Eloy´s presentation of the planets 18 3-2011

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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The Planets

It is the closest star to Earth and the largest element of the Solar System. The stars are the only bodies that emit light in the universe.

Has a temperature of 6,000 º C, with cooler areas (4,000 º C)

MERCURY57,910,000 km from Sun.

Diameter: 4,878km (3,032 miles)

Mercury is the first planet

VenusDiameter: 12,100 km.

Distance from Earth: At its closest, Venus is 41,840,000 km away

Venus is the second planet

The earthFormation of EarthThe Earth was formed about 4,650 million years, along with the entire solar system. Although the oldest rocks on Earth are no more than 4,000 million years, meteorites, which correspond geologically to the Earth's core, give dates of about 4,500 million years, and crystallization of the core and the precursor bodies of meteorites are believed to occur at the same time, some 150 million years after Earth formed and the Solar System.

At the poles, which receive little solar energy, water freezes and forms ice caps. The south is larger and has the largest freshwater reserve.


It is the fourth planet from the sun. Known as the Red Planet for its pinkish

Mars is the fourth planet


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest of them all by far (318 times Earth).

Orbit: 778,330,000 km (5.20 AU) from the SunDiameter: 142,984 km (in Ecuador). Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky.


Saturn's rings are huge and very thin. Have a diameter of 274,000 km and a width of 62,000 km, but its thickness does not exceed 2 km. Seen from Earth with small telescopes are like a solid disk surrounding the planet. But in reality consist of many individual rings


It is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third largest in the Solar System. Uranus is also the first to be discovered telescopic. Los through the rings of Uranus are different from those of Jupiter and Saturn.

NeptuneIt is the fourth planet in terms of size and the eighth in distance from the Sun.The average distance of Neptune from the Sun is 4,500 million miles. Eight known satellites around Neptune, two of which can be seen from the Earth. La surface temperature of Neptune is about -218 ° C, similar to Uranus, which is over 1,500 km near the sun, therefore, scientists believe that Neptune must have some internal heat source.

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