EM Hardware Description

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  • 8/11/2019 EM Hardware Description


    The Elementary Microprocessor

    0) What to do if this makes no sense

    If, in the course of reading this document and observing the simulated circuit in action you find

    yourself confused and unable to grasp it, I recommend putting the Elementary Microprocessor aside for

    the time being and instead read the document entitled A Very Simple Microprocessor by Etienne

    Sicard. That document describes a processor that performs the most basic functions possible for a

    processor to really be called a processor. If you are able to comprehend that document, then the

    Elementary Microprocessor will serve as the next step up in complexity. If one does not already

    understand the concepts delineated in A Very Simple Microprocessor, then the EM Circuit will appear

    hopelessly complex. However, if Mr. Sicards design is also too difficult search the internet for

    introductory material on Boolean Logic, Combinational Logic, and State Machines in that order. Dont

    give up, just begin at the beginning.

    1) Overview

    When you open up the top-level circuit you will find a collection of components consisting of a

    Clock, a ROM module (containing the program being run), a RAM module (for temporary storage), a

    terminal window, a probe that shows you the output of the processor in signed decimal form, a

    keyboard, a circuit for helping the keyboard and the EM communicate, and finally, the Elementary

    Microprocessor itself. This is the user level view of the processor. From this highest-level point, you

    can run and interact with programs written for and loaded into the EMs ROM.

    [The Elementary Microprocessor user-level view]

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    In order to use the EM it will be necessary to have a passing familiarity with the operation of

    Logisim and the behavior of its various components. For instance, the clock is a Logisim supplied

    component that can be turned on and off, can operate at various speeds, and can be manually caused to

    proceed one tick at a time (useful for testing and de-bugging). Another example is the keyboard

    element. In order for it to capture user input you must use the poke tool (looks like a hand with the

    index finger extended) to select it (sometimes you have to poke it more than once). Because these

    different elements have their own peculiarities I have separated each one of them from the EM

    processor itself to the outside user interface. That way the operation of the EM is seen for itself and the

    Logisim components only serve as inputs or outputs in relationship to the processor.

    2) Inside the Elementary Microprocessor

    On the left side of the EM circuit you can see the clock, Phase Generator, and Microinstruction

    Controller. These, together with the Instruction Register (near the bottom middle) are what read the

    next appropriate instruction in the ROM and control the other parts of the processor by allowing or

    preventing their access to the Bus at appropriate times.

    [Top Level of the Elementary Microprocessor]

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    You will also see, in the top-middle and center, a series of labeled probes. These are tools of

    the Logisim simulator, not part of the circuitry. They serve no purpose except to let you see what is on

    and what is off or what the value of the current data on the bus is. The purpose of the different signals

    that the probes are attached to will be explained in later sections. The fact that the probes are there will

    allow you to look inside the processor while it is running and be able to see exactly what is occurring at

    any point in time.

    The Bus is the common line along which the various parts of the processor can communicate

    with each other. It is vital to understand that the various parts of the processor do not have any method

    of directing a message to another specific component. It is simply arranged in such a way that no two

    parts are writing data to the bus at the same time. If two components, say the ALU and the instruction

    register, both tried to send data to the bus at the same time, they would both essentially be trying to

    overwrite the other one. The result is a completely unpredictable condition known as bus contention. It

    is a fatal flaw if it ever occurs in a circuit. A similar problem occurs if a component that is capable of both

    writing to the bus and reading from the bus attempts to read and write at the same time. It goes into a

    cycle of attempting to overwrite itself and it is impossible to predict what the end result will be when

    the clock ticks and the processor moves on to its next action.

    The Microinstruction Controller is the device that ensures that only one component is ever

    speaking at one time but it also controls who is listening at any given time. Any number of

    components can listen at any time, but it is only useful to have them listen when you want them to

    have the data currently being placed on the bus. In most cases, you only want one piece of hardware to

    be listening at any given point, but certain instructions rely on that freedom to have multiple

    components read from the bus at the same time. If the processor components are an orchestra then the

    Microinstruction Controller is the conductor. It accomplishes this task by way of turning on and off

    control signals at the appropriate times. These control signals are carried by lines running to the various

    components which control when they are listening and when they are speaking to the bus. How does

    it know when to turn on and off which devices? We can get into that in more detail when we look

    directly at its physical structure.

    On the right side you will find the brains of the processor, the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit),

    Accumulator, and Status Register. The ALU reads the data that is on the Bus, performs the operation

    needed (Addition, Subtraction, or any of various logical operations), and can put the product of that

    operation back onto the bus where other components have the opportunity to read it. At the same time

    the ALU automatically updates the Status Register. This occurs on its own set of lines separate from the


    The purpose of the Status Register is to save data about the operation that the ALU performed,

    not the product of that operation, and to make this data available to the Microinstruction Controller in

    case it is needed in a later operation. These bits of data are called flags. There are four flags in the EM

    circuit. They are the Carry Flag C, Overflow Flag O, Negative Flag N, and Zero Flag Z. The Carry

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    Flag indicates that the product has a carry beyond the 16 bits available in the accumulator (indicating

    that the 17th

    bit was lost and the product will not be as expected). The Overflow Flag indicates that there

    was an overflow. When dealing with signed numbers one of the bits serves to indicate to the

    programmer that the number is positive or negative, but the CPU doesnt know that so it operates as if

    the sign bit is just part of the number. This can result in the sign bit being changed when it isnt

    appropriate. The O flag indicates if the sign bit has been altered in such a way that is mathematically

    impossible. The Negative Flag turns on if the sign bit indicates the number is negative. The Zero Flag

    turns on if all bits are zero. These flags dont do anything on their own. They only make data about the

    last operation available to the Microinstruction Controller. You will see four lines traveling from the

    Status Register to the Microinstruction Controller; these are the Status Flags.

    The Accumulator is the processors short term memory and is the only register that is available

    to the programmer. All other registers are special purpose temporary storage containers that the

    processor uses for interacting with components outside of the processor itself. The Accumulator is able

    to read from the bus, write to the bus, and write directly to the ALU. This is vital as the ALU must

    perform its operations on two pieces of data but the bus can only hold one piece of data at a time.

    Therefore one piece of data must be on the bus and one must be in the Accumulator in order for the

    ALU to have anything to work on. Furthermore, in most cases the product of the ALU gets immediately

    stored into the Accumulator. This is accomplished by the Microinstruction Controller enabling the ALU

    to write to the bus while simultaneously instructing the Accumulator to Load data from the bus.

    3) The Phase Generator

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    The Phase Generator is the first component we will look into in-depth. But first, a note on the

    line that is indicated by the arrow; this is a reset line. In a real system a reset switch would be connected

    to every component in the processor. Because this is only a simulation, resetting all the components is

    handled by Logisim itself as a menu item. I included the basic hardware for resetting every component

    in the EM circuit, but they are not attached to anything. In other words, you can safely ignore them

    during simulation, but its more accurate to have them there.

    Now to the Phase Generator itself. There is one input, the clock. The clock turns on and off at a

    regular interval. The Phase Generator takes this on/off sequence and breaks it up into a series of four

    signals. Those four signals are labeled Phase 1 though Phase 4. The clock cycles and Phase 1 turns on.

    The clock cycles again and Phase 1 turns off, but Phase 2 turns on, etc. This goes on as long as the clock

    continues turning on and off. Phase 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 The purpose of this is to interpose

    time on the processor. Remember that only one component at a timecan write to the bus. Those

    times are Phases 1 through 4.

    4) The Instruction Register

    The Instruction register accepts data from the program ROM and sends it to its appropriate

    places. Those two places are the bus and the Microinstruction Controller. In order to understand this,

    you first need to know how data is arranged in the ROM. Following is an excerpt from the Introduction

    to the EM.

    This is a 16-bit processor, meaning that the bus between components is 16-bitswide and the ALU can compute two different 16-bit pieces of data to produce a 16-bit

    output. For this reason each RAM address is 16 bits wide. The Program ROM on the

    other hand, has 32-bit wide address. The Program ROM must have wider addresses inorder to accommodate space for the instruction itself and16-bits for the data that is to be

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    worked upon by the processor. The breakdown is 8 bits for the instruction/operation, 8

    bits of free space for possible future changes in instruction set design, and 16 bits for the


    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Operation Free Operand

    Look at the input on the left side of the circuit labeled Data / Instruct In. There are 32 wires.

    The 16 toward the top are the operand (data which will be operated upon). The 8 line in the middle are

    the unused free space (I may do something with them in possible future designs). The 8 at the bottom

    are the operation (instruction). Every address in ROM must be arranged in this fashion or the processer

    will not know what to do. If the data in ROM is not properly formatted then it is just a matter of garbage

    in, garbage out.

    Lets look at it in proper sequence. Assume that the last instruction executed is done and it is

    now appropriate for the next instruction in ROM to be loaded and executed. The Microinstruction

    Controller will turn on its Load Inst (Load Instruction) signal. You will find this at the bottom of the

    Instruction Register circuit above. There you will also see an input from the clock. Most of the circuits

    you will see in the EM have a clock input in addition to any other input. This is just to ensure that they

    are in sync with each other. It would be sloppy and cause errors to have components turning on and off

    milliseconds out of sync. When Load Inst is activated the Instruction Register reads whatever is in the

    current address in the Program ROM. The 16 bits representing the data go to the top set of registers and

    are stored there. The 8 bits representing the instruction go to the bottom set and get stored there. The

    8 bits of free space are attached to nothing at all.

    If the overall scheme of executing an instruction consists of Fetch, Decode, Execute, andWrite-back, then the previous paragraph describes the Fetch step. Notice that there are four steps to

    execute and instruction and four phases as described in the above section on the Phase Generator. Yes,

    there is a connection. Each phase is dedicated to one of the above steps. Fetch is always Phase 1,

    Decode is always Phase 2, Execute is always Phase 3, and Write-Back is always Phase 4.

    Great, so now youve moved the instruction and data from the ROM to the processor. Now

    what? Well, the instruction portion immediately transmits over its own dedicated line to the

    Microinstruction Controller. The data portion remains in the instruction register until needed in later


    5) The Microinstruction Controller

    Heres where the magic happens. The Microinstruction Controller accepts two main sets of

    inputs, the data from the Instruction Register, and the signals from the Phase Generator. It uses those

    two inputs to determine which components of the processor to activate and deactivate and when to do

    so (Phases 1 through 4) in order to accomplish the purpose of that instruction.In addition to the two

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    inputs described above, it also takes the data from the Status Register as inputs. These do not determine

    which instruction runs, but determines the behavior of instructions that need this data. The Status Flags

    do not affect most instructions. Despite the daunting appearance of the circuit the procedure is fairly

    simple. One thing to know is that only a few parts of this circuit will ever be in use at any given time.

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    Along the top of the circuit you will see all of the signal outputs that are controlled by the

    circuitry on the left side. The left side has a special gate for each instruction and only one instruction

    (one gate) is ever executing at any given time. The top-left corner has all the inputs that, together,

    determine which one of the gates will turn on and, in the case of instructions that use Status Flags, what

    the behavior of the gate will be.

    The fist aspect we will look at is the timing. As discussed earlier there are four distinct periods of

    time that cycle over and over. Different things occur at these different periods of time so as to bring

    about the end result of the instruction being executed. In Phase 1 (Fetch) only two things ever occur, the

    current instruction in ROM is loaded to the Bus with the Read ROM signal and the Instruction Register

    reads that data from the Bus with the Load Inst signal. In Phase 2 (Decode) the signals used depend on

    the instruction. In all cases the Enable Inst and Prog Count signals occur which cause the Instruction

    Register to put the data portion of its contents onto the Bus (See Instruction Register circuit to view this

    input and how it causes this) and the Program Counter to increment by one (thus pointing to the next

    instruction in the Program ROM. In some instructions, there are other signals used that manipulate the

    Program Counter in such a way that it does not increment by one, but changes to some other number so

    as to point do a different instruction in the Program ROM if the flow of the program requires that you

    execute an instruction other than the next in line (a very common occurrence).

    If you look along the left side you will see a whole series of gates that are separate from each

    other. Each one of those sets of gates corresponds to one instruction and one instruction only. For

    instance, if the instruction passed from the Program ROM to the Microinstruction Controller via the

    Instruction Register was NOP (No Operation) then only the set of gates corresponding to NOP will turn

    on (Thats the topmost set). All others will remain inactive during the course of that instruction. This

    occurs because the binary representation for NOP is 0000 0000. If you look at the set of gates that

    correspond to NOP you will see this arrangement:

    The leftmost AND gate is has all inputs negated (indicated by the small circles). That means if a 0

    comes in, it treats the input like a 1 and vice versa. Its like sticking a NOTgate in front of each input.

    Therefore, if the incoming instruction is 0000 0000 (NOP) then this AND gate would activate because all

    the inputs were inverted to 1s.

    Heres another example:

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    Looking at the leftmost AND gate you can see that all but the third line is negated. That means

    the AND gate would only activate if the following instruction was passed to the Microinstruction

    Controller: 0000 0100. That happens to be the instruction OUT (send whatever is in the Accumulator to

    the Output Register). Therefore whenever the instruction in ROM is 0000 0100, the Microinstruction

    Controller will activate this set of gates.

    When one of these gates is activated its output is hardwired to activate certain signals. These

    are the signals that turn on and off the talking and listening functions of all the other components ofthe microprocessor. In the example of the NOP instruction no signals are turned on as NOP is No

    Operation. All the later phases occur, but nothing occurs during the later phases. Inthe example of

    OUT, the signal to enable the Accumulator to write its contents to the bus and the signal to the Output

    Register to load into itself whatever is on the bus are both turned on at the same time during Phase 3

    (Execute Phase). This results in the contents of the Accumulator being transferred to the Output

    Register, thus being available to components outside of the processor.

    The final set of inputs to consider is the Status Flags. As mentioned before, they are output by

    the status register automatically and are made available inside the Microinstruction Controller. There is

    also an additional flag not previously mentioned that does not come from the Status Register. It is theInput Flag I. This flag comes from the Input Register to indicate that the input device (the simulated

    keyboard) has available to pass to the processor when the processor is ready. Currently only the Z Flag

    and I Flag are in use, but the C, O, and N Flags all work correctly so future additions to the EMs

    instruction set would have these available if needed.

    Lets look at a real world example of how a flag would assist the function of a program. A

    common action of a program is to use a number to represent the size of something else. For instance,

    your program asks the user for their name and stores it in memory for later use. The user types in Joe.

    These three characters are going to have to be saved in memory somewhere (lets assume addresses

    100, 101, and 102). The problem is the programmer doesnt know how long the users name is so whenthe program tries to read back the name from memory, where does it stop reading? Address 100? Or

    address 103? Or address 181? The solution is to establish a number that represents the length of the

    users name and stores that in memory as well, then refer back to it when reading the name from

    memory. Lets say the program stores the name_length integer in address 99 and, because the name is

    Joe the integer has a value of 3(Your program would have had to work that out when the name was

    originally input). When reading the name back from memory the program can decrement the number

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    each time an address is read and then stop reading when the number is 0 (remember the Z Flag turns

    on when the accumulators contents are all zeros). Voila!

    6) The Status Register

    Lets now dig in and look at exactly how the Status Register determines which flags to turn on

    and when. As you can see, there are three inputs (not counting the clock and reset) and four outputs.

    The outputs are the four flags as previously mentioned. The three inputs are all directly from the ALU,

    not via the bus. They are the MSB (Most Significant Bit, the bit farthest to the left and indicating the

    highest bit position), the Carry bit (A special bit in the ALU that is not part of the 16 bits it can store, but

    indicates that the product of the mathematical operation is larger than 16 bitsits the 17th

    bit), and

    finally, and input composed of all of the ALUs 16 bits.

    Well take up the Zero Flag first because its the easiest. It is on the far right of the circuit and

    passes all of the ALUs bits through a NOR gate. The result is that the flip-flop only turns on if all bits

    from the ALU are zero.

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    The Carry Flag is also pretty easy. It is on the center left position and is turned on if the last

    operation the ALU did resulted in a product larger than 16 bits. This occurrence results in a bit falling

    off the end of the ALU. That bit is the input called Carry Bit In on the left side of the circuit. This can

    happen when adding two positive numbers or subtracting two negative numbers, but cannothappen

    when adding or subtracting two numbers where one is positive and the other is negative because the

    product will always be closer to 0 (smaller) than either of the two original numbers. Because the two

    original numbers cannot possibly be larger than 16 bits the product cannot be larger than 16 bits.

    For the two remaining flags, it is necessary to understand a bit about binary number

    representation in general and signed numbers in particular. It is also necessary to understand a key

    point on the ignorance of the processor. The processor manipulates binary digits. Those digits can

    represent anything a person (the programmer) wants them to represent such as a number, a picture, a

    sound, video content, text, etc. The processor knows none of this because it only manipulates binary

    digits. It is the responsibility of the programmer to instruct the processor such that the processor

    manipulates the bits in a way that accomplishes the programmerspurpose. When it comes to using

    binary digits to represent base 10 integers the programmer is faced with a serious problem. How does

    one represent negative (i.e. signed) numbers? Ill skip all the mathematical technicalities and

    alternative methods of doing this and just give the basics of how its done implemented by most

    programmers nowadays.

    Signed representation is done by using the MSB (Most Significant Bit) as the sign bit. If the sign

    bit is 0, the number is positive and if the sign bit is 1, the number is negative. In a 4-bit system the

    positive numbers count up from 0000 (zero is considered positive because the MSBis a 0) to 0111. At

    this point you run out of positive numbers because the next number up is 1111 which would be

    negative. Once you cross this threshold you count down the negative numbers. 1111 is - 1, 1110 is - 2,

    1101 is -3, 1100 is -4, 1011 is -5, 1010 is -6, 1001 is -7 and 1000 is -8. Then you run out of space in the

    negative direction.

    You may notice if you run this all the way out in both directions that you can count down to

    negative 8, but only up to positive 7. Thats because one of the positive numbers isused up

    representing 0 (0000). You may also notice that if you werent using one of the bits as a sign bit you

    could count from 0 (0000) up to 15 (1111) as all positive numbers but could not represent any negative


    Now the computer has no idea whatsoever which way you are choosing to represent the

    numbers. It only processes the binary digits in the fashion that you tell it to and doesnt know if the

    numbers are positive or negative or not even numbers at all (maybe they represent text or a picture).

    For this reason, the status register alwayssets its flags as if you were using signed number

    representation and its up to the programmer to choose to use them or notas he sees fit. If hes not

    using signed numbers, he ignores the two Status Flags specifically relating to Signed Number

    representation. In the processors current incarnation, the status flags for signed representation are

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    available for use, but no instruction actually uses them. See the section on the Microinstruction

    Controller, only the Z Flag and Input Flag are utilized currently, but all flags are available.

    The easy one is the Negative Flag. The N flag turns on if the MSB is 1. Its that simple. The

    complex one is the Overflow Flag. The O flag turns on if the last operation resulted in a product that

    has an incorrect sign (whether negative or positive). This can occur if the product is larger than 16 bits in

    which case the Carry Flag would also turn on. In such a case itsthe sign bit that falls off the end of the

    ALU resulting in an unpredictable answer. A specialized case of this is when a product is more negative

    than possible for the number of bits available. For instance, assume you have a 4-bit system and want to

    add -4 and -5. This is 1011 + 1010. If you add these together you get the binary number 11101. The MSB

    is lost off the end and so your product in the ALU is 1101. You end up with the signed representation for

    -2 but the correct answer is -9. The method the Status Register uses to determine when to turn on the O

    Flag is by taking the MSB and the Carry Bit and passing them through an XOR gate. When either the MSB

    or the Carry bit is on but the other isnt then there was an overflow. If both are on, or both are off then

    there is no overflow. You can do a few tests of this on paper to demonstrate it for yourself.

    7) The Accumulator

    The Accumulator is the memory of the Elementary Microprocessor. The EM is a type of

    processor known as an Accumulator Architecture so clearly the Accumulator has a significant impact

    on the processors design. The basic idea is that the CPU has only one place where it can store a datum

    for later use. It also means that every operation the ALU performs is going to use the contents of theALU as one of its data. For instance, to Add 2 and 3 you must load 2 into the Accumulator, and then

    instruct the processor to add 3 to whatever is in the Accumulator. The processor then immediately

    stores the product (5, naturally) back into the Accumulator.

    This has its advantages in that the hardware design and the instruction set design are much

    easier (thats why I decided on an Accumulator Architecture for the EM circuit) but it makes writing

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    programs more complex for the programmer because some actions require multiple instructions

    whereas a single instruction would do in a more modern processor with multiple places to store data.

    To get down to the basics, every product computed by the ALU is immediately stored in the

    Accumulator. The exceptions are the Compare instructions where the purpose of the instruction is only

    to check out the Status Flags and you arent really interested in the product itself. The programmer can

    also load a datum into the Accumulator with a variety of Load instructions available in the instruction

    set that allow him or her to input a value predetermined in the code, or data stored in a memory

    address. These are done without going through the ALU. Status Flags would not be updated in any of

    these cases since no mathematical operation occurred, you just moved already existing data from one

    place to another.

    The Accumulator can take data from the bus as an input when told to do so with the Load A

    signal and can output its contents to the bus when told to do so with the Enable A signal. Those signals

    come from the Microinstruction Controller when caused to do so by an instruction.

    8) The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

    The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is probably the most complex component of the processor. It

    takes two 16-bit inputs, one from the bus and one from the Accumulator (as discussed in the

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    Accumulator section of this document). The inputs are found on the top of the circuit. It has one 16-bit

    output that leads back to the Bus which is found at the bottom middle of the circuit. It also takes six

    control signals from the Microinstruction Controller to determine which arithmetic or logical operation

    to perform. Those are on the right side of the circuit. Finally, it sends three outputs to the Status

    Register which are found on the bottom left.

    Despite the apparent complexity of the circuit, the entire structure can be understood by

    examining the parts. You will notice that the main portion of the ALU is constructed of 16 identical

    pieces aligned vertically and positioned next to each other. Each one of these corresponds to one bit of

    output and is known as an ALU Slice. Being a 16-bit machine, the ALU has 16 slices. If the EM were a 32-

    bit machine then I would simply include 32 ALU Slices. Follow the input lines in and you will see that the

    rightmost line from each input goes into the rightmost slice and so on. Thus each slice takes two 1-bit

    inputs and gives a single 1-bit output. Put them all together and you have a 16-bit ALU.

    So lets take a closer look at just one ALU Slice to see whats going on inside.You will see two

    inputs at the top. These are 1 bit each from the two inputs (Accumulator and Bus) being operated on.

    There is also a special Carry In input that comes from the previous ALU Slice on the line and a Carry

    Out output that goes to the next ALU Slice on the line. The last Slice on the line (far left) uses its Carry

    Outoutput as the Carry signal that goes to the Status Register. Finally, there are several inputs titled

    CO (short for control) followed by a number 0, 1, or 2. These are control signals from the

    Microinstruction Controller that tell the ALU which of its functions to output the bus. The ALU is capable

    of Adding, Subtracting, and applying the following logical operations to two inputs: AND, OR, NOT, XOR.

    However, NOT only applies to a single input (You take a bit pattern and reverse it. 0010 becomes 1101).

    In that case the input used is the Accumulator, not the bus.

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    The ALU Slice is basically an adder with a few other structures placed in parallel to the adder. On

    the far left are five logic gates that make up the adder. I wont get into the intricacies of how an adder

    works because it is covered in great detail on many other websites, but it does accept two 1-bit inputs

    and the carry input and adds them together producing a single 1-bit output and (if applicable) a carry

    output. The Logical functions are handled by one gate each which can be found to the right of the adder.

    They are, from right to left, XOR, AND, OR, and NOT.

    You will notice that each function the ALU Slice can do produces only a 1-bit output and that

    those outputs all go into a single circuit before exiting from the ALU Slice. Youll also see that only one 1-

    bit output leaves. 5 bits enter, 1 bit leaves. This is the ALU Slice Multiplexor. A multiplexor takes multiple

    inputs and, based on one or more control signals, chooses only 1 of them to output. Heresa diagram of


    As you can see there are five inputs at the top that correlate to the five functions the ALU canperform (Addition, AND, OR, NOT, and XOR; Subtraction is done by handling the Addition function in a

    special way which will be covered later). The series of AND gates at the bottom ensure that only one of

    the several inputs gets output. For example, lets say the ALU is performing is an OR operation. Look

    again at the ALU Slice circuit and you can see that all of the functions are done all at the same time and

    each function sends its output to the ALU multiplexor. In order to select only the OR operations data for

    output requires that the Microinstruction Controller turn on the control signal C1, but not C0, or C2. As

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    long as only C1 is turned on by the Microinstruction Controller, the output of every single ALU Slice will

    be the output of the OR gate in the ALU slice. All the other ALU Slice functions will be disregarded even

    though they did perform the operation they are designed to do.

    Looking back at the overall ALU circuit lets take up each of the signals coming in from the

    Microinstruction Controller. There is a signal called Load ALU that allows the ALU to accept inputs

    (again, one from the bus and one from the Accumulator). The signal Enable ALU signal sends the

    output to the bus (whereupon the Accumulator can listen for it). The three control signals (CO0, CO1,

    CO2) control the multiplexors in each of the ALU Slices so as to determine which ALU operation gets

    output. Finally there is an input called Sub for Subtraction.

    The ALU does not have a dedicated subtraction function inside the ALU Slices. One could

    develop a circuit to handle subtraction of binary numbers but it is extremely complex and gets more

    and more complex the larger the number of bits involved. If I made a dedicated circuit that just did 16-

    bit subtraction directly it would be, by far, the most complicated component of the processor. To get

    around this, a technique was developed that arrives at the correct answer, but with much less circuitry.

    The way it is done is to 1) reverse every single bit in the number being subtracted, 2) add 1 to that

    number, and 3) add the two main numbers together. Lo and Behold, you get the same result as if you

    had simply subtracted one from the other. Im not qualified to explain exactly why this works

    mathematically, but it is the method used in modern microprocessors and every example problem I

    have ever worked out on paper has come out with a correct answer.

    The way this is implemented in the circuitry is through the use of an XOR gate just above each

    ALU Slice. The XOR gate has, as its inputs, the Sub signal and the input from the bus (not the

    Accumulator) that corresponds to that particular ALU slice. Below is a truth table for a two input XOR

    gate labeled as you would find it in the ALU.

    Input Sub Output

    0 0 0

    1 0 1

    0 1 1

    1 1 0

    As you can see whenever the Sub signal is off (first two examples) then the Input signals passes

    through unaltered as if there were no gate there at all. But if the Sub signal is on (bottom two examples)

    then the output is the reverse of the input. Exactly what you want for a subtraction as described above.

    The final detail that needs to be accounted for in subtraction is the addition of one to the

    reversed number. This is done in a very simple fashion. Earlier in this section a description was given of

    the carry input and carry output of the adders in each of the ALU Slices. Obviously each adder would

    have their carry out signal pass to the carry in line of the next adder in line and the last adder in line

    passes its carry out signal out of the ALU entirely and to the Status Register where it is used for the Carry

  • 8/11/2019 EM Hardware Description


    Status Flag. What about the carry in line of the very first adder? That is attached to the Sub signal as

    well. When the Sub signal is on, then the carry in line of the first adder is turned on and voila, you have

    added one to the now reversed number. It is now passed on through the ALU slices and out to the bus

    where the Accumulator can pick it up as the final product of a subtraction operation.

    9) The Program Counter

    Now that we have covered all of the components of the Elementary Microprocessor that

    directly relate to the correct execution of a mathematical or logical operation and the logistics of making

    those components work together, it is necessary to now look at the method the EM uses to interact with

    the Program ROM. To recap, the Program ROM is a read only device that is notpart of the

    Microprocessor. It is outside of the processor and is a device in Logisims existing component library. I

    did not design it. However, to the best of my knowledge it does approximate a real ROM in its behavior

    so the circuitry I designed to communicate with it should be realistic as a solution to the problem of a

    processor interacting with a ROM. In the EM simulation, the user/programmer (you) loads a program

    into the ROM and then executes it by resetting the simulation and turning on the clock or by manually

    ticking the clock one tick at a time.

    In very early microprocessors the way a program was executed was to read the first address of a

    memory device containing a program and execute that instruction, then look at the next address and

    execute that instruction and so on. Therefore a program ran from beginning to end with no variation of

    any kind. The Program Counter was the device that kept track of what the next address to read was. It

    operated by keeping track of the last address read and added one to that number each time an

    instruction was executed. It started at 0, read the address and then added 1. Then it read address 1 and

  • 8/11/2019 EM Hardware Description


    added 1, then address 2 and added 1, etc. An important development in processor design was the

    introduction of out-of-order execution. This technique is exactly the same except that certain

    instructions (referred to as branch or jump instructions) caused the Program Counter to change its

    number to something other than the last address plus one. These instructions are usually conditional in

    that they jump ifsome condition is true or some condition is false or something equals zero, etc. This

    allowed the programmer to design programs that would execute one set of instructions if a particular

    condition were extant, but execute something else if the condition was not met.

    The EMs Program Counter does in-order execution starting with address 0 in the Program ROM

    and continuing on until it runs out of ROM to read from or until it hits a Branch instruction that causes it

    to change its count. To accommodate both conditions it has to have two sets of inputs. One input is the

    product of the last address plus one (accomplished by an adder that well look at in detail later) and the

    other input comes directly from the bus (for out of order execution). Below them a multiplexor takes the

    two 16-bit inputs and outputs one of them to the flip-flops based on a control signal called Enable

    Branchfrom the Microinstruction Controller. When the Enable Branch signal is off, the multiplexor

    passes on the input from the adder. When the Enable Branch signal is on, the multiplexor passes on the

    input from the bus. The multiplexor circuit follows below.

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    There are two 16-bit inputs. On the right side the control signal comes in from the

    Microinstruction Controller. Two outputs proceed from it. One is sent straight to the set of inputs that

    arrive from the Bus so if the control signal is on the inputs from the Bus are passed on. The other output

    from the control signal is passed through an inverter and then goes to the set of inputs from the

    Program Controllers adder. This is the default in-order execution method so if the control signal is off

    then this set of inputs is passed on.

    The Program Counter adder is found on the top right of the Program Counter circuit. All it does

    is add one to a 16-bit number. This number comes from the last output of the Program counter which

    you can see as a series of lines passing from the circuits output and coming around back up to the top

    right. The 16-bit input to the adder is distributed across 16 1-bit adders just like you see in one of the

    ALU Slices. The addition of 1 is done by using a constant. In any processor there is a pin that is always

    on and a pin that is always off. That way you can connect to them if you need a hard-wired 0 or hard-

    wired 1. You can see a series of boxes along the top that have 0s in them except for the far-right box

    which shows a 1. The boxes are Logisims way of representing a 0 or 1 constant. Because the 0s and 1s

    in the Program Counter adder has the pattern of 15 0s and a 1, the end result is the addition of 1 to the

    number that was passed to the adder.

    10) The Memory Address Register (MAR)

    Another aspect to inspect, now that we have a functional microprocessor, is how it will store

    data for later use and retrieve it when needed. It only has one user/programmer accessible register so

    the EM can only store one 16-bit piece of data internally. The answer is a separate memory that is not

    part of the processor itself. You can see it on the top-level simulation but we are still dealing with the

    processor itself for now. The processor has a specialized register that is not accessible to the

    programmer but which is vital to the proper storage of data to and loading of data from the external

    RAM. This is the Memory Address Register (MAR).

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    The MAR is exceedingly simple, but performs a vital task. It takes a 16-bit input from the bus and

    has a 16-bit output which it sends to the simulated RAM module outside of the processor. The MAR

    reads the data on the bus when the Microinstruction Controller passes a Select Address signal. The

    output is hooked up to the RAMs address selection input which causes the RAM module to select a

    particular address (i.e. address 0, or address 1464) which will then be written to or read from. Like with

    the Program Counter, this circuit interacts with Logisims simulation of a memory device. My study

    indicates that the simulation is very realistic and thus, the circuitry I developed to interact with it should

    be realistic as well, but my earlier caveat applies here too. The points where the EM must interact with

    the world outside of the processor itself are the points where a departure from reality is more likely.

    Simulations are wonderful teaching mechanisms but they are not the real world.

    Why do we need a MAR at all? Why cant the processor send data from the bus to the RAM

    address selection input directly? The problem is that the bus can only hold one datum at a time and at

    a time is defined as during one phase imposed by the Phase Generator. Each instruction has four

    phases, Fetch, Decode, Execute, and Write-back. Lets say the instruction being performed is ADD 110

    (Add the contents of memory address 110 to whatever happens to be in the Accumulator currently). In

    the first phase (Fetch) the instruction is fetched from the Program ROM and temporarily stored in the

    Instruction Register. In phase 2 (Decode) the instruction portion (ADD) is sent to the Microinstruction

    Register on its dedicated bus (not the main bus) and the data portion (110) is put onto the bus. At this

    point the Microinstruction Controller has its instruction and can now start passing appropriate signals as

    determined by the instruction. The ADD instruction would immediately, during phase 2 pass the Select

    Address signal causing the MAR to read from the bus. Whats on the bus during phase 2? The RAM

    address to be read from (110)! Now the MAR has taken over responsibility for remembering the address

    for the rest of the instruction and making sure that it is still selected in phase 3 and phase 4 while the

    bus is doing other things such as moving the data that is in address 110 to the ALU and moving the

    product of the addition that was done over to the Accumulator. If there was no MAR keeping track of

    the desired RAM address, the RAM address currently being selected would be whatever number

    happened to be on the bus so in phase 1 the address being selected would be one thing, then in phase 2

    it would be another, and in phase 3 yet another, and in phase 4 another still.

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    11) Input / Output registers

    Finally, we can take up the last portions of the processor not yet described, the human I/O

    portions. These are the Input and Output registers. We will take up the Output Register first.

    The Output Register is simpler than it looks. It reads from the bus when the Microinstruction

    Controller passes the Load Out signal. It has a 16-bit input attached to the bus and two outputs. One is

    a 7-bit output which passes only the 7 least significant bits. The other is a 16-bit output which passes all

    of the bits. The reason for this is that the 7-bit output is hooked up to a simulated TTY device. This TTY

    device accepts ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters and displays

    them. ASCII uses 7-bit codes to represent the various characters in the English language so if you want to

    use the TTY as an output device you will only be dealing with 7 bits at a time anyways. The 16-bit output

    is just hooked up to a Logisim Probe so you can see what it is outputting but it is there for you to play

    with if you want to make more elaborate I/O developments such as hooking up the Logisims simulated

    LCD display device. In that case the 7-bit output would be unnecessary and could be disconnected.

    The input register is even simpler as a circuit, but because it deals with a human at human

    speeds some special arrangements have to be made to have the processor wait for the person

    interacting with it to catch up. There is a 16-bit input driven by the simulated keyboard outside of the

    processor, a 16-bit output going to the bus and a control signal passed on from the keyboard whenever

    there is any data in the keyboards buffer waiting to be read. I will be perfectly honest at this point and

    tell you that I have no idea if the Logisim simulated keyboard is even remotely realistic and my circuitry

    is necessarily forced into a design that interacts with it. Thus, I have no idea if the input register is

    remotely realistic, but it does work in the simulation.

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    You will notice that there are no flip-flops in the circuit so it is not 100% accurate to call it a

    register though I call it one to maintain consistent terminology. The key to this circuit is the Enable

    In signal. It is passed from the Microinstruction Controller whenever the IN instruction is executed. This

    signal causes two things to happen. First it allows the passage of data from the keyboard side of the

    Input Register to the bus side of the Input Register by activating the controlled buffers in the middle of

    the circuit. Second, it passes directly out of the processor and to the keyboards send next character

    line. The keyboard is simulated so as to pass on the next character in its buffer when the send next

    characterline gets turned on. The result is that the keyboard transfersthe next character in its buffer

    to the EMs bus via the Input Register.

    12) Conclusion

    That concludes the description of the Elementary Microprocessors hardware components. I

    hope it is of use to you whether you are seriously pursuing an education in the field or are merely

    curious and interested. Feel free to alter, manipulate, tool around with, or utterly destroy the design.

    Have fun and see what you can do with it! Maybe somebody will get it working with Logisims LCD

    display, or develop an interrupt driven I/O scheme, or implement multiply and divide, or replace my

    pathetic assembler with something professional. Do what you will, but please email me with your

    developments, conclusions, questions, suggestions, etc. atelementarymicroprocessor@gmail.com.I am

    no longer actively working on the design and am currently pursuing other projects and interests, but I

    would like nothing better than to know that this project was helpful and interesting to you.

    Rory OHare

    October 2011
