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  • 8/14/2019 ElToroJan09


    Los Rancheros AssociationOFFICERS

    President: Norma Moore 887-0463 Vice President: Mary Dimsdale 785-2571

    Secretary: Marisa Leasure 978-6778 Treasurer: Suzanne Hicks 887-3160

    EXECUTIVE BOARDRey Abaya 670-8711 Jerry Abbott 887-8237 June Hart 783-3639

    Fran LaTorre 887-1509 Patty Little 783-1534 Julie Manzo 783-1911

    Juan Puyeo 782-4624 Judy Rodgers 785-4894

    RESIDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY CONTACTSBingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Gomez 782-5183 Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    HMOA Rep . . . . . . . Fran La Torre 887-1509 Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . Joy Cunningham 785-4609

    N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . Dawn Plaskon 887-2199 Neighborhood Alert. . Darlene Richardson 785-8780

    Spectrum Meals (Tuesday and Thursday). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Horton 732-6671

    The EXECUTIVE BOARD meets the LAST THURSDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse.

    Los Rancheros RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION meets the FIRST THURSDAY of the monthat 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse unless otherwise announced.

    EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 e-mail el t o ro . e d i t o r @ c o m c a s t . n e t

    Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the 10th of each month for the following month.


    From the EditorArticles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an

    informational service to the residents. Contents are the optionof the editor but do not necessarily represent the opinion ofthe editor, the homeowners association or management.

    Reader response is welcome. Your article must be inmy paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to mye-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. Allsubmissions must be signed with your name/phone num-ber included, as any article must be verified. Your namewill not appear, if you so request.

    Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articlesconsidered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissionsmust meet the Editorial Guidelines set forth by the pub-lishers, Mobile Home Park Magazines.

    Whenever possible, the editor prefers to capture key-strokes for material to appear in the El Toro. If you aretyping something up, you might as well type it directly intoan e-mail and send it to me that way. No e-mail? Well, OK,submit the hard copy and well manage.

    PLEASE DO NOT FORWARD EMAIL. Forwarding resultsin those little >> marks all through the copy, plus it exposes MYe-mail address to YOUR whole broadcast list and I DONTwant THEIR forwards. If you are submitting an item someonee-mailed to you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mailwindow to send to me at: eltoro.editor@comcast.net.

    Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

    EDITORIAL POLICIES(http://mobilehomeparkmagazines.com/mhbsite/editorial/rules.aspx)

    The Mobile Home Board publications informs and pro-motes the mobile home system; residents, managementand those that serve the mobile home community.

    The Mobile Home Board publications are not politicaltools. They are a source of information and enjoyment forpark residents. To ensure this policy we have developedthe following guidelines:

    Editorial Guidelines: Editor is responsible for gathering information and

    sending it to us in a form they want. Each editor mustallow all residents organizations and management to par-ticipate in the publication.

    The publication is not to be used for disputes by eitherresidents or management. Mobile Home Park Magazinesmust remain neutral in all resident/management issues topreserve the integrity of the magazine. Not all residentsare on one side or the other of an issue. Since we do notresearch each story, we cannot use Mobile Home ParkMagazines to weigh either side of these very fragile rela-tionships.

    Resident political organizations are asked to limit theirinformation to meeting notices and reports of chaptermeetings. No listings of in-park-services (i.e. babysitting,handymen, Avon, etc.)

  • 8/14/2019 ElToroJan09







    Los Rancheros

    Association Meeting

    THURSDAY,January 8, 2009

    at 7:00 p.m.

    in the main clubhouse.

    The meeting date has been moved

    back one week to avoid conflict

    with the New Year holiday.


    attend (not just the homeowner).

    Next meeting:

    THURSDAY, February 5, 2009

    Introduction to Ceramics

    Free introductory

    classes in ceramics

    techniques are

    available in the

    Small Clubhouse.


    THEIR FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS.Students learn how to:1] clean a plaster mold2] pour the molds3] remove clay item from mold4] clean greenware seams5] paint bisque

    At the moment there are two classes: Tuesday5:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. but other dayswould be possible, Monday Friday 4 p.m. andafter. Please call Darlene at 785-8780 for moreinformation and schedule your free class!

    Join us for

    BINGOFirst and Last

    Saturdaysof each month,NOON TO 3:00 P.M.Snack bar open before play

    and during breaksserving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

    Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

    NOTICEPer state law, no one under the age

    of 18 is allowed in the clubhouseduring Bingo

    COFFEEis available in the

    Clubhouse dailyduring office hours forresidents of Spanish Ranch I.

    Spanish Ranch I Informationhas moved to page 11.

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    Hope that you all had a wonderful

    holiday season and were able to enjoy

    the many homes in the park that were

    decorated so beautifully.

    There was no neighborhood alert

    meeting in December because of the

    holidays. Our next meeting will beTuesday. January 13, 2009.

    As we embark on a new year, here is something to

    think about:

    How will you Help to keep our parkSafe?

    In December there was an attempted break-in of the

    RV Storage area. A week later several RVs were broken

    into. Doors were pried open. The police were called to the



    If you see anything suspicious or a crime in progress,

    call the police immediately. Do not call the office first.You will want to notify the office but remember that you

    can contact them during business hours or drop off a

    Resident Suggestion form.

    Darlene Richardson Kevin Kelly




    Bring your lunch and lets get together.

    Dessert provided.

    It costs only a dime a game, winner take all!

    + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to

    somebody each January.

    Come to the Main clubhouse on the SecondThursday, at noon! For more information call

    Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    Dime Bingo Dessert Schedule:




    The web address is not case-sensitive, but you MUSTuse a number 1 (one) and not a roman numeral I (i).

    The El Toro is posted here.

    January: Lorraine

    February: Joy

    March: Louise

    April: Bridgette

    May: Irene

    June: Ruth

    July: Irene

    August: Bridgette

    September: Fannie


    November: Joy

    December: Party

    To All Ladies at SR-1Come join us at any of our events. Get acquainted!

    LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULEThe Lunch Bunch meets on the third

    THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of each

    month at 12 noon. All are welcome.2009

    January 15 Elephant Bar February 19 Marie Callender sMarch 19 Red Lobster April 16 ApplebeesMay 21 Sizzler

    June 18 Sweet Tomatoes

    Coordinator: Joy Cunningham, 785-4609



    January 13, 20097:00 p.m.

    in the Clubhouse

    Come join your neighbors and bring your good ideas for

    making our park safe, drug-free and a nice place to live!


    Some memories last a lifetime.My daughter is a 62 year old Grandma, yet I can

    often look at her and still see the excited little girl whoused to tow me around by one finger.

    Christmas is a time when families assemble tomake memories.

    Be sure you make only good memories. Dan

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  • 8/14/2019 ElToroJan09


    Query about Illegally parkedvehicles being towed

    There have been some questions about tow-ing in the Park.

    The situation with people illegally parking inthe streets, which are fire lanes, has gotten bettersince October when we started towing them, butwe still have a long way to go. We have been work-ing with the tow company to make proceduresmore consistent.

    The following are the guidelines for towingvehicles in the park.

    1. Street parking is not allowed.

    We are trying to be flexible about prospectivehome buyers near homes that are for sale, or peo-ple actively loading and unloading from their vehi-cle. With that in mind, these are the instructionswe have given to the tow company.

    Tow driver will take a time and date stampedpicture of each vehicle and then will return to thelocation after 15 minutes. If the vehicle is stillparked in the street, it will be towed.

    If you are stoppedfor any reason in the street,turn your flashers on to warn other drivers. Thenleave them on to alert the tow drivers that youintend to be there for less than 15 minutes. Butdont assume that having your flashers on allowsyou to park there longer. A tow driver will notarbitrarily tow your vehicle away if there is obvi-

    ous loading/unloading activity going on, but anunattended vehicle is a red flag.

    2. Residents may not park in visitor parking.

    If you are having work done on your house ordriveway that requires you to move your car out ofyour driveway, come and make arrangements withthe office to park in visitor parking while the workis being done. They will give you a placard orsomething else to put in your car to indicate thatyou have permission to be there and the tow dri-vers can pass you by.

    3. Residents may not park at vacant lots.

    Dont assume that if a home is vacant, that itis OK to park in the driveway or on the lot. It isprivate property and you could be towed withoutnotice. Teresa Cruz, SR-1 Manager

    Reminders forJanuaryClean gutters around your homeHomeowners are required to keep thegutter in front of your home clear of

    leaves and debris. Also, if you usedriveway plates, make sure to keepthem from getting clogged so that rainwatercan get to the storm drains properly.

    Take down Christmas lightsIts great to see all the homes lit up around Christmas, butall these decorations should come down by the middle ofJanuary. Besides looking tacky dangling from your homeunlit, icicle lights and similar adornments are not made towithstand the weather for long periods of time. Sun andheat can quickly render even outdoor lights unsafe as thecoating around the wiring breaks down.

    SLOW DOWN! and perhaps save a lifeSpeeding is a continuing problem in the park. Cmon!Observe the speed limits, stop at the stop signs, leave alittle earlier whatever it takes. Just SLOW DOWN!

    Vandalism Watch and ReportCall the police immediately if you see acts of vandalismanywhere in or around the Park, and THEN report whatev-er it was to the office. Getting the word to the police quick-ly is essential to having any chance at all of catching peo-ple who are costing us all money by damaging the gate

    keypads or spray painting our walls or signs.

    The Food Barrels placed in the clubhouse for the

    benefit of the Alameda County Food Bank have been

    seeing a respectable amount of donations.

    Theres still time to inventory your pantry anddonate excess canned goods to the less fortunate. The

    Barrels will remain on site until the middle of January

    so plenty of time to drop off a sack.

    P l u m b i n gi s s u e s :

    Please do not flush: baby wipes disposable diapers

    feminine supplies Depends

    or large amounts of rice, potatoes or GREASE!

    Letters to the Editor are wel-come on any subject. Send to:eltoro.editor@comcast.net.

    (You MUST sign your name but wewont use it if you dont want us to.)

    Managers Corner


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    The Christmas Brunch for the residents of Spanish Ranch I, sponsored by park ownersRutherford Investments and its management arm, Rutherford MHC Management, drew a full house.Residents enjoyed a breakfast of bacon or hamburger, eggs, hash browns, pancakes and beverages. Doorprizes and gifts from Santa for the kids were part of the festivities.

    Special thanks was extended to Dawn Plaskon for help in the kitchen and Bill Kerhemker who wrappedpresents, but otherwise the work was done by Rutherford staff and their families, and it gave residents achance to meet them. The predicted rain held off until later in the day so the weather was good, the food wasgreat and the convivial gathering was a welcome break from the holiday rush. Toward the end, a delegation

    loaded up plates of food to deliver to various homebound park residents.

    Clockwise from top left: Guillermo Lopez, manager; resident Dawn Plaskon, Ryan Franklin, Rutherford Investments and JacquelynMurphy, Rutherford MHC Management; Manager Teresa Cruz at left with residents; Patrick Mockler, Rutherford Investments, andTeresa drawing tickets for prizes; from left, Ryans fianc Catalina, Debra with Rutherford Investments and Patricks wife Vanessa.Opposite page: Children play and residents chat as everyone waits for a visit from Santa. Photos by Jeanie Schultz

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    Come and Eat !! I t s a S N AP!(S enior N ut rit ion and A ct ivit ies Project )

    All SR-1 seniors are eligible and invited to participate in

    SPECTRUM MEALSA government-sponsored program for seniors over 55.Es un programa guvernamental para ancianos mas de 55 aos.

    Tuesdays & Thursdays in the main SR1 Clubhouse(except holidays)

    Martes y Jueves en el Clubhouse (menos dias feriados)

    NOTE! Signups are required. You must call before noon the day before.Tiener que registrarse antes de doce un dia nates. Llamen a Ruth Horton 732-6671.

    Call Ruth Horton 732-6671for reservations or information. (Help is invited, too.)

    Meal served at 4:30 p.m. Come early to socialize.Las comidas estaran servidas a las 4:30 p.m.Illegue temprano para socialisar se lon ellos.

    $3.25 at door Non-seniors/Guests $4.75 10 Dinner Tickets: $30.00

    $3.25 en la puerta. Los invitados pueden atendes por $4.75.Donations are always accepted.

    Meals include fish, BBQ chicken, vegetarian spaghetti, salads, soups (more so in winter),pork chops, hamburger, lasagna, and always a dessert! Milk is included with each meal.

    NOTE: on days soup is scheduled, you can substitutea hamburger or veggie burger! A Spectrum menu is posted in the SR-1 clubhouse.

    More information: Food is delivered hot from a central facility.Volunteers monitor the temperature of the food as it arrives and served and keep a log

    as required by the government.

    All SR1 seniors are eligible and invited to participate .

    Dinner is served 5 nights a week at the Josephine Lum Lodge at W. Tennyson and Oliver.

    (Lunch is served at 11:30 daily same menu.) Phone 785-1997.


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    Minutes of the Los Rancheros Association MeetingDecember 4, 2008

    Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.

    Present: Marisa, Suzanne, Judy, Julie, Rey,June, Fran, Jerry. Excused, Norma, Mary, Patty,Juan.

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Updated information on meetings held at CityHall to members of Association. Owners unwillingto compromise, HOA committee gave 2 proposalsat 2 different meetings. Economist was at the lastmeeting, gave us good information.

    Motion made to month-to-month residents

    1. Do we accept $63.00 to base rent and $11.80on separate line item for 5 years or

    2. Go to arbitration

    Month-to-month residents voted to have awritten synopsis to all month-to-month in writing

    and to inform month-to-month residents aboutvoting and have a special meeting. Rey to send ashort summary.

    Special meetingWednesday, January 7, 2009 7 p.m.

    Cast ballot that night or turn ballot into boardmembers in envelopes.

    Informed residents that the letter theyreceived from owners/management about ELTHlawsuit is not correct information. Nobody will payfor anything regarding lawsuit whether youreinvolved in lawsuit or not. The items listed asimprovements is nothing more than required reg-ular maintenance. The work is only cosmetic andonly had been done due to lawsuit.

    People on leases had rent increases inNovember rent even though their anniversarydates arent until later months. Then theyreceived their Dec rent w/o the increase and with-out any explanation or if well be refunded our$63.00. It also seems management is trying to addtax pass-through to base rent and then add the 4%increase. The lease does not allow that. Read yourlease.

    The vehicle towing in park is ridiculous, theyact like theyre repossessing cars. They half-wayhook-up your car, drag it out the back gate andthen re-hook it up. If you can catch them outsidethe gate it costs you $165. Vehicles are beingtowed with keys in ignitions and car running,people unloading groceries and cars not being out-side houses for more than a few minutes withflashers on.

    Holiday Party on December 21, 2008, 3-6 p.m.by the Association Board Your True Community

    Volunteers. Weve worked hard on your issues inpark the leases, the month-to-month and parkmaintenance. We havent been afraid to stand upto management/owners to protect all of our rightsas residents for a safe and friendly living environ-

    ment. Management works with NeighborhoodAlert, Los Rancheros Charities (Bingo) and NERT(a few residents who only associate with own-ers/management and no board members allowedto join). They set themselves apart from theHomeowners Association and dont keep usinformed of their doings such as money from bingosnack bar and flea market or their secret meetingswith owners/management. This informationshould be reported to all residents of SpanishRanch I especially if theyre working for all resi-dents of park.

    Residents on more than one occasion voted tohave gym or workout area in small clubhouse butonly one resident got a key and has ceramics classtwice a week.

    Treasurers Report

    Beg. bal: $ 2 , 8 0 9 . 4 3 . Ending bal: $2,708.92.Legal Fund-beg. bal. $2,434.17, ending bal.$2,462.97.

    Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.

    Submitted by

    Marisa Leasure, Secretary

    Join the

    Ladies Clubat noon on the2nd Thursday


    DIME BINGO!Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get

    together. Dessert provided.

    It costs only a dime a game,winner take all!

    + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to somebodyat the first gathering in January.

    Come to the Main clubhouse on theSecond Thursday, at noon!

    For more information callLorraine Schmuck 783-7294

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    Resident Suggestion / Objection Form

    We welcome your views and suggestions on how to improve the quality and range of services we provide at

    the community you reside. This form will allow residents to provide feedback to management on services,

    suggestions for improvements, or general concerns.

    While we are attempting to promote a harmonious community atmosphere, sometimes incidents occur which

    may infringe on your enjoyment of the Park or perhaps you may have a suggestion or positive feedback to

    share. In order to remedy the situation when appropriate, we request all complaints and/or suggestions to be

    submitted to management in writing.

    Type of communication: (Please check one that applies)

    ____Concern about Park Facilities ____Concern about Park Management

    ____Concern about park residents ____Suggestion

    ____Positive Feedback ____Other: _________________________________________

    Name of Community:______________________________________________ Space Number:_____________________

    Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Full Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Detail suggestion, feedback, incident or concern (specify date, time and place if applicable):




    What action do you think is appropriate?




    Because of repeated complaints, in extreme cases, eviction proceedings may be initiated against an offend-ing park resident. In compliance with California law, it may be necessary to use this statement for documen-

    tation purposes. Consequently we cannot insure complete confidentiality.

    Signed: _____________________________________________________________________Dated:_____________________

    Print name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________

    ______ This form is for informational purposes only and does not require a response.

    ______ I wish for a response. My telephone number is:_____________________________________________________

    Equal Housing Opportunity

    Management Office Use Only: Received On:__________________ Form of Delivery: __________________

    Disposition __________________________________________________________________________________



    Please provide a copy of this form to the Los Rancheros Association Board and keep a copy for yourself.

  • 8/14/2019 ElToroJan09


    EL TORO MAGAZINE is published monthly and distributedaround the first of the month. Dates and times of activities are

    noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will beannounced in the regular section of pages.

    RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICEManager: Teresa Cruz, Rutherford Investment Co.Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday.

    Office address: 28400 Granada CircleRent may be dropped in mail slot in office door (next

    to laundry room on front side of bldg.)

    Phone: 510-783-5535Shari and Kenny Bachmann, relief managersOn-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays

    In an emergency, call 510-783-5535.Answering service will contact managers as needed.


    The Los Rancheros Association and the Spanish Ranch #1

    Ladies Club are automatically comprised of park residents.There are no dues.

    MEETINGS of the Los Rancheros Association are the FIRSTTHURSDAY of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Main

    Clubhouse unless otherwise announced.

    LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of eachmonth at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

    The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD THURSDAY ofeach month to go out to lunch at various area restaurants.


    BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY of each month.


    Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.


    #391 SHOPPERS SPECIAL Leaves hourly beginning

    10:10 a.m. on TUES. and FRI. for SOUTHLAND from frontof Main Clubhouse. RETURNS at Noon, 1 and 2 p.m. Ask for

    transfer if you plan to return on the bus.

    #77 AC TRANSIT BUS Leaves for downtown every hour

    5:52 am-5:52 p.m. M-F. Bus stops outside the park across

    from Ruus Park. To go to Tennyson Shopping Center, bus

    stops at corner of Ruus Park. Catch return bus at Tampa side

    of shopping center. Sat.-Sun. service 8:31 am-6:31 pm

    AC TRANSIT FARES $1.75 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and

    65+ is 85. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an additional 25.


    The Clubhouses are available to residents for private affairs.

    Contact the Office, 510-783-5535The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available forresidents to use. See the office for a key.


    are to be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and

    must be SIGNED. For any complaints or suggestions

    concerning safety, maintenance, replace/repair, give a

    copy to the the Executive Board as well as the Office. These

    also must be in writing and must be signed.



    Spanish Ranch #1 Information


    ANDOURS TOO!Leave your porch

    light on at night!

    It doesnt have to break the bank.

    You can use:

    light sensors that will turn your light onautomatically at dusk and off at dawn.

    motion-activated lights

    solar-powered walkway lights or spotlights

    For more information about these things,come to the Neighborhood Watch meeting

    the second Tuesday of every month,at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse

    Did You Know?Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are

    available for the free exchange of books

    by park residents. Stop by and browse

    any time the clubhouse is open. There are

    lots of books to choose from!

    Please notify the office if there is a prob-

    lem with park facilities or lighting.

    Call if you need a tree trimmed

    or drains are blocked.

    ALSO, call the office to report suspicious

    activity, solicitors, excess noise, etc.

    Call the police FIRST to report criminal

    activity, but ALSO report it to

    management and Neighborhood Watch!

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    J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 9

    El Toro


    BUS10 A.M.

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    Meeting7:00 p.m.



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    BUS10 A.M.

    BUS10 A.M.

    Assn Meetingrescheduledto January 8


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    New YearsEve


    New YearsDay

    Martin L. King



