Email a link to a file

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Thinking of attaching a document to an email and sending it to a bunch of people? Think again! Instead… email a link to a file! It saves space in everyone’s Outlook accounts, and ensures that everyone is using the latest, greatest version of the document.


Using a shared drive

Thinking of attaching a document to an email and sending it to a bunch of people?

Think again!

Instead… Email a link to a file!

Use a shared drive to keep files in one location, so that authorized users have access to the latest/official version.

Then, to share a document, send a link rather than attaching to an email.

This saves space in everyone’s Outlook accounts and eliminates the need to store duplicates on personal computers.

Places to begin:• From an Outlook email message• From Microsoft Windows Explorer

1. From an Outlook email, click in the message field.NOTE: you must use HTML or Rich Text format to insert hyperlinks.

2. At the point in the message where you’d like to insert the hyperlink, click Insert, and then Hyperlink from the toolbar.

3. Find the file, and click OK.

You now have a link to the document that will open when clicked!

1. From Windows File Explorer, find the file that you wish to share.

2. Single-click in the white space of the address bar. The folder address becomes a file path, and it is selected.

3. Ctrl + C or right-click the filepath and copy.

4. In Outlook, open a new email5. Ctrl + V or right-click and paste the file

path into the email.

6. Go back to Windows Explorer.7. Single-click the filename twice – slowly

(not a double-click). The filename will become editable.

8. Select the entire document name, including its file extension.

9. Ctrl + C or right-click and copy.

10. Go back to your email…11. Type a backslash a the end of the

filepath.12. Ctrl + V or right-click and paste the


13. Select the entire filepath.

14. Right-click, and choose Hyperlink from the menu.

15. Copy the filepath from the Text to display field.

16. Paste into the Address field.17. Click OK.

You now have a link to the document that will open when clicked!