wilderness for 40 days without eating?


    Elijah at Horeb Read 1 Kings 19:9-18 Bible Coloring – After reading the verses, color the following words/phrases in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.13 when Elijah heard it

    Geography (color orange) v.9 a cave

    v.13 entering in of the cave

    God (color purple) v.9 the word of the LORD

    V.10 the LORD God of hosts

    v.11 before the LORD

    before the LORD

    V.14 the LORD God of hosts

    v.15 the LORD said unto him

    1. Where did Elijah lodge when he got to Mt. Horeb? (v.9)


    2. What did the LORD say to Elijah? (v.9)


    Horeb is a mountain in the Sinai region

    where God appeared to Moses and gave

    him the law. Deuteronomy 5:2

    Mediterranean Sea

    Red Sea


    Mt Horeb



    MAP 7

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah at Horeb (cont.) Read 1 Kings 19:9-18

    3. What was Elijah’s answer? (v.10) (fill in the blanks)

    “I have been very __________ for the LORD God of hosts: for

    the children of Israel have forsaken thy____________,

    thrown down thine __________, and slain thy

    ____________ with the sword; and I, even I only, am

    left; and they seek my __________ to take it away.”

    4. Where did the LORD God tell Elijah to stand? (v.11)


    5. In the boxes below, illustrate what Elijah

    experienced when he was standing before the LORD. (v.11-12)

    Then a very strong wind blew. It caused the mountains to break apart. It broke apart large rocks in front of the LORD. But the LORD was not in the


    After the wind, there was an earthquake. But the LORD was not in

    the earthquake.

    After the earthquake, there was a fire. But the LORD was not in the fire.

    6. What was the last thing that Elijah experienced? (v.12) ____________________

    7. How did Elijah react to this last experience? (v.13)



    8. TQ Why do you think that he reacted this way? ________________________________________


    9. What did the voice say to Elijah? (v.13) ___________________________________

    10. How did Elijah respond to the question this time? (v.14) ______________________

    11. Where did the LORD send Elijah? (v.15) ___________________________________

    When Moses took the children of Israel to Mount Sinai (Horeb) to

    meet with God, there were thunders and lightnings, thick cloud, smoke, a loud trumpet

    sound, fire and the earth quaked. Exodus 19:16-18

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah at Horeb (cont.) Read 1 Kings 19:9-18

    12. What was Elijah supposed to do? (v.15-16) (fill in the blanks)

    A. “anoint _____________ to be king over


    B. “__________ the son of Nimshi shalt thou

    anoint to be king over ____________”

    C. “____________ the son of _____________

    of _____________________ shalt thou anoint

    to be ____________”

    13. Elijah had thought that he was the only faithful

    servant of the LORD left in Israel. How many faithful

    servants were still in Israel? (v.18) ____________

    Help Elijah get to Mt Horeb

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    The Remnant of Israel In Romans 11, Paul reminds us that God chose the nation of Israel as His chosen people and that He will always preserve a faithful remnant. Read Romans 11:1-5 below. As you read: • With your YELLOW pencil, color the words of Elijah that Paul quotes. • With your PURPLE pencil, color God’s response to Elijah’s words 1 I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel, saying, 3 “LORD, they have killed Your prophets and torn down Your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life”? 4 But what does the divine response say to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” 5 Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace. What reason does Paul give as to why there is a remnant that has been preserved?

    (v.5) __________________________________________________________________

    Paul lived in a time when there were many people that were against the

    spreading of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. However, like the prophet

    Elijah, he was encouraged by the fact that God, through His GRACE, always

    preserves a group of people who are faithful to Him.

    TQ What encouragement can we gain from these verses in Romans? ______________ ______________________________________________________________________

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah



    B Y E N R U O J U X E D I S J C B F O R T Y D A Y S P T W E U K H A Z A E L F Z B I I K H J R S D B T D I H E L N O J U N I P E R T R E E L D R E T A W N A L N E J R S C W G M O E M R A H A Q S M O M A N T L E T P X L V H A Z C N R A M V H U H O T E L E W G S H F G Q H O R E B L L I E F S N T U P I D H A V I C L N I F C A V E G P L O J A G K L G L K Q J O O E I A K Y J E Z R E E L D R Y C H E A Q K T Y V R W X P S E




  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    The Call of Elisha Read 1 Kings 19:19-21

    1. Who did Elijah find first? (v.19)


    2. What was this person doing? (v.19)


    3. What did Elijah do with his mantle? (v.19)


    4. How did Elisha react to this action? (v.20)




    5. What did Elisha want to go and do? (v.20)


    6. Did Elijah say that he could go and do this? (v.20) __________

    7. What did Elisha go back and do? (v.21) (fill in the blanks)

    A. “he__________________ back from him”

    B. “and took a yoke of __________, and __________ them”

    C. “and ____________ their flesh with the _________________ of the oxen”

    D. “and gave unto the _____________, and they did __________”

    8. TQ Why do you think that it is significant that he did this with his yoke of oxen and instruments? ________________________________________________________

    Elisha was plowing

    with oxen when Elijah found him.

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Naboth’s Vineyard Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.1 after these things

    v.15 when

    v.16 when

    Geography (color orange) v.1 Jezreel

    v.1 hard by the palace of Ahab v.4 his house

    v.4 upon his bed

    v.13 out of the city

    v.16 the vineyard of Naboth

    God (color purple) v.3 the LORD forbid it me

    1. CONCORDANCE WORK: Look up the name “Naboth” in a Strong’s Concordance and write down the meaning of his name.

    Naboth (H5022) ___________________________

    2. Where was Naboth’s vineyard located? (v.1)


    3. What did Ahab want to use Naboth’s vineyard for?

    (v.2) _____________________________________

    4. What two things did Ahab offer to give Naboth in

    exchange for his vineyard? (v.2)

    ________________________________ _________________________________

    5. Why wouldn’t Naboth sell his vineyard? (v.3)




    6. What did Ahab do when Naboth wouldn’t sell

    him the vineyard? (v.4) ___________________



    7. TQ Why do you think that he did this instead of just taking the vineyard from Naboth?



    8. Who came to help Ahab with his problem? (v.5)


    Under the law, the land belonged to God and was

    divided between the tribes. It was not to be sold

    permanently and it was not supposed to go to

    someone outside of the tribe that it belonged to. Lev. 25:23; Num. 36:7

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Naboth’s Vineyard (cont.) Read 1 Kings 21:1-16

    9. Jezebel reminded him that he was the king of Israel and

    could do something about his problem. What did she tell

    him to do while she went to get the vineyard? (v.7)


    10. What did Jezebel write in Ahab’s name? (v.8)


    11. Jezebel told the elders of Jezreel to proclaim a fast and set Naboth on high among

    the people. What did she tell the sons of Belial to accuse him of?

    (v.10) _____________________________________


    12. How did she tell them to kill Naboth? (v.10) ________________________________

    13. In the boxes below illustrate the actions of the elders of Jezreel. (v.11-14)

    So the elders and important men of Jezreel obeyed Jezebel’s

    command. They declared a special day.

    On that day the people were to give up eating. They called the people together.

    And they put Naboth in a place of

    honor before the people.

    Then two troublemakers sat across from Naboth. They said they had

    heard Naboth speak against God and the king.

    So the people carried Naboth out of the city. And they killed him with


    Then the leaders sent a message to Jezebel. It said, “Naboth has been


    Blaspheme “to curse”

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Naboth’s Vineyard (cont.) Read 1 Kings 21:1-16

    14. What did Jezebel tell Ahab to do when she found out that Naboth

    was dead? (v.15) _____________________________________


    15. Did Ahab do what Jezebel told him to do? (v.16) _____________

    The LORD Condemns Ahab Read 1 Kings 21:17-24Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible

    God (color purple) v.19 Thus saith the LORD

    v.19 Thus saith the LORD

    v.20 in the sight of the LORD

    v.23 spake the LORD

    1. Where did the LORD tell Elijah to go and meet

    Ahab? (v.18) ___________________________

    2. What did the LORD tell Elijah to say to Ahab?

    (v.19) (fill in the blanks)

    “Thus saith the LORD, Hast thou

    ________________, and also taken

    ________________? And thou shalt speak

    unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, In the

    place where ____________ licked the blood of

    Naboth shall dogs lick thy __________.”

    3. What did Ahab call Elijah? (v.20) ____________________________________

    4. TQ Why do you think that Ahab addressed Elijah that way? ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________

    5. What reason did Elijah give for finding Ahab? (v.20)__________________________


    Naboth’s sons were also killed.

    2 Kings 9:25-26

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    The LORD Condemns Ahab Read 1 Kings 21:17-24

    6. Read 1 Kings 21:21-24 in the International Children’s Bible: 21 So the Lord says to you, ‘I will destroy you. I will kill you and every male in your family, both slave and free. Your family will be like the family of King Jeroboam son of Nebat. And it

    will be like the family of King Baasha son of Ahijah. Both of these families were completely destroyed. I will do this to you because you have made me angry. And you have caused the people of Israel to sin.’ And the Lord also says,

    ‘Dogs will eat the body of Jezebel in the city of Jezreel.’ Anyone in your family who dies in the city will be eaten by dogs. Anyone who dies in the fields will be

    eaten by birds.

    Summarize what Elijah told Ahab would happen because of his sinful ways. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

    Ahab’s Repentance Read 1 Kings 21:25-29Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.27 when

    v.29 in his son’s days

    God (color purple) v.26 whom the LORD cast out

    v.28 the word of the LORD

    1. Who stirred up Ahab to sell himself to work wickedness in the

    sight of the LORD? (v.25) _________________

    2. What abominable (terrible) thing did Ahab follow after? (v.26)


    3. What did Ahab do when he heard the words of the LORD

    through Elijah? (v.27)






    Went softly - (NKJV) went

    about mourning

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Ahab’s Repentance Read 1 Kings 21:25-29

    4. What did the LORD tell Elijah to say to Ahab this time? (v.29) (fill in the blanks)

    “Seest thou how Ahab ____________ himself before me? because he humbleth

    himself before me, I will not bring the ____________ in his days: but in his

    ____________ days will I bring the evil upon his house.”

    5. TQ What can we learn from Ahab’s attitude to the words of the LORD on this occasion? __________________________________________________________


    Elijah and Elisha Visit the Prophets Read 2 Kings 2:1-5Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.1 when

    v.3 today

    v.5 today

    Geography (color orange) v.1 Gilgal

    v.2 Bethel

    v.4 Jericho

    God (color purple) v.2 As the LORD liveth

    v.4 As the LORD liveth

    1. Where were Elijah and Elisha? (v.1)


    MAP WORK: Put a #1 at this location on MAP 8.

    2. What did Elijah tell Elisha to do?

    (v.2) ______________________


    3. How did Elisha respond? (v.2)



    4. Where did they go next? (v.2)


    MAP WORK: Put a #2 at this location on MAP 8. Draw a line from #1 to #2.





    GILEAD Jericho

    Bethel Gilgal


    an R









    MAP 8

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah and Elisha Visit the Prophets (cont.) Read 2 Kings 2:1-5

    5. Who came and spoke to Elisha at Bethel? (v.3)


    6. What did they tell Elisha? (v.3) __________________________________________

    7. TQ How do you think that they knew this information? ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

    8. How did Elisha respond? (v.3) __________________________________________

    9. Again Elijah tells Elisha to stay where they were and that the LORD was sending him

    to another city. And again, Elisha follows Elijah. What city did they go to? (v.4)


    MAP WORK: Put a #3 at this location on MAP 8 on page 42. Draw a line from #2 to #3.

    10. Again the sons of the prophets at Jericho came and reminded Elisha that Elijah was

    going to be taken away. Did Elisha respond the same way as he had to the other

    sons of the prophets? (v.5) ___________________

    Elijah Taken in a Whirlwind Read 2 Kings 2:6-15Bible Coloring - After reading the verses, color the words/phrases below in your Bible:Time Words (color light green) v.9 when

    v.11 as

    Geography (color orange) v.7 afar off

    v.7 by Jordan

    v.11 heaven

    v.13 by the bank of Jordan

    God (color purple) v.6 As the LORD liveth

    v.14 the LORD God of Elijah

    1. Where did Elisha go next with Elijah? (v.6) ____________________

    2. How many sons of the prophets stood afar off from where Elijah and Elisha were?

    (v.7) ____________________

    3. TQ Why do you think that the sons of the prophets were waiting afar off? ___________________________________________________________________


  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah Taken in a Whirlwind (cont.) Read 2 Kings 2:6-15

    4. What did Elijah do to divide the waters so that they could walk on dry ground? (v.8)






    5. TQ Who else in the Bible did something that made

    waters part so that people

    could walk on dry ground?


    6. Elijah asked what he could

    do for Elisha before he was taken away. What did Elisha ask for? (v.9)


    7. What did Elijah tell Elisha that Elisha had to do in order to receive what he had

    asked for? (v.10) _____________________________________________________

    8. What came between Elisha and Elijah while they were talking? (v.11)


    9. What took Elijah into heaven (or the sky)? (v.11) ____________________________

    10. What did Elisha say when he saw this? (v.12) (fill in the blanks)

    “My ____________, my father, the ____________ of Israel, and the ____________


    11. What did Elisha do to his clothes when Elijah left? (v.12) ______________________


    12. What did Elisha pick up that had fallen from Elijah? (v.13) _______________

    13. What did Elisha do with it? (v.14) ______________________________

    14. What did Elisha say? (v.14) ____________________________________________

    15. What happened to the waters so that Elisha could go over? (v.14) ______________

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    Elijah Taken in a Whirlwind (cont.) Read 2 Kings 2:6-15

    16. What did the sons of the prophets at Jericho say when they saw Elisha? (v.15)


    17. What did the sons of the prophets do? (v.15) _______________________________


    What Happened to Elijah? We are not told what happened to Elijah after he was picked up by the whirlwind. We do

    know that whirlwinds usually pick things up and drop them in other locations. Also, in 2

    Chronicles 21:12 we read that Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat, received a letter from

    Elijah. This would have been many years after Elijah was taken up in the whirlwind. We

    also read of Elijah talking with the Lord Jesus Christ and Moses at the Transfiguration in

    Matthew 17:1-9. Won’t it be wonderful in the Kingdom to be able to

    ask Elijah what happened to him after he was separated from Elisha

    and how he was able to be at the Transfiguration with our Lord!

  • Manitoulin Youth Camp 2019 Elijah


    The Day of the LORD The prophet Malachi talks about the work of Elijah at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Malachi 4:1-6 below. As you read: • With your RED pencil, color some of the things that will happen

    to the “wicked”. • With your YELLOW pencil, color some of the things that will

    happen to the “righteous”. 1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. 3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. 4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: 6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. 1. What phrase in v.2 refers to the Lord Jesus Christ? _______________________

    2. What phrase in v.5 refers to the return of Christ? _________________________

    3. What prophet is God going to send at this time? (v.5) ______________________

    4. What will his job be? (v.6) (fill in the blanks)

    “And he shall turn the heart of the ____________ to the ______________, and the

    ______________of the children to their fathers, lest I come and __________ the

    earth with a _____________.”

    God has chosen the prophet Elijah to work with the nation of Israel when

    the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Elijah will help the remnant of the Jews to

    recognize Christ as the true Messiah from God.