Embedding Smilebox in a Blog

Post on 19-May-2015

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step by step directions for staff moodle lessons on how to embed a smilebox into our blog


Embedding a Smilebox into your blog

Everyone has their own system for getting the pictures off their camera. I right click on my desktop and create a folder named for the project I am working on. Next, I drag the pictures from my camera card to my desktop. Then, I select the ones I will be using in my project and drag them into the created folder. This way they all remain organized together.

You will need to have Smilebox downloaded to your computer. *For White Oak elementary staff* If your computer is in deepfreeze, email me and it will

be installed. When it is installed you will see the Smilebox icon. Also, I will send you the sign in name and password for our campus. Smilebox provides a free service and you can create your own account. Talk to me about the advantage of using the school account.

You will see that you are signed in and ready to search for a template.

It is important to know how many pictures you will be using as different templates hold different numbers of prints. Once you have decided on a template, then click on Personalize at the bottom right corner of the preview pop-up window. This action will advance you to Step 2: Personalize.


You will leave your Smilebox screen and go to your picture folder.

Now drag your picture window in front of your Smilebox window so you can see BOTH windows. Once you drag and drop the pictures here, they will load and the sidebar will scroll up filling with pictures. You can click on the arrow at the top to move up the column of pictures.

The template slides will show at the bottom of the box. Click to see each page template. You can choose music. You sometimes can even use a sliding bar to change the background of the slides or the amount of embellishments that are included. Here I have chosen a template that allows me to add slides in groups of 5 or individually. NOTE: You can also add video clips. Just drag and drop the same way you did the pictures.

You can add text to several templates, change the titles on the templates, zoom in or out on a picture with the sliding bar just above the picture, or move the picture to better position it in the box by holding your mouse on the picture and dragging it.

When you are finished adding slides, be sure to preview the entire Smilebox. NOTE: If I am short on pictures, I have zoomed in on the picture and moved the picture to center on a single student. It will give you an entirely different view.

Click on Step 4: Share

DO NOT POST ON FACEBOOK. Click on more options at the top.

This is the code that you will use on our school blogs. Copy it and then do not close out this window. Open up your school blog and log in.

Be sure that you click on Publish. Once it has been published to your blog, this button will change to read “Update Post”. If you do not see that, then click Publish again. Go to your blog page and view the post to make sure it appears like you intended.

SMILE because you have just embedded a SMILEBOX.